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Ditemukan 55 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Wong Thong Hooi
Abstrak :
Over the last few decades, East Asian economies has emerged as the most dynamic growth center of the world economy. The spectacular success of Fast Asia's outward-oriented industrialization demonstrated a dynamic nexus of comparative advantage changes and industrial modernization — multiple catching up-flying geese pattern of industrialization. At the same time, there has also been an increase in regional bias economic interdependence of these economies. Thus, this study focuses on the "challenges and opportunities of the restructuring efforts of the East Asian economies in the 1990s and the need for a conducive regional cooperation to accelerate and sustain the East Asian dynamism. The study of the resulting structural and industrial shift behavior in East Asia is undertaken by using a sort of descriptive technique on: RCA Index — to discern the shift pattern of trade and industrial specialization and structural adjustment, and Iff Index, to examine the degree of complementarity and economic integration in the region. The basic idea is to evaluate the extent to which the resultant structural adjustment of East Asian Economies over the last few decades have led to a market driven integration in the region. The study has confirmed many important behavioral relationships between the export-led industrialization and structural adjustment in East Asia region. The East Asian economies' industrial structures have become increasingly competitive and complementary, in which a very sophisticated sub-regional division of labor has been developed according to the domestic corresponding comparative advantage, factor and technologically capacity. At the same time, the study also conveys clearly that in the wake of outward-oriented mechanism of economic growth, a de facto economic integration has been evolved and seems to be continuously strengthened in East Asia. 'Ile progress of intra-industry trade intensified the direct interdependence of industrial structural among East Asian countries, and hence contributes to the natural formation of an organically integrated economic community among them on the basis of trade-investment nexus. The implications drawn from this study suggests that, in today's increasingly interdependent, globalized, and competitive international trade environment, it is likely that the region's policy makers have recently find it necessary to consider an institutional mechanism for regional economic cooperation — open regionalism -- to continue the existing East Asian dynamism. Given the need for more coordination and harmonization of national policies, the region's economies should reframe and/or establish congenial macro-economic framework to expedite and maximize the benefits of the ongoing market driven integration growth. The participative synergy generated through regional cooperation may also provide the impetus for infusing greater dynamism in the trade expansion efforts which will be diffused throughout the region and even throughout the world 'economy.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 1995
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 1992
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Leiden: KITLV Press, 2004
910.45 SHI
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini berisi analisis tentang perilaku perusahaan multinasional (MNC) di sektor manufaktur dengan memanfaatkan data Surat Pemberitahuan periode 2009-2016. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa perbedaan tarif pajak antara Indonesia dan negara asal MNC secara signifikan mempengaruhi laba sebelum pajak yang dilaporkan oleh MNC. MNC yang dimiliki penuh dan MNC yang mempunyai keterkaitan dengan tax haven lebih responsif terhadap perbedaan tarif pajak dibanding jenis MNC lainnya. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa penerapan thin capitalisation rule menurunkan respon MNC terhadap perbedaan tarif pajak. Selain itu, MNC di Indonesia secara dominan menggunakan skema transfer pricing untuk mengalihkan laba.
This paper analyses the profit shifting behaviour of Indonesian manufacturing multinational corporations (MNCs) using tax return data over the period 2009-2016. This paper finds that the tax rate differentials between Indonesia and MNCs home countries significantly affect the pre-tax profits reported by MNCs. Wholly-owned MNCs and MNCs with links to tax havens are more responsive to tax rate differentials than other types of MNCs. Further, this study also finds that the responsiveness of MNCs to tax rate differentials decreases when thin capitalisation rules exist. Moreover, the results show that Indonesian MNCs predominantly use transfer pricing schemes to shift their profits
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rhenald Kasali
Abstrak :
Economic and social impact of technological innovations on sustainability of business enterprises in Indonesia
Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2018
330.959 8 RHE g
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sugiharto Prayogo
Abstrak :
Pembangunan MRT fase 2 meliputi kawasan Thamrin - Kota. Dengan adanya pembangunan MRT fase 2 memberikan potensi pengembangan pada lokasi disekitar kawasan yang dilewati oleh jalur MRT. Dalam pengembangan perencanaan kawasan transit oriented development (TOD), PT MRT Jakarta selaku pengembang menggunakan prinsip seperti fungsi campuran, kepadatan tinggi, peningkatan kualitas konektivitas, peningkatan kualitas hidup, keadilan sosial, keberlanjutan lingkungan, ketahanan infrastruktur, dan pembaruan ekonomi. Mangga Besar merupakan salah satu kawasan yang menjadi pengembangan MRT fase 2. Pengembangan kawasan TOD Mangga Besar menggunakan metode placemaking dengan tujuan untuk menambahkan destinasi-destinasi disekitar kawasan Mangga Besar. Penerapan metode placemaking pada kawasan Mangga Besar menggunakan frameworks desain “Mangga Besar : A Social-cultural Shift”. Dalam frameworks desain tersebut terdapat 3 aspek yang ditingkatkan yaitu aspek economy, culture, dan social menjadi dasar munculnya fungsi Arcade Entertaiment / Game Center. Dengan adanya fungsi Arcade Entertaiment harapannya dapat mengaburkan kawasan Mangga Besar yang dikenal sebagai red-district dengan memberikan pilihan mata pencaharian lain bagi warga dan dapat meningkatkan ekonomi kawasan secara keseluruhan. ......Phase 2 MRT construction covers the Thamrin - Kota area. With the construction of phase 2 of the MRT, it provides a potential for development in locations around the area passed by the MRT line. In the development of transit-oriented development (TOD) area planning, PT MRT Jakarta as the developer uses principles such as mixed functions, high density, improving the quality of connectivity, improving the quality of life, social justice, environmental sustainability, infrastructure resilience, and economic reform. Mangga Besar is one of the areas that is being developed for MRT phase 2. The development of the Mangga Besar TOD area uses the placemaking method intending to add destinations around the Mangga Besar area. The application of the placemaking method to the Mangga Besar area uses the design framework "Mangga Besar: A Social-cultural Shift". In these design frameworks, there are 3 aspects to be improved, namely economic, cultural, and social aspects which are the basis for the emergence of the Arcade Entertainment / Game Center function. With the Arcade Entertainment function, it is hoped that it can obscure the Mangga Besar area which is known as a red district by providing other livelihood options for residents and can improve the overall regional economy.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Victorius Manek
Abstrak :
Bagi sebagian masyarakat NTT khususnya Pulau Timor terjadi sistem ladang berpindah di masa lalu. Tatkala itu sistem perladangan berpindah merupakan suatu bagian budaya dalam kehidupan komunitas masyarakat di Desa Litamali, Sisi, dan Rainawe. Perladangan dapat diartikan sebagai cara bercocok tanam di atas suatu hamparan areal lahan tertentu terutama di daerah hutan rimba tropik, daerah-daerah sabana tropik dan subtropik. Sistem ladang berpindah adalah sistem perladangan dalam makna usaha yang dilakukan oleh manusia secara berpindah. Sistem perladangan berpindah merupakan akumulasi dari berbagai pengalaman melalui babak perjalanan waktu yang panjang, sebagai hasil penyaringan internal terhadap dinamika perubahan lingkungan. Semua jenis makhluk hidup, besar atau kecil, buas atau jinak, aktif atau tidak, menghadapi masalah pokok yang sama yakni masalah untuk bertahan hidup. Persoalan bertahan hidup menuntut suatu proses penyesuaian diri dari makhluk hidup terhadap lingkungan tempat hidupnya. Penyesuaian diri itu secara umum disebut adaptasi. Dalam konteks petani ladang, perubahan sistem perladangan berpindah membutuhkan adaptasi dari komunitas petani. Tuntutan adaptasi berkaitan dengan pertambahan jumlah penduduk, meningkatnya kebutuhan akan pangan serta peningkatan produktivitas lahan pada luas lahan yang sama. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan teknologi baru pertanian yang sekali lagi menuntut adaptasi petani juga. Contoh adaptasi masyarakat tradisional berburu dan meramu dapat dilihat dalam kehidupan suku Pygme, Bushmen, dan Negrito. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, suku Pygme, Bushmen, dan Negrito memperoleh pangan dengan meramu tanaman dan buah-buahan, madu dan hewan kecil. Konsekuensinya: a) gerak tinggal suku ini tidak pernah menetap, selalu mengikuti sumber-sumber persediaan pangan, b) pengetahuan dan teknologi yang dibuat lebih difokuskan pada upaya pemenuhan kebutuhan pangan dan c) perpindahan terjadi ketika persediaan pangan di suatu wilayah tidak mencukupi kebutuhan lagi, sehingga perlu berpindah ke lokasi baru. Perilaku ini juga dimaknai sebagai awal mula adanya upaya adaptasi suatu komunitas masyarakat lokal untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pangannya mengikuti siklus alam sehingga perlu berpindah-pindah. Tuntutan adaptasi terhadap ladang menetap menyebabkan adaptasi dari berbagai komponen kebiasaan sosial, seperti perubahan sistem perladangan berpindah menjadi menetap, interaksi sosial, interaksi dengan alam, pola kegiatan ekonomi lokal dan teknologi tradisional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kepadatan penduduk dan potensi lahan serta pengaruh teknologi baru pertanian terhadap adaptasi petani di Desa Litamali, Sisi, dan Rainawe Kabupaten Belu. Penelitian ini diharapkan memberi manfaat bagi penduduk ketiga desa tersebut dengan memanfaatkan ilmu pengetahuan dari lima iingkungan untuk pengembangan pertanian bagi penduduk setempat. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan metode survai. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik kuesioner dan wawancara. Penelitian dilakukan sejak bulan Maret - Juni 2003 di tiga (3) desa yaitu Desa Litamali, Sisi, dan Rainawe. Alasan memilih ke-3 desa tersebut secara purposive adalah, a) sistem perladangan berpindah dan ladang menetap masih dilaksanakan secara bersamaan; b) adanya perbedaan topografi yang nyata antar ketiga desa; (1) Desa Litamali terletak di dataran rendah; (2) Desa Sisi terletak di pegunungan; (3) Desa Rainawe terletak di pesisir pantai; dan c) ketiga desa ini mengalami perbedaan tekanan pertambahan penduduk akibat pertumbuhan alamiah dan migrasi masuk penduduk asal Timor Leste. Populasi dalam penelitian ini yakni Kepala Keluarga atau Rumah Tangga (RT) dalam wilayah Desa Litamali, Desa Sisi dan Desa Rainawe. Pengambilan sampel sebesar 10% atau sebanyak 91 KK dengan teknik acak sederhana. Data hasil penelitian, ditabulasi dan dianalisis untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepadatan penduduk terhadap potensi lahan dan pengaruh teknologi pertanian baru terhadap kemampuan petani. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: a) Petani di Desa Litamali mulai melaksanakan sistem perladangan menetap (86%), diikuti petani di Desa Rainawe (64%) sedangkan petani di Desa Sisi (63%) masih menerapkan sistem perladangan berpindah. b) Pengaruh teknologi baru pertanian terhadap adaptasi petani sebesar, 58% di Desa Litamali, 44% di Desa Sisi dan 50% di Rainawe. Konsekuensinya, terjadi perubahan komponen perladangan seperti, interaksi sosial, hubungan dengan alam, pola ekonomi lokal dan teknologi tradisional pertanian. Kesimpulan penelitiannya adalah, (1) sistem perladangan berpindah di Desa Litamali dan Rainawe mulai berubah menuju ladang menetap sedangkan desa Sisi walaupun menunjukkan adanya perubahan, namun petani masih melakukan sistem perladangan berpindah; (2) teknologi baru pertanian mulai digunakan petani dalam kegiatan berladang. ...... The Subsistence Farmers Adaptation toward Change of Shifting Cultivation System. (A Case Study on the Effects of Modernization on Traditional Agricultural in the Villages of Litamali, Sisi, and Rainawe, in Belu Residence)For some NTT people especially the Timorese, shifting cultivation was past of the culture particularly at the Litamali, Sisi and Rainawe villages. This Cultivation as a fanning mode was practiced in particular areas e.g., in tropical areas, savanas and subtropical areas. The shifting cultivation system is an agricultural effort no a resuet of accumulated experiences through a long journey of time being a human decision after internal selection to the dynamics of environmental changes. All creatures living in large or small groups, wild or tame, active or non-active, face an the same problems, after for survival. This demands for the ability of adaptation process to each habitat. The adaptation is an in born and continuous process. In the uninigated agricultural farmers context, the change of shifting cultivation into system a caused an adaptation on the farmers side an of causes of change was the population growth, which increased demand an food needed and this demanding increased land productivity of the same land area. Therefore, the into an intervention agricultural of new technologies needed the farmers adaptation. The example of traditional community adaptation started at the hunting and collecting could system such as be seen in the Pygme, Bushmen, and Negrito tribes. Daily, the Pygme, Bushmen and Negrito tribes obtained their food by collecting plants and fruits, honey and tiny animals. Consequently, a) the dwelling-movement of these tribes continued, always following the food supply sources; b) the knowledge and technology was therefor more focused on fulfilling their food needs and; c) the movement occured when the food supply in a region was short which therefore caused them to move to the other area. This behavior was also explained as the initial presence of adaptation effort of a local community to meet their food demand, by following the cycle of nature which kept them moving. The uninigated agricultural adaptation cause a change to the shifting custom thus changing some social habit components to the related shifting cultivation technique; such as the change in social relations, interaction with nature, local economic activities and the change from traditional to modem technology. This study aims at to analyzing the effects of population growth to the potentialities of the land and the impact of new agricultural technology y intervention as adaptation to the shifting cultivation habits in the Litamali, Sisi, and Rainawe villages, Belu district. his study hopes to be access of benefit to the local population by using knowledge on Environmental Sciences for agricultural purposes. This is a descriptive study using survey methods and instruments. As technique of data collection was used questionnaires, interviews and the use of some related secondary data. The study was executed between July 2002 and June 2003 in the three (3) villages being Litamali, Sisi and Rainawe. The reason selecting there three villages in Belu were: a) both in the unirrigated agricultural land, two cultivation system the sedentary and shifting cultivation systems; b) each are still being used e.q. village have different in topographic characteristics - (1) Litamali is located on the low lands, (2) Sisi is located on the mountain slope, (3) Rainawe is on the shores - and c) each village has their different population density caused natural population growth, in migration from Timor Leste. In this study, population means households represented by family head of the villages Litamali, Sisi village, and Rainawe. The chosen sample 10% from population or 91 households, decided by using the simple random sampling method. Moreover, data of this study were tabulated and analyzed by cross tabulation population growth and their potential land and also correlation between the use of the new agricultural technology to the farmers ability as replected by the change process shifting to sedentary cultivation. The study result showed that:
a) 86% of the Litamali respondents and 64% of the Rainawe respondents, concluded that they starting to go for permanent cultivation, although, 63% the farmers of the Sisi village prefer to go on the shifting cultivation system.
b) The conclution between of new agricultural technology to the fanner adaptation change was 58% respondents an the Litamali village, 44% an the Sisi and 50% the Rainawe village. Consequently, the some changes in cultivation components have in fluence social interaction, correlated to local custom, the local economic pattern and the traditional agricultural technology. Conclusions of this study are (1) the shifting cultivation system in Litamali, and Rainawe at the moment is beginning to changed settled cultivation system; cartrang farmers the Sisi village are still using the shifting cultivation system (2) the new agricultural technology is used by farmers in cultivation activity.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Uji Astrono Pribadi
Abstrak :
Pertanian ladang berpindah oleh Suku Dayak Iban di Desa Mensiau mempunyai beberapa tahapan dalam pengelolaannya, yaitu membakar lahan, kemudian menanam padi dalam beberapa kali musim tanam, lalu di tinggalkan agar menjadi hutan kembali. Tahapan pertumbuhan tanaman dalam satu siklus perladangan berpindah idelanya mulai dari jejak bakar, ladang, semak belukar, belukar muda, belukar tua, kemudian hutan sekunder, sehingga dalam satu wilayah tanam suatu siklus perladangan berpindah dapat berlangsung selama 20 tahun sekali. Penelitian ladang berpindah bertujuan untuk melihat karakteristik lahan melalui data dari hasil perekaman pesawat tanpa awak, melihat perubahan siklus ladang berpindah menggunakan analisis temporal NDVI Landsat, serta menghitung pengaruh jarak ladang terhadap aksesibilitas terhadap tempat tinggal dengan menggunakan Euclidean Distance Analysis. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa sebagian besar perladangan berpindah dilakukan pada lahan yang berbukit kecil dengan kemiringan 15 - 25 dan jenis tanah Ultisol. Analisa NDVI pada beberapa ladang menunjukan peningkatan siklus perladangan berpindah dari sebesar 3 sampai 5 tahun sekali, dan hasil analisis jarak memperilhatkan perladangan berpindah banyak dilakukan pada wilayah di sekitar jalan, dibandingkan dengan sungai atau tempat tinggal. ...... Shifting cultivation by Dayak Iban Tribe on Mensiau village have several stages, burn the land, rice cultivating for two or three planting season, then abandoned for reforestation. Vegetation growth trough several stages on one cycle, ideally strated from burn scar, rice field, bushes, young secondary regrowth, old secondary regrowth, then become secondary forest, so that cycle needs 20 years. The aim of this research is to identify the spatial charactheristic of shifting cultivation from UAV data, calculating the change on cycle from Landsat NDVI temporal analysis, also calculating the distance from home and access to the field using Euclidean Distance Analysis. The result shows most of shifting cultivation happen on hilly area with 15 25 slopes and Ultisol soil type. NDVI analysis for some field shown increasing of cycle time from 3 to 5 year, and distance analysis reveal that shfting cultivation mostly take place near the roads.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adhelia Anjani
Abstrak :
Salah satu permasalahan yang tengah dihadapi negara ini adalah memudarnya semangat nasionalisme dikalangan anak muda. Hal ini ditandai dengan kurang menghayatinya anak muda terhadap simbol-simbol kebangsaan seperti lagu kebangsaan, upacara nasional, dan menganggap budaya luar negeri lebih menarik. Berdasarkan studi-studi sebelumnya bahwa memudarnya rasa nasionalisme anak muda disebabkan oleh faktor eksternal dan faktor internal. Faktor eksternal yang dimaksud adalah arus globalisasi, paham liberal, dan maraknya produk luar negeri. Sedangkan faktor internalnya adalah desentralisasi sistem pemerintahan, keluarga yang tidak mengajarkan nasionalisme, dan sentiment primordial atau etnis. Peneliti berargumen bahwa memudarnya rasa nasionalisme anak muda disebabkan oleh adanya pergeseran makna nasionalisme pada pemuda sekarang dimana mereka tidak lagi mengandalkan sloganistik/simbolistik tetapi lebih ke tindakan substantif. Melalui wawancara mendalam serta studi dokumen dan visual, peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa memudarnya rasa nasionalisme dikarenakan pergeseran makna dari makna nasionalisme sebelumnya. Melalui konstruksi sosial yang diberikan oleh institusi pendidikan, media masaa, dan pemikiran mahasiswa itu sendiri munculah interpretasi makna sehingga menghasilkan tindakan rasional. Tindakan rasional ini dibagi menjadi dua tipe yaitu Tindakan Rasional Nilai dan Tindakan Rasional Instrumental pada arena kegiatan organisasi, volunteer, dan komunitas sebagai pemahamannya terhadap makna nasionalisme di era sekarang. Sehingga membentuk identitas nasional baru melalui nilai-nilai yang anut berdasarkan historis sejarah, pemikiran anak muda yang kritis, dan kegiatan mahasiswa yang bersifat nasionalis, sukarelawan, atau base on profit. ......One of the problems facing this country is the waning spirit of nationalism among young people. This is marked by the lack of respect for young people against national symbols such as national anthems, national ceremonies, and consider foreign culture more interesting. Based on previous studies that the waning sense of nationalism of young people is caused by external factors and internal factors. The external factors in question are the current of globalization, liberalism, and the rise of foreign products. Whereas internal factors are decentralized government systems, families that dont teach nationalism, and primordial or ethnic sentiments. Researchers argue that the waning sense of nationalism of young people is caused by a shift in the meaning of nationalism in today's youth where they no longer rely on sloganistic / symbolistic but rather on substantive actions. Through in-depth interviews and document and visual studies, the researcher concluded that the fading sense of nationalism was due to a shift in meaning from the meaning of previous nationalism. Through social construction given by educational institutions, mass media, and students thinking it self, interpretations of meaning emerge to produce rational actions. These rational actions are divided into two types namely Rational Value Actions and Instrumental Rational Actions in the arena of organizational, volunteer and community activities as their understanding of the meaning of nationalism in the current era. Thus forming a new national identity through profound values based on historical history, critical thinking of young people, and student activities that are nationalist, volunteering, or base on profit.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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