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Ditemukan 52 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Lippmann, Walter
Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia, 1998
303.38 Lip o
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Djakfar
Malang: UIN-Malang Press, 2009
174.4 MUH a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mufid Fadhilah Anggitasari
Abstrak :
Artikel ini membahas Les Petits Enfants du Si cle sebagai sebuah karya sastra yang tidak hanya memiliki fungsi estetik saja, tetapi juga berfungsi sebagai cerminan realitas sosial dan media penyampai kritik. Les Petits Enfants du Si cle karya Christiane Rochefort adalah roman yang diterbitkan pasca Perang Dunia II. Karya ini menceritakan kehidupan Josyane dan keluarganya yang memanfaatkan tunjangan keluarga untuk bertahan hidup di era Les trente glorieuses masa kejayaan Prancis . Fokus tulisan ini adalah memperlihatkan realitas masyarakat konsumeris Prancis pasca Perang Dunia II yang cerminkan pada keluarga Josyane. Metode kualitatif digunakan untuk membahas fokus kajian secara deskriptif dan mendalam. Paham yang menjadi acuan dalam melihat gagasan konsumeris dalam karya ini adalah pemikiran Jean Beaudrillard mengenai masyarakat konsumeris Prancis pasca Perang Dunia II. Pendekatan struktural digunakan untuk melihat kesejajaran antara kedua gagasan konsumeris, yaitu gagasan yang ditunjukkan pada Les Petits Enfants du Si cle dengan gagasan Jean Beaudrillard.
This article discusses Les Petits Enfants du Si cle as a literary work that not only has an esthetic function, but is also used as a mirror reflection of social reality and a means to convey criticism. Les Petits Enfants du Si cle by Christiane Rocheforts is a novel published post World War II. It tells of the life of Josyane and her family who use their family rsquo s financial support to survive during Les trente glorieuses the French golden era . The focus of this article is to show the reality of the consumerist French society post World War II which is represented by Josyane rsquo s family. A qualitative method is used to discuss the focus of analysis which is descriptive and in depth. The idea used as a reference in observing the consumerist idea in this novel is the one expressed by Jean Baudrillard regarding the French consumerist society post World War II. A structural approach is used to observe the parallelism between these two consumerist ideas the idea expressed in Les Petits Enfants du Si cle and the idea expressed by Jean Baudrillard.
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Moch. Zainul Arifin
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas tentang realitas sosial dalam novel Tan karya Hendri Teja. Novel Tan menceritan perjalanan Tan Malaka dalam memerdekakan bangsanya dari penjajahan Belanda. Penelitian ini membahas realita sosial berdasarkan perspektif realisme sosialis Georg Lukacs yang tertuang dalam konsep realitas objektif, gerak dialektis, refleksi artistik, dan ungkapan kritik emansipatoris. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan empat konsep realisme sosialis Georg Lukacs, sedangkan manfaat penelitian ini secara teoretis ialah memperkuat teori sastra khususnya teori realisme sosialis Georg Lukacs. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan sosiologi sastra. Data dari penelitian ini merupakan kutipan berupa kalimat dan paragraf. Sumber data berupa novel dan buku sehingga teknik yang digunakan ialah teknik baca catat. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa aspek dalam novel Tan karya Hendri Teja yang sesuai dengan empat konsep realisme sosialis Georg Lukacs yakni, konsep realitas objektif terdapat aspek penindasan dengan sub fokus penindasan bidang ekonomi, penindasan bidang pendidikan, penindasan bidang politik, penindasan bidang agama islam, dan penindasan secara fisik, konsep gerak dialektis terdapat aspek perlawanan dan pembelaan, konsep refleksi artistik terdapat aspek siasat, dan konsep ungkapan kritis emansipatoris terdapat aspek perlawanan dengan sub fokus perlawanan bidang ekonomi, perlawanan bidang pendidikan, perlawanan bidang politik, perlawanan bidang agama islam, dan perlawanan secara fisik. Berdasarkan analisis data tersebut diperoleh 92 data realitas sosial dalam novel Tan karya Hendri Teja. Adapun rincian analisisnya diperoleh 28 data realitas objektif, 18 data gerak dialektis, 6 data refleksi artistik, dan 40 data ungkapan kritis emansipatoris.
Serang: Kantor Bahasa Banten, 2019
400 BEBASAN 6:1 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Piliang, Yasraf Amir
Yogyakarta: Jalasutra, 2010
301 PIL p
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Andriani
Abstrak :
Setiap filsuf mencoba mencari totalitas kebenaran realitas. Realitas menjadi ?ada? bila dibahasakan. Bahasa membuat objek yang tadinya tidak dikenali, menjadi teridentifikasi dan termaknai. Namun, bahasa selalu berpolar, terbatas dan kontingen sehingga kebenaran objektif yang ingin dicapai pun tidak pernah tuntas terungkap, ia selalu lepas. Ketidakmungkinan menemukan realitas objektif juga disebabkan oleh adanya proses speech-acts di dalam komunikasi. Ketika seorang filsuf menyampaikan kebenaran realitas, ia tidak hanya sekedar mengemukakan apa yang ia temukan melalui ucapan konstantif, tetapi dibalik tuturannya, ada tindakan performative agar orang percaya terhadap apa yang ia temukan. Mereka membuat kebenaran subjektif seolah-olah objektif.
Every philosopher always in effort to find truth of reality. Reality could be ?valid? if it expressed. Language makes unidentified object have meaning. But language expressed in polarity, imitation, and contingency so the idealized objective truth always in pursuit. The impossibility of finding objective reality also caused by speech-acts process in communication. When a philosopher delivers a truth of reality, s/he not only giving what s/he found by constantive utterance but also implies performative act to influence people. They turn subjective truth into objective ones.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan "Pembentukan Persepsi Mengenai Realitas Sosial oleh Media Massa" Asumsi dasar dari pendekatan ini ialah bahwa media massa memiliki peranan yang sangat besar dalam mempengaruhi khalayaknya. Namun demikian pembentukan persepsi itu tidak semata mata disebabkan oleh terpaan media massa Pengalaman seseorang dengan suatu realitas sosial, serta aktivitas komunikasi interpersonal tentang realitas dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, bisa membentuk persepsi pada realitas tersebut. Bertitik tolak dari kondisi di atas, dalam penelitian ini ketiga variabel di atas akan dianalisis dalam kaitan dengan pembentukan persepsi pada realitas sosial. Variabel penggunaan media dikembangkan denngan memasukkan beberapa indikator seperti eksposur berita kriminalitas surat kabar non Pos Kota, eksposur berita kriminalitas Pos Kota, eksposur berita kriminalitas televisi dan majalah. Adapun 'realitas sosial" yang menjadi perhatian dalam penelitian ini ialah "realitas kriminalitas" dengan indikatornya yaitu pencurian, pencopetan, perampokan/pornografi, dan pembunuhan. Pembentukan persepsi diukur dengan menggunakan dua indikator yaitu rawan dan tidak rawan. Sedangkan lokasi penelitian dipilih dua kelurahan di wilayah Jakarta Pusat yang memiliki tingkat kriminalitas tinggi dan rendah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembentukan persepsi itu dipengaruhi oleh eksposur terhadap berita kriminalitas pada surat kabar yang memiliki isi spesifik tentang kriminalitas seperti Pos Kota dan daerah tempat tinggal khalayak. Hal mi terlihat pada khalayak yang membaca berita kriminal Pos Kota dan tinggal di wilayah yang tingkat kriminalitasnya rendah, pembentukan persepsi mereka berhubungan dengan membaca Pos Kota tersebut. Sedangkan bagi khalayak yang tinggal di wilayah tingkat kriminalitas tinggi, pembentukan persepsi mereka tidak berhubungan dengan media tersebut, meskipun khalayak ini iuga membaca berita kriminalitas dari surat kabar Pos Kota.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 1993
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kawuryan, Megandaru W.
Abstrak :
Setelah pemerintahan Orde Baru tumbang pemberitaan mengenai otonomi daerah mekar bermunculan, media massa yang pada zaman Orde Baru jarang memberitakan mengenai isu otonomi daerah berubah haluan menjadi gadrung memberitakan isu otonomi daerah, berbagai berita bermunculan ada yang positif dan ada yang negatif, bermacam pertarungan wacana mewarnai isu otonomi daerah di media massa. Penelitian ini bermula dari rasa ingin tahu yang mendalam mengenai berbagai berita tentang isu otonomi daerah yang muncul di media massa dan bagaimana media massa melakukan konstruksi realitas terhadap isu otonomi daerah , selama ini penelitian mengenai isu otonomi daerah banyak dilakukan oleh para ilmuwan yang berlatar belakang ilmu politik, ilmu pemerintahan, ilmu administrasi negara, dan ilmu hukum, penelitian yang dilakukan oleh para ilmuwan di atas lebih banyak bicara mengenai penerapan kebijakan otonomi daerah. Penelitian mengenai isu otonomi daerah menggunakan perspektif ilmu komunikasi masih jarang bahkan bisa dibilang langka, padahal peran media massa menurut Severin-Tankard (2007:15), adalah membentuk opini publik. Para penganut mazhab konstruksionisme seperti Tuchman (1978), Fisman (1980), dan Shoemaker (1996), melihat bahwa berita yang disiarkan oleh media massa dapat membuat masyarakat mempunyai suatu sudut pandang dan mengkonstruksikan suatu realitas suatu isu dalam masyarakat tak terkecuali isu otonomi daerah. Penelitian dalam disertasi ini menggunakan perspektif interpretif. Perspektif ini dipilih karena menurut Neuman (2006) teori konstruksi sosial merupakan ranah dalam perspektif interpretif, untuk membedah teks dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisa teks framing, model yang digunakan adalah framing Robert N Entman. Framing model Entman dipilih karena dalam konsep Entman framing dapat dipakai untuk menggambarkan proses seleksi suatu isu, serta menonjolkan beberapa aspek tertentu dari suatu realitas oleh media. Empat elemen framing model Entman adalah pertama Define Problem merupakan bingkai utama atau master frame, kedua Diagnose Causes dalam elemen kedua ini yang menjadi titik berat adalah siapa aktor utama dalam suatu kejadian atau peristiwa, ketiga Make Moral Judgement adalah elemen yang digunakan untuk melakukan pembenaran dengan memberikan berbagai argumentasi pada pedefinisian masalah yang sudah dibuat, empat Treatment Recommendation adalah elemen yang digunakan untuk melihat apa yang sebenarnya dikehendaki oleh wartawan, bagaimana cara yang akan dipilih untuk menyelesaikan suatu masalah. Dalam disertasi ini ada 3 media yang diteliti yaitu harian Kompas, harian Jurnal Nasional, harian Kedaulatan Rakyat. Dipilihlah tiga surat kabar dengan orientasi yang berbeda, yaitu pertama surat kabar Kompas sebagai surat kabar harian terkemuka nasional dengan tiras yang besar, kedua surat kabar Jurnal Nasional sebagai surat kabar yang mempunyai kedekatan sejarah dengan Partai Demokrat, ketiga surat kabar Kedaulatan Rakyat sebagai surat kabar daerah yang masih survive dan masih leading sampai saat ini. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan dalam level mikro yaitu ada perbedaan frame pemberitaan harian Kompas, harian Jurnal Nasional dan harian Kedaulatan Rakyat mengenai Isu Otonomi Daerah. Pada analisis pada level meso media terlihat faktor kepemilikan dan modal masih cukup kuat dalam mempengaruhi frame media yang diteliti. Analisis level makro dapat dibagi menjadi dua. Pada harian Jurnal Nasional analisa yang lebih tepat adalah menggunakan pendekatan analisis instrumentalis atau strukturalis daripada strukturasi karena pada harian Jurnal Nasional struktur organisasi media terlihat mengikat erat human agent. Tidak terlalu cukup ruang bagi agen melakukan interplay terhadap struktur. Lain halnya dengan harian Kompas dan harian Kedaulatan Rakyat, yang dapat dibedah dengan analisis strukturasi. Dalam proses strukturasi dari tiga media yang diteliti, terlihat dua media yaitu harian Kompas dan harian Kedaulatan Rakyat mampu merubah struktur dari sentralistik ke desentralistik untuk isu Pemilihan Kepala Daerah Langsung dan Keistimewaan Yogyakarta, meskipun harus diakui bahwa media bukan satu-satunya faktor yang diterminan dalam perubahan struktur tersebut. Namun tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa isi dari teks media dalam dua isu tersebut memberikan kontribusi kepada eskalasi tekanan atau adanya akumulasi-akumulasi tekanan terhadap penguasa;
After the New Order government fell, news on regional autonomy appeared everywhere. Mass media which rarely reported regional autonomy issues during the New Order now reported the issues all the time. Various news emerged, some positive and others negative. A battle of discourse of regional autonomy issues appeared in the mass media . This research was started by curiosity on various news on regional autonomy in mass media and how mass media constructs the reality of regional autonomy issues. Until now, researches on regional autonomy issues are mostly performed by researchers from political science, government science, public administration, and legal science. Studies by researchers from the fields above mostly discuss the implementation of regional autonomy policy. Studies on regional autonomy issue using communication science perspective are still rare, while the role of mass media according to Severin-Tankard (2007:15) is actually to form public opinions. Observers of constructionism such as Tuchman (1978), Fisman (1980), and Shoemaker (1996) think that news broadcasted by mass media can make people have a certain point of view and construct a reality of an issue in the society, including regional autonomy issues. The research in this dissertation used interpretive perspective. This perspective was selected because according to Neuman (2006) social construction theory is a field in interpretive perspective. To dissect texts, this study used framing text analysis. The model used was Robert N Entman's framing. Entman's model of framing was selected because in Entman's concept framing can be used to describe the selection process of an issue and emphasize certain aspects of a reality by the media. Four elements of Entman's model of framing are first, Define Problem which is the master frame, second, Diagnose Causes in the second element the emphasize is who is the main actors in an event, third, Make Moral Judgment is an element used to make justification by giving various argumentation in the definitions of the problems which have been made, fourth, Treatment Recommendation is an element used to see what reporters want, what method will be chosen to solve a problem. In this dissertation, there are 3 media which were studied, i.e. Kompas newspaper, Jurnal Nasional newspaper, Kedaulatan Rakyat newspaper. The three newspapers selected have different orientations, i.e. first, Kompas as a famous national newspaper with huge readership second Jurnal Nasional as a newspaper with a history with the Democratic Party, third Kedaulatan Rakyat as a local news paper which still survive and leads to this day. The result of this study showed that at micro level there was frame difference in the reporting of Kompas, Jurnal Nasional and Kedaulatan Rakyat on Regional Autonomy Issues. Analysis at meso level showed that ownership and capital factors were still rather strong in influencing the frames of the studied media. Analysis at macro level could be divided into two. In Jurnal Nasional, more accurate analysis used instrumentalist or structuralist analysis approach rather that structuration because in Jurnal Nasional the structure of media organization seemed to tightly bind human agents. Theer wasn't enough space for agents to perform interplay on the structure. Meanwhile, Kompas and Kedaulatan Rakyat could be dissected by structuration analysis. In the structuration process of the three media, two media, Kompas and Kedaulatan Rakyat, were able to change the structure from centralistic to decentralistic for Direct Regional Head Election and the Special Region Status of Yogyakarta, although the author admits that the media isn't the only determinant factor in changing the structure. However, it's undeniable that the content of media texts in those two issues contributed to the escalation of pressure or accumulation of pressure on the authority;After the New Order government fell, news on regional autonomy appeared everywhere. Mass media which rarely reported regional autonomy issues during the New Order now reported the issues all the time. Various news emerged, some positive and others negative. A battle of discourse of regional autonomy issues appeared in the mass media . This research was started by curiosity on various news on regional autonomy in mass media and how mass media constructs the reality of regional autonomy issues. Until now, researches on regional autonomy issues are mostly performed by researchers from political science, government science, public administration, and legal science. Studies by researchers from the fields above mostly discuss the implementation of regional autonomy policy. Studies on regional autonomy issue using communication science perspective are still rare, while the role of mass media according to Severin-Tankard (2007:15) is actually to form public opinions. Observers of constructionism such as Tuchman (1978), Fisman (1980), and Shoemaker (1996) think that news broadcasted by mass media can make people have a certain point of view and construct a reality of an issue in the society, including regional autonomy issues. The research in this dissertation used interpretive perspective. This perspective was selected because according to Neuman (2006) social construction theory is a field in interpretive perspective. To dissect texts, this study used framing text analysis. The model used was Robert N Entman's framing. Entman's model of framing was selected because in Entman's concept framing can be used to describe the selection process of an issue and emphasize certain aspects of a reality by the media. Four elements of Entman's model of framing are first, Define Problem which is the master frame, second, Diagnose Causes in the second element the emphasize is who is the main actors in an event, third, Make Moral Judgment is an element used to make justification by giving various argumentation in the definitions of the problems which have been made, fourth, Treatment Recommendation is an element used to see what reporters want, what method will be chosen to solve a problem. In this dissertation, there are 3 media which were studied, i.e. Kompas newspaper, Jurnal Nasional newspaper, Kedaulatan Rakyat newspaper. The three newspapers selected have different orientations, i.e. first, Kompas as a famous national newspaper with huge readership second Jurnal Nasional as a newspaper with a history with the Democratic Party, third Kedaulatan Rakyat as a local news paper which still survive and leads to this day. The result of this study showed that at micro level there was frame difference in the reporting of Kompas, Jurnal Nasional and Kedaulatan Rakyat on Regional Autonomy Issues. Analysis at meso level showed that ownership and capital factors were still rather strong in influencing the frames of the studied media. Analysis at macro level could be divided into two. In Jurnal Nasional, more accurate analysis used instrumentalist or structuralist analysis approach rather that structuration because in Jurnal Nasional the structure of media organization seemed to tightly bind human agents. Theer wasn't enough space for agents to perform interplay on the structure. Meanwhile, Kompas and Kedaulatan Rakyat could be dissected by structuration analysis. In the structuration process of the three media, two media, Kompas and Kedaulatan Rakyat, were able to change the structure from centralistic to decentralistic for Direct Regional Head Election and the Special Region Status of Yogyakarta, although the author admits that the media isn't the only determinant factor in changing the structure. However, it's undeniable that the content of media texts in those two issues contributed to the escalation of pressure or accumulation of pressure on the authority, After the New Order government fell, news on regional autonomy appeared everywhere. Mass media which rarely reported regional autonomy issues during the New Order now reported the issues all the time. Various news emerged, some positive and others negative. A battle of discourse of regional autonomy issues appeared in the mass media . This research was started by curiosity on various news on regional autonomy in mass media and how mass media constructs the reality of regional autonomy issues. Until now, researches on regional autonomy issues are mostly performed by researchers from political science, government science, public administration, and legal science. Studies by researchers from the fields above mostly discuss the implementation of regional autonomy policy. Studies on regional autonomy issue using communication science perspective are still rare, while the role of mass media according to Severin-Tankard (2007:15) is actually to form public opinions. Observers of constructionism such as Tuchman (1978), Fisman (1980), and Shoemaker (1996) think that news broadcasted by mass media can make people have a certain point of view and construct a reality of an issue in the society, including regional autonomy issues. The research in this dissertation used interpretive perspective. This perspective was selected because according to Neuman (2006) social construction theory is a field in interpretive perspective. To dissect texts, this study used framing text analysis. The model used was Robert N Entman's framing. Entman's model of framing was selected because in Entman's concept framing can be used to describe the selection process of an issue and emphasize certain aspects of a reality by the media. Four elements of Entman's model of framing are first, Define Problem which is the master frame, second, Diagnose Causes in the second element the emphasize is who is the main actors in an event, third, Make Moral Judgment is an element used to make justification by giving various argumentation in the definitions of the problems which have been made, fourth, Treatment Recommendation is an element used to see what reporters want, what method will be chosen to solve a problem. In this dissertation, there are 3 media which were studied, i.e. Kompas newspaper, Jurnal Nasional newspaper, Kedaulatan Rakyat newspaper. The three newspapers selected have different orientations, i.e. first, Kompas as a famous national newspaper with huge readership second Jurnal Nasional as a newspaper with a history with the Democratic Party, third Kedaulatan Rakyat as a local news paper which still survive and leads to this day. The result of this study showed that at micro level there was frame difference in the reporting of Kompas, Jurnal Nasional and Kedaulatan Rakyat on Regional Autonomy Issues. Analysis at meso level showed that ownership and capital factors were still rather strong in influencing the frames of the studied media. Analysis at macro level could be divided into two. In Jurnal Nasional, more accurate analysis used instrumentalist or structuralist analysis approach rather that structuration because in Jurnal Nasional the structure of media organization seemed to tightly bind human agents. Theer wasn't enough space for agents to perform interplay on the structure. Meanwhile, Kompas and Kedaulatan Rakyat could be dissected by structuration analysis. In the structuration process of the three media, two media, Kompas and Kedaulatan Rakyat, were able to change the structure from centralistic to decentralistic for Direct Regional Head Election and the Special Region Status of Yogyakarta, although the author admits that the media isn't the only determinant factor in changing the structure. However, it's undeniable that the content of media texts in those two issues contributed to the escalation of pressure or accumulation of pressure on the authority]
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jatayu Jiwanda M
Abstrak :
Pemaknaan penderitaan sebagai realitas kehidupan adalah momen yang dapat kita temukan dalam pemikiran Buddhisme. Latar belakang pemikiran buddhisme baik secara ontologis, epistemologis dan aksiologis terhadap pemaknaan realitas kehidupan inilah menjadi dasar dalam penulisan skripsi ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif dan fenomenologi-hermeneutis dalam menganalisa konsep Dukkha. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menjelaskan penderitaan sebagai pemaknaan realitas kehidupan, hal tersebut memberikan relevansi terhadap kehidupan manusia. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah pemahaman terhadap penderitaan (dukkha) yang tidak hanya dipahami sebagai konsepsi semata melainkan bentuk penghayatan dari pengalaman-pengalaman hidup Siddhatta Gautama. Sang Buddha melihat kondisi kehidupan manusia dan proses kehidupan yang berjalan terus menerus. ......The meaning of Suffering as a reality of life is the moment where we can found in the thought of buddhism. The basic reason of the thought view as well as ontological, epistemological and axiological of the meaning of Buddhism become a basic in this research.This research uses the descriptive analysis and hermeneutic phenomenology method to analyze the concept of dukkha. The purpose of this study is to explain suffering as a meaning of life, which give a relevance to human life. The result of this study is an understanding of suffering that is not only understood as concept merely, although as a form contemplation Siddhatta Gautama. Buddha’s view is human condition and processes of life always continuous.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
P. Ayu Indah Wardhani
Abstrak :
Di dunia pascamodern, simulasi Trabant (mural dan instalasi Trabant) tidak hanya menjadi representasi realitas, tapi juga mampu mensimulasikan realitas dan bahkan menghadirkan realitas baru yang tidak berhubungan dengan realitas apa pun di dunia nyata (hiperrealitas Trabant). Untuk mengetahui pencitraan simulakra dan hiperrealitas mural dan instalasi Trabant tersebut digunakan teori simulakrum pascamodernisme yang digagas oleh Jean Baudrillard dan dengan pendekatan semiologi struktural dari Ferdinand de Saussure. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan mural dan instalasi Trabant merupakan simulasi visual yang memang menampilkan representasi struktural dari objek realitas mobil Trabant P601 de Luxe. Akan tetapi, pada proses simulakrum pascamodern berikutnya, simulasi Trabant ini bertransformasi menjadi tanda hiperriil Trabant yang tidak berhubungan dengan realitas yang sebelumnya menjadi acuan utama. Mural dan instalasi Trabant memberikan suatu pengalaman figuratif secara langsung kepada konsumennya, di mana pengalaman tersebut menjadi bentuk realitas yang sama riil dengan realitas di dunia nyata.
Nowadays simulation could be used not only to represent the world, but also to simulate its reality: a hyperreal. Using five pictures of Trabant car _taken from www.flickr.com; two pictures, which prototype are, were used as examples of the real Trabant car and the three pictures, which Trabant_s murals and installation are, were used as the research objects; this mini thesis tried to seek its representation and the simulacrum effect on simulations Trabant in Germany_s postmodernism. Therefore, it used Jean Baudrillard_s theory of Postmodernism and Simulation and also Semiology concept from Ferdinand de Saussure. The result indicates that Trabant_s murals and installation are simulacra in the postmodern era. They not only represent the reality of Trabant car, but also show us the hyperreality. Through the visual simulations, these simulacra of Trabant represent the reality by its figurative experience and also the nostalgia of East Germany.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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