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Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kualitas pelayanan Rumah Tahanan Kelas I Jakarta Pusat menurut persepsi tahanan dan narapidana. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif-kuantitatif. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan kuesioner SERVQUAL yang terdiri dari lima dimensi, yaitu reliability, assurance, tangibles, empathy dan responsiveness. Sampel yang diambil sebanyak 99 responden yang diambil dengan teknik acak sederhana. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif dengan menggunakan distribusi frekuensi, analisis kesenjangan (gap), pembobotan skor (WSC), dan analisis tingkat kepentingan dimensi pelayanan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas pelayanan di Rumah Tahanan Negara Klas I Jakarta Pusat secara umum tergolong rendah. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa petugas Rumah Tahanan Negara Klas I Jakarta Pusat belum mampu memenuhi harapan-harapan tahanan dan narapidana atas atribut-atribut pelayanan yang tercakup dalam dimensi keandalan, kepastian, bukti fisik, empati dan daya tanggap. Dimensi pelayanan yang dianggap paling penting oleh tahanan dan narapidana Rumah Tahanan Jakarta Pusat adalah dimensi ketanggapan, diikuti dimensi keandalan, kepastian, bukti fisik dan empati. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, maka pihak Rumah Tahanan Kelas I Jakarta Pusat perlu meningkatkan kinerja pelayannya dengan mengacu pada skala prioritas berdasarkan nilai WSC, yaitu dengan memprioritaskan dimensi ketanggapan. Prioritas perbaikan selanjutnya yang harus dilakukan oleh Rumah Tahanan Kelas I Jakarta Pusat secara berturut-turut adalah dimensi kepastian, bukti fisik, keandalan, dan terakhir dimensi empati. Para petugas rumah tahanan juga perlu mengubah sudut pandang terhadap para narapidana, yaitu dengan melihat bahwa narapidana juga merupakan warga negara yang memiliki hak-hak untuk diperhatikan dan dipenuhi, sehingga tidak akan ada perlakuan yang sewenang-wenang dari petugas terhadap narapidana. Selain itu, juga prlu dilakukan penelitian lanjutan dengan pendekatan kuantitatif untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kualitas pelayanan di Rumah Tahanan Kelas I Jakarta Pusat.
This research aimed to analyzing the service quality at First Grade State House Arrest of Central Jakarta according to arrest?s and prisoner?s perceptions. Desctiptive-quantitative method used in this research. Data collected with SERVQUAL questionnaire that includes reliability, assurance, tangibles, empathy dan responsiveness. The amount of sample are 99 respondents that taken with simple random sampling technique. Data analysis using descriptive with using frequency distribution, gap analysis, weighted score, and analysis of importance level on service dimensions. The result of research show that in generally service quality at First Grade State House Arrest of Central Jakarta still low according to arrest?s and prisoner?s perceptions. This result show that the officer of First Grade State House Arrest of Central Jakarta can?t to fulfill the expectation of arrest and prisoner for the service quality atributes that covered in reliability, assurance, tangibles, empathy and responsivenes dimensions. The most importance service quality dimensions perceived by arrest and prisoner is responsiveness, followed by reliability, assurance, tangibles, and empathy. Based on this research, then the First Grade State House Arrest of Central Jakarta need to improving the service quality with refer to priority scale based on WSC?s score, that is with prior responsiveness dimension. The next priority improvement that must be done by First Grade State House Arrest of Central Jakarta continually are assurance, tangibles, reliability, and finally empathy dimension. The officer of state house also need to change the viewpoint toward arrest and prisoner, that is with viewed that arrest and prisoner also the citizen that have the rights that must to attended. Besides that, also need to obtained the further research with using quantitative approach to knowing the factors that influencing service quality at First Grade State House Arrest of Central Jakarta. Keywords: ;This research aimed to analyzing the service quality at First Grade State House Arrest of Central Jakarta according to arrest?s and prisoner?s perceptions. Desctiptive-quantitative method used in this research. Data collected with SERVQUAL questionnaire that includes reliability, assurance, tangibles, empathy dan responsiveness. The amount of sample are 99 respondents that taken with simple random sampling technique. Data analysis using descriptive with using frequency distribution, gap analysis, weighted score, and analysis of importance level on service dimensions. The result of research show that in generally service quality at First Grade State House Arrest of Central Jakarta still low according to arrest?s and prisoner?s perceptions. This result show that the officer of First Grade State House Arrest of Central Jakarta can?t to fulfill the expectation of arrest and prisoner for the service quality atributes that covered in reliability, assurance, tangibles, empathy and responsivenes dimensions. The most importance service quality dimensions perceived by arrest and prisoner is responsiveness, followed by reliability, assurance, tangibles, and empathy. Based on this research, then the First Grade State House Arrest of Central Jakarta need to improving the service quality with refer to priority scale based on WSC?s score, that is with prior responsiveness dimension. The next priority improvement that must be done by First Grade State House Arrest of Central Jakarta continually are assurance, tangibles, reliability, and finally empathy dimension. The officer of state house also need to change the viewpoint toward arrest and prisoner, that is with viewed that arrest and prisoner also the citizen that have the rights that must to attended. Besides that, also need to obtained the further research with using quantitative approach to knowing the factors that influencing service quality at First Grade State House Arrest of Central Jakarta.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhamad Khapi
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wemby Adhiatma Satrio Prayogo
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas mengenai pidana penjara yang dilaksanakan di rumah tahanan yang seharusnya dilaksanakan di lembaga pemasyarakatan. Hal mengenai tempat pelaksanaan pidana sebenarnya sudah diatur dengan cukup baik dalam beberapa peraturan di Indonesia salah satunya Undang-Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 1995 tentang Pemasyarakatan. Dalam undang-undang tersebut disebutkan jika lembaga pemasyarakatan adalah tempat untuk melaksanakan pidana penjara sementara rumah tahanan adalah tempat untuk seorang yang berstatus sebagai tersangka/terdakwa menjalani masa tahanannya. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu metode yuridis normatif dengan menggunakan bahan hukum primer yang berupa peraturan perundang-undangan, Peraturan Pemerintah, dan Keputusan Menteri, dan bahan hukum sekunder berupa buku-buku, jurnal, skripsi, tesis, desertasi, artikel dan berita online. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini ditemukan adanya narapidana yang menjalani pidana penjaraanya di rumah tahanan, termasuk para pejabat yang dijatuhi pidana penjara namun ditempatkan di rumah tahanan. Efektifitas pembinaan di rumah tahanan menjadi dipertanyakan karena sarana dan prasarananya yang berbeda dengan lembaga pemasyarakatan, selain itu pembinaan di lembaga pemasyarakatan sendiri diragukan efektivitasnya. Perlu adanya suatu pembaruan dalam undang-undang pemasyarakatan agar menjadi lebih jelas untuk masalah fungsi lembaga pemasyarakatan dan rumah tahanan terutama untuk masalah penempatan tahanan dan narapidana, kemudian fasilitas yang perlu ditambah agar pembinaan bisa menjadi efektif serta diperlukan suatu bentujk pemidanaan alternatif yang menggantikan pidana penjara untuk mencegah terjadinya Overcrowded, baik di rumah tahanan dan juga lembaga pemasyarakatan. ......This thesis discusses imprisonment which is carried out in a detention center which should be carried out in a correctional facility. Matters regarding the place of the execution of the crime are regulated quite well in several regulations in Indonesia, one of which is Law Number 12 of 1995 concerning Corrections. In this law, if the correctional facility is a place to carry out sentences while the detention house is a place for a person who is a suspect/defendant to serve his term of detention. The method used in this research is the normative juridical using primary legal materials in the form of regulations, government regulations, and ministerial decrees, and secondary legal materials in the form of books, journals, theses, theses, dissertations, articles, and online news. The conclusion of this study found that there are prisoners serving prison terms in detention centers, including officials who were sentenced to imprisonment but were placed in detention centers. The effectiveness of guidance in a detention center is questioned because the facilities and infrastructure are different from those of the correctional facility, besides that, he can trust the guidance in the correctional institution itself. There is a need for reform in the law so that it becomes clearer for the problem of the function of prisons and detention centers, especially for the problem of placing prisoners and prisoners, then the facilities that need to be added so that guidance can be effective and an alternative form of punishment is needed to prevent overcrowding, both in detention centers and prisons.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Benavita Aprilia Kurnia
Abstrak :
Notaris dalam menjalankan tugas dan jabatannya memiliki keharusan untuk melakukan penandatanganan akta di wilayah jabatannya. Namun, dapat saja terjadi permasalahan dimana pihak penghadap sedang memiliki masalah hukum seperti sedang menjalankan masa tahanan di rumah tahanan. Selain itu, pedoman maupun penelitian terhadap pelaksanaan penandatanganan dan pembacaan akta yang dilakukan di rumah tahanan masih sangat minim walaupun tiap tahunnya banyak terjadi kasus yang mengharuskan dilakukannya perbuatan hukum di rumah tahanan. Permasalahan yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah pengaturan penandatanganan akta dalam rumah tahanan dan akibat hukum penandatangan akta yang penjualnya sedang ditahan dalam rumah tahanan berdasarkan perjanjian pengikatan jual beli dan kuasa menjual. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif dengan mengkaji ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang didukung dengan hasil wawancara dan tipe penelitian bersifat eksplanatoris analitis. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diketahui bahwa penandatanganan akta di dalam rumah tahanan dapat dilakukan dengan memperhatikan tindak pidana yang dilakukan tahanan ini akan membuatnya kehilangan kemerdekaan untuk melakukan perbuatan hukum atau tidak serta apakah tahanan cakap untuk melakukan perbuatan hukum. Tahanan dengan kasus narkoba dan berstatus sebagai pemakai tetap memiliki hak untuk melakukan tindakan hukum di bidang keperdataan sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 3 KUHPerdata. Dengan tetap memperhatikan ketentuan yang berlaku, pelaksanaan penandatangan akta yang dilakukan di luar wilayah kerja notaris dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan akta kuasa jual maupun perjanjian pengikatan jual beli. Namun, Perjanjian Pengikatan Jual Beli adalah pilihan yang paling tepat karena lebih aman karena memiliki risiko yang lebih kecil untuk terjadinya sengketa. ......Notaries in carrying out their duties and positions have the obligation to sign the deed in their area of ​​office. However, problems may occur where the appearer is having legal problems, such as serving a period of detention in a detention center. In addition, guidelines and research on the implementation of signing and reading of deeds carried out in detention centers are still very minimal, although every year there are many cases that require legal actions to be carried out in detention centers. The problems discussed in this study are the arrangements for signing the deed in the detention house and the legal consequences of signing the deed where the seller is being detained in a detention house based on a binding sale and purchase agreement and the power to sell. The research method used is normative juridical by reviewing the provisions of the legislation supported by the results of interviews and the type of research is explanatory and analytical. Based on the results of the study, it is known that the signing of the deed in the detention house can be done by taking into account the criminal acts committed by the prisoner will make him lose his freedom to carry out legal actions or not and whether the prisoner is capable of carrying out legal actions. Detainees with drug cases and status as users still have the right to take legal action in the civil sector as regulated in Article 3 of the Civil Code. By taking into account the applicable provisions, the execution of the signing of the deed carried out outside the notary's work area can be carried out using a deed of power of sale or a binding sale and purchase agreement. However, the Sale and Purchase Binding Agreement is the most appropriate choice because it is safer because it has less risk for disputes to occur.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Zuhairi Adhyatmac
Abstrak :
[Kriminalitas adalah perbuatan yang melanggar peraturan. Saat ini terdapat banyak kasus kriminalitas di Jakarta. Pelaku tindak kriminal akan diadili dan dibina di lembaga pemasyarakatan (Lapas). Namun, kenyataanya, narapidana di lapas lebih rentan terkena gangguan jiwa, khususnya wanita yang memiliki sisa vonis yang masih banyak. Oleh sebab belum adanya data mengenai hubungan lama masa menjalani hukuman dengan gangguan jiwa, maka diadakan penelitian potong lintang dengan menggunakan instrumen MINI ICD 10 dan kuisioner umum pada 104 narapidana wanita yang memiliki vonis minimal 3 tahun di Rutan Kelas IIa Jakarta Timur dari bulan Agustus hingga September 2015. Data diolah dengan menggunakan software SPSS ver.23.0 for windows. Didapatkan 96 responden yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi dengan prevalensi gangguan jiwa 57,29% dan jenis terbanyak ialah gangguan psikotik. Setelah diuji dengan chi squre, tidak ditemukan hubungan bermakna antara lama masa menjalani hukuman dengan gangguan jiwa (p=0,420). Akan tetapi, ditemukan kecenderungan responden dengan sisa vonis lebih sedikit lebih banyak memiliki gangguan jiwa yang bertolak belakang dengan hasil penelitian di Amerika. Nilai p di penelitian ini lebih kecil dibandingkan studi systematic review Fazel S dan Seewald K tahun 2012. Disarankan untuk melanjutkan penelitian ini di rutan-rutan yang berbeda karena belum ada penelitian yang serupa di Indonesia.
Crime is an act against rules. Currently, there are many criminality cases in Jakarta. Criminals will be prosecuted and supervised in prisons. However, in fact, inmates are susceptible to mental disorders, especially women who have long residual sentence. Because of lack of data on relation between length of serving time and mental disorders, held a cross sectional study using MINI ICD 10 and demographic questionnaires to 104 women inmates who have sentence at least 3 years at Class IIa of East Jakarta Jail from August to September 2015. Data were processed using SPSS ver.230 for windows. From 96 respondents who meet inclusion and exclusion criteria, prevalence of mental disorders was 57.29% with psychotic disorders that highest than others. After using chi-square test, found no significant association between length of serving time and mental disorder (p=0.420). However, there was a tendency that respondents with few residual sentence have a risk to mental disorder that different from research in USA. P value in this research were lower than systematic review study by Fazel S and Seewald K in 2012. Since there have not been any similar research in Indonesia, it was needed to conduct another research about length of serving time and mental disorder in women prisoner in different jails.;Crime is an act against rules. Currently, there are many criminality cases in Jakarta. Criminals will be prosecuted and supervised in prisons. However, in fact, inmates are susceptible to mental disorders, especially women who have long residual sentence. Because of lack of data on relation between length of serving time and mental disorders, held a cross sectional study using MINI ICD 10 and demographic questionnaires to 104 women inmates who have sentence at least 3 years at Class IIa of East Jakarta Jail from August to September 2015. Data were processed using SPSS ver.230 for windows. From 96 respondents who meet inclusion and exclusion criteria, prevalence of mental disorders was 57.29% with psychotic disorders that highest than others. After using chi-square test, found no significant association between length of serving time and mental disorder (p=0.420). However, there was a tendency that respondents with few residual sentence have a risk to mental disorder that different from research in USA. P value in this research were lower than systematic review study by Fazel S and Seewald K in 2012. Since there have not been any similar research in Indonesia, it was needed to conduct another research about length of serving time and mental disorder in women prisoner in different jails.;Crime is an act against rules. Currently, there are many criminality cases in Jakarta. Criminals will be prosecuted and supervised in prisons. However, in fact, inmates are susceptible to mental disorders, especially women who have long residual sentence. Because of lack of data on relation between length of serving time and mental disorders, held a cross sectional study using MINI ICD 10 and demographic questionnaires to 104 women inmates who have sentence at least 3 years at Class IIa of East Jakarta Jail from August to September 2015. Data were processed using SPSS ver.230 for windows. From 96 respondents who meet inclusion and exclusion criteria, prevalence of mental disorders was 57.29% with psychotic disorders that highest than others. After using chi-square test, found no significant association between length of serving time and mental disorder (p=0.420). However, there was a tendency that respondents with few residual sentence have a risk to mental disorder that different from research in USA. P value in this research were lower than systematic review study by Fazel S and Seewald K in 2012. Since there have not been any similar research in Indonesia, it was needed to conduct another research about length of serving time and mental disorder in women prisoner in different jails., Crime is an act against rules. Currently, there are many criminality cases in Jakarta. Criminals will be prosecuted and supervised in prisons. However, in fact, inmates are susceptible to mental disorders, especially women who have long residual sentence. Because of lack of data on relation between length of serving time and mental disorders, held a cross sectional study using MINI ICD 10 and demographic questionnaires to 104 women inmates who have sentence at least 3 years at Class IIa of East Jakarta Jail from August to September 2015. Data were processed using SPSS ver.230 for windows. From 96 respondents who meet inclusion and exclusion criteria, prevalence of mental disorders was 57.29% with psychotic disorders that highest than others. After using chi-square test, found no significant association between length of serving time and mental disorder (p=0.420). However, there was a tendency that respondents with few residual sentence have a risk to mental disorder that different from research in USA. P value in this research were lower than systematic review study by Fazel S and Seewald K in 2012. Since there have not been any similar research in Indonesia, it was needed to conduct another research about length of serving time and mental disorder in women prisoner in different jails.]
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhamad Khapi
Abstrak :
This final assignment is discussing conditional Leave Service Procedure at State Prison Serang Banten. This research intent to word conditional leave service procedure and resistive one is faced in conditional leave service at State Prison Serang Banten. This research constitute kualitatif's research in gathers information to utilize interview tech and field observation Usufructs of this research points out that prisoner that get conditional leave shall qualify administrative and subtantitife, conditional leave divides prisoner that have term punish under a year and under punish term six months, conditional leave to be given prisoner afters carries on 2 / 3 of punish terms, constraint in ministering bureaucracies conditional leave which long, This observational result suggests that needs to mark sense cut bureaucracy, human resource step-up on leaves ministering area conditional.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ida Ayu Indriyani
Abstrak :
Partisipasi VCT pada WBP penting untuk diketahui agar dapat melakukan pencegahan penularan dan penanggulangan kasus sedini mungkin. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui faktor yang berhubungan dengan VCT pada WBP di Rumah Tahanan Negara Klas IIA Pondok Bambu Tahun 2012. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer. Tingkat partisipasi VCT pada WBP adalah 28,4%, dan faktor yang berhubungan dengan partisipasi VCT pada WBP yaitu jenis tindak pidana (OR=0,085, 95% CI= 0,019-0,387), pengetahuan (OR=2,898, 95% CI = 0,978-8,582), dan dukungan tenaga kesehatan (OR=2,533, 95% CI = 0,997-6,436). Klien VCT yang datang ke klinik VCT rutan sebagian besar atas rujukan dokter. Perlu peningkatan pengetahuan tentang HIV dan VCT untuk meningkatkan partisipasi VCT pada WBP. ......VCT participation among prisoner is crucial for prevention and care support treatment of HIV in prison. The purpose of this study was to explore related factors to VCT among prisoner in Pondok Bambu Woman Prison Jakarta 2012. Data were collected from 95 prisoner which chosen by random sample at Pondok Bambu Prison, using self-administered questionnaires. Only 28,4% of respondents had participating in VCT. Related factors which have significant correlation with VCT participation are type of criminal act, knowledge, and medical workers support. Meanwhile, there is no significant correlation between education, job status, STD record, perception of VCT service needs, prison support, friends/family support.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Susilarti
Abstrak :
Pelanggaran hak tersangka terjadi karena adanya tindakan menyimpang dari pejabat penyidik, penuntut umum dan pengadilan, hal ini berakibat secara langsung maupun tidak langsung di Rumah Tahanan Negara Klas IIA Jakarta Timur, dan pelanggaran hak narapidana adalah akibat dari sistem administrasi yang tidak baik dalam proses peradilan pidana. Dalam proses hukum seseorang mempunyai hak untuk membela diri dan menuntut hak-haknya sesuai dengan asas "kedudukan yang sama dimuka hukum" dan asas "praduga tidak bersalah". Penelitian tesis ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, yaitu dengan mengambil data melalui informan-informan yang berhubungan dengan data yang akan diteliti dan kemudian dipaparkan sebagai sebuah hasil penelitian dan kemudian dianalisa. Data yang dikumpulkan akan dianalisis secara kualiatatif. Metode kualiatatif menghasilkan data yang bersifat diskriptif analisis, yaitu pendapat informan diteliti dan dipelajari secara menyeluruh. Berdasarkan pemikiran tersebut metode kualitatif bertujuan untuk menginterpretasikan secara kualitas tentang pendapat atau tanggapan informan dan narasumber kemudian mendiskripsikannya secara lengkap dan mendetail aspek-aspek tertentu yang berkaitan dengan pokok perrnasalahan, selanjutnya dianalisis untuk mengungkapkan kebenaran, dan memahami kebenaran tersebut. Dari hasil penelitian deskriptif analisis dan dengan metode kualitatif diperoleh gambaran bahwa : Terjadinya pelanggaran hak tersangka dan narapidana yang dilakukan oleh pihak Rumah Tahanan Negara merupakan akibat faktor ekstemal, berupa keterlambatan administrasi peradilan, yaitu keterlambatan penyerahan surat perpanjangan penahanan atau surat penetapan perpanjangan penahanan; kurang seimbangnya porsi kewenangan di antara aparat penegak hukum, sehingga timbul pelanggaran hak tersangka secara administratif dan fisik. Kepolisian, Kejaksaan, dan Pengadilan (Hakim) kewenangannya diatur oleh Undang-Undang sedangkan Rumah Tahanan Negara (Pemasyarakatan) hanya diatur oleh Peraturan Pemerintah.; kurangnya sarana dan fasilitas pengadilan mengakibatkan kurang optimalnya pelaksanaan asas peradilan sederhana, cepat, dan biaya ringan yang mengakibatkan pelanggaran hak tersangka. Kurangnya kualitas dan kuantitas sumber daya manusia dan birokrasi yang buruk mengakibatkan administrasi peradilan tidak berjalan baik sehingga tidak tercipta suatu koordinasi pada setiap sub sistem peradilan pidana dan merupakan pencetus timbulnya pelanggaran hak asasi manusia.
Violation on the defense right resulted from the existence of deviated acts from the identification official, public prosecutor and the court having direct and indirect effect in Class IIA State Penitentiary of East Jakarta, and violation from the defense is resulted from bad administrative system in criminal court process. In legal process anyone has the right to make their defense and demanding their rights according to the basis of "equal standing before the law" and the basis of "presumption of innocence". The research in this thesis uses qualitative approach that is by data collection through informants related to the data being evaluated and then elaborated as a result of research and then to be analyzed. The collected data will be analyzed qualitatively. The qualitative method produces data with descriptive analytical characteristics that is the informant opinion is evaluated and studied as a whole. Based on that way of thinking, the qualitative method is aimed to interpret qualitatively about the opinion or response of the informant and source of data and then to be described completely and in detail for certain aspects related to the main issue, and then to be analyzed to reveal its truth, and understanding that truth. From the results of descriptive analytical research and with qualitative method, a picture has been obtained that is: The occurrence of violation on the defense and prisoner rights done by the State Penitentiary as the results of external factor in the form of the court administrative delay that is delay on the submission of prolonged holding letter or decree letter of prolonged holding; The lack of balance on the authority portion among law enforcing official, resulting in the violation of the defense right administratively and physically. The Police Department, Prosecutor, and the Court (Judge), their authority is' regulated by the Laws and the State Penitentiary (Socialization) is only regulated by Government Regulation; The lack on the court facility and infrastructure resulting in. the lack of optimal implementation of simple, quick, and with cheap cost court basis, resulting in the violation on the defense right. The lack of quality and quantity on human resource and bad bureaucracy results in the court administration not running smoothly thus there is no coordination in every sub-system of criminal court and the trigger on the rising of violation on human right.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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