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Rizky Trinanda Akhbar
Abstrak :
Pertumbuhan yang pesat dan toko eceran (retailer) selama beberapa tahun terakhir merupakan suatu fenomena yang menarik untuk diteliti. Persaingan yang ketat membuat setiap toko eceran hams berupaya semaksimal mungkin tidak saja untuk mempertahankan pelanggan yang sudah ada, tetapi juga bagaimana agar pelanggan yang sudah ada tersebut dapat merekomendasikan kepada orang lain mengenai toko eceran tersebut. Kepuasan (satisfaction) seringkali dianggap sebagai suatu variabel yang paling menentukan apakah konsumen akan memiliki keinginan untuk melakukan kunjungan kembali ke toko eceran (repatronage intention) dan juga merekomendasikan toko eceran tersebut kepada orang lain (positive word of mouth communication). Dengan memasukkan variabel ketertarikan terhadap toko eceran (retailer interest) sebagai mediasi, penelitian ini mencoba melihat apakah variabel tersebut akan mempengaruhi perilaku konsumen dalam hal repatronage intention dan positive word of mouth communication. Variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah positive affect, involvement, satisfaction, retailer interest, repatronage intention, dan positive word of mouth communication. Perangkat lunak LISREL 8.3 digunakan untuk pengolahan data dan melihat pengaruh antar variabel tersebut. Hasil pengolahan data menunjukkan adanya variabel yang mempengaruhi variabel lainnya secara positif dan ada juga yang tidak mempengaruhi secara positif. Positive affect mempengaruhi retailer interest dan satisfaction secara positif, involvement mempengaruhi retailer interest secara positif, retailer interest mempengaruhi repatronage intention dan positive word of mouth communication secara positif. Variabel satisfaction hanya memiliki pengaruh positif pada retailer interest, sedangkan terhadap repatronage intention dan positive word of mouth communication variabel satisfaction tidak memiliki pengaruh yang positif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa konsumen yang hanya merasa puas terhadap toko eceran tidak memiliki keinginan untuk melakukan kunjungan kembali dan merekomendasikan kepada orang lain, berbeda halnya jika konsumen tersebut merasa puas dan juga memiliki ketertarikan terhadap toko eceran tersebut.
The ever emerging growth of retailers in the past years has been an interesting phenomenon and a field for researchers. The strong competition has affected each retailer to perform in its highest capacity not only to retain existing customers, but also to make those customers to recommend to others about the retailer. Satisfaction is often viewed as a key variable to predict whether customers will engage in repatronage intention and also whether they will recommend the retailer to others in the form of positive word of mouth communication. By implementing the retailer interest variable as a mediating role, this study tried to find whether this variable will affect consumer behavior with regards to repatronage intention and positive word of mouth communication. The variables used in this study are positive affect, involvement, satisfaction, retailer interest, repatronage intention, and positive word of mouth communication. This study used the LISREL 8.3 software to explore the data and see the effects amongst those variables. Findings of the study show that there are not only positive but also non positive relationships between some variables one another. Positive affect has a significant effect on retailer interest and satisfaction, involvement has a positive effect on retailer interest, retailer interest has a positive effect on repatronage intention and positive word of mouth communication. Whereas satisfaction has only a positive effect on retailer interest, but not on the repatronage intention and positive word of mouth communication variables. Some conclusion drawing are customers that only feels satisfied with retailer do not have any significance impact on repatronage intention and do not engage themselves in recommending the retailer to their relatives or colleagues, thus the case would be different to when customers are satisfied and at the same time have an amount of retailer interest towards the retailer.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Taufiq
Abstrak :
Perkembangan peritel modern semakin pesat beberapa tahun terakhir. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari bertambahnya dengan cepat gerai-gerai peritel modern. Perkembangan ini tentunya didukung oleh kerjasama antara peritel modern dengan pemasoknya, baik pemasok dengan skala usaha yang besar, menengah dan kecil. Salah satu pemasok peritel modern adalah PT.Intigarmindo Persada yang memproduksi pakaian jadi. Kerjasama pemasokan barang tersebut dituangkan secara tertulis dalam suatu bentuk perjanjian. Sehingga timbul pertanyaan: (1) Bagaimanakah sistem perjanjian dan persyaratan dagang antara peritel modern dengan PT. Intigarmindo Persada selaku pemasok barang, (2) Apakah ketentuan promosi diskon, minimum margin dan minus margin merupakan syarat dagang yang membebani pemasok dan menjadi potensi atas persaingan usaha yang tidak sehat, serta (3) Bagaimanakah peranan pemerintah atas permasalahan yang timbul dari pelaksanaan syarat dagang pada perjanjian kerjasama pemasokan barang. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini, telah dilakukan penelitian, melalui studi kepustakaan dan wawancara, dengan nara sumber dari PT.Intigarmindo Persada, Departemen Perdagangan Republik Indonesia dan Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha Republik Indonesia. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut: bahwa sistem perjanjian pemasokan barang antara peritel modern dengan PT.Intigarmindo Persada terdiri dari sistem konsinyasi dan jual beli putus, dan berbagai syarat dagang yang ditentukan oleh peritel modern seringkali sangat memberatkan pemasok, terutama peritel modern yang berupa skala usaha yang besar yang mempunyai posisi dominan yang kuat terhadap pemasoknya, sehingga dapat menetapkan syarat dagang tersendiri terhadap pemasoknya. Penyalahgunaan posisi dominan tersebut dapat berpotensi menjadi sebab suatu persaingan usaha yang tidak sehat. Untuk itu pemerintah sedang merumuskan aturan baru dalam bentuk Peraturan Presiden tentang pasar modern, di mama akan diatur juga mengenai syarat dagang antara peritel modern dengan pemasoknya. Saran-saran yang dapat dikemukakan adalah perlu dibentuknya suatu badan yang menjembatani kedua belah pihak karena walaupun aturan yang baru tersebut dikeluarkan, hal itu tidak akan dapat sepenuhnya mengakomodasi kepentingan para pihak, dan perlunya ada suatu pemberian sanksi yang tegas terhadap pihak yang melakukan penyimpangan.
Modern retailers have made fast development in the last few years. This can be seen from the rapid increase of modern retailer outlets. This development is surely supported by the cooperation between modern retailers and their suppliers; big, medium or small-scale suppliers. PT. Intigarmindo Persada is one of the supplier, which produces finished garment. The cooperation in good supply is set forth in writing a form of agreement. Then some questions are raised: (1) How are the system of agreement and trade conditions between modern retailers and PT. Intigarmindo Persada as goods supplier? (2) Do discount promotion, minimum margin and minus margin constitute trade condition which burden suppliers and lead to unfair business competition, and (3) What are the roles of the Government in the settlement of problems arising from trade conditions in goods supply agreement? To answer this question, a study has been conducted by bibliographical study and interviews with sources persons from PT.Intigarmindo Persada, Ministry of Trade of Republic of Indonesia, and Business Competition Supervisory Commission of the Republic of Indonesia. From the above study, it can be concluded as follows: that the system of goods supply agreement between modern retailers and PT.Intigarmindo Persada consists of consignment system and cash and carry and various trade conditions determined by modern retailers of big scale enterprises which have strong bargaining power in front of their suppliers. This dominance position may cause unfair business competition. Therefore, the Government is formulation a new regulation in from of presidential decree on modern market, which also provides trade conditions between modern retailers and their suppliers. It is suggested that a body which can bridges both sides should be established because even though a regulation has been establish, it will not accommodate all interests of the parties, and strict sanction must be applied in case of breach.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ria Kiswandini
Abstrak :
LPG merupakan salah satu bahan bakar yang digunakan untuk memasak oleh rumah tangga di Indonesia. Pemerintah menetapkan harga jual eceran LPG adalah sebesar Rp 4.250/kg atau Rp 12.750/tabung di penyalur, sementara harga jual di tingkat sub penyalur ditetapkan oleh Pemerintah Daerah melalui penetapan HET (harga eceran tertinggi), yang mungkin berbeda dari satu daerah ke daerah lain, dan untuk pengecer belum diatur. Tujuan kajian ini yaitu untuk mendapatkan gambaran harga eceran LPG yang wajar ditinjau dari biaya distribusi LPG dari penyalur ? sub penyalur - pengecer. Metodologi yang digunakan yaitu penghitungan biaya distribusi LPG (biaya investasi, transportasi, dan logistik) kemudian melakukan analisa keeekonomian. Untuk mencari harga jual yang wajar, ditetapkan IRR terlebih dahulu, kemudian dilakukan trial hingga didapatkan harga jual sesuai IRR yang ditetapkan yang besarnya 16,5%. Dari analisa keekonomian, untuk penyalur, sub penyalur yang tidak mengantarkan LPG 3 kg, dan pengecer telah ekonomis, sementara untuk sub penyalur yang mengantarkan LPG 3 kg belum ekonomis. dari penghitungan harga jual, harga jual yang wajar di penyalur sebesar Rp 14.254/tabung, di sub penyalur yang mengantar LPG 3 kg sebesar Rp 17.420/tabung, sub penyalur yang tidak mengantar sebesar Rp 15.645, dan pengecer sebesar Rp 16.423/tabung
LPG (Liquified Petroleum Gas) is one of fuels used for cooking by households in Indonesia. The government sets the retail price of LPG is Rp 4,250 / kg or Rp 12,750 / cylinder at distributor level, while the selling prices at the level of subdistributors is set by the local government through the establishment of HET (highest retail price), whic may be different from one region to another region and for retailers have not been set yet. The absence of government control for setting the price at causing an unexpected costumer cost, because sub-distributors and retailers can take an unfair margin (profit) . The purpose of this study is to obtain a reasonable retail price of LPG, perspectively distributor, sub distributor, and retailer levels. Calculations used data of LPG distribution costs (investment cost, transportation cost, and logistic cost), from which economic analysis was carried out. To find a reasonable selling price, the IRR is set first, and then conducting a trial to obtain selling price corresponding IRR already set (IRR 16,5%). From the economic analysis, it is shown that the business of distributors, retailers, and subdistributors without delivering LPG is economical, while for sub-distributors who deliver LPG is not economical. The selling price calculation found that the reasonable price at distributor level is Rp 14,254/cyinder, at sub-distributor level is Rp17,420/cylinder, and without delivering lpg sub-distributor level is Rp 15, 645/cylinder, and at retailer level is Rp 16, 423 / cylinder;LPG (Liquified Petroleum Gas) is one of fuels used for cooking by households in Indonesia. The government sets the retail price of LPG is Rp 4,250 / kg or Rp 12,750 / cylinder at distributor level, while the selling prices at the level of subdistributors is set by the local government through the establishment of HET (highest retail price), whic may be different from one region to another region and for retailers have not been set yet. The absence of government control for setting the price at causing an unexpected costumer cost, because sub-distributors and retailers can take an unfair margin (profit) . The purpose of this study is to obtain a reasonable retail price of LPG, perspectively distributor, sub distributor, and retailer levels. Calculations used data of LPG distribution costs (investment cost, transportation cost, and logistic cost), from which economic analysis was carried out. To find a reasonable selling price, the IRR is set first, and then conducting a trial to obtain selling price corresponding IRR already set (IRR 16,5%). From the economic analysis, it is shown that the business of distributors, retailers, and subdistributors without delivering LPG is economical, while for sub-distributors who deliver LPG is not economical. The selling price calculation found that the reasonable price at distributor level is Rp 14,254/cyinder, at sub-distributor level is Rp17,420/cylinder, and without delivering lpg sub-distributor level is Rp 15, 645/cylinder, and at retailer level is Rp 16, 423 / cylinder, LPG (Liquified Petroleum Gas) is one of fuels used for cooking by households in Indonesia. The government sets the retail price of LPG is Rp 4,250 / kg or Rp 12,750 / cylinder at distributor level, while the selling prices at the level of subdistributors is set by the local government through the establishment of HET (highest retail price), whic may be different from one region to another region and for retailers have not been set yet. The absence of government control for setting the price at causing an unexpected costumer cost, because sub-distributors and retailers can take an unfair margin (profit) . The purpose of this study is to obtain a reasonable retail price of LPG, perspectively distributor, sub distributor, and retailer levels. Calculations used data of LPG distribution costs (investment cost, transportation cost, and logistic cost), from which economic analysis was carried out. To find a reasonable selling price, the IRR is set first, and then conducting a trial to obtain selling price corresponding IRR already set (IRR 16,5%). From the economic analysis, it is shown that the business of distributors, retailers, and subdistributors without delivering LPG is economical, while for sub-distributors who deliver LPG is not economical. The selling price calculation found that the reasonable price at distributor level is Rp 14,254/cyinder, at sub-distributor level is Rp17,420/cylinder, and without delivering lpg sub-distributor level is Rp 15, 645/cylinder, and at retailer level is Rp 16, 423 / cylinder]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syaputrie Rahmadhanie
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Skripsi ini membahas mengenai proses implementasi serta faktor yang menjadi pendukung dan penghambat dalam menjalankan kebijakan Perwali No. 61 tahun 2018 di Kota Bogor. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam semi terstruktur, observasi, dan studi literatur kepada lima orang informan. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa proses implementasi dapat terlihat dari dua level, yaitu level administratif dan level operasional. Dalam proses implementasi di level administratif, ditemukan bahwa dilakukan koordinasi dengan satuan kerja perangkat daerah (SKPD) terkait dan internal DLH Kota Bogor, sosialisasi internal, serta pembekalan staff pelaksana. Kemudian pada level operatif, dilakukan sosialisasi kepada pihak retail modern, penegasan izin usaha retail, sosialisasi ke masyarakat, dan pengawasan oleh berbagai pihak. Selama pelaksanaannya di lapangan, ditemukan berbagai hal yang menjadi faktor pendukung, yaitu berasal dari internal dan eksternal DLH Kota Bogor. Selain itu, terdapat juga faktor penghambat yang semuanya berasal dari eskternal DLH Kota Bogor, yaitu dari kelompok kepentingan (INAPLAS dan APRINDO), masyarakat sebagai pembeli, retail modern, dan pihak manajemen pengelola gedung. Penelitian ini menyarankan agar pemerintah dapat melibatkan pihak pelaku usaha sejak awal perumusan, meningkatkan intensitas sosialisasi, dan menetapkan masa peralihan sebelum kebijakan tersebut benar-benar diberlakukan.
ABSTRACT This bachelor thesis discusses the implementation processing, supporting, and obstructing factors in carrying out the policy Mayor Regulation No. 61 of 2018 in Bogor City. This research uses descriptive approaches with data collection techniques, through in-depth semi-structured interviews, observation, and literature studies to five informants. The results conclude that the implementation process can be seen from two levels, which are administrative level and operational level. In the implementation process at the administrative level, it was found that coordination was carried out with the relevant regional work unit (SKPD) and internal Environmental Departement of Bogor City, internal socialization, and the provisioning of executor staff. Then at the operative level, socialization is carried out to modern retailers, the affirmation of retail business licenses, socialization to the public, and supervision by various parties. During the implementation process, various factors were found as supporting factors, namely originated from the internal and external Environmental Departement of Bogor City. In addition, there are also obstructing factors that all coming from external Environmental Departement of Bogor City, such as group of interest (INAPLAS and APRINDO), the community as buyers, modern retailers, and the shop management. This research asks if the government can involve the parties that affected since the beginning of the policy formulation, increasing the integration of socialization, and arranging the transition period before the policy is actually implemented.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library