"[Latar Belakang: Di Amerika Serikat, terdapat 16.000 kematian setiap tahunnya
karena trauma pada dada, berkontribusi pada 75% kematian akibat trauma. Di
RSCM Jakarta, tercatat setidaknya ada 1200 mayat yang masuk dengan hanya
33,3% mayat diautopsi sehingga dapat diketahui kerusakan organ dalamnya.
Pemanfaatan epidemiologi forensik untuk menentukan hubungan kemaknaan
antara temuan luka luar dengan kerusakan organ dalamnya dapat menunjang opini
ahli dokter forensik pada kasus yang tidak diautopsi.
Metode: Subjek penelitian ini adalah 128 mayat yang diautopsi di Departemen
Ilmu Kedokteran Forensik dan Medikolegal FKUI/RSCM Jakarta Tahun 2010-
2013, dengan temuan luka luar akibat kekerasan tajam pada dada dan punggung.
Dari rekam medis korban yang sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi kriteria dan eksklusi
diinput ke dalam program SPSS, dan selanjutnya dianalisis hubungan antara
kedua variabel.
Hasil: Berdasarkan Uji Chi Square ataupun Uji Fischer, ditemukan hubungan
bermakna (p<0,05) antara (i) luka tusuk dada kanan dengan iga kanan, paru
kanan, dan hati; (ii) luka tusuk dada kiri dengan iga kanan, iga kiri, jantung, paru
kanan, dan paru kiri; (iii) luka tusuk dada tengah dengan sternum; (iv) luka tusuk
punggung kanan dengan iga kanan, jantung, dan paru kanan; (v) luka tusuk
punggung kiri dengan kerusakan iga kanan, jantung, paru kanan, paru kiri, hati,
dan ginjal kiri; serta (vi) luka bacok dada kiri dengan paru kiri.
Pembahasan: Terdapat variasi kemaknaan pada setiap hubungan antara kedua
variabel. Hal ini terutama dipengaruhi oleh hubungan secara letak anatomi, yang
selanjutnya dipengaruhi oleh jenis luka, alat tajam yang digunakan dalam
kekerasan tersebut beserta arah penetrasinya, besar gaya untuk menentukan
sedalam apa luka yang dihasilkan, dan densitas jaringan organ dalam.;Introduction: In the United States, there are 16,000 deaths each year from chest
injury, giving 75% death caused by trauma. At Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital
Jakarta, there are at least 1,200 corpses registered with only 33.3% of the corpse?s
visceral organ injury could be discovered. Utilization of forensic epidemiology to
determine the relation between findings of external injuries and damages to
visceral organ could support the opinion of the expert forensic doctor in a case of
Method: The subjects of this research are 128 corpses, which were autopsied
from 2010 until 2013 in the Forensic Medicine and Medicolegal Department of
FKUI/RSCM Jakarta, exclusively corpses with sharp force trauma in the chest
and the back area. The medical records of these corpses, which met the inclusion
and exclusion criteria were inputted to SPSS program and analyzed the
relationship between them.
Result: Based on both Chi Square Test and Fischer Test, significant results
(p<0,05) were found between (i) sharp force injury on the right chest area with
damages in the right rib, right lung, and liver; (ii) sharp force injury of the left
chest area with damages in the right rib, left rib, heart, right lung, and left lung;
(iii) sharp force injury of the middle chest area with damages in the sternum; (iv)
sharp force injury of the right chest area with damages in the right rib, heart and
right lung; (v) sharp force injury of left chest area with damages in the right rib,
heart, right lung, left lung, liver, and left kidney; and (vi) gash wound on the left
chest area with damages in the left lung.
Discussion: There is variation of significance on every relationship between those
two variables. It is mainly caused by the anatomical reason, then followed by the
type of injury, weapon used with its penetrating direction, amount of force to
determine how deep the injury is, and tissue density of the visceral organs, Introduction: In the United States, there are 16,000 deaths each year from chest
injury, giving 75% death caused by trauma. At Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital
Jakarta, there are at least 1,200 corpses registered with only 33.3% of the corpseās
visceral organ injury could be discovered. Utilization of forensic epidemiology to
determine the relation between findings of external injuries and damages to
visceral organ could support the opinion of the expert forensic doctor in a case of
Method: The subjects of this research are 128 corpses, which were autopsied
from 2010 until 2013 in the Forensic Medicine and Medicolegal Department of
FKUI/RSCM Jakarta, exclusively corpses with sharp force trauma in the chest
and the back area. The medical records of these corpses, which met the inclusion
and exclusion criteria were inputted to SPSS program and analyzed the
relationship between them.
Result: Based on both Chi Square Test and Fischer Test, significant results
(p<0,05) were found between (i) sharp force injury on the right chest area with
damages in the right rib, right lung, and liver; (ii) sharp force injury of the left
chest area with damages in the right rib, left rib, heart, right lung, and left lung;
(iii) sharp force injury of the middle chest area with damages in the sternum; (iv)
sharp force injury of the right chest area with damages in the right rib, heart and
right lung; (v) sharp force injury of left chest area with damages in the right rib,
heart, right lung, left lung, liver, and left kidney; and (vi) gash wound on the left
chest area with damages in the left lung.
Discussion: There is variation of significance on every relationship between those
two variables. It is mainly caused by the anatomical reason, then followed by the
type of injury, weapon used with its penetrating direction, amount of force to
determine how deep the injury is, and tissue density of the visceral organs]"