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Meilisha Putri Pertiwi
Abstrak :
Penelitian komunitas ikan yang tertangkap dengan jaring push net dan kaitannya dengan produksi serasah hutan mangrove di Pulau Panjang, Teluk Banten telah dilakukan pada bulan Oktober?Desember 2014 saat pasang purnama. Tujuan penelitian untuk melihat keanekaragaman dan komunitas ikan serta mengetahui besarnya serasah yang dilepas ke perairan laut dan hubungan antara C, N, P serasah dengan C, N, P Chandidae (famili ikan dominan dalam penelitian). Metode penangkapan ikan dengan push net secara manual dan pemasangan perangkap serasah berupa paralon yang mengarah ke perairan laut di Stasiun 1 dan 2. Hasil tangkapan ikan yaitu 1.770 individu (14 famili, 16 marga, dan 22 spesies). Jumlah terbanyak di Stasiun 1 (1.213) dan bulan November (749). Nilai H? di Stasiun 1 (0,71) dan 2 (0,81) adalah rendah dan sedang, didukung rendahnya nilai E dan tingginya D. Sebanyak 51% ikan yang tertangkap adalah Ambassis gymnocephalus dari famili Chandidae. Ikan komersial yang tertangkap yaitu dari famili Mugilidae dan Serranidae. Mayoritas ikan yang tertangkap juga merupakan ikan penetap sejati (true resident) yaitu berjumlah 1.248 ekor. Biomassa serasah dan Chandidae terbesar yaitu di bulan Desember (219,49 g dan 75,85 g). Sementara Stasiun 1 memberikan biomassa terbesar untuk serasah (162,99 g) dan Stasiun 2 untuk Chandidae (19,14 g). Nilai serasah terbanyak yang dilepas ke laut yaitu pada bulan Desember di Stasiun 1 (47,47 g/m³/s). Nilai koefisien relasi C, N, P serasah dengan C, N, P Chandidae memberikan hasil yang sama yaitu 0,999. Model regresi yang terbentuk berturutturut yaitu Chandidae = 0,889 C Serasah, Chandidae = 11,367 N Serasah, dan Chandidae = 5,407 P Serasah. ...... The research of fish community and its correlation with the production of mangrove forest litter in Panjang Island, Banten Bay had been conducted from October to December 2014 while spring tide. The research?s aim was to know the fish diversity and fish community, to identify mangrove litter?s value to the sea and correlation between C, N, P of mangrove litter and C, N, P of Chandidae (the biggest fish family captured). The method was used push net manually active and also water pipes were put to captured mangrove?s litter to the sea at Station 1 and 2. In total, 1770 species were captured (14 families, 16 genera, and 22 species), the most large number were at Station 1 and in November (1.213 and 749 individus). H? value at Station 1 was low (0,71), meanwhile at Station 2 was moderate (0,81). It supported by low E value. 51% fish captured was Ambassis gymnocephalus from Chandidae family. Economic value fish captured were Mugilidae and Serranidae. Mostly fish captured also were true resident fish (1.248). The biggest biomass of mangrove litter was been at Station 1 (162,99 g), while Chandidae was been at Station 2 (19,14 g). The biggest removed mangrove litter to the sea water was in December and Station 1 (47,47 g/m³/s). The Pearson correlation from C, N, P of mangrove litter and C, N, P of Chandidae gave the same value (0,999). The model of Linear Regression were Chandidae = 0,889 C Mangrove litter, Chandidae = 11,367 N Mangrove litter, dan Chandidae = 5,407 P Mangrove litter.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Isolat-isolat kapang serasah indigenos Indonesia hasil koleksi Balai Pengkajian Bioteknologi BPPT Serpong diduga memiliki kemampuan menghasilkan senyawa antimikroba. Penelitian bertujuan memperoleh isolatisolat kapang dari serasah yang menghasilkan senyawa aktif antimikroba terhadap Staphylococcus aureus (Rosenbach) ATCC25923, Bacillus subtilis (Ehrenberg) Cohn BioMCC00121, Escherichia coli (Migula) Castellani & Chalmers ATCC25922, Candida albicans (Berkhout) BioMCC00122, Saccharomyces cerevisiae (E. C. Hansen) FNCC3012, dan Aspergillus niger (Tiegh) BCSO2/C1. Penelitian dilakukan di laboratorium Mikrobiologi Balai Biotek BPPT pada bulan Februari-Desember 2006. Penapisan awal menggunakan agar lapis ganda diperoleh 26 isolat dari total 72 yang dapat menghambat pertumbuhan mikroba uji. Penapisan penguat menggunakan difusi kertas cakram memperlihatkan bahwa aktivitas antimikroba terbaik dihasilkan oleh ekstrak butanol dari isolat BioMCC-258. Aktivitas antimikroba terbaik terhadap B. subtilis dihasilkan oleh ekstrak BioMCC-258 dalam konsentrasi 10.000 ppm (setara dengan 0,69 mg tetrasiklin) dan menghasilkan zona bening berdiameter 18,73 ± 0,38 mm. Bioautografi pada ekstrak kasar isolat BioMCC-258 (Rf = 0,85) terhadap B. subtilis menunjukkan bahwa eluen KLT metanol : air (M:A) = 2:8 merupakan pelarut terbaik. Hasil pengamatan memperlihatkan bahwa isolat BioMCC-258 dideskripsikan sebagai genus Penicillium.
Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Raden Bregas Dwi Hatmojo
Abstrak :
Indonesia memiliki sumber daya alam yang berlimpah dan tersebar di seluruh kepulauan. Pemanfaatan potensi sumber daya alam tersebut belum sepenuhnya diperankan dan dikembangkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari seperti memasak di sektor rumah tangga. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi potensi dari serasah daun sebagai sumber energi domestik yang digunakan sebagai bahan bakar alternatif. Secara khusus, konfigurasi penelitian skala laboratorium dilakukan dengan menggunakan serasah daun spesies Artocarpus champaden, L., Nephelium lappaceum, L., dan Mangifera indica, L. Di Indonesia spesies ini dikenal sebagai pohon Cempedak, pohon Rambutan, dan pohon Mangga yang menghasilkan gugur daun sepanjang tahun. Upaya yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat dalam menangani serasah adalah mengumpulkan dari halaman atau atap pekarangan rumah kemudian dibakar untuk mengurangi jumlah serasah sebagai pengotor. Penelitian eksperimental dilakukan melalui beberapa langkah, yaitu pembuatan briket dari serasah daun yang ditambahkan dengan minyak kanola dan pasta tepung jagung sebagai material pengikat dan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kandungan energi ketika dilakukan proses pembakaran yang diproduksi secara manual dengan sedikit bantuan alat mekanis. Analsis termal termasuk nilai kalor, proksimat dan ultimat dilakukan dengan metode dan peralatan standar. Penelitian menggunakan kompor biomassa dengan volume ruang bakar sekitar 660 cm3. Sebuah kipas elektrik dipasang ke kompor untuk mengalirkan udara. Metode Water Boiling Test dilakukan untuk mengukur karakteristik pembakaran dan efisiensi kompor. Ditemukan bahwa briket (100 gram) dari semua jenis daun yang diuji dapat merebus air 1000 ml dalam waktu 7 menit. Secara umum, kinerja pembakaran sampel briket dapat dikaitkan dengan analisis proksimat dan ultimat, sehingga dengan membandingkan kinerja menggunakan Water Boiling Test menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan kinerja menggunakan berbagai jenis serasah daun tidak memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa serasah daun memiliki potensi sebagai sumber energi yang dapat diandalkan untuk memasak di rumah tangga di daerah pedesaan.
Indonesia has abundant natural resources spread throughout the islands. The utilization of these natural potentials has not been fully played and developed to meet daily needs such as for cooking. The purpose of this study is to explore the potential of leaf litter as a domestic source of energy for cooking. In particular, a set of laboratory scaled experiment was conducted by using leaf litter of the species Artocarpus champaden, L., Nephelium lappaceum, L., and Mangifera indica, L. In Indonesia these species are known as Cempedak, Rambutan, and Mangga trees which produce fallen leaf throughout the years. A way of reducing the leaf litter problems by local people is by collecting it from the garden and roof, then burn it to reduce the volume. The experimental work was carried out through some steps. The leaf litter was transformed to biomass briquettes fuel in order to increase energy content for combustion by adding Canola Oil and Starch as a binder. The briquettes were produced manually with minimum mechanical works. Thermal analysis, including calorific value, proximate and ultimate analysis, was performed by standard method and equipment. The experiment was carried out by using a biomass stove with a fuel chamber volume of approximately 660 cm3. A fan was attached to the stove to supply an updraft forced vortex flow of air. Water Boiling Test method was performed to measure the burning characteristic and stove efficiency. It was found that the briquettes (100 grams) from all leaf type tested can boil the water of 1000 ml within 7 minutes. In general, the burning performance of the briquettes were related to proximate and ultimate analysis of the samples. Nevertheless, by comparing the performance using Water Boiling Test suggested that the discrepancies of the performance using different types of leaf litter were not significant. This work showed that leaf litter has the potential as a reliable energy source for cooking in household at rural areas.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aisyah Ayu Nurrahma
Abstrak :
Mangrove memiliki kemampuan menyimpan dan menyerap karbon dalam biomassa hidup maupun mati, dan sedimen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya produktivitas serasah, besar serasah yang dilepas ke perairan, laju dekomposisi serasah, potensi karbon yang dapat diserap dan disimpan oleh hutan mangrove Pulau Rambut. Penelitian dilakukan dari bulan September-November 2020 dan Maret-Juni 2021. Metode pengambilan data terkait komposisi vegetasi dan stok karbon menggunakan purposive sampling dan dihitung dengan persamaan allometrik. Produktivitas serasah dan laju dekomposisi diukur selama 42 hari dengan pengamatan setiap 2 minggu sekali. Serasah yang dilepas ke perairan diukur dengan menyaring serasah ketika air laut surut. Karbon pada sedimen diukur dengan mengambil sedimen pada kedalaman 0—30 cm. Vegetasi pohon dan pancang didominasi oleh Rhizophora mucronata dan semai oleh Excoecaria agallocha. Stok karbon dan serapan karbon pada hutan mangrove Pulau Rambut sebesar 278,60 ton/ha dan 951,41 ton/ha. Stok karbon pada sedimen sebesar 19,36 ton/ha. Besarnya produktivitas serasah dan potensi karbonnya sebesar 2,741 g/m2/hari dan 9,72 g/m2/hari. Laju dekomposisi paling cepat diraih oleh Rhizophora mucronata yaitu 0,191 g/hari. Besar serasah yang dilepas ke perairan adalah 21,27 g/m3/hari dengan kandungan karbon sebesar 50,82%. ......Mangroves have the ability to store and absorb carbon in living and dead biomass, and sediments. This study aims to determine the amount of litter productivity, the amount of litter released into the waters, the rate of litter decomposition, the potential for carbon that can be absorbed and stored by the Rambut Island mangrove forest. The research was conducted from September-November 2020 and March-June 2021. Methods of collecting data related to the composition of vegetation and carbon stock using purposive sampling and calculated by allometric equations. Litter productivity and decomposition rate were measured for 42 days with observations every 2 weeks. Litter released into the waters is measured by filtering litter when the sea water recedes. Carbon in the sediment was measured by taking sediment at a depth of 0-30 cm. Tree vegetation and saplings were dominated by Rhizophora mucronata and seedlings by Excoecaria agallocha. Carbon stock and carbon sequestration in Rambut Island mangrove forest were 278.60 tons/ha and 951.41 tons/ha, respectively. Carbon stock in sediment is 19.36 ton/ha. The amount of litter productivity and carbon potential are 2.741 g/m2/day and 9.72 g/m2/day. The fastest decomposition rate was achieved by Rhizophora mucronata, which was 0.191 g/day. The amount of litter released into the waters is 21.27 g/m3/day with a carbon content of 50.82%.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Selvianti Asmara Putri
Abstrak :
Penelitian mengenai peran siput Terebralia dalam mengurai serasah mangrove dan menyimpan karbon telah dilakukan pada bulan November hingga Desember 2013. Hasil penelitian kepadatan, Terebralia palustris memiliki nilai kepadatan yang paling tinggi yaitu 25 individu/m2. Sedangkan Terebralia sulcata memiliki nilai kepadatan yang lebih rendah yaitu 15 individu/m2. Kandungan karbon yang tersimpan dalam tubuh T. palustris berkisar antara 16,27?18,89% dengan rata-rata sebesar 17,45%. Sedangkan karbon yang tersimpan dalam tubuh T. sulcata berkisar antara 15,98?17,62% dengan rata-rata 16,87%. Potensi penyimpanan karbon oleh T.palustris sebesar 4374 gr C/m2 dan T. sulcata, berpotensi menyimpan karbon sebesar 2609 gr C/m2. Berdasarkan analisis statistik, terdapat korelasi antara panjang maupun berat T. palustris terhadap total karbon dengan masing-masing P= 0,001 dan P= 0,002. Sebaliknya, pada T.sulcata tidak terdapat korelasi antara panjang maupun berat cangkangnya terhadap total karbon yang dikandungnya dengan masing-masing P= 0,071 dan P= 0,289. Penelitian mengenai penguraian seresah dilakukan hanya menggunakan Terebralia dewasa yaitu, Terebralia palustris lebih dari 5 cm dan Terebralia sulcata lebih dari 3 cm. Dalam pengambilan data selanjutnya, dibuat 30 titik kuadran dengan ukuran 0,25 x 0,25 m yang ditentukan secara acak. Rata-rata persentase penguraian serasah oleh T. palustris adalah sebesar 3,48% ± 0,18 /hari untuk R. apiculata dan 8,28% ± 0,13 /hari untuk R. stylosa. Sedangkan T. sulcata mengurai serasah rata-rata sebesar 4,07% ± 0,12 /hari untuk R. apiculata dan 4,93 % ± 0,15 /hari untuk R. stylosa. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa tidak ditemukan korelasi antara panjang dan berat T.palustris dengan persentase penguraiannya. Begitu pula dengan T.sulcata, tidak ditemukan korelasi antara berat dengan laju penguraiannya. Sebaliknya, terdapat korelasi antara panjang T. sulcata dengan persentase penguraiannya.
Research on the role of Terebralia snails in mangrove leaf litter removal and store carbon was held in November and December 2013. Density of research results, Terebralia palustris has the highest density value of 400 individu/m2 . While Terebralia sulcata has a lower density value is 240 individu/m2. Carbon content stored in the body T. palustris ranged from 16.27 to 18.89 % with an average of 17.45 % . While the carbon stored in the body of T. sulcata ranged from 15.98 to 17.62 % with an average of 16.87 %. Potential carbon storage by T. palustris is 4374 g C/m2, whereas T. sulcata potentially storing carbon at 2609 g C/m2. Measurement of litter removal activity was carried out in mangrove dominated by Rhizophora sp. The research location was located in the intertidal mangrove affected part tide. Research conducted using only adult Terebralia such as, Terebralia palustris more than 5 cm and Terebralia sulcata more than 3 cm. In subsequent data collection, we made 30 points quadrant with 0.25 x 0.25 m size was determined at random. The average percentage of leaf litter removal by T. palustris is equal to 3,48% ± 0,18 / day for R. apiculata and 8,28% ± 0,13/ day for R. stylosa . While T. sulcata litter parse an average of 4,07% ± 0,12 / day for R. apiculata and 4,93 % ± 0,15 / day for R. stylosa . The results also show that there were no correlation was found between the length and weight percentage T.palustris with decay. Similar with T.sulcata, no correlation was found between the weight of the rate of decay. Instead, there is a correlation between the length of T. sulcata with the percentage of decay.;Research on the role of Terebralia snails in mangrove leaf litter removal and store carbon was held in November and December 2013. Density of research results, Terebralia palustris has the highest density value of 400 individu/m2 . While Terebralia sulcata has a lower density value is 240 individu/m2. Carbon content stored in the body T. palustris ranged from 16.27 to 18.89 % with an average of 17.45 % . While the carbon stored in the body of T. sulcata ranged from 15.98 to 17.62 % with an average of 16.87 %. Potential carbon storage by T. palustris is 4374 g C/m2, whereas T. sulcata potentially storing carbon at 2609 g C/m2. Measurement of litter removal activity was carried out in mangrove dominated by Rhizophora sp. The research location was located in the intertidal mangrove affected part tide. Research conducted using only adult Terebralia such as, Terebralia palustris more than 5 cm and Terebralia sulcata more than 3 cm. In subsequent data collection, we made 30 points quadrant with 0.25 x 0.25 m size was determined at random. The average percentage of leaf litter removal by T. palustris is equal to 3,48% ± 0,18 / day for R. apiculata and 8,28% ± 0,13/ day for R. stylosa . While T. sulcata litter parse an average of 4,07% ± 0,12 / day for R. apiculata and 4,93 % ± 0,15 / day for R. stylosa . The results also show that there were no correlation was found between the length and weight percentage T.palustris with decay. Similar with T.sulcata, no correlation was found between the weight of the rate of decay. Instead, there is a correlation between the length of T. sulcata with the percentage of decay.;Research on the role of Terebralia snails in mangrove leaf litter removal and store carbon was held in November and December 2013. Density of research results, Terebralia palustris has the highest density value of 400 individu/m2 . While Terebralia sulcata has a lower density value is 240 individu/m2. Carbon content stored in the body T. palustris ranged from 16.27 to 18.89 % with an average of 17.45 % . While the carbon stored in the body of T. sulcata ranged from 15.98 to 17.62 % with an average of 16.87 %. Potential carbon storage by T. palustris is 4374 g C/m2, whereas T. sulcata potentially storing carbon at 2609 g C/m2. Measurement of litter removal activity was carried out in mangrove dominated by Rhizophora sp. The research location was located in the intertidal mangrove affected part tide. Research conducted using only adult Terebralia such as, Terebralia palustris more than 5 cm and Terebralia sulcata more than 3 cm. In subsequent data collection, we made 30 points quadrant with 0.25 x 0.25 m size was determined at random. The average percentage of leaf litter removal by T. palustris is equal to 3,48% ± 0,18 / day for R. apiculata and 8,28% ± 0,13/ day for R. stylosa . While T. sulcata litter parse an average of 4,07% ± 0,12 / day for R. apiculata and 4,93 % ± 0,15 / day for R. stylosa . The results also show that there were no correlation was found between the length and weight percentage T.palustris with decay. Similar with T.sulcata, no correlation was found between the weight of the rate of decay. Instead, there is a correlation between the length of T. sulcata with the percentage of decay., Research on the role of Terebralia snails in mangrove leaf litter removal and store carbon was held in November and December 2013. Density of research results, Terebralia palustris has the highest density value of 400 individu/m2 . While Terebralia sulcata has a lower density value is 240 individu/m2. Carbon content stored in the body T. palustris ranged from 16.27 to 18.89 % with an average of 17.45 % . While the carbon stored in the body of T. sulcata ranged from 15.98 to 17.62 % with an average of 16.87 %. Potential carbon storage by T. palustris is 4374 g C/m2, whereas T. sulcata potentially storing carbon at 2609 g C/m2. Measurement of litter removal activity was carried out in mangrove dominated by Rhizophora sp. The research location was located in the intertidal mangrove affected part tide. Research conducted using only adult Terebralia such as, Terebralia palustris more than 5 cm and Terebralia sulcata more than 3 cm. In subsequent data collection, we made 30 points quadrant with 0.25 x 0.25 m size was determined at random. The average percentage of leaf litter removal by T. palustris is equal to 3,48% ± 0,18 / day for R. apiculata and 8,28% ± 0,13/ day for R. stylosa . While T. sulcata litter parse an average of 4,07% ± 0,12 / day for R. apiculata and 4,93 % ± 0,15 / day for R. stylosa . The results also show that there were no correlation was found between the length and weight percentage T.palustris with decay. Similar with T.sulcata, no correlation was found between the weight of the rate of decay. Instead, there is a correlation between the length of T. sulcata with the percentage of decay.]
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Qonita Gina Fadhilah
Abstrak :
Telah dilakukan penelitian aktivitas antibakteri 38 isolat actinomycetes hasil isolasi dari serasah pada ekosistem bakau di Pulau Pramuka, Kepulauan Seribu, DKI Jakarta. Penapisan dengan plug method menunjukkan bahwa isolat SRM 2 merupakan isolat terunggul dengan Indeks Aktivitas IA antibakteri terhadap Kocuria rhizophila NBRC 12708 1,60, Staphylococcus aureus NBRC 100910 1,18, dan Escherichia coli NBRC 3301 0,71. Produksi senyawa antibakteri dari isolat SRM 2 dilakukan dengan metode still culture pada dua medium berbeda yaitu Cross Streak Media CSM broth dan Production Medium IV PM4 selama 3, 6, dan 9 hari inkubasi. Hasil uji antibakteri dari filtrat medium fermentasi menggunakan diffusion method menunjukkan bahwa medium CSM broth yang diinkubasi selama 6 hari memiliki IA tertinggi terhadap bakteri uji. Ekstraksi senyawa antibakteri dilakukan dengan pelarut etil asetat dan ekstrak kasar diuji pada konsentrasi 20 mg/mL. Hasil uji menunjukkan adanya IA antibakteri hanya terhadap K. rhizophila 0,45 0,08. Sementara hasil uji filtrat medium setelah ekstraksi dengan etil asetat menunjukkan adanya aktivitas antibakteri terhadap K. rhizophila IA: 1,75 0,16, S. aureus IA: 1,18 0,36, Bacillus subtilis NBRC 13719 IA: 0,16 0,05, E. coli IA: 0,79 0,03, dan Pseudomonas sp. IA: 0,10 0,04. Hal tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa isolat SRM 2 menghasilkan senyawa antibakteri bersifat sangat polar dan semi polar. Senyawa sangat polar terlarut dalam filtrat medium, sedangkan senyawa semi polar terekstraksi dengan etil asetat. Hasil analisis dengan High Performance Liquid Chromatography HPLC menunjukkan masih adanya senyawa antibakteri dalam filtrat medium setelah diekstraksi dengan etil asetat. ...... Research about antibacterial activity of 38 actinomycetes isolates from leaf litter of mangrove ecosystem in Pramuka island, Kepulauan Seribu, DKI Jakarta was carried out. Screening of antibacterial activity by plug method showed isolate SRM 2 was the most potential isolate which Activity Index AI against Kocuria rhizophila NBRC 12708 1.60, Staphylococcus aureus NBRC 100910 1.18, and Escherichia coli NBRC 3301 0.71. Production of antibacterial compound from isolate SRM 2 was done by using still culture method on Cross Streak Media CSM broth and Production Medium IV PM 4 for 3, 6, and 9 days incubation. Antibacterial test using filtrate medium by diffusion method showed CSM broth incubated for 6 days has the highest AI against bacterial tested. Extraction of antibacterial compound was done by ethyl acetate solvent and 20 mg ml extracts were tested. Antibacterial test showed AI of antibacterial against K. rhizophila AI 0.45 0.08. Meanwhile antibacterial test using filtrate medium after extraction showed antibacterial activity against K. rhizophila AI 1.75 0.16, S. aureus AI 1.18 0.36, Bacillus subtilis NBRC 13719 AI 0.16 0.05, E. coli AI 0.79 0.03, and Pseudomonas sp. AI 0.10 0.04. Antibacterial coumpounds from isolate SRM 2 were highly polar and semi polar. Highly polar compound dissolved in filtrate medium, while semi polar compound extracted with ethyl acetate. Analysis using High Performance Liquid Chromatography HPLC proved antibacterial compund contained in filtrate medium after extraction by ethyl acetate.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nova Maulidina Ashuri
Abstrak :
Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Maret--Juni 2013 di Hutan Mangrove Pancer Cengkrong, Trenggalek, Jawa Timur. Penelitian bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi komposisi vegetasi, potensi stok karbon, produksi, laju dekomposisi dan kontribusi nutrisi serasah mangrove. Komposisi vegetasi diukur menggunakan transek kuadran. Stok karbon diestimasi dengan persamaan allometrik. Produksi serasah dihitung menggunakan perangkap serasah ukuran 1x1m2. Laju dekomposisi serasah diukur selama 56 hari dengan pengamatan 2 minggu sekali. Kontribusi serasah ke perairan diperoleh dengan menyaring serasah pada saluran air saat laut surut. Sebanyak 26 spesies telah diidentifikasi (17 mangrove sejati dan 9 mangrove asosiasi). Vegetasi pohon didominasi oleh Sonneratia alba J.E. Smith dengan kerapatan 596 pohon/ha sedangkan anakan dan semai didominasi Ceriops tagal (Perr.) C.B. Robinson (kerapatan 1.745 anakan/ha; 34.745 semai/ha). Stok karbon dan biomassa total di lokasi penelitian masing-masing 185,81 ton/ha dan 400,45 ton/ha (total serapan CO2 sebesar 681,91 ton/ha). Sebagian besar sumbangan stok karbon berasal dari S. alba, Rhizophora apiculata Blume, dan Avicennia alba Blume. Produksi serasah 1,42 g/m2/hari, tersusun atas daun 84%, organ reproduksi 9% dan ranting 7%. Potensi nutrisi serasah 0,4 gC/m2/hari dan 0,012 gN/m2/hari. Serasah dilepas ke perairan sebesar 11,15 g/m3/hari. Laju dekomposisi serasah daun paling cepat ialah R. apiculata (0,20 g/hari). Nilai nutrisi tertinggi terdapat pada S. alba dengan rasio C:N 62,90. ......Research has been conducted in March--June 2013 on the Mangrove Forest Cengkrong Pancer, Trenggalek, East Java. The objectives were to obtain information of vegetation composition, potential carbon stocks, production, decomposition rates, and nutrient contribution of mangrove litter. There were 50 quadrants on tree stations for vegetation analysis. Potential carbon stock was calculated by allometric equations. Littertrap size 1x1 m2 used to calculate litter production. Decomposition rate calculated for 56 days by once observation in two weeks. Litter contribution to waters was obtained by filtering water channel at low tide. The total of 26 species were identified (17 true mangroves and 9 association mangroves). The vegetation dominated by Sonneratia alba J.E. Smith (596 trees/ha) while the saplings and seedlings dominated by Ceriops tagal (Perr.) C.B. Robinson (1,745 saplings/ha; 34,745 seedlings/ha). Total biomass were 400.45 ton/ha and carbon stocks 185.81 ton/ha (CO2 uptake 681,91 ton/ha). The carbon stocks were donated from S. alba, Rhizophora apiculata Blume, dan Avicennia alba Blume. The production of litter was 1.42 g/m2/day consisting of leaves 84%, reproductive organs 9%, and twigs 7% respectively. The litter contained 0.4 gC/m2/day and 0.012 gN/m2/day. In addition 11.15 g/m3/day litters flow towards the waters during high tide. The fastest decomposition rate of leaf litter was R. apiculata (0.20 g/day). While the highest nutritional value from S. alba with C:N ratio of 62.90.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Unversitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library