ABSTRAKLapangan Y memiliki permasalahan kepasiran saat memproduksi hidrokarbon dan
hal ini mengakibatkan penurunan effesiensi pompa secara drastis. Permasalahan
kepasiran dapat diatasi dengan beberapa cara, seperti mekanikal (sand cat, gravel
pack), kimia (Sand Aid) dan cara perforasi selektif (seleksi perforasi interval dan
perforasi berarah). Pemecahan permasalahan kepasiran dengan cara mekanik dan
kimia memerlukan biaya yang mahal. Pada tesis ini dilakukan pemecahan
permasalahan kepasiran dengan cara perforasi selektif ke arah tegasan horizontal
maksimum dan menghasilkan penurunan produksi pasir yang hampir sama dengan
cara mekanikal dan kimia serta dapat menekan biaya. Pada study ini digunakan 3 data
log image dan atribut seismik 3D untuk menentukan arah tegasan horizontal
Pada 3 data log image dilakukan interpretasi arah rekahan, breakout, dan induced
fracture. Dari tiga data log image, dapat dilihat bahwa rekahan insitu stress memiliki
arah tegasan horizontal maksimum yang hampir sama dengan tektonik stress. Arah
tegasan horizontal maksimum yang dihasilkan log image adalah N 040o E ? N 220o
E. Arah perforasi dapat dilakukan ke arah N 040o E ? N 220o E secara lokal area
sekitar sumur yang memiliki data log image. Untuk melihat penyebaran arah rekahan
lapangan Y dilakukan analisis atribut seismik. Metode analisis atribut seismik yang
digunakan adalah variance, ant track dan curvature. Metode atribut seismik variance
dan ant track yang dianalogikan pola rekahan memiliki arah yang sama dengan
rekahan log image yaitu N 055o E ? N 095o E dan pola tidak berubah dari Utara
hingga Selatan Lapangan Y, namun pola atribut curvature tidak memiliki
kecendrungan yang sama dengan arah lipatan hasil analisis rekahan log image.
Karena kesamaan arah umum rekahan log image dengan kecendrungan rekahan pada
atribut variance dan ant track, maka tegasan horizontal maksimum dari analisis log
image dapat digunakan dalam menentukan perforasi berarah sumur-sumur di
Lapangan Y yaitu N 040o E ? N 220o E.
ABSTRACTY field has sanding problems when producing hydrocarbons and as it results in adrastic efficiency decrease in pump. Sanding problems can be solved in several ways,such as mechanical (sand cat, gravel pack), chemical (Sand Aid) and selectiveperforation way (perforation interval selection and oriented perforation). Sandingproblems solved by means of mechanical and chemical but it costly. This thesis hasdone by using selectively perforating in the direction of maximum horizontal stress tosolves the sanding problems and the result make production of sand decreased that isalmost the same as the mechanical and chemical way to reduce the cost. In this studyused 3 images data log and 3D seismic attributes to determine the direction ofmaximum horizontal stress.At 3 image log data has interpretated the direction of fracture, breakout and inducedfracture. At three image log data, the insitu stress fracture have a horizontalmaximum stress direction which direction same to tectonic stress. The direction ofhorizontal maximum stress from image data was N 040o E - N 220o E. The orientperforation can be used towards N 040o E - N 220o E which applied the local areaaround the image data only. To know fractures direction deployment in Y field byusing seismic attribute analysis. Seismic attribute analysis method was used variance,ant track and curvature. Method of seismic attribute variance and ant tracks wereanalogued to the pattern of fractures in the same direction with a fracture log imagewas N 055o E - N 095o E and the pattern has not changed from the North to the SouthY Field, but the pattern attribute curvature did not similar to the folds image logfracture analyst. Due to the similarity direction of the image log fracture with theattribute variance and ant track, so that the maximum horizontal stress of the imagelog analysis can be used in determining the perforation directional in the Y Field thatwas N 040o E - N 220o E., Y field has sanding problems when producing hydrocarbons and as it results in adrastic efficiency decrease in pump. Sanding problems can be solved in several ways,such as mechanical (sand cat, gravel pack), chemical (Sand Aid) and selectiveperforation way (perforation interval selection and oriented perforation). Sandingproblems solved by means of mechanical and chemical but it costly. This thesis hasdone by using selectively perforating in the direction of maximum horizontal stress tosolves the sanding problems and the result make production of sand decreased that isalmost the same as the mechanical and chemical way to reduce the cost. In this studyused 3 images data log and 3D seismic attributes to determine the direction ofmaximum horizontal stress.At 3 image log data has interpretated the direction of fracture, breakout and inducedfracture. At three image log data, the insitu stress fracture have a horizontalmaximum stress direction which direction same to tectonic stress. The direction ofhorizontal maximum stress from image data was N 040o E - N 220o E. The orientperforation can be used towards N 040o E - N 220o E which applied the local areaaround the image data only. To know fractures direction deployment in Y field byusing seismic attribute analysis. Seismic attribute analysis method was used variance,ant track and curvature. Method of seismic attribute variance and ant tracks wereanalogued to the pattern of fractures in the same direction with a fracture log imagewas N 055o E - N 095o E and the pattern has not changed from the North to the SouthY Field, but the pattern attribute curvature did not similar to the folds image logfracture analyst. Due to the similarity direction of the image log fracture with theattribute variance and ant track, so that the maximum horizontal stress of the imagelog analysis can be used in determining the perforation directional in the Y Field thatwas N 040o E - N 220o E.]"