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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Epson Ray Kinko
Abstrak :
Konsumsi polimer dalam jumlah besar, menekan industri polimer untuk menghemat bahan baku material dan mempercepat laju produksi. MFC berbasis serat alam telah dipelajari mampu memperbaiki sifat dan kecepatan laju proses dari polimer. Indonesia sebagai negara agraris memiliki banyak sumber serat alam, salah satunya serat ijuk. Melalui proses perlakuan, serat alam diproses hingga didapatkan MFC yang akan dipelajari sifatnya sebagai agen penukleasi didalam polimer polipropilena jenis kopolimer impak. Dengan penambahan MFC, dapat meningkatkan 2% kristalinitas dan kecepatan kristalinitas hingga 12 detik. Penelitian ini menitik beratkan pada kemampuan kristalinitas dari PP setelah ditambahakan MFC. ...... Polymer comsumption in large scale, pushing polymer industry to reduce consumption of base material and increasing production time. ?Ijuk? based MFC has been studied can improve quality and accelerate process on PP. Indonesia as a maritime nation had many kind land riches, the one is ?ijuk? fiber. By conditioning process, ?ijuk? fiber made into MFC than have good bonding and will be studied his properties as nucleating agent on polymer polypropylene copolymer impact. With addiction of
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Satrio Wibowo
Abstrak :
Saat ini penggunaan material berbasis polimer semakin meningkat seiring dengan pertumbuhan populasi manusia. Kebutuhan akan material berbasis polimer tersebut didasari oleh harga yang relatif murah dan fungsinya serba guna. Polimer berbasis pada minyak bumi merupakan jenis polimer yang sulit untuk diuraikan oleh mikroorganisme sehingga dibutuhkan material polimer alternative yang berasal dari alam untuk mengatasi isu lingkungan tersebut. Poly Lactic Acid (PLA) merupakan salah satu polimer alam yang cukup banyak digunakan. Namun PLA memiliki sifat mekanik dan ketahanan termal yang kurang baik, sehingga dibutuhkan pengisi dari bahan alam seperti serat ijuk untuk meningkatkan sifat mekanik. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan percobaan untuk mengetahui kompatibilitas pengisi dan matriks, konsentrasi optimal pemutihan serat, waktu optimal pemutihan serat dan komposisi optimal antara pengisi dan matriks. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap morfologi permukaan serat ijuk dan fraktografi material komposit menggunakan FE-SEM, mengetahui perubahan kristalinitas serat ijuk menggunakan X-RD, mengetahui gugus fungsi dari serat ijuk untuk melihat kandungan lignin dan hemiselulosa menggunakan FTIR serta kekuatan tarik material komposit menggunakan micro-tensile. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu pemutihan dapat meningkatkan kompatibilitas pengisi dan matriks, konsentrasi optimal pemutihan adalah 7,5% NaClO selama 2 jam dan waktu optimal pemutihan adalah 1 jam dengan 10% NaClO. Dengan penambahan komposisi ijuk 10%, 20%, 30% ke dalam matriks PLA maka kekuatan tarik material komposit semakin meningkat. ...... Nowadays, The necessity of polymer-based material is getting higher because of its versatile utilization and relatively low cost. Petroleum polymer is difficult to be processed by micro-organism so that the alternative natural polymer is required to tackel this issue. Poly Lactic Acid (PLA) is one of the polymer used in many industries but PLA has the poorness on its mechanical properties and thermal resistance. Therefore, the addition of reinforcement such as ijuk fiber can be used to optimize its properties. In this research, the compability of reinforcement and matrix, the optimum concentration of bleaching, the time of bleaching and the composition of reinforcement and matrix are studied. Visual observation on the morfology and fractography of ijuk fiber surface was performed using FE-SEM, the crystallinity of ijuk fiber was conducted using XRD, the functional group of ijuk fiber was carried out using FTIR to examine lignin and hemi-cellulose content and the tensile test of this composite material was performed using micro-tensile test. From the data, it was acquired that bleaching enhance the compability between filler and matrix, the optimum concentration of bleaching is 7,5% NaClO for 2 hours and the optimum time of bleaching is 1 hour with 10% NaClO. In the mechanical properties aspect, it is obtained that as the higher ijuk addition, from 10% to 30%, into the PLA matrix, the tensile strength of the composite is improve.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Taufiq
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini fokus pada peningkatan sifat mekanis Polipropilena impak kopolimer (PP) dengan menggunakan serat ijuk yang telah dimodifikasi. Modifikasi serat ijuk dilakukan dengan menggunakan proses alkalinisasi dan pemutihan. Proses tersebut bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kristalinitas dan kompatibilitas serat ijuk terhadap matriks PP. Pembuatan komposit PP-ijuk dilakukan menggunakan metode pencampuran lelehan panas untuk selanjutnya di cetak sesuai spesifikasi sampel uji sifat mekanis. Proses pencampuran dilakukan selama 15 menit dan dipelajari dua variabel utama, yakni variasi kadar serat ijuk (1%, 3%, 5%) dan variasi temperatur pencampuran (160⁰C dan 165⁰C). Komposit yang terbentuk selanjutnya dilakukan pengujian STA dan UTM. Dari hasil percobaan dapat disimpulkan bahwa peningkatan sifat mekanis yang optimal didapatkan pada percobaan menggunakan serat ijuk 1% dan suhu pencampuran 160⁰C. pada sampel tersebut teramati penambahan nilai kuat tarik hampir mencapai 1 Mpa. Hasil percobaan mengindikasikan bahwa serat ijuk hasil modifikasi dapat digunakan sebagai filler untuk meningkatkan sifat mekanis PP. Kondisi utama yang paling mempengaruhi peran positif serat ijuk adalah distribusi dan dispersi.
This research focused on the employment of modificated ?ijuk? fibers as fillers to improve the mechanical properties of polypropylene impact copolymer (PP). Ijuk fibers are processed through alkali treatment and bleaching. Those processes are intended to improve the crystalinity and compatibility of ?ijuk? fibers to matrix PP. Afterwards, PP-ijuk composite is made by using rheomixing and subsequently casted in satisfactory to meet the requirements as standard sample for tensile strength testing. Rheomixing was conducted for 15 minutes in different concentration of ?ijuk? fibers (1%, 3%, 5%) and temperature (160⁰C dan 165⁰C). STA and UTM were used to observe the properties of the composite. From the results, can be concluded that the optimal condition to improve the mechanical properties of PP is obtained in the condition of 1% ?ijuk? fibers and 160⁰C mixing temperature. These condition were successfully improved the tensile strength of PP by 1 Mpa. The experiments indicated that modificated ?ijuk? fibers can be used as filler to increase the mechanical properties of PP. Distribution and dispertion were attributed as the main factors which influenced the processes.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rangga Agung Pribadi Heriawan
Abstrak :
Serat ijuk semakin menarik untuk diteliti sebagai bahan pengisi polimer. Dengan memodifikasi permukaan serat ijuk, didapatkan selulosa mikrofibril (MFC) yang berbasis ijuk untuk kemudian dicampurkan dengan polimer membentuk produk berbasis MFC ijuk. Namun morfologi, kompatibilitas, stabilitas termal MFC berbasis ijuk terhadap sifat produk polimer perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut dan dibandingkan karakteristiknya dengan produk berbasis bubble glass. Dalam penelitian ini telah dilakukan proses pencampuran lelehan panas dengan menggunakan mesin rheomix yaitu antara MFC berbasis ijuk dan bubble glass dengan polipropilena jenis homopolimer. Kandungan MFC berbasis ijuk dan bubble glass dalam campuran adalah 0,3; 0,6; dan 1 wt% dalam tiap 50 gram homopolimer polipropilena dengan variasi temperatur 160, 175, dan 190°C selama 15 menit. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa dengan penambahan MFC berbasis ijuk dan bubble glass dapat menurunkan temperatur leleh (Tm) dan menaikan temperatur dekomposisi (Td), kecuali Td produk berbasis bubble glass akibat karakteristik bubble glass yang amorf. Tm maksimum produk berbasis MFC ijuk dan bubble glass didapatkan pada komposisi yang sama yaitu 0,3 wt% masing-masing sebesar 160,68°C dan 161,29°C. Sedangkan pada Tm maksimum produk berbasis MFC ijuk dan bubble glass masing-masing didapatkan pada temperatur pencampuran 190°C sebesar 160,66°C dan 175°C sebesar 162,52°C. Untuk Td maksimum produk berbasis MFC ijuk dan bubble glass didapatkan pada komposisi 1 wt% sebesar 256,08°C dan 0,3 wt% sebesar 296,07°C. Sedangkan pada Td maksimum produk berbasis MFC ijuk dan bubble glass masing-masing didapatkan pada temperatur pencampuran 175°C sebesar 270,72°C dan 160°C sebesar 290,12°C. ......Ijuk fiber more interesting to study as a filler material for polymer. By modyfiying the surface fibers, microfibrilscellulose (MFC) ijuk-based obtained and then mixed it with polymer to form MFC ijuk-based products. However morphology, compatibility, thermal stability of MFC ijuk-based towards polymer product need further research and compared its characteristic with glass bubblebased products. In this research has been carried out the process of hot-melt mixing using a rheomix machine that is between MFC ijuk-based and glass bubble with homopolymer type of polypropylene. The content of MFC ijuk-based and glass bubble in the mixture is 0.3; 0.6; and 1%wt in each 50 grams of homopolymer polypropylene with a temperature variation of 160, 175, and 190°C for 15 minutes. The result showed that with the addition of MFC ijuk-based and glass bubblebased can lower the melting temperature (Tm) and raise the decomposition temperature (Td), except Td of glass bubble-based products due to the amorphous characteristics of glass bubble. The maximum Tm of MFC ijuk-based and glass bubble products obtained in the same composition that is 0,3%wt at 160.68°C and 161.29°C, respectively. In other side, the maximum Tm MFC ijuk-based and glass bubble-based obtained at mixing temperature of 190°C at 160.66°C and 175°C at 162.52°C, respectively. For maximum Td of MFC ijuk-based and glass bubble-based products obtained on the composition of 1%wt at 256.08°C and 0.3%wt at 296.07°C. In other side, the maximum Td of MFC ijuk-based and glass bubble product obtained at mixing temperature of 175°C at 270.72°C and 160°C at 290.12°C, respectively.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Enrico Susanto
Abstrak :
[Pada penelitian ini, serat ijuk dihancurkan dan diayak ukuran 40 # setelah itu serat ijuk diberi perlakuan kimia dengan NaOH 2 % selama 1 jam, KMnO4 0,1 N selama 15 menit, dan NaClO 5 % selama 5 jam dengan tujuan mendapatkan selulosa kristalin. Setelah itu dilakukan proses pencampuran kering (hotmelt mixing) antara polipropilen dengan serat ijuk hasil perlakuan kimia dengan 7,5 % volum serat ijuk terhadap polipropilen dengan variabel temperatur 160°C, 165°C, dan 170°C dan variabel waktu pencampuran 15 menit dan 20 menit. Setelah itu dilakukan pengujian uji FTIR buat serat, sedangan buat komposit adalah uji tarik, uji STA, uji XRD, dan uji FE-SEM hal ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan sifat kristalinitas dan mekanik dari komposit polipropilen ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa serat ijuk hasil perlakuaan lebih kristalin dari pada serat ijuk tanpa perlakukan, polipropilen dengan serat ijuk hasil perlakuaan kimia cukup kompatibel terhadap polipropilen, dari penelitian didapatkan sifat kristalinitas terbaik pada variabel 165°C selama 20 menit. Dan yang memiliki sifat kekuatan tarik paling baik adalah variabel 170°C selama 20 menit, sedangkan yang memiliki % elongasi paling baik adalah dengan variabel 160°C 20 menit. ......In this work, palm fiber crushed and sieved size 40 # after the palm fiber chemically treated with 2% NaOH for 1 hour, 0.1 N KMnO4 for 15 minutes, and 5% NaClO for 5 hours in order to obtain crystalline cellulose. Once that is done the dry mixing (hotmelt mixing) between polypropylene and palm fiber chemical treatment results with 7.5% volume of the palm fiber and polypropylene with a variable temperature of 160°C, 165°C and 170°C and a variable time mixing 15 minutes and 20 minutes. After it was examined FTIR test for fiber, while the composite is made tensile test, STA test, XRD test and FE-SEM test this is done to obtain crystallinity and mechanical properties of polypropylene composites this. The results show that fiber perlakuaan results more crystalline fibers than untreated palm fiber, polypropylene and palm fiber chemistry results treatment compatible enough to polypropylene, crystallinity of the research showed the best properties on the variable 165 ° C for 20 minutes. And who has the most excellent tensile strength properties are variable 170 ° C for 20 minutes, while the best of % elongation is at a variable 160 ° C 20 minutes.;In this work, palm fiber crushed and sieved size 40 # after the palm fiber chemically treated with 2% NaOH for 1 hour, 0.1 N KMnO4 for 15 minutes, and 5% NaClO for 5 hours in order to obtain crystalline cellulose. Once that is done the dry mixing (hotmelt mixing) between polypropylene and palm fiber chemical treatment results with 7.5% volume of the palm fiber and polypropylene with a variable temperature of 160°C, 165°C and 170°C and a variable time mixing 15 minutes and 20 minutes. After it was examined FTIR test for fiber, while the composite is made tensile test, STA test, XRD test and FE-SEM test this is done to obtain crystallinity and mechanical properties of polypropylene composites this. The results show that fiber perlakuaan results more crystalline fibers than untreated palm fiber, polypropylene and palm fiber chemistry results treatment compatible enough to polypropylene, crystallinity of the research showed the best properties on the variable 165 ° C for 20 minutes. And who has the most excellent tensile strength properties are variable 170 ° C for 20 minutes, while the best of % elongation is at a variable 160 ° C 20 minutes.;In this work, palm fiber crushed and sieved size 40 # after the palm fiber chemically treated with 2% NaOH for 1 hour, 0.1 N KMnO4 for 15 minutes, and 5% NaClO for 5 hours in order to obtain crystalline cellulose. Once that is done the dry mixing (hotmelt mixing) between polypropylene and palm fiber chemical treatment results with 7.5% volume of the palm fiber and polypropylene with a variable temperature of 160°C, 165°C and 170°C and a variable time mixing 15 minutes and 20 minutes. After it was examined FTIR test for fiber, while the composite is made tensile test, STA test, XRD test and FE-SEM test this is done to obtain crystallinity and mechanical properties of polypropylene composites this. The results show that fiber perlakuaan results more crystalline fibers than untreated palm fiber, polypropylene and palm fiber chemistry results treatment compatible enough to polypropylene, crystallinity of the research showed the best properties on the variable 165 ° C for 20 minutes. And who has the most excellent tensile strength properties are variable 170 ° C for 20 minutes, while the best of % elongation is at a variable 160 ° C 20 minutes.;In this work, palm fiber crushed and sieved size 40 # after the palm fiber chemically treated with 2% NaOH for 1 hour, 0.1 N KMnO4 for 15 minutes, and 5% NaClO for 5 hours in order to obtain crystalline cellulose. Once that is done the dry mixing (hotmelt mixing) between polypropylene and palm fiber chemical treatment results with 7.5% volume of the palm fiber and polypropylene with a variable temperature of 160°C, 165°C and 170°C and a variable time mixing 15 minutes and 20 minutes. After it was examined FTIR test for fiber, while the composite is made tensile test, STA test, XRD test and FE-SEM test this is done to obtain crystallinity and mechanical properties of polypropylene composites this. The results show that fiber perlakuaan results more crystalline fibers than untreated palm fiber, polypropylene and palm fiber chemistry results treatment compatible enough to polypropylene, crystallinity of the research showed the best properties on the variable 165 ° C for 20 minutes. And who has the most excellent tensile strength properties are variable 170 ° C for 20 minutes, while the best of % elongation is at a variable 160 ° C 20 minutes.;In this work, palm fiber crushed and sieved size 40 # after the palm fiber chemically treated with 2% NaOH for 1 hour, 0.1 N KMnO4 for 15 minutes, and 5% NaClO for 5 hours in order to obtain crystalline cellulose. Once that is done the dry mixing (hotmelt mixing) between polypropylene and palm fiber chemical treatment results with 7.5% volume of the palm fiber and polypropylene with a variable temperature of 160°C, 165°C and 170°C and a variable time mixing 15 minutes and 20 minutes. After it was examined FTIR test for fiber, while the composite is made tensile test, STA test, XRD test and FE-SEM test this is done to obtain crystallinity and mechanical properties of polypropylene composites this. The results show that fiber perlakuaan results more crystalline fibers than untreated palm fiber, polypropylene and palm fiber chemistry results treatment compatible enough to polypropylene, crystallinity of the research showed the best properties on the variable 165 ° C for 20 minutes. And who has the most excellent tensile strength properties are variable 170 ° C for 20 minutes, while the best of % elongation is at a variable 160 ° C 20 minutes., In this work, palm fiber crushed and sieved size 40 # after the palm fiber chemically treated with 2% NaOH for 1 hour, 0.1 N KMnO4 for 15 minutes, and 5% NaClO for 5 hours in order to obtain crystalline cellulose. Once that is done the dry mixing (hotmelt mixing) between polypropylene and palm fiber chemical treatment results with 7.5% volume of the palm fiber and polypropylene with a variable temperature of 160°C, 165°C and 170°C and a variable time mixing 15 minutes and 20 minutes. After it was examined FTIR test for fiber, while the composite is made tensile test, STA test, XRD test and FE-SEM test this is done to obtain crystallinity and mechanical properties of polypropylene composites this. The results show that fiber perlakuaan results more crystalline fibers than untreated palm fiber, polypropylene and palm fiber chemistry results treatment compatible enough to polypropylene, crystallinity of the research showed the best properties on the variable 165 ° C for 20 minutes. And who has the most excellent tensile strength properties are variable 170 ° C for 20 minutes, while the best of % elongation is at a variable 160 ° C 20 minutes.]
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library