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Fitria Sari
Abstrak :
Terorisme menjadi isu yang menarik saat ini. Aktivitas dari terorisme dilakukan melalui provokasi doktrin ideologi dengan proses hegemoni. Terorisme memanfaatkan rasa frustasi dan kekecewaan pada sebagain masyarakat sebagai sasarannya. Terorisme sebagai sebuah diskursus masih berfokus pada upaya penegakan hukum, kerjasama antar lembaga pertahanan, analisis kebijaka hukum, dan definisi-definisi tentang terorisme. Ironisnya, perempuan khususnya istri menjadi sosok yang terekslusi dalam proses dialog dan respon mengenai terorisme. Padahal istri merupakan sosok yang penting dalam kehidupan para pelaku aksi terrisme. Penelitian ini menekankan pada pengalaman dan suara dari para istri mantan narapidana terorisme. Tulisan ini mengupas proses pergolakan, negosiasi, sekaligus penerimaan proses dari narasi ekstremis yang terdapat pada logika berfikir, sebagai sebuah perjuangan dalam konteks penerimaan dan otonomi diri. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi kasus sebagai jenis penelitian, dengan perspektif feminis, dan wawancara mendalam sebagai metode pengumpulan data. Pemikiran dari teori Konstruktivisme, pandangan Feminis tentang Otonomi Relasional dan Politik Kesalehan dipilih sebagai kerangka teori untuk menganalisis data hasil temuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya doktrinasi dari suami tentang ajaran ekstremisme, istri mengalami pergulatan untuk menginternalisasi ajaran tersebut. Di sisi lain, ada pula temuan yang menunjukkan bahwa para istri juga melakukan negosiasi kepada sang suami dalam mengaplikasikan narasi yang telah berusaha diinternalisasikan. Seluruh upaya refleksi dan perjuangan berkelindan dalam pemikiran istri, untuk dipraktikkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Bagaimanapun, adanya negosiasi pada berbagai sisi relasi yang dimunculkan oleh sang istri memiliki respon yang beragam dalam usahanya dalam proses penerimaan maupun pergolakan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sosok istri mengalami sebuah proses konstruktivisme dan otonomi relasional dalam proses pergulatan dan negosiasinya selama ini. Rekomendasi dari penelitian ini dapat berkontribusi bahwa istri juga dapat dilihat sebagai agen untuk menangkal ekstremisme dan terorisme di masa mendatang.
Terrorism has become an important issue today. Activities of terrorism are undertaken through provocation to ideological doctrine with hegemonic process. Terrorism teaching exploits the frustration or disappointment of common people. Up to date, terrorism as a discourse issue still focuses predominantly on law enforcement, inter state cooperation, law analysis, and terrorism definition. Unfortunately, women especially wives become excluded in the process, dialogue, and response on this issue. Whereas, wives are the most important figures in the lives of the perpetrators of terrorism. This paper highlights the experiences and voices of the wives of terrorist prisoners. It examines the rebellion and acceptance process of extremism narrative that is going on within the wives rsquo minds a struggle of balancing acceptance and self autonomy. This paper also explores those experiences using case study as a research type feminist perspective and observation and in depth interview as data collection method. The thought of Feminism in Relational Autonomy and Politics of Piety is used as the theoretical analysis tool. The finding of this paper is that through indoctrination by their husbands, the wives were always encountered with ideas that they had to struggle to accept. However, on the other hand, it was also found that they eventually had to negotiate and came into compromise when applying those ideas in real life. The whole compromise reflects the struggle that was going on in their mind as they attempted to translate the doctrines into their practical life. However, at the same time, despite the negotiation they made in certain aspects of the doctrine, they seemed to still willingly and obediently accept certain other parts of the doctrine. This paper concludes that wives have certain degree of self autonomy in dealing with i.e. negotiating to accept or reject the indoctrination by their husbands. The conclusion is followed by some recommendations on what can possibly be contributed by the wives to counter terrorism narrative in the future.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ratu Arras Shafara
Abstrak :
[Di era modern ini, terbukanya kesempatan bagi perempuan untuk mengembangkan dirinya semakin terbuk. Saat ini banyak perempuan yang memperhatikan tingkat pendidikannya demi memiliki karier yang baik di dalam dunia pekerjaan. Peningkatan karier perempuan diiringi juga dengan peningkatan penghasilan membuat perempuan memiliki peran lebih dalam memenuhi kebutuhan ekonomi di dalam keluarga. Fenomena tersebut kemudian memunculkan istilah alpha wife. Skripsi ini memberikan gambaran mengenai dinamika relasi suami istri dan pengambilan keputusan pada keluarga alpha wife. Di Indonesia, alpha wife tidak hanya memiliki penghasilan lebih besar dari suami, hal tersebut juga mempengaruhi relasi kekuasaan di dalam keluarga. Namun, hubungan di antara keduanya masih tetap dipengaruhi oleh nilai dan norma yang berlaku di masyarakat. ......In this modern era, opening up opportunities for women to develop themselves increasingly exposed. Today women are paying attention to level of education in order to have a good career in the world of work. Career advancement of women followed by an increase in income makes women have a larger role to fulfill the economic needs of the family. The phenomenon then led to the term alpha wife. This thesis provides an overview of the dynamics of husband and wife’s relationship and decision making in alpha wife family. In Indonesia, alpha wife not only who earns more than her husband but it also affects the power relations within family. However, the relationship between husband and wife still influenced by the values and norms in society. , In this modern era, opening up opportunities for women to develop themselves increasingly exposed. Today women are paying attention to level of education in order to have a good career in the world of work. Career advancement of women followed by an increase in income makes women have a larger role to fulfill the economic needs of the family. The phenomenon then led to the term alpha wife. This thesis provides an overview of the dynamics of husband and wife’s relationship and decision making in alpha wife family. In Indonesia, alpha wife not only who earns more than her husband but it also affects the power relations within family. However, the relationship between husband and wife still influenced by the values and norms in society. ]
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia , 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ravinka Ayundra Putri
Abstrak :
Upaya pencegahan HIV pada pasangan serodiskordan dan serokonkordan berkaitan dengan perilaku yang berfokus pada pandangan dan keyakinan individu. Hasil studi tentang penularan HIV pada pasangannya ditemukan bahwa 25% ditularkan oleh pasangannya yang positif HIV. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui gambaran perilaku pencegahan HIV pada pasangan serodiskordan dan serokonkordan di yayasan Grapiks Bekasi.Metode:Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Metode yang digunakan adalah wawancara mendalam secara daring melalui aplikasi yang menyediakan fitur percakapan suara.Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perilaku pencegahan HIV pada pasangan serodiskordan yaitu sebagain besar tidak konsisten menggunakan kondom namun patuh mengkonsumsi obat ARV, sedangkan semua pasangan serokonkordan konsisten menggunakan kondom dan patuh mengkonsumsi obat ARV. Semua ODHA telah mengungkapkan statusnya kepada pasangannya. Namun tidak semua mengungkapkan kepada keluarganya. Semua pasangan memiliki pengetahuan yang cukup baik seperti faktor penularan, pencegahan dan pengobatan. Namun, kurang baik mengenai mutasi virus akibat jika tidak menggunakan kondom bagi pasangan serokonkordan. Pola relasi suami istri pada pasangan serodiskordan adalah head complement (istri bekerja dirumah dan keputusan diakhir tetap pada suami)sedangkan pasangan serokonkordan yaitu head complementdan HIV prevention efforts in serodiscordant and seroconcordant couples are associated with behaviors that focus on individual views and beliefs. The results of a study of HIV transmission in partners found that 25% was transmitted by HIV positive partners. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of HIV prevention behavior in serodiscordant and seroconordant couples at the Grapiks foundation in Bekasi. Method This study uses a case study design with a qualitative approach. The method used is in-depth interviews via call: The results showed that HIV prevention behaviors in serodiscordant couples were, for the most part inconsistent in using condoms but compliant in taking ARV drugs, whereas all serokonkordan couples consistently use condoms and adhere to ARV drugs. All ODHA have revealed their status to their partners. But not all revealed to his family. All couples have pretty good knowledge such as transmission, prevention and treatment factors. However, it is not good about the mutation of the virus due to if not using a condom for seroconcordant couples. The pattern of husband and wife relations in serodiscordant couples is head complement (the wife works at home and the final decision remains on the husband), while the seroconcordant pair is the head complement and senior junior partner (the wife can contribute to the economy and the wife's decision can influence). Serodiscordant couples are aware of the risk of HIV transmission but are willing to accept consequences such as happiness, death, and family life, while seroconcordant couples are aware of the risk of transmission and hope that it is not severe, the consequences of which are family life, shame and pain. Serodiscordant pairs have lower benefits than seroncordant couples. Serodiscordant pairs have a higher resistance than seroconcordant pairs. All couples received in-depth information about HIV / AIDS from health workers through consultations and NGOs, namely peer support groups and study clubs conducted in the form of counseling.There are differences in HIV prevention behavior in serodiscordant couples and seroconcordant couples in the Bekasi Grapiks Foundation in 2020
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library