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Karina Istifarisny
Self-esteem merupakan evaluasi diri yang penting bagi anak-anak dan orang dewasa. Self-esteem yang tinggi menyebabkan seseorang merasa bangga dan nyaman menjadi dirinya sendiri sehingga menimbulkan efek yang positif. Sementara itu, self-esteem yang rendah berhubungan dengan beragam gangguan psikologis. Resource Development and Installation (RDI) merupakan salah satu teknik yang awalnya digunakan untuk stabilisasi emosi. Dalam prosesnya terjadi penguatan pikiran positif mengenai diri yang merupakan komponen kognitif dari self-esteem. Penguatan ini dinilai mampu meningkatkan self-esteem. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat efektifitas RDI untuk meningkatkan self-esteem anak, khususnya anak sekolah dasar kelas empat. Penelitian dirancang secara eksperimen pada 54 orang anak kelas empat sekolah dasar. Pengukuran dilakukan menggunakan Self-Perception Profile for Childer (SPPC). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terjadi peningkatan self-esteem yang signifikan setelah pelaksanaan RDI.

Self-esteem is an important self evaluation for children and adult. Person with high self-esteem shows high self-worth, proud of themselves, and high subjective well-being that gives such advantages into their live. In the other hand, low self-esteem correlated with many psychological symptoms. Resource Development and Installation (RDI) used to be a technique for emotion stabilization. In the procedure, positive cognition of self was being strenghtened. Positive cognition of self is a cognitive compoent of self-esteem. Therefore, by strenghtening the positive cognitions, the self esteem will increase as well. This study aim to evaluate the effectiveness of RDI to increase self-esteem. An experimental study conducted among 54 fourth grade elementary school children. The measurement used in this study is Self-Perception Profile for Children (SPPC). The result shows there are no significant increase of self-esteem among elementary children grade fourth after RDI sessions, Self-esteem is an important self evaluation for children and adult. Person with high self-esteem shows high self-worth, proud of themselves, and high subjective well-being that gives such advantages into their live. In the other hand, low self-esteem correlated with many psychological symptoms. Resource Development and Installation (RDI) used to be a technique for emotion stabilization. In the procedure, positive cognition of self was being strenghtened. Positive cognition of self is a cognitive compoent of self-esteem. Therefore, by strenghtening the positive cognitions, the self esteem will increase as well. This study aim to evaluate the effectiveness of RDI to increase self-esteem. An experimental study conducted among 54 fourth grade elementary school children. The measurement used in this study is Self-Perception Profile for Children (SPPC). The result shows there are no significant increase of self-esteem among elementary children grade fourth after RDI sessions]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chitra Annisya
"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat bagaimana penerapan intervensi Resource Development and Installation (RDI) dalam menurunkan gejala-gejala developmental trauma pada R, seorang anak laki-laki berusia 11 tahun yang mengalami kekerasan seksual oleh saudara kandungnya. Tujuan dari intervensi RDI adalah mengurangi gejala-gejala trauma R dengan cara membangkitkan resource yang dimilikinya dan mengubah kognisi negatif menjadi lebih positif sehingga menurunkan tingkat ketergangguan R terhadap pengalaman traumatisnya. Intervensi RDI dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik Point of Power, Pendulation Exercise, dan Absorption. Teknik Point of Power digunakan untuk membangkitkan sumber daya positif yang dimiliki anak. Pada teknik Pendulation Exercise, anak dihadapkan dengan materi mengganggu berupa ekspresi gambar dan dilatih untuk memindahkan fokus dari kondisi tidak menyenangkan ke kondisi tenang. Pada teknik Absorption, anak memproses ingatan menganggu dan membangkitkan resource untuk menghadapi situasi tersebut.
Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan penerapan RDI dapat menurunkan gejala developmental trauma pada anak yang mengalami kekerasan seksual yang terukur dari penurunan gejala developmental trauma dan tingkat ketergangguan terhadap pengalaman traumatis. Hasil tersebut juga menunjukkan bahwa RDI dapat memfasilitasi terjadinya Adaptive Information Processing pada anak dengan developmental trauma. Setelah intervensi, R mampu menenangkan dirinya, tidak lagi menghindari situasi keluarga, dan memusatkan perhatian di sekolah.

This study was conducted to measure the effectiveness of Resource Development and Installation (RDI) to reduce symptoms of developmental trauma on R, a 11-year-old boy who experienced sibling sexual abuse. The goal of RDI intervention is to reduce symptoms of developmental trauma by activating the child‟s resources in order to change the negative cognition become more positive so the distress level of traumatic experience will be decreased. RDI performed by using Point of Power, Pendulation Exercise and Absorption Techniques. Point of Power Technique is used to activate positive resources owned by the child. Through Exercise Pendulation technique, the child is confronted with disturbing material in the form of images and learn to shift focus from unpleasant state to calming state. Then, Absorption technique is used to process disturbing memories and activate positive resources of the child and acquire new positive coping strategy to deal with possible traumatic situation in the future.
Results of this study suggest that RDI intervention effectively decreased symptoms of developmental trauma on a child with history of sexual abuse. The decrease in developmental trauma symptoms and subjective unit of distress of traumatic memory confirmed that RDI can facilitate the adaptive information processing in children with developmental trauma. After the intervention, R becomes calmer, more open to family, and also shows improvement in concentration and behaviors.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anita Tresiana
"Penelitian ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi pengurangan gejala Posttraumatic Stress Disorder PTSD , berupa intrusion, avoidance dan hyperarousal, perubahan kognisi dan mood, serta keluhan somatis dan perilaku agresif pasca trauma yang dialami seorang anak perempuan berusia 7 tahun akibat tindak kekerasan seksual berulang. Gejala PTSD dikurangi dengan Resource Development and Installation RDI yang menumbuh-kembangkan sumber daya positif anak tanpa pemaparan pada traumanya, dan Integrated Group Treatment Protocol IGTP yang secara langsung memroses-ulang trauma. RDI dapat mengurangi gejala avoidance dan hyperarousal, sedangkan gejala intrusi perlu ditangani dengan IGTP yang memroses-ulang ingatan traumatik agar menjadi adaptif. Dilakukan tiga kali pengukuran gejala PTSD, keluhan soatis dan perilaku agresif: pra intervensi, pasca intervensi dan tiga minggu setelah intervensi terakhir, dengan menggunakan The Children's Impact of Event Scale-13 CRIES-13 yang mengukur gejala PTSD dan Child Behavior Checklist CBCL yang mengukur berbagai gangguan perilaku anak termasuk keluhan somatis dan perilaku agresif. Skor CRIES-13 pasca intervensi menurun pada gejala avoidance dan hyperarousal. Intrusi masih terjadi meski dalam frekuensi yang berkurang, namun mimpi buruk tidak lagi pernah terjadi. Perubahan negatif pada mood dan kognisi mengalami penurunan yang ditunjukkan oleh subskala anxiety/depression CBCL. Skor CBCL pasca intervensi juga menurun pada area masalah kecemasan, depresi, keluhan somatis dan perilaku agresif. Dampak intervensi masih menetap tiga minggu pasca intervensi, bahkan gejala intrusi semakin menurun. Intrusi ingatan traumatik dan mimpi buruk tidak lagi dialami anak, ia tidak lagi menghindari pembicaraan tentang tindak kekerasan seksual yang dialaminya, meski masih menghindari sosok yang mengingatkannya pada pelaku. Anak menjadi lebih mampu mengendalikan pikiran dan emosinya. Rasa harga dirinya mulai tumbuh dan perlu terus diperkuat agar dapat mengatasi masalah dalam interaksi sosial yang masih dialaminya.

This study was conducted to explore decreases in the symptoms of intrusion, avoidance, negative alterations of cognition and mood, and hyperarousal of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder PTSD , somatic complaints and aggressive behavior showed by a seven years old girl, a survivor of repeated sexual molestation. The intervention involved Resource Development and Installation RDI that was originally designed to develop positive resources without trauma exposure and Integrated Group Treatment Protocol IGTP that directly reprocess the trauma. RDI was known to decrease the symptoms of avoidance and hyperarousal, whereas intrusion was needed to be dealt with IGTP that reprocesses traumatic memory become adaptive. Three times measurement of PTSD symptoms, somatic compalints and aggressive behavior were conducted pre intervention, post intervention and three weeks after post intervention measurement using The Children rsquo s Impact of Event Scale 13 CRIES 13 that measures PTSD symptoms and Child Behavior Checklist CBCL that measures various child problems including somatic complaints and aggressive behavior. Post intervention scores of CRIES 13 showed decrease in avoidance and hyperarousal. Eventhough intrusion was still experienced in lower frequency, nightmares have disappeared. The negative alterations of cognition and mood were decreased showed by the CBCL anxiety depression sub scale scores. There were also decreases in CBCL scores on the area of anxiety, depression, somatic complaints and aggressive behavior. Measurement at three week after intervention showed the maintenance of post intervention measures. Interestingly intrusion was apparently keep decreasing. Intrusive traumatic memories and nightmares ceased. The child showed no avoidance to talk about the sexual molestation she experienced, although she still avoids person that reminds her of the perpetrator. She had better ability to regulate her thoughts and emotions. Her self worth began to grow albeit needed reinforcement to better cope with difficulties in social peer interaction."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library