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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Djarot Utomo
Abstrak :
Keputusan Menteri Keuangan Republik Indonesia Nomor: 558/KMK.01/1999 tanggal 31 Desember 1999 tentang penetapan tarif bea masuk atas impor beras dan gula mulai berlaku tanggal 01 Januari 2000, tarif (bea masuk) impor beras sebesar Rp. 430 per kilogram. Dengan diberlakukannya tarif bea masuk tersebut diduga akan turut mempengaruhi harga beras dipasaran yang akan dirasakan oleh konsumen Indonesia. Hipotesa yang diajukan adalah harga eceran beras domestic dipengaruhi oleh tarif bea masuk impor dan variable lain yaitu selisih antara harga eceran beras domestic terhadap harga eceran beras dunia, kurs rupiah terhadap dollar Amerika, dan gross domestic product (GDP). Untuk mengetahui hal tersebut dilakukan pengkajian dengan pengolahan data menggunakan model regresi linier berganda dengan tingkat signifikansi a = 5%. Dart hasil pengolahan data dengan regresi liner bergabda tersebut menunjukkan bahwa harga eceran beras Indonesia dipengaruhi secara nyata oleh selisih antara harga eceran beras domestic terhadap harga eceran beras dunia (IP), kurs rupiah terhadap dollar Amerika (ER1), dan gross domestic product (GDP). Namun koefisien dummy tarif impor beras adalah kurang signifikan, yang berarti bahwa dengan adanya pengenaan tarif tea masuk tidak signifikan pengaruhnya terhadap harga eceran beras domestik.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nainggolan, Lukas Bonar
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini menganalisis efektivitas kebijakan HPP terhadap harga gabah, sebagai transmisi, terhadap produksi beras dan kesejahteraan petani, sebagai tujuan akhir kebijakan. Analisis dilakukan melalui estimasi model produksi padi dan harga gabah dengan metode 2SLS dan estimasi hubungan antara harga gabah dan HPP dengan metode VAR. Hasilnya adalah kebijakan HPP efektif mempengaruhi harga gabah, kesejahteraan petani, dan produksi beras dengan time lag sebesar satu periode. Akan tetapi, ternyata pergerakan harga gabah lebih banyak disebabkan oleh pergerakan harga gabah antar waktu dibandingkan HPP, sehingga disimpulkan penetapan HPP selama ini hanya mengikuti pergerakan harga gabah antar waktu.
This thesis analyzes the effectiveness of Rice Price-Support Policy to grain prices, as the transmission, to rice production and welfare of farmers, as the ultimate goal. The analysis was done by estimating the model of grain prices and paddy production by 2SLS method and estimate the relationship between grain prices and Price-Support Policy with VAR method. The result is Price-Support Policy effective to grain prices, welfare of farmers, and rice production with one time lag. However, the movement of grain prices caused more by the movement of grain prices over time than Price-Support Policy, so determination of Price-Support Policy had only to follow the movement of grain prices over time.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
The determination of the price of paddy is under the control of the Government and the influence of economic and non-economic forces. The price determination of paddy is connected with the general (average) price level. The general (average) price level influences the price of paddy as well as the price of consumption goods bought by paddy farmers. Therefore are influenced also income, cost of living and household welfare of paddy farmers. The increase of general (average) price level tends to increase the price of paddy. If the general (average) price level increases more than the increase of the price of paddy sold by paddy farmers and the price of consumption goods bought by paddy farmers, the real income of paddy farmers tends to decrease, the cost of living tends to increase and the household welfare tends to decrease. By taking into consideration the relationship between the general (average) price level, the price of paddy, the price of consumption goods, the real income and the cost of living, the household welfare tends to change. Because of the rational expectation of paddy farmers to general (average) price level change is lower than of the consumers, then the effect of change in price of paddy is smaller compared with the effect of change in price of consumption goods to the household welfare of paddy farmers. Therefore, to increase the household welfare of paddy farmers, it is needed not to aim at the change in price of paddy produced by paddy farmers, but at the income of paddy farmers or with other words aiming at the change of cost of living of the household of paddy farmers. The more subsistence the farmer is, the less elastic is his marketable supply. If the farmer becomes more commercialized or with other words the marketing output ratio is increased, the elasticity of marketable surplus increases. By taking into consideration the relationship between the general (average) price level, the price of paddy, the price of consumption goods bought by the paddy farmers as consumer, the real income and the cost of living and the household welfare of paddy farmers, then the success of paddy production depend also on the policies mix of the Government on the demand side and the supply side of macroeconomics, which imply also non-economic forces.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Kajian ini mempunyai latar belakang masalah pentingnya pangan sebagai kebutuhan azasi manusia, adanya pergeseran pembangunan ketahanan pangan dan ketergantungan Jakarta terhadap daerah produsen atau impor untuk memenuhi ketersediaan pangan. Pokok masalah penelitian ini adalah "apa rumusan strategi pengembangan ketahanan pangan dan apa prioritas strategi pengembangan ketahanan pangan di Propinsi DKI Jakarta". Penelitian bersifat deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif, menggunakan data sekunder dan primer dan kuisioner terhadap 16 responden yang memahami dan berkecimpung dalam pengembangan ketahanan pangan. Analisis data menggunakan Matrik Intemal-Ekstemal dan Proses Hirarki Analitik (PHA) dengan alat bantu software Expert Choice 2000. Peluang untuk pengembangan ketahanan pangan di Propinsi DKI Jakarta adalah: (1) kebijakan impor beras; (2) kebijakan OPK dan RASKIN; (3) kebijakan penetapan harga gabah/beras; (4) subsidi pupuk dan kredit; (5) perkembangan teknologi informasi, komputer dan transportasi; (6) otonomi daerah; (7) perkembangan teknologi pertanian; dan (8) komitmen pemerintah. Faktor ancaman meliputi: (1) perubahan iklim/alam; (2) globatisasi; (3) perubahan situasi politik; (4) laju inflasi; dan (5) fluktuasi nilai rupiah. Kekuatan untuk pengembangan ketahanan pangan di Propinsi DKI Jakarta adalah: (1) ketersediaan sarana dan prasarana perdagangan; (2) ketersediaan sarana dan prasarana transportasi; (3) keberadaan lembaga keungan; (4) keberadaan asosiasi dan kelembagaan pangan; (5) ketersediaan SDM; (6) partisipasi masyarakat; dan (7) kerjasama Mitra Praja Utama. Faktor kelemahan meliputi: (1) keterbatasan lahan pertanian; (2) ketergantungan pasokan pangan; (3) keterbatasan modal petani; (4) meningkatnya jumlah penduduk; (5) terbatasanya akses informasi ketahanan pangan; (6) kemiskinan; (7) pola konsumsi beras; dan (8) belum adanya institusi ketahanan pangan. Hasil analisis dengan Matrik Internal-Ekstemal diperoleh hasil total nilai faktor internal 2,576 dan nilai faktor eksternal 2,722 sehingga strategi yang sesuai adalah strategi growth. Rumusan strategi yang dikembangkan meliputi: (1) pengembangan dan peningkatan intensitas jaringan kerjasama; (2) peningkatan kapasitas distribusi pangan; (3) pembangunan sistem cadangan pangan; (4) peningkatan keberdayaan dan partisipasi masyarakat; dan (5) pengembangan diversifikasi dan konsumsi pangan. Hasil analisis dengan Proses Hirarki Analitik (PHA) diperoleh faktor untuk pengembangan ketahanan pangan di Propinsi DKI Jakarta adalah kepastian pasokan pangan (bobot 0,457), sistem distribusi pangan (bobot 0,289), diversifikasi konsumsi pangan (bobot 0,131), dan sistem penyimpanan pangan (bobot 0,122). Aktor yang berpengaruh meliputi Pemda DKI (bobot 0,365), BUMD/swasta (bobot 0,314), masyarakat (bobot 0,163) dan pemerintah pusat (bobot 0,158). Prioritas straegi adalah: (1) pengembangan dan peningkatan intensitas jaringan kerjasama (bobot 0,277); (2) peningkatan kapasitas distribusi pangan (bobot 0,247); (3) peningkatan keberdayaan dan partisipasi masyarakat (bobot 0,163); pembangunan sistem cadangan pangan (bobot 0,161); dan (5) pengembangan diversifikasi dan konsumsi pangan (bobot 0,152). Prioritas altematif kelembagaan berturut-turut:(1) pemerintah dan swasta (bobot 0,621); (2) pemerintah murni; dan (3) swasta murni/mekanisme pasar (bobot 0,179). Pelaksanaan alternatif strategi memerlukan koordinasi dengan pemerintah pusat, kerjasama dengan pihak lain yang terkait, dan dukungan kebijakan sektor lain seperti ekonomi, kesehatan, sosial, politik dan lain-lain. Hal lain yang perlu dilakukan adalah peningkatan daya beli masyarakat untuk mencapai Pola Pangan Harapan (PPH) dan pemetaan ketahanan pangan tingkat wilayah dan rumah tangga.
Strategy of Development Food Security in DKI Jakarta ProvinceDKI Jakarta doesn't have enough land to food production. in order to adequate the needed of food, DKI Jakarta Province must supply them from others region or import. The research objectives are to (1) formulated of strategy development food security in DKI Jakarta Province with identified strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and (2) formulated priority of strategy development food security in DKI Jakarta Province. Data analysis with Matrix Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE), External Factor Evaluation (EFE), Matrix Internal-External and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). The opportunities of developing food security in DKI Jakarta Province are (1) import rice policy; (2) targeted price subsidy policy; (3) floor price policy; (4) fertilizer and food security subsidies; (5) information, computer and transportation technologies; (6) local autonomy; (7) development agriculture technology; and (8) government commitment. The threats are (1) climate alteration; (2) globalization; (3) national politic situation; (4) inflation rate; and (5) Rupiahs kurs. The strengths are: (1) trade infrastructure; (2) transportation infrastructure; (3) finance institution; (4) food association and institution; (5) human resource; (6) community participation; and (7) cooperate with other provinces. The weaknesses are: (1) land agriculture limited; (2) dependences to other region or import; (3) capital farmer limited; (4) increasing population; (5) limited information of food security; (6) poverty; (7) consumption model; and (8) there is not special food security institution yet. Results Internal - External analysis are 2,576 for internal score and 2,722 for external score. The formulation and priority strategies are: (1) developing and improving of network cooperation intensity (0,277); (2) improving distribution of food capacity (0,247); (4) developing of food stock system (0,161); (3) improving community empowerment and participation (0,163); (5) diversification of food production and consumption (0,152). DKI Jakarta Province should coordinate with central government and mapping food security in local and household level for implementing strategies.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Husein Sawit
Abstrak :
The article discusses that various supports have been made available to agricultural sector, especially for rice under the framework of AoA WTO. The article also explore the domestic support methodology for calculating Total AMS (aggregate measure support) and de minimis for rice. Expenditure for general services has increased significantly after 1999. Most of the support under Green Box was designed for domestic food aid. Market price support for rice has continued to increase since 1999, however, de minimis level stood on average 6% p.a. in the period of 1998-2002. The implication is if the market price support for rice depends heavily on the domestic cost of paddy production and ignores the border price, this support can be beyond the de minimis level. De minimis above 10% for LDC is believed distorting the production and trade, and should go under Amber Box.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library