Rafli Syahrizal
Abstrak :
Wacana Pandemi Covid-19 mengilhami pengarang untuk merefleksikannya ke dalam bentuk karya sastra. Cerpen “Simuladistopiakoronakra” karya Seno Gumira Ajidarma hadir sebagai kritik sosial di tengah kondisi pandemi ini. Cerpen itu menghadirkan tema dunia distopia dan simulakra, serta hiperrealitas yang relatif baru dan menarik dalam khazanah kesusastraan Indonesia. Tulisan ini bertujuan menguraikan gambaran narasi distopia yang dibangun oleh pengarang, serta membedah fakta dan citra yang membentuk realitas simulakra dan hiperrealitas masa depan dunia yang distopik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan posmodernisme sastra melalui teori distopia Tom Moylan dan simulakra serta hiperrealitas Jean Baudrillard. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif-analitis (kualitatif) melalui studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dunia distopia dalam cerpen “Simuladistopiakoronakra” dicirikan dengan hadirnya elemen puitika distopia, perkembangan sains dan teknologi yang ekstrem, serta narasi wacana politik yang memengaruhi terciptanya dunia distopia. Dunia distopia cenderung destruktif dan penggambarannya suram serta pesimistik. Sementara itu, simulakra hadir dalam narasi pengabaian otoritas kekuasaan terhadap kehadiran Covid-19, narasi kebodohan manusia, dan narasi citra kekuasaan. Hiperrealitas hadir dalam narasi kekuasaan yang lewah dan ekstremitas teknologi persilangan antara manusia dan hewan. Simulakra dan hiperrealitas yang berkelindan dalam cerpen, menciptakan kondisi dehumanisasi yang mendorong terjadinya dunia distopia.
......The discourse of the Covid-19 pandemic has inspired authors to reflect on it in the form of literary works. The short story “Simuladistopiakoronakra” by Seno Gumira Ajidarma is present as a social critique amid this pandemic condition. The short story presents the theme of the world of dystopia and simulacra, as well as hyperreality that is relatively new and interesting in Indonesian literary treasures. This paper aims to describe the description of the dystopian narrative built by the author, as well as to dissect the facts and images that form the simulacra reality and the future hyperreality of the dystopic world. This study uses a postmodern literary approach through Tom Moylan's dystopia theory and the simulacra as well as Jean Baudrillard's hyperreality. The research method used is descriptive- analytical (qualitative) through literature study. The results show that the dystopian world in the short story "Simuladistopiakoronakra" is characterized by the presence of dystopian poetic elements, extreme developments in science and technology, and political discourse narratives that influence the creation of a dystopian world. The world of dystopia tends to be destructive and its depiction is gloomy and pessimistic. Meanwhile, simulacra are present in the narrative of the neglect of power authorities to the presence of Covid-19, the narrative of human stupidity, and the narrative of the image of power. Hyperreality is present in the narrative of excessive power and the technological extremity of a cross between humans and animals. Simulacra and hyperreality that are intertwined in short stories, create conditions of dehumanization that encourage the occurrence of a dystopian world.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja Universitas Indonesia Library