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Ditemukan 10 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Hutasoit, Irene Uliyana
Abstrak :
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisa pengaruh Electronic Word of Mouth pada Intention To Visit wisatawan ke Raja Ampat melalui Theory Of Planned Behaviour. Penelitian dilakukan pada beberapa wisatawan yang pernah membaca informasi mengenai Raja Ampat di media sosial dan belum pernah mengunjungi Raja Ampat sebelumnya Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak adanya pengaruh yang signifikan antara Electronic Word of Mouth terhadap Intention To Visit secara langsung, adanya pengaruh yang signifikan antara Electronic Word of Mouth terhadap Attitude Toward Visiting, Subjective Norms, dan Perceived Behavioral Control.. Hasil penelitian ini memiliki perbedaan dengan hasil penelitian sebelumnya dikarenakan profil responden yang kurang mewakili penelitian dari sisi demografis.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of Electronic Word Of Mouth to Intention To Visit Raja Ampat through Theory Of Planned Behaviour. This study was conducted to tourists who have read information related to Raja Ampat and have not visit Raja Ampat previously. The research show that Intention To Visit is not significantly influenced directly by the Electronic Word Of Mouth, however Electronic Word Of Mouth is significantly influence Attitude Toward Visiting, Subjective Norms, and Perceived Behavioral Control... To be able to influenced significantly the Job Performance. Result of this study have differences with the result of previous studies because of the nature of respondent which doesn?t representing this study from the demographic side.
Universitas Indonesia Fakultas Ekonomi Bisnis, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Miga Raspada Alirama
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mengetahui daya saing klaster pariwisata Indonesia bagian timur dan perbandingannya dengan daya saing klaster pariwisata Indonesia bagian tengah, serta memahami perbedaan dan persamaan yang melatarbelakangi daya saing di antara klaster-klaster pariwisata tersebut. Objek penelitian ini adalah daerah pariwisata Bali, salah satu daerah pariwisata yang sudah tersohor ke seluruh penjuru dunia akan pariwisatanya, dan daerah pariwisata Raja Ampat sebagai daerah pariwisata yang sedang berkembang dan menjadi obyek pariwisata andalan bam di Indonesia. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan penyebaran kuesioner, desk research, dan studi kepustakaan. Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif analisis dengan menganalisis kondisi industri pariwisata ataupun klaster pariwisata yang ada di kedua daerah pariwisata tersebut yang dibandingkan dengan teori yang terkait. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa industri pariwisata di Bali secara umum dapat dikatakan telah terbentuk suatu klaster pariwisata, sedangkan untuk industri pariwisata di Raja Ampat belum sepenuhnya membentuk suatu klaster pariwisata.
This study aims to determine the competitiveness of the tourism cluster in eastern Indonesia and its comparison with competitiveness of the tourism cluster in center Indonesia, as well as understand the differences and similarities in the underlying competitiveness of the tourism clusters. Object of this research is the area of tourism in Bali, that already famous and well known all over the world with the tourism, and tourism areas of Raja Ampat as a growing tourism object and become the new mainstay of tourism in Indonesia. Methods of collecting data using questionnaires, desk research and literature study. Data analysis methods used in this study is a qualitative method to analyze the descriptive analysis of the tourism industry or cluster of tourism in the area of tourism is that compared with the corresponding theory. The results showed that the tourism industry in Bali in general can be said to have formed a tourism cluster, whereas for the tourism industry in Raja Ampat yet fully established a tourism cluster
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arif Nurkanto
Abstrak :
Penelitian bertujuan memperoleh identitas isolat-isolat actinomycetes dari Raja Ampat, Papua penghasil antimikroba dan antikanker dengan aktivitas tertinggi. Penapisan aktivitas antimikroba dilakukan menggunakan metode difusi agar terhadap bakteri (Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Micrococcus luteus) dan khamir (Candida albicans dan Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Metabolit dari isolat terpilih yang memiliki aktivitas antimikroba tertinggi dianalisis lanjut. Nilai Minimum inhibitor concentration (MIC) dari senyawa murni yang diproduksi isolat terpilih terhadap mikroba diukur menggunakan metode mikrodilusi. Kebocoran asam nukleat dan protein dari mikroba uji dideteksi dengan menggunakan metode spektrofotometri pada panjang gelombang 260 dan 280 nm. Kebocoran urasil dianalisis menggunakan HPLC. Perubahan morfologi diamati menggunakan scanning electron microscope (SEM). Uji sitotoksik dilakukan terhadap 6 sel kanker (MCM-B2, Leukemia, T47D, HeLa, A549, dan WiDr) dan satu sel normal (Vero) menggunakan metode trypan blue dan MTT (3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide). Sebanyak sembilan isolat potensial penghasil antimikroba tertinggi (BL-36-1, BL-20-2, BL-14-2, RC-SS-37-4, RC-SS-37-16, BL-22-1, BL-06-5, BL-22-3, dan BL-22-5) diidentifikasi berdasarkan data sekuen penuh gen 16S rRNA (± 1.500 PB). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 44 % isolat actinomycetes memiliki aktivitas antimikroba. Senyawa F.5.1 merupakan senyawa murni yang diproduksi oleh isolat terpilih BL-22-5. Nilai MIC senyawa tersebut terhadap mikroba uji berkisar 16 -- 64 µg/ml. Aktivitas antifungi senyawa F.5.1 lebih tinggi dibandingkan antibakteri. Senyawa F.5.1 menyebabkan kebocoran protein, asam nukleat, dan urasil pada mikroba uji. Nilai IC50 senyawa F.5.1 berkisar 0,02 -- 3,81 µg/ml terhadap sel kanker dan ≥ 30.000 µg/ml untuk sel normal. Isolat RCSS-37-4, RC-SS-37-16, BL-22-3, dan BL-22-5 teridentifikasi sebagai Streptomyces costaricanus (100 %), Streptomyces costaricanus (99,8 %), Streptomyces parvulus (98,6 %), dan Streptomyces badius (98,9 %). Lima isolat teridentifikasi sebagai Streptomyces spp. (BL-36-1, BL-20-2, BL-14-2, BL-22-1 dan BL-06-5) dan menjadi kandidat spesies baru karena memiliki nilai homologi yang rendah terhadap spesies terdekatnya (93,9% -- 97,4 %). ...... The objective of this research was to obtain the identity of actinomycetes isolates from Raja Ampat, Papua-producing antimicrobial and anticancer with the highest activity. Antimicrobial screening was conducted based on agar diffusion method against bacteria (Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Micrococcus luteus) and yeast (Candida albicans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Metabolite from selected isolates with the highest antimicrobial activity was chosen for subsequent analysis. Minimum inhibitor concentration (MIC) value against microbial tested of pure bioactive compound was determined using microdilution method. Leakages of nucleic acids and proteins from microbial tested were detected using UV-vis spectrophotometer method on 260 and 280 nm wavelengths. Uracil Leakage was analyzed using HPLC. Morphological changes were observed using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Determination of cytotoxic activity was conducted in 6 cell lines (MCM-B2, Leukemia, T47D, HeLa, A549, and WiDr) and normal cell (Vero) using trypan blue and MTT (3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) methods. Nine selected isolates with the highest antimicrobial activity (BL-36-1, BL-20-2, BL-14-2, RC-SS-37-4, RC-SS-37-16, BL-22-1, BL- 06-5, 22-3-BL and BL-22-5) were identified based on full sequence of 16S rRNA gene (1,500 bp). The results showed 44% of isolates of actinomycetes have antimicrobial activity. F.5.1 is a compound produced by the selected isolate (BL-22-5). MIC values of this compound against tested microbes in range of 16 -- 64 µg/ml. Antifungal activity from F.5.1 compound was higher than antibacterial activity. F.5.1 compound caused leakage of proteins, nucleic acids, and uracil on tested microbes. Inhibitor concentration 50% (IC50) value in the range of 0.02 -- 3.81 µg/ml against cancer cells and ≥ 30,000 µg/ml for normal cells. Isolate RC-SS-37-4, RC-SS-37-16, BL-22-3, and BL-22-5 have been identified as Streptomyces costaricanus (100%), Streptomyces costaricanus (99.8%), Streptomyces parvulus ( 98.6%), and Streptomyces badius (98.9%), respectively. Five isolates (BL-36-1, BL-20-2, BL-14-2, BL-22-1 and BL-06-5) were identified as Streptomyces spp. and can be presumed as candidates for new species because of the low homology value to their closest related species (93.9 % -- 97.4%).
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Roby Andiwidjaja
Abstrak :
Raja Ampat in Papua (Irian Jaya) has many tourism resources both in culture and nature to be maximazed as tourism product. Therefore, Raja Ampat has a big chance to be developed as the best tourism destination in the east region of Indonesia, especially in marine tourism. This article based on literature studies and field research. This article explains tourism potency of Raja Ampat, some strategies to develop it as tourism destination, empowering local people, and it's market. The author also recommend eco-cultural tourism which is in line with sustainable tourism as the right choice to manage Raja Ampat as tourism destination.
Jakarta: PPPK Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Kebudayaan dan Kepariwisataan Departemen Kebudyaan & Kepariwisataan, 2008
790 JUKIN 3:1 (2008)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Roby Ardiwidjaja
Abstrak :
Raja Ampat in Papua (Irian Jaya) has many tourism resources both in culture and nature to be maximazed as tourism product. Therefore, Raja Ampat has a big chance to be developed as the best tourism destination in the east region of Indonesia, especially in marine tourism. This article based on literature studies and field research. This article explains tourism potency of Raja Ampat, some strategies to develop it as tourism destination, empowering local people, and it's market. The author also recommend eco-cultural tourism which is in line with sustainable tourism as the right choice to manage Raja Ampat as tourism destination.
Jakarta: PPPK Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Kebudayaan & Pariwisata Departemen Kebudayaan & Pariwisata, 2008
790 JUKIN 3:1 (2008)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahmadi Aryo Nugroho
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai bagaimana kewenangan Pemerintah Pusat dan Daerah di Indonesia terhadap perlindungan dan pengelolaan terumbu karang ditinjau dari peraturan perundang-undangan. Selanjutnya skripsi ini juga membahas mengenai kasus perusakan terumbu karang di Indonesia yaitu kasus perusakan terumbu karang di Raja Ampat oleh Kapal MV Caledonian Sky serta bagaimana penegakan hukum dari kasus tersebut. Tujuan dari skripsi ini adalah mengetahui hubungan tanggung jawab pemerintah pusat dan daerah dalam perlindungan terumbu karang di Indonesia serta mengetahui penegakkan hukum terhadap perusakan terumbu karang di Indonesia. Metode penelitian dalam skripsi ini adalah yuridis normatif. Hubungan kewenangan Pemerintah Pusat dan Pemerintah Daerah terhadap pengelolaan terumbu karang didasarkan kepada urusan konkuren UU Pemda. Akan tetapi terdapat hambatan yaitu tidak adanya kewenangan pemerintah kabupaten/kota terhadap pengelolaan wilayah pesisir. Penegakkan hukum terhadap kasus perusakan terumbu karang berdasarkan UU No. 32 Tahun 2009 yaitu penegakan hukum administrasi, perdata, dan pidana. penegakan hukum administratif cara penghentian kegiatan, pembongkaran, penyitaan, dan pencabutan izin. Penegakan pidana tersebut terbagi atas sanksi pidana penjara dan sanksi pidana denda. hukum perdata dapat dilakukan melalui penyelesaian sengketa di luar pengadilan dan melalui pengadilan.
This thesis discusses how the authority of the Central and Regional Governments in Indonesia towards the protection and management of coral reefs is viewed from the laws and regulations. Furthermore, this paper also discusses the case of coral reef destruction in Indonesia, namely the case of destruction of coral reefs in Raja Ampat by the MV Caledonian Sky Ship and how the law enforcement of the case. The purpose of this paper is to find out the relationship between the responsibilities of the central government and the regions in protecting coral reefs in Indonesia and to know the law enforcement on the destruction of coral reefs in Indonesia. The research method in this paper is normative juridical. The relationship between the authority of the Central Government and the Regional Government towards coral reef management is based on the concurrent affairs of the Regional Government Law. However, there are obstacles, namely the absence of district/city government authority over the management of coastal areas. Law enforcement for cases of coral reef destruction based on Law No. 32 of 2009, namely the enforcement of administrative, civil and criminal law. administrative law enforcement on how to terminate activities, demolition, confiscation and revocation of licenses. The criminal enforcement is divided into imprisonment sanctions and fine criminal sanctions. Civil law can be done through settlement of disputes outside the court and through the court.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Dalam rangka pencarian aktivitas antimikroba dari aktinomycetes di Papua, sebanyak seratus isolat Actinomycetes yang berasal dari tanah dan serasah dari beberapa ekosistem di Pulau Batanta dan Salawati, Papua Barat telah diuji. Sebanyak 200 ekstrak dari 100 isolat Actinomycetes telah diperoleh melalui dua tahap ekstraksi. Metabolit non polar diekstraksi menggunakan pelarut etil asetat : metanol (4:1), sedangkan metabolit polar diperoleh dari pemekatan medium menggunakan metode kering beku. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian menggunakan metode difusi agar, sebanyak 43 dari 200 ekstrak (21,5%) memiliki aktivitas antimikroba terhadap bakteri dan khamir (Escherichia coli NBRC 14237, Bacillus subtilis NBRC 3134, Staphylococcus aureus NBRC 13276, Micrococcus luteus NBRC 1367, Candida albicans NBRC 1594, dan Saccharomyces cerevisiae NBRC 10217). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan beberapa ekstrak Actinomycetes memiliki aktivitas anti bakteri gram negatif (1,5%), anti bakteri gram positif (17%), dan anti fungi (17%). Metabolit yang diekstraksi dengan pelarut etil asetat : metanol lebih aktif (35%) dibandingkan dengan pelarut air (17%). Sebanyak lima isolat yang memiliki aktivitas antimikroba tertinggi (BL-13-5, BL-06-5, BL-14-2, BL-22-3, dan Sl-36-1) diidentifikasi berdasarkan data sekuen gen 16S rRNA. Berdasarkan hasil pencarian homologi dengan program BLAST, diperoleh homologi spesies berturut-turut adalah Streptomyces kanamyceticus (92%), Streptomyces verne (92%), Streptomyces narbonensis (92%), Streptomyces malachitofuscus (98%), dan Streptomyces hygroscopicus (96%).
In the framework of exploitation of antimicrobial activity of Actinomycetes in Papua, one hundred isolates of Actinomycetes isolated from soil and leaf litter samples from various ecosystems in Batanta and Salawati Island, Raja Ampat, West Papua were screened. We obtained 200 crude extracts from 100 isolates based on two extraction phases. Nonpolar metabolites were extracted by ethyl acetate : methanol (4:1) solvent while the polar metabolites were concentrated using a freeze-drying method. Based on the agar dilution method, a total of 43 from 200(21.5%) crude extracts have antimicrobial activity against bacteria and yeasts (Escherichia coli NBRC 14237, Bacillus subtilis NBRC 3134, Staphylococcus aureus NBRC 13276, Micrococcus luteus NBRC 1367, Candida albicans NBRC 1594 and Saccharomyces cerevisiae NBRC 10217). Some crude extracts showed anti-Gram negative (1.5%), anti-Gram positive (17%) and antifungal (17%) activities. Crude metabolites which were extracted using ethyl acetate : methanol were more effective on antimicrobial activity (35%) compared with water extraction (17%). Five most potential isolates (BL-13-5, BL-06-5, BL-14-2, BL-22-3, and Sl-36-1) were identified based on 16S rRNA gene sequence data. Sequence similarity search by BLAST program revealed that they show sequence similarities to Streptomyces kanamyceticus (92%), Streptomyces verne (92%), Streptomyces narbonensis (92%), Streptomyces malachitofuscus (98%), and Streptomyces hygroscopicus (96%), respectively.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Johaz R. Mansoben
Abstrak :
Pola tingkah-laku tiap masyarakat manusia dalam menanggapi lingkungan sosial-budaya dan lingkungan alam di sekitarnya merupakan transformasi dari sestem pengethuan yang mereka miliki. Sistem pengethuan itu terdiri dari nilai-nilai, norma-norma, aturan-aturan dan ide-ide yang menjadi pedoman bertindak, yang secara umum dinamakan kebudayaan dari masyarakat yang bersangkutan.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 1982
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marlon Arthur Huwae
Abstrak :
To develop tourism sustainably in an emerging tourism destination especially Raja Ampat, there is a need to manage regional identity and develop governance arrangements that bond tourism development and community together. the government as a key initiator of community empowerment, needs to ensure its governance arrangements are efficient. this paper develops a framework to measure the effectiveness of regional governance for sustainable tourism development based on two main elements: sustainable development plus and tourism governance. sustainable development plus consists of two core named internal and external layers. the tourism governance is then measured by data triangulation, and analysis. The result of the analysis is articulated into tourism governance index and management strategy based on Boston Consulting Group Matrix. this framework which later transformed into governance matrix can be used to set up governance index to help the government improve the governance performance. the android based app open access is also developed to bring policy making process closer to the community and global sphere.
Jakarta: Badan Perencanaan PembangunaN Nasional (BAPPENAS), 2018
330 JPP 2:3 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library