Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Thomas Widodo Rahino
Abstrak :
Tesis ini tentang hubungan kerja manajemen TV-7, perusahaan Satpam dan Polsek Tanah Abang dalam penyelenggaraan kegiatan pengamanan di gedung kantor TV-7 Jakarta. Perhatian utama tesis ini adalah pada pola kegiatan pengamanan yang dilakukan oleh petugas satpam dalam rangka menciptakan keamanan dan ketertiban di gedung kantor TV-7, dengan fokus pada pola hubungan yang terjalin antara petugas satpam dan petugas Polsek Tanah Abang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif untuk mempermudah pelaksanaan pengumpulan data, dengan tehnik pengamatan terlibat dan wawancara berpedoman untuk mengungkapkan pola hubungan kerja yang terjadi.
Saat ini pertumbuhan perusahaan jasa pengamanan di Indonesia meningkat tajam seiring dengan diterbitkannya Skep Kapolri No. Pol.: Skep/1138/X/1999 tanggal 5 Oktober 1999, dengan harapan dapat membantu aparat kepolisian dalam menyelenggarakan fungsi kepolisian terbatas dilingkungan kerjanya masing-masing. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut, penulis tertarik untuk melakukan studi pada penyelenggaraan pengamanan oleh suatu badan usaha jasa pengamanan & penyelamatan (BUJPP) di PT. Duta Visual Mandiri (TV-7) Jakarta. Badan usaha jasa pengamanan & penyelamatan yang menyelenggarakan jasa pengamanan tersebut adalah PT. Bravo Humanika Perkasa.
Permasalahan yang hendak diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana kinerja perusahaan satpam dalam penyelenggaraan kegiatan pengamanan di TV-7 Jakarta.
Daftar Kepustakaan : 19 buku + 8 dokumen
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Rambang Firstyadi
Abstrak :
For the sake of examining the obligation compliance with the customs regulation, the audit of customs to the importers is very important to do. The audit of customs to the importers will mean the law enforcement and meeting the justice sense to all importers before the law. Audit in the field of customs is aimed at see and value the level of company compliance with the regulation of customs and to secure the state income and other regulations whose implementation is charged on the Directorate General of Customs and Taxes and Financial Accounting Standard.
The main topic of this research is what is the influence of the audit of customs to importer compliance in fulfilling the income tax (BM) obligation and tax for import (PDRI)?
The objective of this research is to describe and explain the implementation of audit of customs to the compliance of the importers in fulfilling the income tax (BM) obligation and tax for import (PDRI) and elucidate and describe the steps in enhancing the customs audit in the future.
The methodology of research used in this thesis writing is analysis descriptive method, with the technique of data collecting in the form of library and field study and in dept interview with the concerned parties. The conducted analysis is qualitative analysis.
From the result of the analysis, the audit result of customs that was conducted for 3 years found that there are several importers/companies that had no bookkeeping of 17.6%. This heavily disturbs the implementation of customs audit. The audit has resulted the income from BM, sanction, restitution, PPN, PPn BM and PPh of article 22. It means that the influence of audit of custom that has been run has not been able to improve the compliance of the importers in fulfilling their customs obligations.
The conclusion of this research is that the influence of the audit of customs is still less dominant toward the compliance because of the low compliance of the importers. It can be seen from the number of importers who have been audited but their error or corrections are not found compared to the number of the audited importers. From the audit, some importers also improve their compliance, that is, from the result of the audit of the final year, there is no finding or correction.
The suggestion of this research is that the aspect of the law enforcement in meeting the regulation of customs that represent the basic aspect of the audit should become the main target of the government in this case the Directorate General of Customs and Taxes. The income from the audit is merely the effect of the result or the product of the audit.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Edi Mardianto
Abstrak :
Aksi 212 merupakan sebuah fenomena demonstrasi yang dilakukan dengan intensi keagamaan, syarat kepentingan politik, dan melibatkan jumlah massa ratusan ribu orang - terbanyak sejak tahun 1998 di Indonesia. Kepolisian melalui Satuan Brimob Polda Metro Jaya adalah lembaga negara yang diberikan fungsi dan wewenang untuk menjaga keamanan dan ketertiban masyarakat, salah satunya mengamankan proses dan dampak dari Aksi 212 yang dianggap lsquo;berpotensi rusuh rsquo; dalam laporan intelejen. Kepolisian secara umum dan Brimob Polda Metro Jaya secara khusus menghadapi dilema dalam menggunakan kekuatannya dalam menghadapi Aksi 212 karena harus berhadapan dengan pilihan-pilihan yang kompleks, karena ada dampak politik dan dampak sosial yang dapat timbul dari penggunaan kekuatan fisik. Kepolisian dan Brimob memilih menggunakan kekuatan non-fisik untuk mengamankan Aksi 212 yang kemudian mendukung keberlangsungan Aksi 212 yang aman dan damai. Penelitian ini hendak membaca penggunaan kekuatan non-fisik sebagai Soft Power dengan mengasumsikan posisi Brimob dan potensi kerusuhan yang dimiliki oleh sejumlah massa Aksi 212 berada dalam upaya menyeimbangkan kekuatan dan memperkuat upaya democratic policing dan community policing yang sedang difungsikan sebagai upaya untuk melakukan reformasi Kepolisian di Indonesia.
Aksi 212 is a demonstration phenomenon conducted by religious intentions, political interest, and implicate hundred thousand people ndash the largest demonstration since 1998 in Indonesia. Police, through Polda Metro Jaya rsquo s Brimob Unit is a state institution which is given the functions and authority to maintain security and public order, one of which secures the process and impact of Aksi 212 which is considered 39 potentially violent 39 based on intelegence rsquo s report. Police in general and Brimob Polda Metro Jaya in particular, facing a dilemma in using its power for securing the process and effects of Aksi 212 in a complex choices, because there are political and social impacts that can arise from the use of physical force. The Police, especially Brimob chose to use non physical forces to secure Aksi 212 which then supported the safe and peaceful condition in the process of Aksi 212. This research contain the use of non physical forces as ldquo Soft Power rdquo by assuming the Brimob rsquo s position and the potential of riot owned by the mass of Aksi 212 as in position to maintain balance the power and strengthen democratic policing and community policing that is being functioned as an effort to reform the Police InstituTion in Indonesia
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Benny Teh Cheng Guan
Abstrak :
Human security : securing East Asia’s future timely examines the fundamental issues causing human insecurities and evaluates the extent of which human security plays a role at the state and regional levels. Covering the different areas of threats to humans and applying case study materials, this volume provides an intellectual mix of perspectives that captures the relationship between people, state and region.
Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, 2012
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library