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Metta Kartika
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas gambaran kecelakaan lalu lintas, faktor penyebab kecelakaan, serta faktor penyebab yang berhubungan dengan kejadian meninggal akibat kecelakaan lalu lintas pada pengendara sepeda motor di Depok dengan menggunakan data laporan kecelakaan dan Berita Acara Pemeriksaan (BAP) yang dicatat dan dilaporkan oleh Laka Lantas Polres Metro Depok selama tahun 2008. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan desain cross sectional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor manusia merupakan faktor yang paling dominan menyebabkan kecelakaan, sehingga saran yang diberikan adalah agar Polres Depok memperketat pengawasan pembuatan SIM serta melakukan pembinaan dan sosialisasi safety riding kepada kelompok masyarakat yang sering mengalami kecelakaan. ......This research explain about road accident, causes factor, and causes factor related death which result by motorcycle road accident in Depok using accident report and investigation which recorded and reported by Laka Lantas Polres Metro Depok during 2008. This research use quantitative study and cross sectional design. The analysis conclude that human factor is dominant factor that cause motorcycle accident, so the recommendation to prevent this problem is Polres Metro Depok had better to more discipline in making SIM and make socialization program about safety riding for community who often had been accident.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maya Arlini Puspasari
Abstrak :
Road accident is a leading problem in Indonesia that increases every year. Based on previous studies, mental fatigue is one of the biggest sources of road accident, that is majorly affected by mental workload. Driving duration is one of factors that triggers mental fatigue. Previous literature stated that Electroencephalogram (EEG) measurement is a gold standard to measure fatigue. However, there was limited study that addressing EEG indicators that affected by driving duration, and the previous research still had disagreements regarding the best EEG parameter to measure fatigue. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate driving duration effect towards EEG fluctuation and determine the best EEG parameter related to fatigue. Seven participants were asked three hours driving in medium fidelity simulator. One-way ANOVA and correlation analysis were performed on the analysis to measure the effect of driving duration towards EEG indicator and determine the correlation of indicator. Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) curve was also utilized to determine the best variable that correlates with subjective sleepiness indices. The results showed that in the end of 3 hours driving, there was an increment of delta and theta activities, followed by decrement of alpha and beta activities. In addition, the correlation of all bands were significant, with positive result of alpha-beta band and theta-delta band, and negative result towards each other. Furthermore, results from Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) curve showed that RPR of theta, RPR of alpha, and ratio of ?/?+? as the best indicators among others, that had accuracy of high degree (above 85%).
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI-IJTECH 8:6 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
The traffic accident rate in Indonesia is still considerably high, as reported by the national police with around 60 accident casualties daily of these casualties, 24 of them are dead. This figure is relatively high at the ASEAN level where there are about 112 people died everyday because of traffic accidents. The objective of the study is to provide an initial estimation of the traffic accident loss and to use that estimation to assess the economic impacts of that event. Since the data used in the estimation are nationwide, then the final output of the study will be in the form of the accident loss in term of GDP proportion. Using the some calculation method, _,forecast of the total national accident cost for the next five years was made. The method to calculate the road accident cost covers four components: property damage, administrative cost, medical cost, and lost output. There are two important data needed in this method: aggregate accident data, and unit cost data for each component. Using these two types of data, the aggregate cost can be estimated, and at the same time, the total of certain types of cost. Using the 2002 Indonesia nominal GDP of 1.42 trillion rupiahs, the total accident costs in Indonesia was estimated around 0.47% of GDP for Police Department reported data and l .46% for the Health Department data. These figure is relatively high compared with, for example, Singapore that has figure of 0,46% of its GDP.. For the next five years, the total amount accident cost which is saved by the action plan approximately about Rp 10 trillion. This estimation still has under reporting problems for number of casualities and property damage, and under valued problem for the estimation of accidents unit cost.
Journal of Population, 10 (2) 2004 : 1-34, 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yolania Sari
Abstrak :
Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan mengamanatkan penurunan jumlah kematian dan cedera akibat kecelakaan lalu lintas sampai 50% di tahun 2020. Kecelakaan lalu lintas menjadi penyebab utama kematian penduduk kelompok usia produktif dan 90% terjadi di negara berpenghasilan rendah dan menengah. Di Indonesia prevalensi cedera akibat kecelakaan transportasi darat mengalami peningkatan dari sebesar 25,9% pada 2007 menjadi 47,7% pada 2013. Studi kecelakaan lalu lintas menganalisis pengaruh dari faktor-faktor penyebab, yaitu perilaku pengguna jalan, kendaraan, dan jalan.Di negara berkembang faktor jalan perlu mendapat perhatian lebih karena standar kualitasnya tidak sebaik negara maju. Di Indonesia kajian kecelakaan lalu lintas dilakukan dalam bentuk studi kasus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh faktor kondisi permukaan jalan dan faktor penerangan jalan terhadap jumlah korban kecelakaan lalu lintas di seluruh Indonesia menggunakan metode regresi negative binomial.Wawancara dengan para pemangku kebijakan dilakukan untuk memperkuat hasil penelitian. Analisis dilakukan menggunakan 765.678 data cross section yang dicatat oleh Korps Lalu Lintas Kepolisian Republik Indonesia (Korlantas). Hasil estimasi menunjukkan bahwa kondisi permukaan jalan yang buruk meningkatkan jumlah korban kecelakaan fatal, sedangkan penerangan yang buruk meningkatkan jumlah korban kecelakaan lalu lintas pada berbagai tingkat keparahan. Dibandingkan peningkatan kondisi permukaan jalan, peningkatan lampu penerangan jalan memberikan manfaat tiga kali lebih besar dan membutuhkan biaya 50% lebih rendah.
SDGs has mandated each country to halve road accident-caused death by 2020. Road accidents are the main cause of death for the productive age population and 90% occur in developing countries. In Indonesia the prevalence of injuries due to land transportation accidents has increased from 25.9% in 2007 to 47.7% in 2013. Road accidents analysis identify the influence of the causal factors, such as behavior of road users, vehicles, and road factors. We should pay more attention on road factors in developing countries because the road standard quality is not as good as in developed countries. In Indonesia the study of road accidents is mostly carried out in form of case studies. This study aims to analyze the influence of road surface conditions and road lighting factors on the number of casualties using the negative binomial regression method. Interviews with policy makers are held to enrich this study. The analysis was carried out using 765,678 cross section data which is recorded by the Indonesian National Police Traffic Corps. Results showed that poor road surface conditions increase the number of fatal casualties, while poor road lighting increases the number of casualties at all injury level. Compared to road surface improvement, road lighting provides benefits three times greater and requires 50% lower costs.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Uri Hermariza
Abstrak :
Jalan tol sebagai jalan bebas hambatan memberikan perbedaan yang nyata dengan jalan biasa. Perbedaan ini diharapkan mampu memberikan kualitas yang lebih mengingat tingkat mobilitas masyarakat yang semakin meningkat. Namun dengan statusnya yang bebas hambatan bukan berarti masalah kecelakaan lalu lintas juga dapat teratasi. Dengan kelebihan-kelebihan yang dimiliki terkadang justru membuat para pengemudi lengah dan beresiko membahayakan keselamatan dirinya dan orang lain. Oleh karena itu diperlukan berbagai upaya untuk meminimalisir kemungkinan terjadi kecelakaan. Ruas jalan tol Jakarta - Cikampek merupakan salah satu ruas yang sering mengalami kecelakaan. Jumlah dan tingkat kecelakaan yang terjadi di ruas ini cukup tinggi. Faktor pengemudi menjadi faktor yang mendominasi penyebab kecelakaan yang terjadi. Kecelakaan seringkali terjadi karena ketidaksiapan dan kurangnya antisipasi dari pengemudi. Upaya-upaya dalam mereduksi kecelakaan harus disesuaikan dengan karakteristik kecelakaan yang terjadi. Salah satu upaya awal yang dapat dilakukan dalam rangka penanganan kecelakaan adalah dengan melakukan identifikasi lokasi titik rawan kecelakaan. Dengan mengidentifikasi lokasi rawan yang terdapat di ruas tol Jakarta-Cikampek dan menganalisa faktor penyebabnya diharapkan tercipta upaya penanganan yang lebih efektif dan tepat sasaran. Metode yang dapat digunakan dalam melakukan identifikasi lokasi rawan antara lain metode frekuensi, penentuan Upper Control Limit dan penentuan berdasarkan sebaran data kecelakaan. Hasil akhir diperoleh bahwa pada ruas tol Jakarta-Cikampek memang terdapat beberapa segmen yang menjadi titik rawan. Hal ini terbukti dari uji hipotesis yang dilakukan untuk data kecelakaan selama 11 tahun. Segmen yang menjadi titik rawan antara lain adalah km 12 - km 14 untuk jalur Jakarta menuju Cikampek dan km 10 - km 14, km 25 - km 27, dan km 29 - km 30 untuk arah sebaliknya. Faktor penyebab yang mendominasi di lokasi titik rawan tersebut antara lain pengemudi kurang antisipasi, pengemudi mengantuk dan ban pecah. Dari hasil penelitian ini, diharapkan dapat disusun upaya penanganan yang lebih efektif dan tepat sasaran. ......Toll road as a free way has significant difference with urban road. Hopefully the differences could give better quality. But with the freeway status, it doesn't means accident problem will reduce. The advantages of toll road instead make the driver careless and caused an accident that can damage themselves and other people. Because of that, it's necessary to do some action minimize an accident. Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road is one of road that has an accident in big number. This road has a high severity level. Driver was the first factor that caused an accident happened. There is a lot of way to make accident level decrease. One method that can we do is identified black spot area in that road. Hopefully with analyze factor that caused an accident in that spot, it could created more effective action to reduce an accident level. There are several methods to identified black spot area, among other things frequency method, Upper Control Limit method, and identified accident data distribution. The result is there are black spot areas in Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road. The area identified as black spot is different for each direction. For Jakarta to Cikampek direction, the area identified as black spot is km 12-14. Otherwise, for Cikampek to Jakarta direction, the area identified as black spot are km 10 - km 14, km 25 - km 27, and km 29 - km 30. Main factor caused an accident in that spots are lack of driver's anticipation, fall a sleep, and tire burst.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elitha Martharina Utari
Abstrak :
Dewasa ini pola penyakit cenderung mengalami perubahan. Penyakit-penyakit yang disebabkan oleh perubahan gaya hidup misalnya trauma semakin meningkat. Sedangkan di Indonesia trauma merupakan penyebab kematian tertinggi pada usia 15-45 tahun dan kematian yang disebabkan kecelakaan menempati urutan keempat tertinggi. Propinsi Lampung, terletak pada daerah yang merupakan perlintasan arus transportasi darat dari dan menuju Pulau Jawa dan Sumatera, daerah ini memiliki tingkat resiko kecelakaan lalu lintas yang tinggi, dan ini terlihat dan banyaknya kasus trauma yang ditangani di IGD RSAM lebih dan 4000 kasus pertahun. Sebagai rumah sakit rujukan tertinggi di propinsi ini maka RSAM berkeinginan untuk mengembangkan IGD nya menjadi pusat pelayanan trauma di Propinsi Lampung. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan gambaran situasi Instalasi Gawat Darurat RSUD Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek untuk menjadi pusat pelayanan trauma di Propinsi Lampung. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif informasi yang didapat berupa data primer melalui observasi dan wawancara mendalam dan data sekunder melalui telaah dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pemda Propinsi Lampung memberikan dukungan sepenuhnya baik (dari segi anggaran maupun politis guna mewujudkan pusat pelayanan trauma ini, dengan jumlah total penderita trauma yang dilayani di IGD RSAM mencapai diatas 4100 pertahun, sekitar 1500(37%) penderita pertahun merupakan kasus trauma yang membutuhkan perawatan dari suatu pusat pelayanan trauma, dan dan jumlah tersebut I044 (69%) adalah penderita trauma serius/trauma parah. Dengan jumlah seperti ini menurut informan maka RSUD Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek sudah memerlukan tersebut 1044 (69%) adalah penderita trauma serius/ trauma parah. Dengan jumlah seperti ini menurut informan maka RSUD Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek sudah memerlukan penanganan oleh Tim Trauma dan dengan 460 tempat tidur dan BOR 85% memenuhi kriteria pusat pelayanan trauma tingkat dua. Sumber Daya Manusia yang dimiliki dari kompetensi dokter spesialis sudah memenuhi standar jumlah dan tenaga pendukung nonmedis masih kurang. Untuk dokter umum dan tenaga paramedik jumlahnya sudah memenuhi standar tetapi kompetensi yang dimiliki belum memenuhi standar. Untuk fasilitas fisik sudah memenuhi standar, kecuali kemiringan ramp lebih dari 20°, tidak memiliki pintu khusus untuk pasien dengan alat pengangkut, untuk fasilitas alat medik sudah memenuhi standar pusat pelayanan trauma, hanya belum memiliki alat torakosintesis, dan pada ruang resusistasi belum memiliki kotak pemanas cairan infus, gantungan infus dari langit-langit serta alat komunikasi khusus, sedangkan fasilitas layanan intensif belum memenuhi standar karena belum memiliki HCU, depo penyediaan darah dan untuk layanan CT Scan pada radiologi belum memenuhi standar karena hanya melayani pada pagi hari. Kesimpulan secara umum dengan memperhatikan komponen penderita dan komponen umum berdasarkan kondisi saat ini maka pusat pelayanan trauma RSUD Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek berada pada tingkat tiga menuju dua, dan pada tahun 2006 ini dapat di realisasikan. Saran kepada Pemda Propinsi Lampung, selain anggaran untuk investasi juga dialokasikan anggaran khusus untuk operasional pusat pelayanan trauma tersebut. Dinas Kesehatan Propinsi harus melakukan sosialisasi kepada rumah sakit-rumah sakit kabupaten/ kota tentang penanganan penderita trauma dan kriteria kasus trauma yang perlu dirujuk ke Pusat PeIayanan Trauma RSUD Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek. Kepada RSUD Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek, dilakukan penambahan dokter spesialis dan penambahan tenaga non medik, pelatihan khusus trauma untuk dokter umum dan paramedik, memperbaiki kekurangan pada fasilitas fisik dan melengkapi fasilitas alat medik serta untuk fasilitas layanan pendukung layanan CT Scan diberikan dalam 24 jam, melengkapi sarana prasarana HCU dan menyiapkan depo penyediaan darah.
In recent days, the pattern of the disease or illness is tending to change. Diseases caused by the changing of lifestyle, such as trauma, are likely to increase. in Indonesia, trauma has been a highest leading cause of death among people age 15 to 45, and death cause by accident is the forth highest. Province of Lampung is located on the area of cross-land transportation from and to the island of Java and Sumatera, and having a very high risk of road accident. It can be seen from the high number of trauma cases handled in the Emergency Room (ER) of District General Hospital of Dr. H. Abdoel Moeloek (DGHAM), which are as high as 4,000 cases per-year. Therefore, as the highest referral hospital in the province, DGHAM need to develop its ER and shifted to be a Trauma Service Center (TSC) for the province of Lampung. The aim of the study is to find out the description of situation on the ER of DGHAM that will shift to be a TSC. The study using a qualitative approach, and the information obtained are a primary data from observation and in-depth interview, and secondary data from documents review. The study found that District Authority (Pemda) of Lampuitg Province is giving fully supports both on budgeting and politically, in order to develop the TSC to become a reality. With the total cases handled at the ER of DGHAM are more than 4,100, about 1,500 (37%) of those are patients of trauma that need advance and intensive care form a trauma service center, and from those numbers, about 1,044 (69%) are having serious and severe trauma_ Informant from the DGHAM stated, with a figure as explained above the DGHAM is suppose to be have its own Trauma Team, and with 460 beds and BOR as high as 85% that makes DGHAM have a criterion for the level two of TSC. Regarding to the human resources, DGHAM has reach the standard of competency for its specialist doctors, but still have a lack on number of non-medic supporting staffs. It also has an adequate number on GPs and paramedic personnel, but they have not yet reach their standard of competency. DGHAM also has reached the standard for facilities, physically, but still have some exception, such as: the slope of the building is more than 20°, and there is no special entrance for patient that carried by cart. The facility on medical instruments and utensils has fulfilled the standard for TSC, but there is no instruments for thoracosinthesys, and at the resuscitation room, there is not yet have a warmer box for warming liquid infuse, infuse hanger at the ceiling, and a communication device. However, facilities for the intensive service has not fulfill the standard for an intensive services because there is no HCU instrument, blood reserve depot, and CT Scan services at the radiology department is only gave services in the morning. In general conclusion, with regard to the components on the situation of patients and condition of ER at DGHAM, it can be said that DGHAM have status for being a TSC level three to become a TSC level two, and it is hoped that in this year of 2006 can be brought into reality. Suggestion for Pemda of Lampung Province, beside the budget for investment, it is also needed to have special budget for the operational of the TSC. For DGHAM, there is a need to increase the number of specialist doctors and non medic supporting staffs, special trauma training for the GP and paramedic personnel, to improve the facilities on the building, and to complete the medical instruments, to provide 24 hours service for CT Scan, and also to supply the HCL' instrument and to have the blood reserve depot.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohammad Khairudin
Abstrak :
Nyawa merupakan hak yang fundamental yang dimiliki oleh setiap manusia. Kematian tidak mengenal usia, berapapun usianya pasti mengalami kematian, tidak terkecuali terhadap anak dibawah umur. Dalam kasus dengan gugatan yang timbul akibat hilangnya nyawa, subjek yang merasakan kerugian bukan orang yang nyawanya hilang melainkan orang lain yang di tinggal. Pasal 1370 KUH Perdata hanya mengatur mengenai pihak yang lazimnya menerima nafkah dari korban yang berhak mengajukan gugatan namun tidak ada pengaturan apabila anak dibawah umur yang meninggal dunia. yang berhak mengajukan gugatan atas hilangnya nyawa anak dibawah umur adalah keluarga sebagaimana diatur dalam pasal 1365 KUH Perdata serta dikaitkan dengan asas Point d rsquo;interet point d rsquo;action.di Negara Bagian Louisiana, Amerika Serikat, berdasarkan Louisiana Civil Code Keluarga kandung atau keluarga angkat yang dapat mengajukan gugatan atas hilangnya nyawa. Sementara di Indiana, Amerika Serikat, yang berhak mengajukan gugatan adalah Representativenya berdasarkan Indiana Code Indonesia seharusnya melakukan perluasan mengenai siapa yang dapat menjadi penggugat atas perbuatan melawan hukum terhadap nyawa berdasarkan Pasal 1370 KUH Perdata dengan menghilangkan unsur yang lazimnya mendapatkan nafkah dan menambahkan pihak ndash; pihak yang dapat mengajukan gugatan atas hilangnya nyawa sebagai akibat dari perbuatan melawan hukum demi kepastian hukum
Life is a fundamental right that every human being had. Death knows no age, no matter how old the person is death was a certainty, and it has no exception for minors. In the case of lawsuit that arise from the loss of life of a person, the subject that felt loss was his relative not the person whose life is lost. Indonesian Civil Code Article 1370 only regulates to those plaintiffs that regularly receive a living from the victims, and no regulations on Indonesian Civil Code that regulates if the victim was minors. Those who entitled to file a lawsuit for the loss of life of minors are families as regulated in Indonesian Civil Code Article 1365 linked to law principle Point d rsquo interet Point d rsquo action. In the state of Louisiana, United States, based on Louisiana Civil Code, those who entitled to file a lawsuit are the biological or adopted family. While in Indiana, United States, those who entitled to file a lawsuit is his representatives based on Indiana Code. Indonesia should expand the regulation on who has a right to be a plaintiff based on Article 1370 Indonesian Civil Code by eliminating article element that said regularly receive a living and adding parties whose entitled to file a lawsuit for the loss of life as a result of tort for legal certainty.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
This book discusses the latest advances in research and development, design, operation and analysis of transportation systems and their complementary infrastructures. It reports on both theories and case studies on road and rail, aviation and maritime transportation. Further, it covers a wealth of topics, from accident analysis, vehicle intelligent control, and human-error and safety issues to next-generation transportation systems, model-based design methods, simulation and training techniques, and many more. A special emphasis is placed on smart technologies and automation in transport, and on the user-centered, ergonomic and sustainable design of transport systems. The book, which is based on the AHFE 2018 International Conference on Human Factors in Transportation, held in Orlando, Florida, USA on July 21–25, 2018, mainly addresses the needs of transportation system designers, industrial designers, human–computer interaction researchers, civil and control engineers, as well as vehicle system engineers. Moreover, it represents a timely source of information for transportation policy-makers and social scientists whose work involves traffic safety, management, and sustainability issues in transport.
Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library