Ditemukan 2 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Fransiscus Lungan
"Pengolahan air asam tambang dengan metode aktif dilakukan pada kolam pengendapan oleh PT. X. Metode aktif merupakan sistem pengolahan menggunakan bahan kimia alkali untuk menetralkan keasaman air dan mengendapkan padatan tersuspensi. PT. X menggunakan pompa celup dan pompa horizontal, serta pompa pendorong untuk mengeluarkan akumulasi endapan padatan tersuspensi dalam bentuk lumpur di dasar kolam pengendapan. Ketersediaan kinerja pompa celup berada di kisaran < 70%. Hal ini mendorong penulis untuk meninjau kembali nilai hambatan sistem dan titik efisiensi terbaik pompa. Untuk desain debit sebesar 390 m3/jam, nilai head yang dibutuhkan sistem pemompaan kolam BT05 dan kolam BT06 secara berurutan yaitu 34.8255 m dan 139.305 m. Pengurangan jam kerja pompa celup dari 10 jam non stop menjadi 4 jam – 1 jam standby sebanyak 2 siklus, diharapkan dapat mengatasi masalah kelebihan panas yang menjadi penyebab ketersediaan kinerja rendah. Selanjutnya optimasi sistem pemompaan dilakukan dengan perbandingan kombinasi pompa pada masing-masing kolam. Hasil terbaik diperoleh pada pompa celup yang dirangkai seri dengan pompa pendorong pada kolam BT06 dan pompa lumpur horizontal pada kolam BT05. Skema ini menghasilkan total debit lumpur sebesar 880 m3/jam dengan konsentrasi volume 20%. BBM diesel yang dibutuhkan sebesar 136 L/jam, dengan biaya energi sebesar Rp. 1.496.000 per jam, dan potensi penghematan untuk biaya energi per tahun sebesar 3%.
Acid mine water treatment with the active method is carried out in the settling pond by PT. X. The active method is a treatment system using alkaline chemicals to neutralize water acidity and precipitate suspended solids. PT. X uses submersible pump and horizontal pump, as well as booster pump to remove the accumulated suspended solids in the form of sludge at the bottom of the settling pond. Submersible pump performance availability is in the <70% range. This encourages the author to review the system resistance value and the best pump efficiency point. For the design discharge of 390 m3/hour, the required head values for the pumping system for the BT05 and the BT06 pond are 34.8255 m and 139.305 m, respectively. Reducing the working hours of submersible pump from 10 hours non-stop to 4 hours - 1 hour standby of 2 cycles is expected to overcome the problem of excess heat which is the cause of low performance availability. Furthermore, the optimization of the pumping system is carried out by comparing the combination of pumps in each pond. The best results were obtained for the submersible pump connected in series with the booster pump in the BT06 pond and the horizontal slurry pump in the BT05 pond. This scheme produces a total sludge discharge of 880 m3/hour with a concentration volume of 20%. Diesel fuel required is 136 L/hour, with an energy cost of Rp. 1,496,000 per hour, and potential savings of 3% annual energy costs."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Ridho Luhur Pambudi
"[Seiring dengan semakin banyaknya kapal yang beroperasi pada saat ini seharusnya menuntut pihak pemilik dan pembuat kapal untuk meningkatkan kehandalan mesin utama kapal dalam proses pembuatan kapalnya melalui rancangan sistem pendukungnya yang optimum maupun ekonomis. Mesin yang dipasang pada kapal dirancang untuk bekerja dengan efisiensi maksimal dan berjalan selama berjam-jam lamanya. Hilangnya energi paling sering dan maksimum dari mesin adalah dalam bentuk energi panas. Untuk menghilangkan
energi panas yang berlebihan harus menggunakan media pendingin untuk menghindari gangguan fungsional mesin atau kerusakan pada mesin. Salah satu bagian yang harus diperhatikan adalah sistem pendingin untuk mesin kapal. Sistem pendingin adalah salah satu bagian penting pada sebuah kapal yang memerlukan perhatian yang cukup, karena lancar atau tidaknya pengoperasian kapal sangat tergantung pada hasil kerja mesin, sebab dalam mesin diesel dinding silinder selalu dikenai panas dari pembakaran. Jika silinder tidak didinginkan, maka minyak yang melumasi torak akan encer dan menguap dengan cepat, sehingga torak maupun silinder dapat rusak akibat suhu tinggi hasil dari
pembakaran. Sistem pendingin pada kapal tentunya akan optimal jika dilakukan perancangan yang baik melalui perhitungan yang tepat dan dilaksanakan sepraktis mungkin dengan minimum bengkokan dan sambungan las atau brazing untuk memperkecil adanya kerugian pada aliran pipa. Begitu juga dengan perhitungan dari sistem pompa harus dibuat secara efisien agar kinerja pompa menjadi optimum sehingga terciptanya rancangan sistem perpipaan untuk sistem pendingin mesin pada kapal yang dapat bekerja secara optimal. Pada penulisan ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari mengenai perhitungan kerugian aliran yang terjadi pada aliran sistem perpipaan untuk sistem pendingin mesin pada kapal tug boat 2 x 1600 HP sehingga dapat dijadikan pembelajaran dalam menentukan atau meningkatkan kinerja dari sistem pendingin mesin kapal.
Along with the increasing number of vessels operating at this time should sue the owners and shipbuilders to improve the ship's main engine reliability in the process of making his ship through optimum support system design as well as economical. Engine mounted on a vessel is designed to work with maximum efficiently and runs for hours on end. Loss of the most frequent and maximum energy from the engine is in the form of heat energy. To get rid of excess heat energy must use the cooling medium to avoid functional impairment or damage tothe machine engine. One part that must be considered is the cooling system for ship engines. The cooling system is one of the important parts on a ship that requires considerable attention, as well whether or not the operation of the vessel depends on the work of the machine, because the diesel engine cylinder wall is alwayssubjected to the heat of combustion. If the cylinder is not cooled, the oil that lubricates the piston will dilute and evaporates quickly, so that the piston and the cylinder can be damaged by high temperatures result from combustion. The cooling system on the ship would be optimal if done good design through precise calculations and implemented as practical as possible with minimum bends and welded or brazed connections to minimize the loss in pipe flow. So also with the calculation of the pump system must be made efficiently in order to be the optimum performance of the pump so that the creation of the design of piping systems for engine cooling systems on ships that can work optimally. In this study aims to learn about the calculation of losses in pipe flow forengine cooling systems on ships tug boat 2 x 1600 HP so it can be used in determining the learning or improving the performance of the ship's engine cooling system.;Along with the increasing number of vessels operating at this time should sue the owners and shipbuilders to improve the ship's main engine reliability in the process of making his ship through optimum support system design as well aseconomical. Engine mounted on a vessel is designed to work with maximum efficiently and runs for hours on end. Loss of the most frequent and maximum energy from the engine is in the form of heat energy. To get rid of excess heat energy must use the cooling medium to avoid functional impairment or damage to the machine engine. One part that must be considered is the cooling system for ship engines.The cooling system is one of the important parts on a ship that requires considerable attention, as well whether or not the operation of the vessel depends on the work of the machine, because the diesel engine cylinder wall is alwayssubjected to the heat of combustion. If the cylinder is not cooled, the oil that lubricates the piston will dilute and evaporates quickly, so that the piston and the cylinder can be damaged by high temperatures result from combustion. The cooling system on the ship would be optimal if done good design through precise calculations and implemented as practical as possible with minimum bends and welded or brazed connections to minimize the loss in pipe flow. So also with the calculation of the pump system must be made efficiently in order to be the optimum performance of the pump so that the creation of the design of piping systems for engine cooling systems on ships that can work optimally. In this study aims to learn about the calculation of losses in pipe flow for engine cooling systems on ships tug boat 2 x 1600 HP so it can be used in determining the learning or improving the performance of the ship's engine cooling system., Along with the increasing number of vessels operating at this time shouldsue the owners and shipbuilders to improve the ship's main engine reliability inthe process of making his ship through optimum support system design as well aseconomical. Engine mounted on a vessel is designed to work with maximumefficiently and runs for hours on end. Loss of the most frequent and maximumenergy from the engine is in the form of heat energy. To get rid of excess heatenergy must use the cooling medium to avoid functional impairment or damage tothe machine engine.One part that must be considered is the cooling system for ship engines.The cooling system is one of the important parts on a ship that requiresconsiderable attention, as well whether or not the operation of the vessel dependson the work of the machine, because the diesel engine cylinder wall is alwayssubjected to the heat of combustion. If the cylinder is not cooled, the oil thatlubricates the piston will dilute and evaporates quickly, so that the piston and thecylinder can be damaged by high temperatures result from combustion.The cooling system on the ship would be optimal if done good designthrough precise calculations and implemented as practical as possible withminimum bends and welded or brazed connections to minimize the loss in pipeflow. So also with the calculation of the pump system must be made efficiently inorder to be the optimum performance of the pump so that the creation of thedesign of piping systems for engine cooling systems on ships that can workoptimally.In this study aims to learn about the calculation of losses in pipe flow forengine cooling systems on ships tug boat 2 x 1600 HP so it can be used indetermining the learning or improving the performance of the ship's enginecooling system.]"
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library