Stephanie Dewi
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang : Sindrom frailty berkaitan dengan angka morbiditas dan
kematian yang lebih tinggi, sehingga dipakai sebagai prediktor kesehatan pada
orang usia lanjut (usila). Polifarmasi sebagai salah satu faktor risiko sindrom
frailty, dapat berkaitan dengan obat PPI yang sering diberikan pada usila, atas
indikasi adanya keluhan gangguan saluran cerna bagian atas. Sampai saat ini
belum ada penelitian yang mempelajari hubungan PPI jangka panjang dan
sindrom frailty pada usila. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan data
mengenai penggunaan PPI jangka panjang (≥ 6 bulan) terhadap risiko sindrom
frailty pada usila.
Metode : Desain studi kasus kontrol dengan kriteria inklusi subjek penelitian 60
tahun ke atas dan berstatus kognitif baik. Kriteria ekslusi adalah data yg tidak
lengkap atau terdapat kontraindikasi PPI. Kasus adalah usila terdiagnosis Frailty
menurut FI-40 item dan kontrol adalah usila yang tidak frailty berdasarkan
instrumen yang sama. Pengambilan data primer termasuk status frailty telah
dilakukan bulan Maret-Juni 2013 oleh Seto E dan Sumantri S. Pengambilan data
sekunder yang digunakan pada penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Oktober-
November 2014 dari data primer tersebut, ditambah dengan data dari rekam medis
poliklinik Geriatri dan poliklinik diabetes RS Cipto Mangunkusumo.
Hasil : Didapatkan 225 subjek (75 kasus:150 kontrol), 59,6% berjenis kelamin
perempuan (rerata usia 72,14 tahun; simpang baku ± 6,4 tathun) dan 47,1%
berpendidikan tinggi. Subjek yang berpendidikan rendah, berstatus cerai mati,
berstatus nutrisi lebih buruk, tidak mandiri, memerlukan caregiver, hidup tidak
berkecukupan dan kondisi kesehatan yang lebih buruk lebih banyak didapatkan
pada kelompok frailty dibandingkan kelompok yang tidak frail. Proporsi
pengguna PPI Jangka Panjang sebesar 40,9%. Penggunaan PPI jangka panjang
meningkatkan risiko sindrom frailty (Crude OR 2,15; IK 95% 1,22-3,78; p<0,007)
dengan adjusted OR 1,83 (IK 1,0-3,36) terhadap variabel nutrisi dan merokok.
Kesimpulan : Penggunaan PPI jangka panjang (≥ 6 bulan) secara independen
meningkatkan salah satu risiko sindrom frailty pada usila.
Background: Frailty syndrome as being used as the newest elderly health
predictor, associated with higher morbidity and mortality. PPI are often used in
elderly due to presence of upper gastrointestinal complaints, and related with
polypharmacy as one of the risk factor for frailty syndrome. No study has studied
the relationship of long term PPI and frailty syndrome in elderly. The objective of
the study is to find whether long term use of PPI (≥ 6 months) would increase the
risk of frailty syndrome in the elderly.
Methods: A case control study includes subjects 60 years and above with good
cognitive status. All subject with history of hypersensitivity of PPI is excluded.
Elderly diagnosed as frailty based in FI-40 item is defined as cases, while
individuals that are not frailty are classified as the control. Primary data
(included frailty status) was collected on March-June 2013 by Seto E and
Sumantri S, et al. Secondary data used in the current study was gathered on
October-November 2014, from the primary data above and from the medical
record taken from geriatric and diabetic outpatient clinics Cipto Mangunkusumo
Result: There were 225 subjects collected (75 cases : 150 controls), 59,6% were
female (mean age 72,14 years old, SD ± 6,4 years) and 47,1% with higher
education. Lower education, divorced, poor nutrition, dependent, needed
caregiver, economicaly insufficient, more comorbidity and poor health condition
are seen in frailty group.The proportion of long term PPI use were 40,9%. Long
term PPI medication increase the risk of frailty syndrome (Crude OR 2,154; CI
95% 1,225-3,778; p<0,007) with adjusted OR 1,83 (CI 95% 1,02-3,37) after
adjusting to nutrition and smoking variables.
Conclusion: Long term use of PPI significantly increase the risk of frailty
syndrome compared to the non-users.;Background: Frailty syndrome as being used as the newest elderly health
predictor, associated with higher morbidity and mortality. PPI are often used in
elderly due to presence of upper gastrointestinal complaints, and related with
polypharmacy as one of the risk factor for frailty syndrome. No study has studied
the relationship of long term PPI and frailty syndrome in elderly. The objective of
the study is to find whether long term use of PPI (≥ 6 months) would increase the
risk of frailty syndrome in the elderly.
Methods: A case control study includes subjects 60 years and above with good
cognitive status. All subject with history of hypersensitivity of PPI is excluded.
Elderly diagnosed as frailty based in FI-40 item is defined as cases, while
individuals that are not frailty are classified as the control. Primary data
(included frailty status) was collected on March-June 2013 by Seto E and
Sumantri S, et al. Secondary data used in the current study was gathered on
October-November 2014, from the primary data above and from the medical
record taken from geriatric and diabetic outpatient clinics Cipto Mangunkusumo
Result: There were 225 subjects collected (75 cases : 150 controls), 59,6% were
female (mean age 72,14 years old, SD ± 6,4 years) and 47,1% with higher
education. Lower education, divorced, poor nutrition, dependent, needed
caregiver, economicaly insufficient, more comorbidity and poor health condition
are seen in frailty group.The proportion of long term PPI use were 40,9%. Long
term PPI medication increase the risk of frailty syndrome (Crude OR 2,154; CI
95% 1,225-3,778; p<0,007) with adjusted OR 1,83 (CI 95% 1,02-3,37) after
adjusting to nutrition and smoking variables.
Conclusion: Long term use of PPI significantly increase the risk of frailty
syndrome compared to the non-users., Background: Frailty syndrome as being used as the newest elderly health
predictor, associated with higher morbidity and mortality. PPI are often used in
elderly due to presence of upper gastrointestinal complaints, and related with
polypharmacy as one of the risk factor for frailty syndrome. No study has studied
the relationship of long term PPI and frailty syndrome in elderly. The objective of
the study is to find whether long term use of PPI (≥ 6 months) would increase the
risk of frailty syndrome in the elderly.
Methods: A case control study includes subjects 60 years and above with good
cognitive status. All subject with history of hypersensitivity of PPI is excluded.
Elderly diagnosed as frailty based in FI-40 item is defined as cases, while
individuals that are not frailty are classified as the control. Primary data
(included frailty status) was collected on March-June 2013 by Seto E and
Sumantri S, et al. Secondary data used in the current study was gathered on
October-November 2014, from the primary data above and from the medical
record taken from geriatric and diabetic outpatient clinics Cipto Mangunkusumo
Result: There were 225 subjects collected (75 cases : 150 controls), 59,6% were
female (mean age 72,14 years old, SD ± 6,4 years) and 47,1% with higher
education. Lower education, divorced, poor nutrition, dependent, needed
caregiver, economicaly insufficient, more comorbidity and poor health condition
are seen in frailty group.The proportion of long term PPI use were 40,9%. Long
term PPI medication increase the risk of frailty syndrome (Crude OR 2,154; CI
95% 1,225-3,778; p<0,007) with adjusted OR 1,83 (CI 95% 1,02-3,37) after
adjusting to nutrition and smoking variables.
Conclusion: Long term use of PPI significantly increase the risk of frailty
syndrome compared to the non-users.]
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