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Pasaribu, Jesika
Abstrak :
Masalah psikososial dan kesehatan jiwa bagi penyintas COVID-19 yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah ansietas. Situasi pandemi membuat peneliti mengembangkan model dukungan kesehatan jiwa dan psikososial berbasis telenursing. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menguji efektivitas model dukungan kesehatan jiwa dan psikososial terhadap ansietas, resiliensi dan self transendence. Metode penelitian ini merupakan operational research terdiri atas 3 tahap, yaitu tahap pertama desain kualitatif deskriptif fenomenologi menggali permasalahan psikososial pada penyintas COVID-19. Tahap kedua merupakan pengembangan model teori dan aplikasi android. Tahap ketiga dilakukan uji efektivitas model dukungan kesehatan jiwa dan psikososial pada penyintas COVID-19 dan keluarga. Penelitian dilakukan di Bogor. Penelitian tahap 1 dilakukan pada penyintas COVID-19, keluarga dan perawat. Jumlah sampel tahap 1 : 46 responden. Hasil penelitian tahap 1 diperoleh 4 tema. Penelitian tahap 3 menggunakan desain quasy experiment dengan control group pre-post test design. Total sampel pada penelitian tahap 3 adalah 360 orang. Intervensi pada penyintas al : TKN 1-3, CBT, MBSR dan SHG dan intervensi pada keluarga : TKN 1-4. Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa model dukungan kesehatan jiwa dan psikososial dapat menurunkan ansietas, meningkatkan resiliensi dan self transendence secara bermakna (pValue<0,005). Rekomendasi penelitian ini bahwa perlunya pengembangan upaya preventif dan promotif melalui variasi cara sesuai dengan perkembangan teknologi. ......The most common psychosocial and mental health problem for COVID-19 survivors is anxiety. Pandemic situation has led researchers to develop a model of mental health and psychosocial support based on telenursing. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of a telenursing on the anxiety, resilience, and self-transcendence of COVID-19 survivors. This research method is operational research. The first stage uses a descriptive phenomenological qualitative design. The second stage was the development of a theoretical model and an Android application. The third stage was to examine the effectiveness of the mental health and psychosocial support model. Phase 1 research was conducted on COVID-19 survivors, families, and nurses. Phase 3 of research was conducted using a quasy experiment design with a control group pre-post test design. The total sample was 360 people. Respondents in the intervention group were given the nursing intervenstions as follow: TKN 1-3, CBT, MBSR, and SHG, while family intervention was TKN 1-4. The results of the study found that mental health and psychosocial support model can reduce anxiety and increase resilience and self-transcendence significantly (p-value <0.005). This study recommends that it is necessary to develop preventive and promotional efforts in accordance with technological developments.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Salat fardu, sebagai ekspresi spiritual pasien Muslim, merupakan kewajiban perawat untuk membantunya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah diperolehnya model Laras Fardu; menemukan masalah dan harapan perawat serta pasien dalam membantu memenuhi ibadah salat fardu pasien; serta mengidentifikasi efektifitas model tersebut kepada pasien DM tipe 2 dirawat dirumah sakit. Penelitian ini termasuk operational research, dilakukan tiga tahap. Tahap I menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi kepada 8 partisipan perawat pelaksana, 4 menejer rumah sakit, dan 9 partisipan pasien DM tipe 2. Tahap II pengembangan model berdasar studi literatur, hasil tahap I dan konsultasi pakar. Tahap III adalah tahap persamaan standar dan validasi model dengan penelitian pre-posttest control group design, dengan consequtive sampling. Jumlah sampel 22 Perawat, diberikan sosialisasi dan pemberian modul, sebanyak 23 perawat diberikan modul saja dan sebanyak 23 perawat sebagai kelompok kontrol. Jumlah sampel validasi model adalah 81 pasien dilakukan asuhan keperawatan kelompok perawat kompetensi standar plus dan 82 pasien dilakukan asuhan keperawatan kelompok perawat kompetensi standar. Hasil penelitian tahap I ditemukan tema 1 Ketidaktahuan; 2 Ketidakmampuan; dan 3 Ketidakmauan, sebagai masalah pasien, dan tema Harapan Pasien; tema : 1 Kompetensi layanan keperawatan ibadah salat fardu; 2 Ketersediaan fasilitas; 3 Persepsi kendala; dan 4 Keterbatasan dukungan sebagai kendala perawat serta tema Layanan Keperawatan Islami sebagai harapan perawat. Telah diperoleh Model Laras Fardu beserta kelengkapannya. Pemberian sosialisasi dan modul layanan keperawatan ibadah salat fardu, atau modul saja efektif meningkatkan pengetahuan dan sikap perawat dalam layanan keperawatan ibadah salat fardu, namun tidak efektif meningkatkan motivasi perawat. Asuhan keperawatan oleh kelompok perawat kompetensi standar plus meningkatkan self-tarnscendence, kesejahteraan spiritual dan menurunkan persepsi stress pasien DM tipe 2 dirawat di rumah sakit, namun tidak memiliki efek terhadap kadar glukosa darah. Model ini terbukti efektif untuk meningkatkan self-transcendence, kesejahteraan spiritual dan menurunkan stress pasien, namun tidak efektif untuk perbaikan glukosa darah. ...... Nurses are obligated to help fardu prayer as a spiritual expression of Muslim patients. The purpose of this research was to obtain the model of Laras Fardu find the problems and expectation of nurse and patient in helping to fulfill fardu prayer of the patients as well as to identify the effectiveness of the model to patients with type 2 diabetes treated in the hospital. This research was an operational research, conducted in three stages. Stage I used phenomenology approach to 8 participating nurses, 4 hospital managers, and 9 participants of type 2 DM patients. Stage II was a model development based on literature study, stage I result, and expert consultation. Stage III was the standard equation and model validation stage with pre post test control group design study, with consecutive sampling. Sample size was 22 nurses who received socialization and module, as many as 23 nurses received only module and 23 nurses as control group. The number of model validation samples was 81 patients who received nursing care from the nursing group with standard plus competencies and 82 patients received nursing care from a group of nurses with standard competence. Stage I research found the following themes 1 Ignorance 2 Inability and 3 Unwillingness, as the patients 39 problem, and the Patient 39 s Hope theme. Themes 1 The competence of nursing care in helping fardu prayer 2 Availability of facilities 3 Perception of constraints and 4 Limitations of support as nurse constraints, as well as the theme of Islamic Nursing Services as nurse expectations. We have obtained the Fardu Laras Model and its accessories. Providing socialization and nursing care module to help fardu prayer, or module only, effectively improved nurse 39 s knowledge and attitude in nursing care to help fardu prayer, but not effective to increase nurse motivation. Nursing care by a group of nurses with standard plus competence improved self transcendence, spiritual well being, and lowered the perceived of stress in patients with type 2 diabetes treated in the hospital, but had no effect on the improvement of blood glucose levels. This model proves to be effective for improving self transcendence, spiritual well being and stress reducing patients, but not effective for the improvement of blood glucose.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cindy Rachma Muffidah
Abstrak :
Penelitian mengenai penggunaan media cerita dalam dunia pemasaran FMCG sudah cukup banyak dilakukan. Meski demikian, penelitian spesifik yang membahas penggunaan short brand story di kemasan fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) belum banyak dilakukan dan bahkan belum ada di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat pengaruh dari short brand story terhadap purchase intention dengan perceived brand quality sebagai mediator. Short brand story (SBS) dibedakan menjadi self-transcendence dan selfenhancement. Penelitian ini diikuti oleh 432 partisipan yang berusia minimal 18 tahun secara daring. Alat ukur dari Schiffman dan Wisenblit (2015) digunakan untuk mengukur purchase intention dan perceived brand quality dari Boulding dan Kirmani (1993). Analisis Process dari Hayes menemukan bahwa SBS memengaruhi perceived brand quality secara positif. Di saat yang bersamaan, perceived brand quality juga memengaruhi purchase intention secara positif, sehingga efek mediasi dinyatakan hadir dalam penelitian ini. Selain itu, perhitungan statistik juga menemukan bahwa short brand story tipe self-transcendence memiliki perceived brand quality dan purchase intention yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan tipe self - enhancement. Hasil dari penelitian ini memberikan masukan kepada produsen fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) untuk menghadirkan inovasi terbaru terkait pemasaran produknya.  ......A lot of studies on the use of story media in FMCG marketing have been done quite a lot previously. However, a study that discusses the use of short brand stories in FMCG packaging has not been widely carried out and is not even available yet in Indonesia. Therefore, this study was conducted to see the effect of short brand stories on purchase intentions with the perceived brand quality acts as a mediator. Short brand stories are differentiated into self-transcendence and self-enhancement. This study was conducted online and attended by 432 participants who are at least 18 years old minimum of age. Purchase intention is measured using measurement scale adapted from Schiffman and Wisenblit (2015) and perceived brand quality is measured using measurement scare adapted from Boulding and Kirmani (1993). Process analysis from Hayes found that SBS positively influenced perceived brand quality, and at the same time, perceived brand quality positively influenced purchase intention. Therefore, the mediation effect is presented in this study. In addition, the statistics measurement also found that the self-transcendence type short brand story has a higher perceived brand quality and purchase intention than the self-enhancement type. The results of this study provide input to fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) producers in presenting the latest innovations related to product marketing.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cindy Rachma Muffidah
Abstrak :
Penelitian mengenai penggunaan media cerita dalam dunia pemasaran FMCG sudah cukup banyak dilakukan. Meski demikian, penelitian spesifik yang membahas penggunaan short brand story di kemasan fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) belum banyak dilakukan dan bahkan belum ada di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat pengaruh dari short brand story terhadap purchase intention dengan perceived brand quality sebagai mediator. Short brand story (SBS) dibedakan menjadi self-transcendence dan self- enhancement. Penelitian ini diikuti oleh 432 partisipan yang berusia minimal 18 tahun secara daring. Alat ukur dari Schiffman dan Wisenblit (2015) digunakan untuk mengukur purchase intention dan perceived brand quality dari Boulding dan Kirmani (1993). Analisis Process dari Hayes menemukan bahwa SBS memengaruhi perceived brand quality secara positif. Di saat yang bersamaan, perceived brand quality juga memengaruhi purchase intention secara positif, sehingga efek mediasi dinyatakan hadir dalam penelitian ini. Selain itu, perhitungan statistik juga menemukan bahwa short brand story tipe self-transcendence memiliki perceived brand quality dan purchase intention yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan tipe self - enhancement. Hasil dari penelitian ini memberikan masukan kepada produsen fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) untuk menghadirkan inovasi terbaru terkait pemasaran produknya. ......A lot of studies on the use of story media in FMCG marketing have been done quite a lot previously. However, a study that discusses the use of short brand stories in FMCG packaging has not been widely carried out and is not even available yet in Indonesia. Therefore, this study was conducted to see the effect of short brand stories on purchase intentions with the perceived brand quality acts as a mediator. Short brand stories are differentiated into self-transcendence and self-enhancement. This study was conducted online and attended by 432 participants who are at least 18 years old minimum of age. Purchase intention is measured using measurement scale adapted from Schiffman and Wisenblit (2015) and perceived brand quality is measured using measurement scare adapted from Boulding and Kirmani (1993). Process analysis from Hayes found that SBS positively influenced perceived brand quality, and at the same time, perceived brand quality positively influenced purchase intention. Therefore, the mediation effect is presented in this study. In addition, the statistics measurement also found that the self-transcendence type short brand story has a higher perceived brand quality and purchase intention than the self-enhancement type. The results of this study provide input to fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) producers in presenting the latest innovations related to product marketing.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Boby Nurmagandi
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Kekambuhan masih menjadi masalah utama pada pasien skizofrenia sehingga membutuhkan pelayanan kesehatan jiwa yang tepat serta efektif dan efisien. Pelayanan kesehatan jiwa diberikan pada pasien skizofrenia untuk mencegah kekambuhan melalui penentuan diagnosis ketidakefektifan pemeliharaan kesehatan (KPK) menggunakan terapi Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) dengan pendekatan Self-transcendence theory (STT). Tujuan: penulisan karya ilmiah akhir spesialis ini sebagai tindakan pencegahan kekambuhan melalui penanganan KPK menggunakan ACT dengan pendekatan STT. Metodologi: Desain penulisan karya ilmiah akhir spesialis ini adalah case series penatalaksanaan KPK menggunakan terapi spesialis ACT dengan pendekatan KPK di ruang Utari RSJ Dr. Marzoeki Mahdi Bogor. Jumlah pasien kelolaan sebanyak 20, instrumen yang digunakan adalah instrument tanda dan gejala KPK, instrument kemampuan KPK yang dikeluarkan oleh departemen keperawatan jiwa FIK UI, instrument Birchwood Insight Scale (BIS) dan instrument kepatuhan minum obat. Hasil: terjadi penurunan tanda dan gejala KPK serta peningkatan kemampuan pasien KPK, peningkatan insight dan peningkatan kepatuhan minum obat melalui setelah pelaksanaan terapi. Kesimpulan: ACT dapat digunakan dengan pendekatan self-transcendence theory untuk pencegahan kekambuhan melalui penanganan masalah KPK. ......Introduction: Relapse is still a major problem in schizophrenic patients, so it requires appropriate, effective and efficient mental health services. Mental health services are provided to schizophrenic patients to prevent relapse through determining the diagnosis of health maintenance care (KPK) using Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) with a Self-transcendence theory (STT) approach. Purpose: writing this specialist's final scientific paper as an action to prevent recurrence through the handling of the KPK using ACT with the STT approach. Methods: The design for writing this specialist final scientific paper is a case series on the management of the KPK using ACT specialist therapy with the KPK approach in the Utari room of Dr. RSJ. Marzoeki Mahdi Bogor. The number of patients managed was 20, the instruments used were the KPK signs and symptoms instrument, the KPK capability instrument issued by the psychiatric nursing department of FIK UI, the Birchwood Insight Scale (BIS) instrument and the medication adherence instrument. Results: there was a decrease in signs and symptoms of KPK as well as an increase in the ability of KPK patients, increased insight and increased adherence to taking medication after the implementation of therapy. Conclusion: ACT can be used with a self-transcendence theory approach to prevent recurrence through handling KPK problems.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ade Sutrimo
Abstrak :
Pendahuluan: Tingginya prevalensi harga diri rendah kronik dan ketidakpatuhan terhadap pengobatan psikofarmaka pada klien dengan gangguan jiwa dapat menghambat proses penyembuhan dan kualitas hidup mereka. Terapi keperawatan jiwa spesialis diharapkan dapat memberikan pendekatan yang holistik dan efektif untuk mengatasi masalah ini melalui peningkatan kesadaran diri, penerimaan diri, dan pengembangan makna hidup. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji efektivitas penerapan terapi keperawatan jiwa spesialis, yaitu Cognitive Therapy (CT) dan Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), dalam meningkatkan harga diri dan kepatuhan psikofarmaka pada klien menggunakan pendekatan teori transendensi diri Reed. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain eksperimental dengan pendekatan kuantitatif case series dengan desain riset operasional. Sampel penelitian dengan purposive sampling yang erdiri 20 klien dengan dibagi dalam 2 kelompok intervensi yaitu kelompok 1 yang mendapatkan CT dan ACT serta kelompok 2 yang mendapatkan CT. Data dikumpulkan melalui form keperawatan jiwa lanjut/scanning, instrumen tanda gejala dan kemampuan HDRK serta instrumen MMAS-8. Hasil: Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa intervensi CT dan ACT secara signifikan meningkatkan harga diri dan kepatuhan psikofarmaka pada klien. Peningkatan ini dikaitkan dengan elemen-elemen utama dari teori transendensi diri yang meliputi input: kerentanan psikologis yaitu klien skizofrenia dengan HDRK dan ketidakpatuhan psikofarmaka, proses: points of interventions: terapi keperawatan jiwa spesialis CT dan ACT dan faktor personal dan kontekstual dan output transendensi diri serta outcome kualitas hidup dengan ditandai penurunan tanda gejala HDRK, peningkatan kemampuan klien dalam mengatasi HDRK dan peningkatan nilai kepatuhan psikofarmaka. Kesimpulan: Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa penerapan terapi keperawatan jiwa spesialis dengan pendekatan teori transendensi diri efektif dalam mengatasi masalah harga diri rendah kronik dan ketidakpatuhan psikofarmaka pada klien dengan gangguan jiwa. Implementasi terapi ini direkomendasikan sebagai bagian dari intervensi holistik dalam praktik keperawatan jiwa untuk meningkatkan pemulihan dan kualitas hidup klien. ......Introduction: The high prevalence of chronic low self-esteem and non-adherence to psychopharmacological treatment among clients with mental disorders can hinder their recovery process and quality of life. Specialist psychiatric nursing therapy is expected to provide a holistic and effective approach to addressing these issues by enhancing self awareness, self-acceptance, and the development of life. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of specialist psychiatric nursing therapies, namely Cognitive Therapy (CT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), in improving self-esteem and psychopharmacological adherence in schizofrenic clients using the Reed self-transcendence theory approach. Methods: This study employs an experimental design with a quantitative case series approach using operational research design. The sample using purposive sampling which consists of 20 clients divided into two intervention groups: Group 1, which receives both CT and ACT, and Group 2, which receives only CT. Data were collected using advanced psychiatric nursing forms/scanning, symptom and ability instruments, and the Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS-8). Results: The study demonstrates that CT and ACT interventions significantly improve self-esteem and psychopharmacological adherence in clients. This improvement is associated with key elements of the self-transcendence theory, which include input: psychological vulnerability, specifically clients with schizophrenia who have chronic low self-esteem and non-adherence to psychopharmacology; process: points of intervention such as specialist mental health nursing therapies, CT and ACT, as well as personal and contextual factors; and output: self-transcendence with outcome: quality of life, marked by a reduction in chronic low self-esteem symptoms, an increase in the client's ability to cope with chronic low self-esteem, and improved adherence to psychopharmacology. Conclusion: This study concludes that the application of specialist psychiatric nursing therapies with a self-transcendence theory approach is effective in addressing chronic low self-esteem and psychopharmacological non-adherence in clients with mental disorders. The implementation of these therapies is recommended as part of holistic interventions in psychiatric nursing practice to enhance clients’ recovery and quality of life.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library