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Natalia Emmy Luciana
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Ruang Lingkup dan Cara Penelitian: Di Indonesia kemajuan di bidang teknologi den industri serta perbaikan ekonomi pada masyarakat tertentu, perubahan perilaku dan lingkungan serta meningkatnya umur harapan hidup menyebabkan pergeseran pola penyakit dari penyakit menular ke arah penyakit degeneratif. Data survei kesehatan rumah tangga, 1992 menunjukkan bahwa penyakit infeksi berkurang, tetapi kematian karena penyakit jantung koroner mengalami kenaikan yang nyata. Meningkatnya penyakit jantung koroner erat hubungannya dengan kadar lipid serum yang abnormal, yang merupakan salah satu faktor yang ikut berperan dalam terjadinya aterosklerosis. Faktor-faktor yang diperkirakan ikut mempengaruhi kadar lipid serum yaitu antara lain; jenis kelamin, umur, diabetes melitus, obat penyekat beta dan tiazid, indeks massa tubuh, merokok, alkoholik, asupan energi dan zat gizi serta aktivitas yang erat kaitannya dengan perubahan fisiologis dan patologis manusia. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui profil lipid serum dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Telah dilakukan studi cross sectional pada 121 orang peserta Klub Jantung Koroner di DKI Jakarta. Pada subjek penelitian dilakukan pemeriksaan fisik, laboratoriun dan wawancara terarah meliputi pengetahuan dan perilaku gizi, penyakit yang diderita, kebiasaan minum obat, merokok, alkohol serta faktor makanan. Hasil dan Kesimpulan: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada peserta klub jantung koroner yang diteliti, kadar kolesterol total yang abnormal 52,1%, kadar kolesterol LDL yang abnormal 47,9%, kadar kolesterol HOL yang abnormal 13,2% dan kadar triasilgliserol yang abnormal 33,1%. Ditemukan hubungan yang bermakna antara asupan protein nabati dan jenis kelamin dengan kadar kolesterol total dan kolesterol LDL, antara asupan lemak total dengan kadar kolesterol HDL, antara kebiasaan merokok dengan kadar triasilgliserol, antara pengetahuan gizi dengan perilaku gizi. Setelah dilakukan analisis multivariat didapatkan hubungan bermakna antara asupan protein nabati dengan kadar kolesterol total dan kolesterol LDL, antara jenis kelamin dan kebiasaan merokok dengan kadar kolesterol LDL. Sedangkan variabel-variabel lain yang diteliti belum jelas ada hubungan dengan profil lipid serum.
ABSTRACT The scope and Method of the Study: In Indonesia, development in technology and industry, improvement In economy, changes of behavior and environment also better life expectancy cause the shifting of Infectious diseases to degenerative diseases. Data of survey on home health, in 1992 indicated that infectious diseases decreases and the death of coronary heart disease rises obviously. The increase of coronary heart disease has a tight association with serum lipid, as one of the factors taking part in forming atherosclerosis. Factors presumed to influence serum lipid are; sex, age, diabetes mellitus, beta blocker and tiazide, body mass index, smoking, alcoholic, consumption energy and nutrient and activities which are tightly associated with physiological and pathological changes in human. This research is intended to find out the relation between the profile serum lipid and certain factors. Cross sectional study has been performed 121 among participants of coronary heart club in DK.I Jakarta. Participants undergo physical examination, laboratory examination, and guided interview concerning knowledge and behavior of nutrition, diseases, habit of taking medicine, smoking, alcoholic and foods factors. Findings and Conclusions: The results the participants of the coronary heart club indicate; abnormal total cholesterol 52.1%, abnormal LDL cholesterol 47.9%, abnormal HDL cholesterol 13.2%, abnormal triacylglycerol 23.1%. There are significant association between (1) vegetable protein consumption, sex and total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol,(2) between total fat consumption and HDL cholesterol, (3) between smoking and triacylglycerol, (4) between knowledge of nutrition and behavior of nutrition. However results of multivariate analysis indicated significant association between; (1) vegetable protein consumption and total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, (2) between sex, smoking and LDL cholesterol. The association between other variables with the profile of serum lipid has not been detected yet.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fathia Azzahra
Abstrak :
Indeks Massa Tubuh IMT dan total lemak tubuh metode impedansi merupakan salah satu cara untuk memprediksi lemak tubuh yang mudah dan tidak invasif. Korelasinya dengan profil lipid serum belum banyak diteliti, terutama di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari korelasi keduanya dengan profil lipid serum. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian cross-sectional pada 128 subjek yang memeriksakan profil lipidnya ke Laboratorium Departemen Patologi Klinik RSCM. Dilakukan pengukuran berat badan, tinggi badan, dan total lemak tubuh dengan metode impedansi secara langsung. Data profil lipid didapatkan melalui Laboratory Information System Departemen Patologi Klinik. Kemudian, data diolah dengan menggunakan uji Pearson untuk mengetahui korelasi antara IMT dan total lemak tubuh metode impedansi dengan profil lipid serum. Pada penelitian ini, tidak didapatkan korelasi IMT dan total lemak tubuh dengan setiap parameter profil lipid, yang meliputi trigliserida, kolesterol total, kolesterol-HDL, dan kolestrol-LDL p>0,05 . Dengan demikian, disimpulkan bahwa kedua pemeriksaan tersebut tidak dapat menggantikan pemeriksaan profil lipid serum.
Body Mass Index BMI and bioelectric impedance analysis of total body fat are an easy and non invasive methods to predict fat level in the body. Since the correlation between BMI and bioelectric impedance analysis of total body fat with serum lipid profile is limitedly known, especially in Indonesia's population, the purpose of this study is to investigate the correlation of BMI and bioelectric impedance analysis of total body fat with serum lipid profile. This is an analytical cross sectional study on 128 patients from Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital laboratory. The subjects were examined to measure weight, height, and total body fat with impedance method, and serum lipid profile. The data were analyzed with Pearson test to find the correlation between variables. There were no correlation between BMI and TBF with serum lipid profile, including triglyceride, cholesterol total, HDL C, and LDL C p 0,05 . To conclude, serum lipid profile cannot be replaced by BMI and bioelectric impedance analysis of total body fat examination.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Pada dekade terakhir ini para dokter dan penanggung jawab bidang kesehatan mulai menyadari bahwa kegemukan dan berat badan berlebih mempunyai dampak kesehatan yang merugikan seperti timbulnya penyakit diabetes, penyakit jantung pembuluh darah dan penyakit penyerta lain yang lebih dikenal sebagai komorbiditas. Pengukuran tingkat kegemukan yang sudah diterima secara luas adalah yang menggunakan indeks masa tubuh (IMT) dan ukuran lingkar pinggang (LP). Atas dasar itu perlu kiranya Indonesia mempunyai nilai IMT dan LP sendiri, untuk faktor risiko komorbiditas. Penelitian cross sectional ini mencakup 6318 subyek yang terdiri dari 5216 laki-laki (82,6%) dan 1102 wanita (17,6%). Faktor risiko utama komorbiditas, baik pada laki-laki dan wanita adalah peninggian kolesterol dan trigliserida. Resiko timbulnya komorbiditas mulai meningkat pada IMT 24,38 kg/m2 dan lingkar pinggang (LP) 86,25 cm untuk kadar gula darah puasa dan IMT 24,91 kg/m2 dan LP 89,25 cm untuk kadar triglycerida. (Med J Indones 2004; 13: 241-5)
Over the last few years health care providers have become more aware of the consecquences of obesity as well as the comorbidities of obesity. The body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC) became universally accepted measures to determine the degree of overweight. it is necessary to have cut off points for BMI and WC for the risk factors of the comorbidities of obesity in Indonesia. This study has a cross sectional design with a total of 6318 subjects, that comprised of 5216 males (82.6%) and 1102 females (17.6%). The highest percentage of comorbidities both in males and females were high cholesterol and triglyceride level. The risks of comorbidities were increased at BMI 24.38 kg/m2 and WC 86.25 cm for fasting blood glucose and BMI 24.91 kg/m2 and WC 89.25 cm for triglyceride level. (Med J Indones 2004; 13: 241-5)
Medical Journal of Indonesia, 13 (4) October December 2004: 241-245, 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yohanes Buang
Abstrak :
The effects of dietary food fortified with vitamin B4 on lipid profiles in serum and liver tissue were studied. Rats were paired-fed a 0.25% vitamin B4 diet or a diet without vitamin B4 for 10 days. Serum lipid levels were measured using enzyme assay kits. Lipids of liver tissues were extracted and the lipid contents were determined. A piece of liver was prepared to determine the activities of fatty acid synthase (FAS) and fatty acid β-oxidation. The results showed that animals fed a food fortified with vitamin B4 had higher level of serum TG, PL, total cholesterol, and high density lipoprotein. Their increases were approximately by 74%, 20%, 27%, and 27%, respectively. The significant changes in liver lipid were only found in PL component. This treatment promoted FAS activity, but impaired the fatty acid β- oxidation. In conclusion: Dietary food fortified with vitamin B4 induces hypertriglyceridemia and liver PL level.
[Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat UI;Universitas Nusa Cendana - Kupang. Fakultas Sains dan Teknik;Universitas Nusa Cendana - Kupang. Fakultas Sains dan Teknik, Universitas Nusa Cendana - Kupang. Fakultas Sains dan Teknik], 2010
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Asiah
Abstrak :
Tujuan : Mengetahui pengaruh diet rendah kalori seimbang terhadap resting energy expenditure (REE), respiratory quotient (RQ) dan profil lipid serum untuk menurunkan morbiditas dan mortalitas penderita obesitas. Tempat : Rumah Sakit Sumber Waras Jakarta Bahan dan cara : Penelitian merupakan suatu eksperimental pra dan pasca pemberian diet rendah kalori seimbang 1000 Kkal dengan komposisi 55 % karbohidrat, 20 % protein dan 25 % lemak selama 14 hari terhadap 38 subjek perempuan obes (19-55 tahun) yang telah memenuhi kriteria penerimaan dan penolakan. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi data karakteristik sosial demografi, data asupan energi dan makronutrien, antropometri, REE, RQ, kadar kolesterol total, trigliserida, kolesterol LDL dan kolesterol HDL serum. Hasil : Setelah pemberian diet 1000 kkal selama 14 hari pada perempuan obes terjadi penurunan bermakna dari berat badan sebesar 2,64% (p= 0,001), penurunan IMT 2,77% (p= 0,001), penurunan persentase massa lemak tubuh 1,44% (p= 0,001), peningkatan persentase massa bebas lemak 1,36% (p= 0,001), penurunan rasio Lpi-Lpa 2,5% (p= 0,001), penurunan tidak bermakna dari REE 4,41% (p= 0,071), penurunan bermakna dari RQ 4,78% (p= 0,036), penurunan kolesterol total 6,67% (p= 0,001), penurunan trigliserida 22,92% (p= 0,001), penurunan kolesterol LDL 4,22% (p 0,027) dan penurunan kolesterol HDL serum 5,54% (p= 0,004). Simpulan : Pemberian diet rendah kalori seimbang sebesar 1000 Kkal/hari selama 14 hari terbukti dapat menurunkan secara bermakna berat badan, IMT, persentase massa lemak, meningkatkan persentase massa bebas lemak, menurunkan rasio Lpi-Lpa, RQ, kolesterol total, trigliserida, kolesterol LDL dan kolesterol HDL serum, tetapi tidak menurunkan secara bermakna REE pada perempuan obes.
Objective : To identify the effect of balanced low calorie diet on REE, RQ and serum lipid profile of obese women in reducing morbidity and modality of obese people. Place : Sumber Waras Hospital, Jakarta. Materials and Methods : The study was an experimental, pre and post balanced low calorie diet (1000 Kcals/day, 55% carbohydrate, 20% protein and 25% fat) for 14 days. Thirty eight obese women, 19.-55 years old had been selected as subjects according to inclusion and exclusion criteria The data that had been collected were social and demographic characteristics, the energy and macronutrient intake, anthropometric, REE, RQ, level of total serum cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol. Results : After 14 days balanced low calorie diet , there were significant reduction of body weight 2,64% (p= 0,001), body mass index 2,77% (p= 0,001), percentage of fat mass 1,44% (p= 0,001), increarnent percentage of fat free mass 1,36% (p= 0,001), reduction of waist to hip ratio 2,5% (p= 0,001), insignificant reduction of REE 4,41% (p= 0,071), significant reduction of RQ 4,78% (p= 0,036), level of total serum cholesterol 6,67% (p= 0,001), triglyceride 22,92% (p= 0,001), LDL cholesterol 4,22% (p= 0,027) and HDL cholesterol 5,54% (p= 0,004). Conclusion : Balanced low calorie diet was had been shown to reduce body weight, body mass index, percentage of fat mass, to increase percentage of fat free mass, to reduce waist to hip ratio, RQ, level of total serum cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol of obese women significantly, but didn't reduce REE significantly.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Arifin Achmad
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Ruang lingkup dan cara: Perubahan gaya hidup dan pola makan pada golongan ekonomi menengah tinggi, dapat menimbulkan penyakit kelebihan gizi antara lain meningkatnya penyakit kronik degeneratif seperti PKV. Penyakit jantung koroner, salah satu dari PKV merupakan manifestasi aterosklerosis di pembuluh darah koroner dan salah satu faktor risikonya adalah dislipidemia. Menurut SKRT 1995, kematian akibat PJK di kota-kota besar lebih tinggi dibandingkan di desa dan di Jawa dan Bali menduduki urutan pertama. Faktor-faktor yang diperkirakan ikut mempengaruhi kadar lipid serum antara lain: umur, jenis kelamin, penyakit seperti diabetes, nefrotik sindrom, penyakit hati obstruktif dan lain-lain, obat penyekat beta dan tiazid, indeks massa tubuh, rasio lingkar perut/lingkar panggul, aktivitas, asupan energi, protein karbohidrat, lemak, serat, kolesterol, pengetahuan gizi, pola makan, perilaku gizi, pendidikan, penghasilan, stres dan genetik. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui profil lipid serum dan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan. Telah dilakukan studi "cross--sectional" pada 90 orang anggota DPR RI pria yang dilantik tahun 1997. Subyek yang dipilih dengancara "simple random sampling" dengancara diundi. Data yang dakumpulkan meliputi karakteristik sosiodemografi, gaya hidup, asupan makanan, antropometri, kadar lipid serum dan gula darah. Hasil dankesimpulan: Hasil penelitian menunjukkankadar kolesterol total serum yang berbahaya ( ≥ 240 mg%) sebesar 55,6%, kadar kolesterol LDL serum yang berbahaya (≥ 160 mg%) sebesar38,9%, kadar trigliserida serum yang berbahaya (≥ 200 mg%) sebesar 27.7%, dan kadar kolesterol HDL serum yang berbahaya sebesar 1.1%. Analisis bivariat tidak ditemukan hubungan antara profil lipid serum dengan faktor-faktor yang diperkirakan berhubungan. Setelah dilakukan analisis regresi logistik didapatkan hubungan bermakna antara asupan serat dengan kolesterol total, antara lemak total dengan kolesterol LDL dan antara pengetahuan gizi dengan trigliserida. Dengan analisis regresi multipel didapatkan hubungan antara kolesterol total dengan protein hewani, asupan serat dan lemak jenuh, antara HDL dengan protein hewani dan antara trig:liserida dengan aktivitas fisik, pengetahuan gizi, lemak total dan lemak jenuh.
ABSTRACT Scopes and Methods : Changes in life-style and meal pattern in upper-middle economic class result in diseases caused by over nutrition, such as chronic degenerative diseases, e.g. cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). Coronary heart disease (CHID), one of CVDs. These disease are caused by dyslipidemia which is the risk factor of the atherosclerotic coronary vessels. According to 1995 Household Health Survey, death rate for CM were greater in big cities than in the villages, and Java and Bali were ranked first. Factors that thought may influence serum lipid level are: age; sex; medical conditions like diabetes, nephrotic syndrome, obstructive heart disease, etc.; beta blockers and thiazide; body mass index; waist/hip circumference ratio; level of activity; high intake of energy, protein, carbohydrates, fats, low fibers intake, and cholesterol; knowledge on nutrition; meal pattern; nutritional behavior; education; income; stress; and genetic. Across sectional study has been conducted to see the lipid profile and their related factors on the members of Indonesian House of Representative appointed in 1997. The subjects were selected by random sampling and a lotere. The data collected included sociodemography charactersitics, life style, food intake, anthropometry, and serum lipid and glood glucose levels. Results and Conclusions: Result of this study showed that hazardous serum total cholesterol level (? 240% mg%) was 55.6%, hazardous serum LDL-cholesterol level (?160 mg%) was 38.9%, hazardous serum triglyseride level (a 200 mg%) was 27.7%, and hazardous serum HDL-cholesterol level was 1.1%. Bivariate analysis found no relationship between serum lipid profile and the suspected related factors. A significant relationship was found with logistic regression analysis between fibers intake and total cholesterol level, total fats and LDL-cholesterol level, and knowledge on nutrition and triglyseride level. Multiple regression analysis showed a relationship between total cholesterol level and animal protein, fiber intake and saturated fats, HDL-cholesterol level and animal protein, and between triglyseride level and physical activity, knowledge on nutrition, total fats, and saturated fats.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library