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Ditemukan 47 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Stafford, Fiona
Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell, 2012
821.709 STA r
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Ranging across literature, theater, history, and the visual arts, this collection of essays by leading scholars in the field explores the range of places where British Romantic-period sociability transpired. The book considers how sociability was shaped by place, by the rooms, buildings, landscapes and seascapes where people gathered to converse, to eat and drink, to work and to find entertainment. At the same time, it is clear that sociability shaped place, both in the deliberate construction and configuration of venues for people to gather, and in the way such gatherings transformed how place was experienced and understood. The essays highlight literary and aesthetic experience but also range through popular entertainment and ordinary forms of labor and leisure
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017
941.07 SOC
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Destrenta Avliya Agjan
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini mencoba menganalisa tingkat reliabilitas, validitas dan indeks diskriminasi item IDI alat ukur Locus of Control LOC baru pada domain hubungan romantis. Tujuh belas 17 mahasiswa Psikologi University of Queensland ikut serta dalam pilot study di mana mereka merespon pertanyaan pada alat ukur LOC dalam hubungan romatis untuk mengeliminasi item yang tidak layak dipakai pada versi final alat ukur. Dalam studi utama, 167 mahasiswa memberikan respon terhadap alat ukur LOC dalam hubungan romantis dan beberapa alat ukur lain yang mengukur validitas. Hasil menunjukan beberapa dukungan terhadap hipotesa peneliti, di mana: a reliabilitas yang tidak baik ditemukan dari empat item yang menunjukan skor IDI yang rendah, b korelasi positif yang signifikan dengan Levenson rsquo;s LOC scale yang menunjukan concurrent validity, c asosiasi negatif yang signifikan dengan self -control yang menunjukan convergent validity, d tidak ditemukannya convergent validity dengan konstruk jealousy cemburu . Asesmen psikometris dengan menggunakan test-retest reliability dan convergent validity dengan alat ukur lain yang sudah terbukti validitasnya harus dilakukan terlebih dahulu agar bias digunakan dengan yakin dalam praktis konseling pernikahan.
This paper has attempted to explore the reliability, validity, and item discrimination indices IDI of a new measure of locus of control LOC scale in the domain of romantic relationship. A total of 17 psychology students in the pilot study were asked to response to the new LOC scale of romantic relationship to eliminate items deemed unworthy for the final scale. In the main study, 167 students responded to the new romantic LOC scale and several other validating scales where partial support for hpyotheses were found: a a poor reliability as reflected by four items with low IDI, b isginificant positive association with Levenson rsquo;s LOC scale indicating concurrent validity, c significant negative association with self-control indicating convergent validity, d no indication of convergent validity was found with jealousy. The measure may have implication in marriage counselling, but a careful psychometric assessment must be explored first through test-retest reliability and convergent validity with other well-established scale to provide practical confidence.
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fischer, Hermann
Abstrak :
Hermann Fischer's lively and original 1991 study of Romantic verse narrative traces in comprehensive detail the origins and development of this poetic form in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. It brings together the longer epic verse tales of Scott, Byron and Southey and the more lyrical forms of Romantic narrative poetry, thus presenting familiar poems such as Shelley's 'Alastor' and Keats's 'The Eve of St Agnes' in the revealing but neglected context of the genre and its history. Professor Fischer addresses the question of genre from a viewpoint that is both theoretical and historical, and his study also proves illuminating in many areas of Romantic literature, covering issues such as the role of the medieval revival and the decline of neoclassicism, the relative importance of popular and more literary sources, and questions of changing taste and the reading public. This translation, extensively revised and updated, makes Hermann Fischer's acclaimed study available for the first time in English
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2010
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Naufaludin Ismail
Abstrak :
This paper focuses on the experience of women across generation living and interpreting love as part of their lives. Their experiences in living an interpreting love will be seen in two points, their romantic relationship and marriage or family institution. Based on the data of six subjects of research with different backgrounds like age, marital status and sexual orientation, showed that they have different perspective on love and marriage or family institution compare to mainstream society. They assume and believe love or romantic relationship has close relation with patriarchal cultural values, like mens domination, subordination and ownership if we agreed with mainstream societys thought on love. They also believe that marriage is an institution where patriarchys cultural values is produced there and will disadvantage women if the marriage is not built on equal and just relation. These six subjects of research agree with grand feminism narrative that love supposed to be not always related with ownership, mens domination and must be liberating women as an independence and autonomous person.
Jakarta: Yayasan Jurnal Perempuan, 2018
305 JP 23:1 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rengganis Lenggogeni Biran
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yunisa Putri Syahriani
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan gambaran mengenai perbedaan kualitas hubungan romantis berdasarkan tipe-tipe adult attachment pada dewasa muda yang berpacaran. Pengukuran adult attachment dilakukan menggunakan alat ukur The Experiences in Close Relationships-Short form (Wei et. al., 2007) dengan koefisien reliabilitas Cronbach Alpha sebesar 0.710. Pengukuran kualitas hubungan romantis dilakukan menggunakan alat ukur Partner Behaviours as Social Context dan Self Behaviours as Social Context (Ducat, 2009) dengan masing-masing koefisien reliabilitas Cronbach Alpha sebesar 0.904 dan 0.734. Responden penelitian ini berjumlah 205 orang, terdiri atas 86 laki-laki dan 119 perempuan. Responden adalah dewasa muda berusia 20-40 tahun dan sedang berpacaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan kualitas hubungan romantis berdasarkan tipe secure attachment (p = .730), preoccupied attachment (p = .892), fearful attachment (p = .260), dan dismissing attachment (p = .627). Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa persepsi individu terhadap kualitas hubungan romantisnya tidak dibedakan dan tidak dipengaruhi oleh tipe-tipe adult attachment, yaitu secure, preoccupied, fearful, dan dismissing. Hasil analisis tambahan menunjukkan bahwa kualitas hubungan romantis memiliki hubungan yang signifikan negatif dengan tipe secure attachment (r = -.382, p < 0.01), namun tidak memiliki hubungan yang dengan tipe preoccupied, fearful, dan dismissing attachment.
This study aimed to find differences in romantic relationship quality based on adult attachment styles among young adults in dating relationships. Level of adult attachment was measured by using Experiences in Close Relationships Scale-Short Form Inventory (Wei et. al., 2007) and romantic relationship quality was measured by using Partner Behaviours as Social Context and Self Behaviours as Social Context (Ducat, 2009). Number of subjects in this research was 205 respondents with 86 males and 119 females. Respondents are young adults aged 20-40 years old and in an dating relationship. The result of this study showed that there was no differences in romantic relationship quality compared to secure attachment style (p = .730), preoccupied attachment style(p = .892), fearful attachment style (p = .260), and dismissing attachment style (p = .627). This result shows that romantic relationship quality isn’t determined by adult attachment styles. The additional anaylisis shows that romantic relationship quality has a negative significant correlation with secure attachment style (r = -.382, p < 0.01), but has no correlation with preoccupied, fearful, and dismissing attachment style.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Angela Novi Yanti
Abstrak :
Individu yang sedang menjalani hubungan romantis beda agama sering mengalami hambatan untuk melanjutkan hubungan menuju pernikahan di masa depan. Salah satu hambatan yang dihadapi adalah kurangnya dukungan dari lingkungan sosial. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian korelasional yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara orientasi masa depan dalam hubungan romantis dan dukungan sosial pada pasangan beda agama. Pengambilan data dilakukan secara offline dengan menyebarkan kuesioner hardcopy kepada partisipan dan online dengan menyebarkan tautan kuesioner kepada partisipan. Partisipan pada penelitian ini adalah 262 individu, terdiri dari 70 laki-laki dan 192 perempuan yang berusia 20-40 tahun dan sedang menjalani hubungan romantis beda agama. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa orientasi masa depan dalam hubungan romantis berhubungan positif dengan dukungan sosial pada pasangan beda agama. Keterbatasan dan saran untuk penelitian selanjutnya akan didiskusikan lebih lanjut.
Individuals who are in interfaith romantic relationships often face obstacles to get married in the future. One of the obstacles is less support from their social network. This study is correlational study and purposed to examine the relationship between future time orientation in romantic relationship and social support on interfaith couple. The data was gathered through offline by sending questionnaire to the participants and online by sending the link of the questionnaire to the participants. Total of participants are 262 individuals, consist of 70 males and 192 females, who are 20–40 years old and currently being in interfaith relationships. The results have shown that there is positive relationship between future time orientation in romantic relationships and social support on interfaith couple. Limitations and suggestions for future research are discussed.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Thahira Azhari
Abstrak :
Didasari oleh fenomena maraknya perilaku seks bebas pada remaja di Indonesia, peneliti mencurigai bahwa adanya hubungan antara perilaku seks bebas dan status identitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan antara romantic attachment styles dan status identitas pada remaja akhir. Romantic attachment styles merupakan pola dari berbagai harapan, kebutuhan, emosi, dan perilaku sosial pada figur attachment (pacar) sebagai hasil dari pengalaman attachment pada masa lalu yang biasanya diawali dari hubungan dengan orangtua (Fraley dan Shaver, 2000). Status identitas diartikan sebagai adanya eksplorasi dan komitmen pada ranah pekerjaan dan ideologi (Marcia, 1993). Romantic attachment styles responden diukur dengan alat ukur Experience in Close Relationship-Short Form yang dikembangkan oleh Wei, Russell, Mallinckrodt, dan Vogel (2007) dan diadaptasi oleh Wardani (2015). Status identitas diukur dengan alat ukur Extended Objective Measure of Ego Identity Status yang dikembangkan oleh Adams & Benion (1994). Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah 184 remaja akhir berusia 18-21 tahun. Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan signifikan antara romantic attachment styles dan status identitas pada remaja akhir. ...... Based on the phenomena of free sex among adolescents in Indonesia, researchers suspect that there is correlation between free sex and identity status. This study is aimed to examine the relationtionship between romantic attachment styles and identity status in late adolescents. Romantic attachment styles are patterns of expectations, needs, emotions, and social behavior in attachment figure as the results of the experience of attachment in the past which usually starts with the relationship with parents (Fraley and Shaver, 2000). Identity statuses were the presence of crisis and commitment in the areas of occupation and ideology (Marcia, 1993). Romantic attachment styles respondents was measured by using Experience in Close Relationship-Short Form which was developed by Wei, Russel, Mallinckrodt, and Vogel (2007) and had been adapted by Wardani (2015). Identity status was measured by using Extended Objective Measure of Ego Identity Status which was developed by Adams & Benion (1994). Respondents of this research were 184 late adolescents in aged 18 to 21 years old. The result of this research shows that there is a significant correlation between romantic attachment styles and identity status in the late adolescents.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fariza Latifa Chusna
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini melihat hubungan antara keterlibatan ayah dan komitmen emerging adult dalam hubungan berpacaran. Hipotesis yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini adalah terdapat hubungan positif yang signifikan antara keterlibatan ayah dan komitmen emerging adult yang berpacaran. Sampel penelitian ini melibatkan 254 emerging adult yang berusia 18-25 tahun, sedang menjalin hubungan berpacaran, dan memiliki figur ayah. Pengukuran keterlibatan ayah dilakukan menggunakan Father Involvement Scale FIS dan Nurturant Fathering Scale NFS oleh Finley dan Schwartz 2004. Pengukuran komitmen dilakukan dengan menggunakan Commitment Inventory CI oleh Arriaga dan Agnew 2001 yang diadaptasi oleh Wardani 2015. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner luring dan daring kepada sampel penelitian berdasarkan ketersediaan mereka untuk berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Hasil analisis menggunakan teknik korelasi Pearson menunjukkan bahwa keterlibatan ayah memiliki hubungan positif yang signifikan dengan komitmen emerging adult yang sedang berpacaran r= 0.13, p ...... This study examined the correlation between father involvement and emerging adults rsquo commitment in dating relationship. The suggested hypothesis is that there is a significant positive relationship between father involvement and commitment among dating emerging adults. The research sample involved 254 emerging adults aged between 18 25, who is in a dating relationship at the moment and have a father figure. Father involvement is measured with Father Involvement Scale FIS and Nurturant Fathering Scale by Finley and Schwartz 2004. Commitment is measured with Commitment Inventory CI by Arriaga and Agnew 2001 and adapted by Wardani 2015. The data is collected using online and offline questionnaires distributed to the research sample based on their availability to participate in this research. The Pearson correlation analysis shows a significant positive relationship between father involvement and commitment among dating emerging adult r 0.13, p
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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