Ance Adriani
Abstrak :
Ruang Lingkup dan Cara Penelitian : Wanita dan produktivitas kerja telah meningkat kepentingannya di Indonesia beriringan dengan jurnlah pekerja wanita. Kesehatan sangat menentukan peningkatan produktivitas kerja. Hb merupakan parameter terhadap terjadinya anemia, sehingga Hb merupakan salah satu faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap produktivitas kerja wanita. Telah dilakukan penelitian kros-seksional terhadap 125 orang tenaga kerja wanita (nakerwan) yang bekerja pada bagian potong perapihan di pabrik sepatu, Tangerang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara anamnesis, pemeriksaan fisik, asupan makanan dengan metode tanya ulang (recall) 2 x 24 jam dan tes laboratorium. Variabel bebas adalah umur, perkawinan, pengetahuan gizi, lama kerja, gaji, poly makan, hemoglobin, kalori, karbohidrat, protein, zat besi, cacing dan waktu kerja efektif (WKE), sedangkan variabel tergantung adalah produktivitas kerja.
Hasil dan kesimpulan : Prevalensi anemia pada nakerwan 62,4 %. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Hb rata-rata di tempat kerja 11,24 g %, + 1,35. Didapat hubungan antara anemia dengan asupan: kalori, karbohidrat, protein, zat besi dan infeksi cacing. Waktu Kerja Efektif path nakerwan mempunyai rerata 65,62 %. Nakerwan yang mempunyai WKE > 65 % adalah 63 orang (54 %) dari 125 orang. Hasil produksi rata-rata seluruh pekerja dalam 8 jam kerja adalah 341,82 pasang + 68,68. Analisis regresi multivariat didapat hemoglobin dan zat besi merupakan faktor determinan terhadap produktivitas kerja.
A Study on the Relationship between Anemia on the Female Workers Performance in the Trimming Departement of Shoes Factory, Tangerang, 1998Scope and Methodology : Contribution of female labors has been increased rapidly in Indonesia. Blood haemoglobine was considered as one of the relevant factors of female productivity. A cross sectional study was conducted to find out the relationship between anemia and productivity of 125 female workers, who worked in the trimming department of shoes factory, Tangerang. The data was collected by interview, physical examination, food intake recall 2 x 24 hours and laboratory of the haemoglobine and the stool. Independent variables were: age, marriage, a knowledge of nutrition, duration of work, wages per month, food patterns, haemoglobine, calories, carbohydrat, protein, iron intake, infection of worms and effective working hours, dependent variable was working productivity.
Results and conclusion : The prevalens rate of anemia was 62.4 %. The average value of haemoglobine value 11.24 g% + 1.35. It was found that there was a significant relation among anemia with food patterns, calory, carbohydrate, protein and iron intake with worm infection. The average of effective working hours (EWH) females productivity was 65,62%, EWH > 65 % was 63 females workers (54 %) from 125 persons. The average working productivity for 8 hours was 341.82 pair + 68.68. Multivariate regression analysis showed that haemoglobine and iron intake as a determinant of working productivity;A Study on the Relationship between Anemia on the Female Workers Performance in the Trimming Departement of Shoes Factory, Tangerang, 1998Scope and Methodology : Contribution of female labors has been increased rapidly in Indonesia. Blood haemoglobine was considered as one of the relevant factors of female productivity. A cross sectional study was conducted to find out the relationship between anemia and productivity of 125 female workers, who worked in the trimming department of shoes factory, Tangerang. The data was collected by interview, physical examination, food intake recall 2 x 24 hours and laboratory of the haemoglobine and the stool. Independent variables were: age, marriage, a knowledge of nutrition, duration of work, wages per month, food patterns, haemoglobine, calories, carbohydrat, protein, iron intake, infection of worms and effective working hours, dependent variable was working productivity.
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