ABSTRAKIndikasi perlambatan pertumbuhan profitabilitas perusahaan properti dan real estat baik pada ROE maupun ROA sejak tahun 2013 dikhawatirkan akan terus berlanjut dan dalam jangka yang lebih panjang dikhawatirkan tidak hanya akan memberikan respon perlambatan namun juga penurunan profitabilitas hingga pada tidak tumbuhnya perusahaan. Penelitian yang dilakukan pada seluruh perusahaan properti dan real estat yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Jakarta pada periode 2005 ? 2014 ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh leverage, perputaran aset, firm size, tangibility, dan pertumbuhan penjualan pada profitabilitas yaitu ROE dan ROA. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi data panel yang pada akhirnya menyimpulkan bahwa perputaran aset, firm size, dan tangibility berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap ROE. Selain daripada itu, perputaran aset, firm size, dan tangibility berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap ROA. Sedangkan leverage dan pertumbuhan penjualan tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap ROE dan ROA.
ABSTRACTDeceleration of profitability growth (ROE and ROA) on property and real estate sector since 2013 attract a special concern that if in a longer term it will not only decelerate but pull down the firms profitability and continued to unsustained business. Research of all property and real estate firms that listed in Jakarta Stock Exchange along period 2005 ? 2014 on this thesis is conducted to analyze the effect of leverage, asset turnover, firm size, tangibility, dan sales growth on ROE and ROA. Research method on this thesis is panel data regression analysis and conclude that asset turnover, firm size, dan tangibility have significant relationship with ROE. Moreover, asset turnover, firm size, dan tangibility have significant relationship with ROA while leverage and sales growth have no significant relationship with ROE and ROA., Deceleration of profitability growth (ROE and ROA) on property and real estate sector since 2013 attract a special concern that if in a longer term it will not only decelerate but pull down the firms profitability and continued to unsustained business. Research of all property and real estate firms that listed in Jakarta Stock Exchange along period 2005 – 2014 on this thesis is conducted to analyze the effect of leverage, asset turnover, firm size, tangibility, dan sales growth on ROE and ROA. Research method on this thesis is panel data regression analysis and conclude that asset turnover, firm size, dan tangibility have significant relationship with ROE. Moreover, asset turnover, firm size, dan tangibility have significant relationship with ROA while leverage and sales growth have no significant relationship with ROE and ROA.]"