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Ditemukan 18 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Ranu Wijoyo
Abstrak :
Upaya pengembangan sistem deteksi kebocoran gas telah menjadi penelitian serius bagi banyak ahli di bidang komputasi, informatika dan fisika. Sistem deteksi gas menjadi kebutuhan mendesak saat ini mengingat banyaknya ancaman yang muncul dalam kehidupan masyarakat, seperti ancaman bom, kebocoran pipa gas, kebakaran hutan, dan lain sebagainya. Particle Swram Optimization (PSO) adalah salah satu algoritma yang handal untuk pencarian sumber gas. Penelitian ini akan menganalisa simulator 3D robot pencari sumber gas yang dibuat dengan menggunakan Open Dynamics Engine. Simulator ini merupakan pengembangan beberapa orang secara bertahap di mana terdapat beberapa variasi dalam implementasi algoritmanya. Penulis akan mencoba menganalisa kinerja setiap simulator ini. Riset robot pendeteksi gas ini dimulai oleh Wisnu Jatmiko yang berhasil mengembangkan sistem deteksi gas melalui modifikasi PSO dengan memanfaatkan mekanisme Detect and Response, penggunaan Charge Robot, dan pemanfaatan prinsip Wind Utilities. Pada penelitian selanjutnya, algoritma ini dikembangkan menjadi empat metode, yaitu metode penutupan sumber gas, metode peningkatan mekanisme DR-PSO dengan penambahan fase spread, metode pemanfaatan paralelisasi niche, dan metode penggunaan range global best. Penulis akan menganalisa performa robot dalam menutup semua kebocoran gas berdasarkan metode-metode tersebut. Analisa pertama dilakukan pada kasus dimana robot menggunakan metode penutupan sumber gas dan metode penigkatan mekanisme DR-PSO dengan penambahan fase spread namun belum mengenal paralel niche. Analisa kedua dilakukan pada kasus dimana robot menggunakan metode seperti pada analisa pertama namun dengan paralel niche. Analisa ketiga dilakukan pada kasus di mana robot menggunakan metode seperti pada analisa kedua namun dengan adanya tambahan sebuah robot yang menjadi pemimpin setiap niche.
Developing a gas leakage detection system has become a serious research for many experts in the field of computing, informatics and physics. Gas detection system is an urgent need especially nowadays considering the threats that appear in people's lives, such as bomb threats,gas leaks, forest fires, and so forth. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm is one of the algorithm to search the source of the gas leak. This research will analyze the performance of 3D robot simulators that search source of gas leak. This simulator is built using the Open Dynamics Engine. This simulator is developed by some people which are differs in the implementation of algorithm. The author tries to analyze the performance of each simulator. Research on robotic that serve as gas detection started by Wisnu Jatmiko when he successfully developed gas detection systems through PSO using the Detect and Response mechanisms, the use of Charge Robot, and the principles of Wind Utilities. On further research, algorithms were developed into four methods, namely methods of closing the gas source, methods of increasing DR-PSO mechanism with the addition of phase spread, the utilization of parallelization niche methods, and methods using of global best range. The author will analyze the performance of all robots in the gas leak detection based on these methods. The first analysis is done on cases where the robot using the method of closing the gas method and the improving of DR-PSO mechanism with the addition of spread phase but have not implemented parallel niche. On second analysis, conducted on cases where robots use the method which is similar to first analysis but with a parallel niche implemented. On third analysis, conducted on cases where robot uses methods such as on the second analysis but with the addition of a robot or more which is being the leader of each niche.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ridha Aditya Nugraha
Mauritius: Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, 2017
387.759 8 RID s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kunto Aribowo
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi efisiensi relatif antara kapal PT.PELNI dan faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan inefisiensi. Objek penelitian adalah 21 kapal pada periode 2009-2012. Variabel input yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dana untuk subsidi PSO, dan kapasitas kursi kelas ekonomi. Variabel output adalah jumlah penumpang kelas ekonomi, jumlah voyage, dan jumlah hari operasi. Penelitian ini menerapkan model Data Envelopment Analysis ( DEA ). Hasil penelitian: hanya ada 4 kapal yang konsisten relatif efisien pada periode 2009-2012. Penyebab utama dari inefisiensi kapal adalah jarak rute terlalu jauh, dan terlalu banyak kursi di kelas ekonomi. Dengan demikian, disarankan untuk membuat beberapa perbaikan dalam operasional kapal, terutama untuk memperpendek rute dan mengurangi jumlah kursi di kelas ekonomi.
This research is aimed to identify the relative efficiency among of PT. PELNI's ships and the factors that cause the inefficiency. The object of study are 21 ships at period 2009-2012. The input variables used in the study are fund for subsidy PSO, and seat capacity of economy class. The output variables are number of economy class passengers, number of voyages, and number of operating days. The study applied the model of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The research result: there are only 4 ships that consistently relatively efficient at period 2009-2012. The main cause of a ship inefficiency were the distance route is too far, and too many seat in economy class. Thus, it's suggested to make some improvement in operating of ships, especially to shorten the length of routes and to decrease the seat in economy class., This research is aimed to identify the relative efficiency among of PT. PELNI's ships and the factors that cause the inefficiency. The object of study are 21 ships at period 2009-2012. The input variables used in the study are fund for subsidy PSO, and seat capacity of economy class. The output variables are number of economy class passengers, number of voyages, and number of operating days. The study applied the model of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The research result: there are only 4 ships that consistently relatively efficient at period 2009-2012. The main cause of a ship inefficiency were the distance route is too far, and too many seat in economy class. Thus, it's suggested to make some improvement in operating of ships, especially to shorten the length of routes and to decrease the seat in economy class.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Windra Priatna Humang
Abstrak :

Sebagai Negara kepulauan, pemerintah Indonesia memberikan subsidi dan public service obligation (PSO) kepada kapal Tol Laut, Pelni dan Perintis untuk mendistribusikan barang ke pulau-pulau kecil. Ketiga jenis kapal tersebut secara independen mengelola waktu dan jaringan masing-masing. Akibatnya jaringan distribusi menjadi tidak efisien dan belum dapat secara maksimal menekan biaya angkut serta biaya subsidi-PSO. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan dan menerapkan model bi-level dalam integrasi jaringan transportasi laut pada sistem distribusi barang di wilayah yang berciri kepulauan. Model upper level bertujuan meminimalkan jumlah kapal yang dioperasikan, sedangkan model lower level bertujuan menentukan rute yang memaksimalkan profit dalam distribusi barang yang melibatkan kapal Tol Laut, Pelni dan Perintis. Penggunaan genetik algoritma (GA) dalam pemecahan masalah dengan bentuk jaringan milk run time windows (MRTW) mampu mengakomodir variabel uncertainty berupa fluktuasi muatan dan tinggi gelombang yang belum dilakukan oleh penelitian sebelumnya. Hasil validasi model dengan tes empiris pada kasus di Indonesia menunjukkan bahwa model dapat memberikan nilai optimal dalam menyelesaikan masalah integrasi jaringan. Analisis sensitivitas menunjukkan bahwa jumlah kapal yang beroperasi, penerapan sistem cluster dan intervensi variabel uncertainty dalam penentuan rute kapal berpengaruh terhadap profit kotor. Penerapan sistem cluster mampu meningkatkan profit sebesar 36,5% dibandingkan tanpa clustering. Pengaturan rute kapal yang diintegrasikan secara real time dengan mempertimbangkan variabel fluktuasi muatan dan tinggi gelombang, memiliki konsekuensi bahwa profit kotor yang diterima mengalami penurunan sekitar 11,8% dibandingkan tanpa mempertimbangkan tinggi gelombang. Namun ada jaminan bahwa semua muatan akan terdistribusi sehingga masalah kelangkaan barang di wilayah terpencil, terluar dan perbatasan Indonesia mampu diatasi.

As an archipelagic country, Indonesian government gives subsidy and public service obligation (PSO) to Sea Tollway, Pelni and Pioneer vessels to distribute freights to small islands. These three types of vessel are independently managing their own time and network. As the result, the distribution network becomes inefficient and not optimal in suppressing transport cost and subsidy-PSO cost. The aim of this research is to develop and implement bi-level model in sea transport network integration on freight distribution system on archipelagic territory. Upper level model is intended to minimalize the number of operated vessels, while lower level model is intended to determine the route that maximize the profit in freight distribution that involves Sea Tollway, Pelni and Pioneer vessels. The application of genetic algorithm (GA) in problem solving on milk run time windows (MRTW) network can accommodate the uncertainty variable, namely cargo fluctuation and wave height that has not been done by previous research. The result of model validation with empirical test on the case in Indonesia shows that the model can gives optimal value in solving the network integration problem. The sensitivity analysis shows that the number of operating vessels, implementation of cluster system and the uncertainty variable intervention on the determination of vessel route affect the gross profit. The application of the cluster system can increasing profits by 36.5% compared without clustering. The management of vessel route should be integrated in real time by factoring the cargo fluctuation and wave height variable, with consequence that the received gross profit is decreasing by 11,8% when compared to the condition without the wave height consideration. However  there is a guarantee that all cargo will be distributed so that the problem of scarcity of goods in remote area, outermost and Indonesian borders can be solved.

Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Nowadays, the pursuance of sustainability obligates manufacturers to redesign products in order to reduce negative environmental impacts. However, only a few studies have simultaneously considered environmental sustainability and assemblability. To bridge this research gap, this study aimed to develop a redesign method based on modular product architecture. This method manages to support a sustainable product considering its materials, assembly sequence and line balance at initial design phase. This method begins with a current product analysis based on economic and environmental performances (i.e., total cost and CO2 emissions). Additionally, new materials and assembly methods are incorporated into redesigning a more sustainable product without compromising production performance. To ensure assemblability, the line balance of 60% is served as one of the constraints. This study applies the particle swarm optimization algorithm to calculate an optimal module organization along with assembly methods and assembly sequences. An air purifier case study is presented to demonstrate the benefits of the proposed method. As a result, the redesigned product can be more easily maintained during product usage and be recycled at the end of product life.
London: Taylor and Francis, 2016
658 JIPE 33:2 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andi Adriansyah
Abstrak :
Behavior-based control architecture has been broadly recognized due to their compentence in mobile robot development. Fuzzy logic system characteristics are appropriate to address the behavior design problems. Nevertheless, there are problems encountered when setting fuzzy variables manually. Consequently, most of the efforts in the field, produce certain works for the study of fuzzy systems with added learning abilities. This paper presents the improvement of fuzzy behavior-based control architecture using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). A wall-following behaviors used on Particle Swarm Fuzzy Controller (PSFC) are developed using the modified PSO with two stages of the PSFC process. Several simulations have been accomplished to analyze the algorithm. The promising performance have proved that the proposed control architecture for mobile robot has better capability to accomplish useful task in real office-like environment.

Arsitektur pengendali robot berbasis perilaku telah secara efektif menunjukkan kompetensinya dalam pengembangan teknologi robot bergerak. Karakteristik sistem logika fuzzy adalah salah satu solusi yang dapat diandalkan untuk menyelesaikan beberapa problem pada perancangan perilaku robot. Akan tetapi, terdapat kesulitan untuk dapat menala parameter fuzzy secara manual. Oleh karena itu beberapa studi dilakukan untuk mengintroduksi kemampauan pembelajaran pada sistem logika fuzzy. Tulisan ini membahas pengembangan arsitektur pengendali robot berbasis perilaku dengan memanfaatkan Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). Perilaku robot mengikuti dinding berbasiskan Particle Swarm Fuzzy Controller (PSFC) dibangun menggunakan PSO yang telah dimodifikasi dengan dua tahap proses PSFC. Beberapa pengujian telah dilakukan untuk menganalisa performansi algoritma tersebut. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa perancangan tersebut memiliki performansi yang menjanjikan bahwa robot dapat menyelesaikan tugasnya dengan baik pada suatu lingkungan tertentu.
Universitas Mercu Buana, Departement of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, 2016
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Anwar Ma’sum
Abstrak :
Penyakit jantung merupakan penyakit mematikan nomor satu di Indonesia. Salah satu penyebab utama penyakit jantung yang akut adalah tidak terdeteksinya gejala penyakit sejak awal. Untuk men-cegah bertambahnya korban kematian akibat penyakit jantung dibutuhkan suatu sistem pendeteksian dini dan monitoring penyakit jantung. Oleh sebab itu dalam penelitian ini diajukan suatu sistem pen-deteksian dini dan monitoring penyakit jantung berbasis sinyal ECG. Sistem yang diajukan memiliki tiga komponen utama, yaitu hardware ECG sensor, smartphone, dan server. Sistem yang diajukan da-pat mengenali pola detak jantung, sehingga apabila ada gejala penyakit dapat dikehui sejak dini. Un-tuk membuat sistem pengenalan detak jantung, digunakan algoritma FLVQ-PSO. Hasil eksperimen, menunjukkan bahwa pengenalan pola detak jantung oleh sistem dapat akurasi 91.63%. Selain itu, sistem dapat juga digunakan untuk melakukan verifikasi dari jarak jauh (telehealth) oleh dokter spe-sialis jantung. Hasil eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa tingkat responsivitas server sistem telehealth ini kurang dari 0.6 detik. ......Heart disease is the number one deadly disease in Indonesia. One of the main causes of fatality is the late detection of the disease. To avoid escalation of mortality caused by heart disease, we need early detection and monitoring system of heart disease. Therefore, in this research we propose an early de-tection and monitoring system of heart disease based on ECG signal. The proposed system has three main components: ECG hardware, smartphone, and server. Since the proposed system is designed to classify heartbeat signal, heart disease symptom can be detected as early as possible. We use FLVQ-PSO algorithm to classify heartbeat signal. Experiment result shows that classification accuracy of the system can reach 91.63%. Moreover, the proposed system can be used to verify patients’ heartbeat by cardiologists from distant area (telehealth). Experiment result shows that responsiveness of the system for the telehealth system is less than 0.6 seconds.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
M.N.Shah Zainudin
Abstrak :
Wearable sensor technology is evolving in parallel with the demand for human activity monitoring applications. According to World Health Organization (WHO), the percentage of health problems occurring in the world population, such as diabetes, heart problem, and high blood pressure rapidly increases from year-to-year. Hence, regular exercise, at least twice a week, is encouraged for everyone, especially for adults and the elderly. An accelerometer sensor is preferable, due to privacy concerns and the low cost of installation. It is embedded within smartphones to monitor the amount of physical activity performed. One of the limitations of the various classifications is to deal with the large dimension of the feature space. Practically speaking, a large amount of memory space is demanded along with high processor performance to process a large number of features. Hence, the dimension of the features is required to be minimized by selecting the most relevant feature before it is classified. In order to tackle this issue, the hybrid feature selection using Relief-f and differential evolution is proposed. The public domain activity dataset from Physical Activity for Ageing People (PAMAP2) is used in the experimentation to identify the quality of the proposed method. Our experimental results show outstanding performance to recognize different types of physical activities with a minimum number of features. Subsequently, our findings indicate that the wrist is the best sensor placement to recognize the different types of human activity. The performance of our work also been compared with several state-of-the-art of features for selection algorithms.
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI-IJTECH 8:5 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Fadh
Abstrak :

Salah satu bentuk Public Service Obligation (PSO) di bidang komunikasi adalah penyediaan Layanan Pos Universal (LPU) yang mana pemerintah menyediakan layanan pos jenis tertentu sehingga masyarakat dapat mengirim dan atau menerima kiriman pos di seluruh wilayah di dunia dengan harga yang terjangkau oleh masyarakat. Pelaksanaan Layanan Pos Universal atau Layanan Pos Dasar telah dilaksanakan oleh pemerintah melalui BUMN sejak era kemerdekaan sampai dengan saat ini. Di dalam perjalanannya, terdapat perubahan-perubahan yang prinsipil terkait penyelenggaraan Layanan Pos Universal, namun belum terimplementasi secara penuh sesuai dengan ketentuan Undang-Undang Nomor 38 Tahun 2009 tentang Pos. Permasalahan yang dihadapi adalah adanya perubahan prinsip pelaksanaan Layanan Pos Universal sebagai Public Service Obligation (PSO) berdasarkan ketentuan perundangan bidang pos dan implementasi pelaksanaan Layanan Pos Universal oleh pemerintah berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 38 Tahun 2009 tentang Pos. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yuridis-normatif dengan pendekatan preskriptif-deskriptif analitis sehingga dapat menggambarkan perbedaan penyelenggaraan Layanan Pos Universal di masa sebelum ditetapkannya Undang-Undang Nomor 38 Tahun 2009 tentang Pos dan setelahnya. Penulis menemukan terdapat perubahan-perubahan prinsipil penyelenggaraan Layanan Pos Universal setelah Undang-Undang Pos diberlakukan yaitu perubahan terkait penyelenggaraan layanan pos universal, mekanisme penunjukan penyelenggara Layanan Pos Universal, prinsip kerahasiaan surat, dan sumber pembiayaan Layanan Pos Universal. Namun, pemerintah belum mengimplementasikan beberapa amanat dari Undang-Undang Pos seperti pelaksanaan seleksi penyelenggara Layanan Pos Universal, prinsip kerahasiaan surat tidak lagi menjadi prioritas perlindungan, dan pembiayaan Layanan Pos Universal kini bersumber dari kontribusi dan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN). Penulis menyarankan kepada pemerintah agar segera mengesahkan ketentuan mengenai mekanisme seleksi penyelenggara Layanan Pos Universal dan mempertimbangkan mekanisme pembiayaan Layanan Pos Universal yang lebih baik


One form of Public Service Obligation (PSO) in communication sector is the provision of Universal Postal Services (UPS) in which the government provides certain types of postal services so that people could send and / or receive postal items in all region around world at affordable prices. The implementation of Universal Postal Services has been carried out by the government through State-Own Enterprise since independence era up until now. Through time, there have been fundamental changes related to the implementation of Universal Postal Services (UPS). However, those changes haven`t been fully implemented in accordance with the Law Number 38 of 2009 concerning Posts. The primary issues are the changes in principles of implementing Universal Postal Services as Public Service Obligation based on the provisions of postal legislation and the implementation of Universal Postal Services itself by the government in accordance with the Law Number 38 of 2009 concerning Posts. This research is a juridical-normative research with prescriptive-analytical approach, so author can describe the differences in the implementation of Universal Postal Service in the period before and after the enactment of Law Number 38 of 2009 concerning Posts. The author finds that there are fundamental changes related to the implementation of Universal Postal Service, the mechanism for appointing Universal Postal Service provider, the principles of letter confidentiality, and funding sources of Universal Postal Services. However, the government has not implemented several mandates from the postal law such as selection of the Universal Postal Service provider, the principles of letter confidentiality are no longer priorities, and financing of Universal Postal Services is now sourced from both contributions and National Budget. The author suggests to the government to immediately ratify the provision regarding the selection mechanism for Universal Postal Services and consider a better Universal Postal Services financing mechanism.

UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yusuf Nugroho
Abstrak :
Upaya untuk memperkecil resiko negatif dalam suatu proyek menjadi tugas berat bagi jajaran manajer. Biaya kontinjensi sebagai cadangan keuangan dalam menghadapi resiko perlu diatur sedemikian rupa agar tidak terlalu sedikit yang berakibat pada kerugian finansial dan juga tidak terlalu tinggi berakibat pada mahal dan tidak atraktifnya harga proposal . Bersamaan dengan upaya menurunkan biaya kontinjensi, terdapat pula kenaikan biaya penanganan resiko. Dihadapkan pada hubungan berbanding terbalik tersebut, jajaran manajer diharuskan melakukan pengaturan kontinjensi dan biaya penanganan resiko sehingga dengan anggaran yang terbatas dapat dicapai kombinasi yang optimal, terlebih untuk mengelola jumlah resiko yang tidak sedikit. Melalui studi ini, sebuah model matematika dikembangakan dengan memadukan fungsi matriks resiko dan algoritma Particle Swarm Optimization PSO . Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa PSO dapat menyelesaikan problema minimisasi anggaran tanpa melanggar batasan yang ditetapkan. Selain itu, model yang diajukan pun dapat menjadi rekomendasi untuk pemilihan strategi penanganan resiko.
Reducing negative risk and the associated contingency cost in a project becomes a challenging task for managers. Inadequate and excessive contingency can lead to budget overrun and bidding loss, respectively. In the other hand, lowering the contingency also needs risk handling cost which will, in turn, be added to project budget. Within limited budget, managers should make an optimum adjustment between reduction of contingency and the increase of risk handling cost from multiple risk items with different levels. This study proposes a mathematical model in combination with risk matrix function and performed the computation using Particle Swarm Optimization PSO algorithm. The computation result demonstrated that PSO could solve the adjustment problem without any violation to the model rsquo s constraints. Besides minimizing risk contingency while keeping total budget at lowest amount, the proposed model could also provide recommendations for appropriate risk response strategy either acceptance, mitigation, transference or avoidance .
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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