"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja sistem temu kembali enam search engines dalam menelusur informasi mengenai Filsafat Islam di Web. Kinerja akan diukur dengan mengetahui tingkat keterhubungan antara informasi mengenai Filsafat Islam di web yang tertemu-kembali dengan query yang dimasukkan. Penelitian ini juga ditujukan untuk mengetahui kombinasi dua search engines yang paling baik untuk menelusur informasi Filsafat Islam di web.
Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan enam search engines utama, yaitu AltaVista, Excite, Fast, Google, HotBot, dan NorthernLight. Pertanyaan (query) yang diajukan berasal dari Library of Congress Subject Heading yang mewakili Filsafat Islam, yaitu "Philosophy, Islamic", "Arabic Philosophy", "Cosmology, Islamic", Islamic Ethics", dan "Muslim Philosophy".
Penelusuran dilakukan oleh peneliti selaku perantara (intermediary). Pengujian tingkat keterhubungan (relatedness) dilakukan oleh mahasiswa Program Studi Falsafah dan Kebudayaan Universitas Paramadina.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem temu-kembali informasi Excite memiliki ketepatan paling tinggi. Pasangan dua search engines yang paling efektif untuk menemukan informasi mengenai Filsafat Islam adalah AltaVista dan Excite.
Search Engines Systems Performance In Retrieving Information About Islamic Philosophy From The WebThe objectives of this research are to determine the information retrieval system effectiveness of six major search engines that applied to Islamic Philosophy documents collection in the World Wide Web. Performance will be measure by trying to determine to what extent the documents retrieved are related to the query applied by the search intermediary. This research will also determine the precision of the documents retrieved, and which two-search engines combination are the best to do the searching.This investigation is using six major search engines, i.e. AltaVista, Excite, Fast, Google, HotBot, and Northern Light. The queries that represent the Islamic Philosophy are taken from the Library of Congress Subject Heading. They are: "Philosophy, Islamic", "Arabic Philosophy", "Cosmology, Islamic", "Islamic Ethics", and "Muslim Philosophy".The searching in the internee: is done by the researcher as an intermediary. Then the student of Philosophy and Religions Program determine the subject related judgment of document retrieved from each search engines.The results show that from the first ten retrieved documents, Excites' information retrieval system is the highest in precision. The most effective search engines combination are between AltaVista and Excite."