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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Gina Wulandari
Abstrak :
Tesis ini akan menjawab pertanyaan tentang peraturan terkait perlindungan pekerja migran, khususnya peraturan tentang Layanan Terpadu Satu Pintu sebagai a bentuk perlindungan yang diberikan oleh UU No. 18 tahun 2017 tentang Perlindungan Buruh Migran Indonesia. Metode penelitian adalah yuridis-empiris oleh menganalisis produk hukum terkait dengan layanan terpadu satu atap, kemudian menerapkan hukum dan praktik apakah telah memberikan akses ke layanan perlindungan bagi perempuan sebagai pekerja migran di Desa Jambenenggang dan Barabali. Akses ke wanita pekerja migran dalam hal perlindungan sebelum bekerja bahkan belum terpenuhi meskipun mereka telah membentuk layanan terpadu satu atap yang bertujuan untuk memfasilitasi perempuan pekerja migran untuk mengelola pekerjaan di luar negeri mulai dari memperoleh kompetensi dan mengelola dokumen penempatan langsung di LTSA. Penerapan diperlukan aturan dalam melaksanakan layanan terpadu satu atap sesuai dengan UU No. 18 tahun 2017 yang memuat mekanisme penempatan, perlindungan dan pengawasan dalam menjalankan LTSA.
This thesis will answer questions about regulations relating to the protection of migrant workers, specifically the regulations on One Stop Integrated Services as a form of protection provided by Law No. 18 of 2017 concerning Protection Indonesian Migrant Workers. The research method is juridical-empirical by analyzing legal products related to one-stop integrated services, then applying the law and practice whether it has given access to protection services for women as a migrant worker in the villages of Jambenenggang and Barabali. Access to women migrant workers in terms of protection before work has not even been fulfilled even though they have established a one-stop integrated service that aims to facilitate women migrant workers to manage work abroad starting from gaining competence and managing direct placement documents at LTSA. Application required rules in carrying out one-stop integrated services in accordance with Law no. 18 of 2017 which contains the mechanism of placement, protection and supervision in carrying out LTSA.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tabah Sulistyo
Abstrak :
Rekrutmen Hakim merupakan basis independensi kekuasaan kehakiman. Penelitian ini bermaksud menjawab permasalahan terkait konstruksi rekrutmen hakim di Indonesia, bagaimana implementasi setelah rekrutmen menjadi kewenangan satu atap, dan bagaimanakah rekrutmen hakim ideal untuk ketatanegaraan Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan metode yuridis normatif melalui studi literatur, dengan perbandingan Negara Belanda, Perancis, Italia, Jepang dan India. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Konstruksi rekrutmen hakim Indonesia dibangun dari pergeseran rekrutmen oleh kementerian kehakiman menjadi model rekrutmen oleh Mahkamah Agung dengan sistem satu atap. Selanjutnya pasca amandemen rekrutmen hakim dijalankan dengan model Komisi Yudisial. Implementasi rekrutmen hakim di Indonesia masih belum sejalan dengan konsepsi Judicial Self governance, dimana rekrutmen masih belum terstandarisasi baik dari sisi pelaku, metode dan persyaratan. Rekrutmen hakim agung menggunakan metode appointment by judicial commission meskipun kewenangan DPR telah dianulir MK, namun metode cooperative appointment masih terus dijalankan dengan metode double fit and proper test. Rekrutmen hakim tingkat pertama dilaksanakan dengan metode recruitment by political institution dengan sub model Ministry, meskipun pasca putusan MK diperintahkan untuk dilakukan secara judicial self appointment namun nyatanya MA menyerahkan proses kepada Menpan-BKN yang notabene eksekutif. Sedangkan untuk hakim adhoc dan hakim pajak, potensial dengan intervensi eksekutif dalam pelaksanaan rekrutmennya. Sebagai bentuk ideal yang ditawarkan adalah rekrutmen hakim dengan metode appointed by judicial commission dengan model single body appointment, idealitas model rekrutmen terletak pada asas-asas rekruitmen yang transparan, akuntabel, partisipatif dan obyektif dengan sinergi antara Mahkamah Agung dan Komisi Yudisial.  Saran penelitian, pengaturan rekrutmen hakim perlu diatur dalam konstitusi kita, standarisasi tersebut termasuk dalam konsistensi personal judicial self-governance dengan berpegang pada Independensi dan efektifitas administrasi peradilan.    ......The selection of Judges is the basis of judicial independence. This research was designed to exercise, the construction of judge appointment process in Indonesia, How the recruitment of judge was implemented under the one roof system and answering the ideal model of judge appointment in Indonesia. This was normative juridic research, conducted by literature study, and comparative study to Netherland, France, Italy, Japan, and India. The conclusions show that the construction of Judicial Appointment in Indonesia was shifted from Ministry of Justice to Judicial self-Appointment by the one roof system enactment.  The construction shifting continuous to “appointment by Judicial council/commission model” after the amendment. The implementation of the judge appointment process was not suitable to the principles of Judicial Self-governance, since the subject, method and requirement were not standardized. The judge appointment was Implemented as follow, Supreme court judge appointment was using the “appointment by judicial commission model” even though Legislative involvement were annulled by the supreme court, but the cooperative appointment is still being practiced with the double fit and proper test method. The Implementation of first instance judge appointment was conducted ala recruitment by political institution, in sub-Ministry model, this model was against the constitutional court decision since it should be held by “judicial self-appointment” since judicial commission involvement was unconstitutional, but supreme court was given the authority to state apparatus ministry and state civil servant Body (Menpan-BKN) instead. While the appointment of ad hoc judges and tax judges were potentially open the interference by the executive.  The study proposed the appointment by judicial commission with the single body appointment model as the ideal model. The ideal appointment method needs to rely on the core principles of appointment which are transparent, accountable, participative, and objective, this also need Supreme Court dan Judicial Commission synergy. The study suggests that our constitution needs to arrange the Judge appointment mechanism, this also includes the personal judicial self-governance based on independence and effectiveness of the judiciary.
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andhika Mauludi
Abstrak :
Komposisi pegawai di Kementerian Luar Negeri memiliki kebutuhan khusus, hal tersebut berdampak pada kebutuhan pelayanan kepegawaian yang khusus pula. Namun pelayanan kepegawaian di Kementerian Luar Negeri menimbulkan banyak penyimpangan, hal tersebut disebabkan oleh terpisahnya pelayanan dan juga tidak memiliki kejelasan informasi. Kemudian dibuatlah program pelayanan internal kepegawaian satu atap, One Desk Service sebagai solusi atas permasalahan pelayanan kepegawaian di Kementerian Luar Negeri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi Program Pelayanan Internal One Desk Service di Kementerian Luar Negeri. Tujuannya adalah untuk menganalisis implementasi program pelayanan manunggal satu atap One Desk Service di Kementerian Luar Negeri. Metode penelitian dengan post-positivisme. Dengan teknik pengumpulan data yaitu wawancara mendalam dan studi literatur. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa implementasi One Desk Service di Kementerian Luar Negeri masih belum optimal. Terbukti dari faktor-faktor yang terkait dalam keberhasilan yang diharapkan tidak sesuai dengan kondisi kenyataan dalam menciptakan pelayanan prima dalam pelayanan kepegawaian internal di Kementerian Luar Negeri. Faktor-faktor keterbatasan dari Program One Desk Service menyebabkan munculnya penyimpangan lain. Rekomendasi yang peneliti berikan adalah membuat payung hukum yang lebih kuat dan membuat standar pelayanan baku demi mencapai pelayanan prima di bidang pelayanan kepegawaian di Kementerian Luar Negeri. ...... The composition of employees in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has special needs, it has an impact on staffing needs special care too. However, staffing services in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs raises many irregularities, it is caused by the separation of services and also does not have the clarity of information. Then made an internal One Stop Service program named One Desk Service as a solution to the problem of staffing services in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This research purposes to analyze program implementations of the internal One Stop Service program, One Desk Service at Ministry of Foreign Affair. Research done by using post-positivism. Data collected with in-depth interviews and literature studies. Result of this research indicate that the implementation of One Desk Service at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is still not optimal. Evident of the factors involved in the expected success was not in accordance with the conditions of reality in creating excellent service in internal staffing services in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Factors limitations of Program One Desk Service led to the emergence of other irregularities. Recommendation that researcher give is to make a stronger legal framework and make basic service standards in order to achieve service excellence in the areas of staffing services in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tiara Farchana Ramadhanty
Abstrak :
Layanan Terpadu Satu Atap (LTSA) untuk pekerja migran di Kabupaten Cirebon menjadi LTSA di Indonesia yang dalam mengelola layanannya menggunakan tata kelola kolaboratif. Tata kelola kolaboratif dilakukan dengan aktor non pemerintah yaitu International Labour Organization (ILO) dan juga Serikat Buruh Migran Indonesia (SBMI) Kabupaten Cirebon serta Women Crisis Center (WCC) Mawar Balqis. Meskipun secara kesepakatan formal tata kelola kolaboratif ini telah berakhir di November tahun 2022, nyatanya tata kelola ini masih tetap berlanjut sampai pada saat ini dengan berbagai dinamika yang terjadi didalamnya. Selain itu, masih ada kekosongan aturan terkait pelaksanaan tata kelola kolaboratif ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis proses tata kelola kolaboratif pada LTSA untuk Pekerja Migran di Kabupaten Cirebon untuk mengetahui konteks sistem, pendorong dan dinamika tata kelola kolaboratif sesuai dengan teori Collaborative Governance Regimes (CGR) (Emerson & Nabatchi, 2015). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari indikator yang diturunkan dari teori CGR, hampir seluruhnya terpenuhi namun 2 (dua) indikator di antaranya masih terdapat catatan yang penting. Indikator tersebut terkait dengan kerangka regulasi atau aturan juga masih terdapat kekosongan yang perlu segera ditindaklanjuti untuk keberlanjutan tata kelola ini. Selain itu, sumber daya bersama khususnya anggaran masih belum memadai. Untuk itu, diharapkan pemerintah pusat dapat segera menciptakan aturan ditingkat Menteri atau badan terkait dengan tata kelola kolaboratif dalam LTSA. Selain itu, penyediaan anggaran juga perlu dilakukan oleh pemerintah daerah kabupaten Cirebon untuk keberlanjutan tata kelola kolaboratif. ......The One-Stop Integrated Service (LTSA) for migrant workers in Cirebon Regency has become LTSA in Indonesia which uses collaborative governance to manage its services. Collaborative governance is carried out with non-government actors, namely the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the Cirebon Regency Indonesian Migrant Workers Union (SBMI) and the Mawar Balqis Women Crisis Center (WCC). Even though the formal agreement on this collaborative governance has ended in November 2022, in fact this governance is continuing today with various dynamics that occur in it. In addition, there is still a regulatory vacuum regarding the implementation of this collaborative governance. This study aims to analyze the process of collaborative governance at LTSA for Migrant Workers in Cirebon Regency to determine the system context, drivers, and dynamics of collaborative governance according to the theory of Collaborative Governance Regimes (CGR) (Emerson & Nabatchi, 2015). The results of the study show that from the indicators derived from the CGR theory, almost all of them are fulfilled, but 2 (two) indicators of which there are still important notes. These indicators are related to the regulatory or regulatory framework and there are still gaps that need to be followed up immediately for the sustainability of this governance. In addition, shared resources, especially the budget, are still inadequate. For this reason, it is hoped that the central government can immediately create regulations at the ministerial or agency level related to collaborative governance in LTSA. In addition, the regional government of Cirebon district also needs to provide a budget for the continuation of collaborative governance.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library