ABSTRAKSelf-esteem merupakan evaluasi diri yang penting bagi anak-anak dan orang dewasa. Self-esteem yang tinggi menyebabkan seseorang merasa bangga dan nyaman menjadi dirinya sendiri sehingga menimbulkan efek yang positif. Sementara itu, self-esteem yang rendah berhubungan dengan beragam gangguan psikologis. Resource Development and Installation (RDI) merupakan salah satu teknik yang awalnya digunakan untuk stabilisasi emosi. Dalam prosesnya terjadi penguatan pikiran positif mengenai diri yang merupakan komponen kognitif dari self-esteem. Penguatan ini dinilai mampu meningkatkan self-esteem. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat efektifitas RDI untuk meningkatkan self-esteem anak, khususnya anak sekolah dasar kelas empat. Penelitian dirancang secara eksperimen pada 54 orang anak kelas empat sekolah dasar. Pengukuran dilakukan menggunakan Self-Perception Profile for Childer (SPPC). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terjadi peningkatan self-esteem yang signifikan setelah pelaksanaan RDI.
ABSTRACTSelf-esteem is an important self evaluation for children and adult. Person with high self-esteem shows high self-worth, proud of themselves, and high subjective well-being that gives such advantages into their live. In the other hand, low self-esteem correlated with many psychological symptoms. Resource Development and Installation (RDI) used to be a technique for emotion stabilization. In the procedure, positive cognition of self was being strenghtened. Positive cognition of self is a cognitive compoent of self-esteem. Therefore, by strenghtening the positive cognitions, the self esteem will increase as well. This study aim to evaluate the effectiveness of RDI to increase self-esteem. An experimental study conducted among 54 fourth grade elementary school children. The measurement used in this study is Self-Perception Profile for Children (SPPC). The result shows there are no significant increase of self-esteem among elementary children grade fourth after RDI sessions, Self-esteem is an important self evaluation for children and adult. Person with high self-esteem shows high self-worth, proud of themselves, and high subjective well-being that gives such advantages into their live. In the other hand, low self-esteem correlated with many psychological symptoms. Resource Development and Installation (RDI) used to be a technique for emotion stabilization. In the procedure, positive cognition of self was being strenghtened. Positive cognition of self is a cognitive compoent of self-esteem. Therefore, by strenghtening the positive cognitions, the self esteem will increase as well. This study aim to evaluate the effectiveness of RDI to increase self-esteem. An experimental study conducted among 54 fourth grade elementary school children. The measurement used in this study is Self-Perception Profile for Children (SPPC). The result shows there are no significant increase of self-esteem among elementary children grade fourth after RDI sessions]"