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Afifa Cindika
Abstrak :
Sudah banyak penelitian yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah-masalah yang timbul di dalam praktek di lapangan pada pembuatan beton, khususnya beton mutu tinggi, hingga berkembang penggunaan beton precast di dunia konstruksi. Beton precast digunakan karena dapat mempermudah pekerjaan sehingga waktu konstruksi dapat lebih cepat. Beton precast merupakan beton yang siap pakai dan dibuat dipabrik dengan ukuran dan jenis yang diinginkan. Semakin berkembangnya zaman, pembuatan beton jadi lebih mudah dimana waktu mengeras beton dapat dipercepat dengan bahan tambah, salah satunya adalah usaha untuk pemadatan beton, dimana untuk memadatkannya tidak membutuhkan lagi alat bantu (vibrator).

Superplasticers adalah bahan tambah yang digunakan untuk membuat beton mampu berkonsolidasi dengan sendirinya atau mampu memadat dengan sendirinya tanpa perlu digetarkan atau tanpa memerlukan alat mekanis, yang dikenal sebagai Self Compacting Concrete (SCC). SCC dapat meningkatkan produktivitas dan mengurangi dampak lingkungan seperti tidak menimbulkan getaran dan tidak menyebabkan suara bising serta dapat juga meningkatkan kualitas beton dengan tidak adanya getaran.

Dalam penyusunan materi untuk skripsi ini, pengujian yang akan dilakukan menggunakan beton dengan mutu tinggi K-400 dan admixture superplasticizer yang digunakan dalam beton dengan perbandingan 1,0-1,4 % superplasticizer dari berat semen, pembuatan beton menggunakan agregat maximal 20 mm. Pengujian dilakukan dengan dua tahapan, dimana pengujian yang pertama yaitu pengujian beton segar, sedangkan pengujian yang kedua yaitu pengujian beton keras. Pengujian beton segar dilakukan dengan slump test dan slump flow yang menggunakan alat kerucut, pengujian L-Box test, dan setting time. Sedangkan untuk pengujian beton setelah mengeras dilakukan dengan uji kuat tekan, kuat lentur, dan kuat geser. Sehingga dari hasil evaluasi nantinya dapat menghasilkan kuat tekan, kuat lentur, dan kuat geser yang maksimum pada beton keras, serta tingkat kemudahan pengerjaan, kemampuan mengalir dan waktu pengikat awal dan akhir pada beton segar.

Tujuan dari pengujian yang dilakukan tersebut untuk meneliti homogenitas beton precast pada penggunaan high strength self compacting concrete. Dan dari hasil pengujian yang disimpulkan, diharapkan dapat memberikan sedikit sumber informasi yang berarti pada dunia teknologi beton.
Many researches have done to overcome the problems arisen in field practice in the making of concrete, especially high strength concrete, until it expands in the use of pre-cast in a construction industry. Pre-cast concrete used because of its easiness to reduce the construction time. Pre-cast concrete is a ready use concrete and it is made in a factory which type and size wanted. Nowadays, the development of the concrete made is easier which is its time to harden can be fastened by using admixture. One of the efforts done is self compacting concrete, which we may not need vibrator to compact it.

Superplasticizer is one of the admixtures used to make the concrete able to consolidate itself or self compacting without being vibrated or needing mechanic tools to vibrate it, known as Self Compacting Concrete (SCC). SCC can make the productivity higher and lessen the environmental impact such as vibration and noise and it can also improve the quality of concrete, since it has no vibration.

In this bachelor thesis, the experiment done by using high strength concrete K-400 and super-plasticizer admixture used in concrete with a comparison 1,0 - 1,4% super-plasticizer to the cement weight. The making of concrete uses the maximum aggregate 20 mm. The experiment done into two steps, the first step is fresh concrete testing and the second step is hardened concrete testing. The fresh concrete testing performed by doing slump test and slump flow using the cone mould, L-Box test, and setting time. And the hardened concrete testing performed by doing compressive strength, flexural strength, and shear strength testing. Then, by the next evaluation may get the maximum compressive strength, flexural strength, and shear strength in the hardened concrete. Besides, we can also analyze the workability, initial setting time, and final setting time of the fresh concrete.

The experiment purposes to analyze the homogeneity of the precast concrete in the use of the self compacting concrete. And from the experiment concluded, we expect that it can give significant information in a concrete technology.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kumar, Arun
Abstrak :
This work investigates the fresh, mechanical and durability properties of normal, Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) and Smart Dynamic Concrete (SDC), which are a new generation of concrete with a lower amount of cementitious content. SDC is a low-fine, self-compacting concrete, that combines the benefits of normal concrete (stability) and self-compacting concrete (fresh properties). Fresh properties such as slump flow, L-box and V-funnel tests were investigated to evaluate its self-compacting properties. Mechanical properties such as compressive, splitting tensile and flexural strengths were also examined to compare its effectiveness with normal concrete. In addition to the fresh and hardened properties, the rapid chloride permeability test was also conducted to check the durability of normal, SCC and SDC concrete mixtures. The test results of the fresh properties clearly showed that SDC exhibited superior flowability in the slump flow, L-box and V-funnel tests within the limits of EFNARC (The European Federation of Specialist Construction Chemical and Concrete Systems) guidelines. The mechanical properties of SDC attained higher compressive strength, splitting tensile strength and flexural strength compared with the normal and SCC concrete mixtures. The rapid chloride permeability tests result of SDC clearly showed that SDC exhibited similar and better results than that of normal and SCC concrete mixtures.
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI-IJTECH 9:4 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wisnu Ady Prasetiyo
Abstrak :
Ketika beton berada dalam lingkungan air laut, tanah, dan kawasan industri dimana banyak terkandung sulfat, beton akan menjadi rentan terhadap serangan sulfat yang dapat mengurangi durabilitas beton akibat adanya disintegrasi material-material penyusun beton oleh sulfat. Bermacam-macam teknologi dikembangkan untuk mencegah serangan sulfat ini. Salah satunya adalah dengan pengembangan semen portland tipe II. Selain itu, dewasa ini dikembangkan juga beton pemadatan sendiri (self compacting concrete/SCC) yang memiliki flow ability yang tinggi yang dapat mengurangi permeabilitas beton yang merupakan salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kecepatan perusakan beton oleh sulfat. Namun demikian, seberapa besar ketahanan beton SCC yang menggunakan semen portland tipe II perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara membedakan metode perendaman beton. Setelah direndam dalam air suling selama 28 hari, beton akan direndam dalam empat kondisi, yaitu dalam air suling, dalam air laut, dalam larutan magnesium sulfat 5%, dan dalam larutan magnesium sulfat 5% dengan metode perendaman rendam angkat yang mengikuti perilaku pasang surut air laut selama 14 dan 28 hari. Pengujian yang dilakukan meliputi pengujian kuat tekan, kuat tarik belah, kuat lentur, dan permeabilitas. Hasil penelitian yang menunjukkan bahwa benda uji yang direndam dalam lingkungan yang mengandung sulfat menyebabkan penurunan kuat tekan sebesar 0,77%, kuat tarik belah sebesar 5,92%, dan kuat tarik lentur sebesar 8,26% untuk beton yang direndam dalam air laut, serta kuat tekan sebesar 16,93%, kuat tarik belah sebesar 11,58%, dan kuat tarik lentur sebesar 19,66% untuk benda uji yang direndam dalam magnesium sulfat. Pengkondisian rendam angkat memperbesar efek dari serangan sulfat sebesar 1,22% untuk kuat tekan, 0,6% untuk kuat tarik belah dan 5,3% untuk kuat tarik lentur. Selain itu, didapatkan pula bahwa tingkat kelolosan air bertambah sebesar 54,33% untuk beton yang direndam dalam air laut, 76,78% untuk beton yang direndam dalam magnesium sulfat, dan 107,46% untuk beton yang direndam dalam larutan magnesium sulfat dengan metode perendaman rendam angkat.
When the concrete is subjected to sea water, soil, and industrial area where high amount of sulfate is contained, concrete will be susceptible to sulfate attack that will reduce its durability due to disintegration of the materials by sulfate. Various technologies are developed to prevent this sulfate attack. One of them is the the development of Portland cement type II. In addition, nowadays self compacting concrete (SCC) was also developed. SCC has high flow ability which can reduce the permeability of concrete, which is one of the factors that affect the rate of deterioration of concrete by sulfate attack. However, how much this SCC that use portland cement type II can resist sulfate attack need a further research. This research performed by differentiating the condition of immersion. After being immersed in tap water for 28 days, concrete will be immersed in four conditions: in tap water, sea water, 5% magnesium sulfate solution with full-mmersion, and 5% magnesium sulfate solution with drying-immersion cycle. The tests done on this research consist of compressive strength test, splitting tensile strength test, flexural strength test, and permeability test. The result of this research indicated that the specimens immersed in an sulfate-containing environment causes the decrease of compressive strength about 0,77%, splitting tensile strength about 5,92%, and flexural strength about 8,26% for concrete immersed in sea water and compressive strength about 16,93%, splitting tensile strength about 11,58%, and flexural strength about 19,66% for concrete immersed in magnesium sulfate. Drying-immersion cycle enlarge the effect of sulfate attack about 1,22% for compressive strength, 0,6% for splitting tensile strength, and 5,3% for flexural strength. In addition, it was also found that the permeability increased by 54,33% for concrete immersed in sea water, 76,78% for concrete immersed in magnesium sulfate, and 107,46% for concrete immersed in magnesium sulfate with drying-immersion cycle.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Monika Kristyana Putri
Abstrak :
Serangan sulfat pada beton dalam jangka panjang dapat merusak ikatan antar material penyusun beton, sehingga mengurangi durabilitas beton. Salah satu teknologi praktis dalam pencegahan dampak serangan sulfat adalah penggunaan semen Portland tipe V. Selain itu, perkembangan teknologi beton berupa Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) dapat meminimalisir jumlah void sehingga mengurangi difusi larutan sulfat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari karakteristik SCC dengan semen Portland tipe V, dan mengetahui pengaruh serangan sulfat terhadap beton dengan semen Portland tipe V. Benda uji direndam pada air suling selama 28 hari, kemudian diperlakukan dengan beberapa variasi perendaman, yaitu menggunakan air suling, air laut, larutan magnesium sulfat 5%, dan perlakuan wetting-drying (rendam-angkat) pada larutan magnesium sulfat 5% selama 14 dan 28 hari. Peninjauan pengaruh sulfat terhadap beton dilakukan dengan pengujian kuat tekan, kuat tarik belah, kuat lentur, dan permeabilitas. Kekuatan tekan, tarik belah, dan lentur beton diukur pada umur ke-28, 42, dan 56 hari. Sementara permeabilitas diukur ketika beton berumur 42 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa selama 28 hari, ketiga variasi perendaman menyebabkan penurunan kekuatan mekanis pada benda uji dibandingkan dengan benda uji yang direndam pada air suling. Akibat variasi perendaman air laut, presentase penurunan yang terjadi pada kekuatan tekan, tarik belah, dan tarik lentur masing-masing sebesar -7,23%, 3,37%, dan 1,68%. Sementara, akibat variasi perendaman larutan magnesium sulfat 5%, presentase penurunan pada kekuatan tekan, tarik belah, dan tarik lentur masing-masing sebesar -26,99%, -24,39%, dan 16,2%. Dan akibat perlakuan rendam-angkat pada larutan magnesium sulfat 5%, presentase penurunan pada kekuatan tekan, tarik belah, dan tarik lentur masing-masing sebesar -37,15%, -17,59%, dan 33,52%. Sementara, akibat perendaman dalam air laut, larutan magnesium sulfat, dan perlakuan rendam angkat pada magnesium sulfat, terjadi peningkatan penetrasi air pada uji permeabilitas, dengan presentase masing-masing sebesar -35,6%, 5,2%, dan 22,94%. Hasil yang didapat pada penelitian ini memerlukan penelitian lebih lanjut diakibatkan oleh kesalahan yang terjadi selama pembuatan benda uji.
Sulfate attack on concrete in a long period of time breaks the bond between the former materials, so that it reduces durability of concrete. One of some practical technologies in mitigating the effect of sulfate attack is the use of type V Portland cement. Besides, the advancement of concrete technology, namely Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) can reduce the diffusion of sulfate solution through the void because of its smaller amount of void. The objectives of this study are to examine the characteristic of SCC using type V Portland cement, and to study the effect of sulfate attack on type V Portland cement concrete. The concrete is treated with some methods of immersion: using tap water, sea water, 5% magnesium sulfate solution, and wetting-drying cycle on 5% magnesium sulfate solution during 14 and 28 days after being immersed during 28 days on tap water. Effect of sulfate attack on concrete reviewed by observing the compressive, splitting tensile, and flexural strength, also the permeability on each sample. The compressive, splitting tensile, and flexural strength of concrete observed on the 28th, 42nd, and 56th day. While, the permeability observed only on the age of 42 days. The result of this study shows that the immersion of samples in those three variation of immersion during 28 days results in the reduction of mechanical strength relative to the samples immersed in tap water. The rates of reduction on compressive, splitting tensile, and flexural strength due to the immersion in sea water, consecutively, are -7,23%, 3,37%, and 1,68%. While, due to the immersion in 5% magnesium sulfate solution, the rates of reduction on compressive, splitting tensile, and flexural strength, consecutively, are -26,99%, -24,39%, and 16,2%. And The rates of reduction on compressive, splitting tensile, and flexural strength due to wetting-drying cycle on 5% magnesium sulfate solution, consecutively, are -37,15%, -17,59%, and 33,52%. Otherwise, the immersion in sea water, magnesium sulfate solution, and wetting-drying cycle on magnesium sulfate solution results in the increase of water penetration level on the permeability test, by the rate of -35,6%, 5,2%, and 22,94%. The result of this research needs a more advanced research, due to the errors happen in the making of the samples.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Silitonga, David
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas tentang pengaruh pemakaian Portland Composite Cement (PCC) terhadap ketahanan sulfat pada Self Compacting Concrete (SCC). Pada penelitian ini dilakukan uji kuat tekan, kuat tarik belah, kuat lentur dan permeabilitas pada metode perendaman air suling, air laut kadar sulfat 0.2%, larutan magnesium sulfat 5%, dan larutan magnesium sulfat 5% pasang surut pada umur 28, 42, dan 56 hari. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa semakin besar kandungan sulfat dan semakin lama perendaman dalam sulfat, maka kekuatan beton yang diperoleh semakin menurun dan penetrasi semakin besar. Karena beton sensitif terhadap sulfat. Besar persentasi penurunan kuat tekan, kuat tarik belah, kuat lentur berurutan pada perendaman air laut sebesar 2.92%, 2.56%, -8.04%, pada larutan magnesium sulfat 5% sebesar 3.86%, 7.51%, -2.68%, pada larutan magnesium sulfat 5% sistem pasang surut sebesar 9.66%, 18.09%, 24.11%. Besar persentasi peningkatan penetrasi pada perendaman air laut sebesar 6.41%, dan pada perendaman larutan magnesium sulfat sebesar 6.41%.
The focus of this study discusses about the effect of using Portland Composite Cement (PCC) to the sulphate resistance of Self Compacting Concrete (SCC). On this research, some tests were done to determine the concrete?s compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, flexural strength and permeability of the immersion method of distilled water, sea water with 0.2% sulphate concentration, magnesium sulphate solution 5%, and tidal of magnesium sulfate solution 5% at 28, 42, and 56 days. The result showed that the larger the concentrate of sulphate and the longer the immersion of the concrete in sulphate solution, the strength of concrete obtained decreases and the concrete penetration increases. This happens because concrete is basically sensitive of sulphate. The reduction rate of compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, flexural strength respectively in sea water immersion for 2.92%, 2.56%, -8.04%, in the solution of magnesium sulphate are 5% of 3.86%, 7.51%, -2.68%, while in the solution of magnesium sulphate 5% with tidal of 9.66%, 18.09%, 24.11%. The increasing rate of the concrete penetration for the samples immersed in sea water is 6.41%, while the increasing rate for the samples immersed in solution of magnesium sulfate is 6.41%.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library