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Ditemukan 9 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Meutia Anindita
"Evaluasi penggunaan PPI perlu dilakukan melihat tingginya penggunaan PPI dan dampak yang mungkin terjadi dari penggunaan PPI yang tidak tepat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi penggunaan PPI di instalasi rawat inap RSPAD Gatot Soebroto periode Februari - April 2016. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif analitik observasional dengan metode pengambilan data secara prospektif berdasarkan resep dan rekam medis. Sampel adalah data seluruh pasien BPJS yang menggunakan PPI di instalasi rawat inap departemen penyakit dalam RSPAD periode Februari - April 2016. Evaluasi penggunaan PPI dilakukan berdasarkan rasionalitas dan efektivitas terapi. Analisis dilakukan terhadap 153 terapi dari 91 pasien. Terdapat 77,78% penggunaan PPI yang tepat indikasi, 77,78% yang tepat pemilihan obat, 98,69% yang tepat penilaian kondisi pasien sebesar, 4,58% yang tepat dosis, 66,01% yang tepat lama pemberian, dan 86,27% efektif.

Evaluation of the use of PPI needs to be done perceiving the high use of PPI and likely impacts from inappropriate use of PPI. The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of PPI on inpatients at Gatot Soebroto Army Center Hospital in Period of February-April 2016. The study design was observational analytic descriptive with prospective data collection method based on prescription and medical record. The sample was data of entire adult inpatients with BPJS health insurance who used PPI at internal disease department of RSPAD. PPI use was evaluated based on rationality and therapy effectiveness. Analysis carried out on 153 therapies of 91 patients. This study obtained appropriate indication percentage by 77,78%, appropriate drug selection by 77,78%, appropriate patient condition assessment by 98,69%, appropriate dose by 4,58%, appropriate therapy duration by 66,01%, and therapy effectiveness by 86,27%."
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Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maulidya Augustine
"Penghambat pompa proton merupakan golongan obat yang telah banyak digunakan untuk mengobati penyakit-penyakit terkait gastrointestinal. Obat golongan PPI aman dan dapat ditoleransi dengan baik bila digunakan dengan tepat, namun peningkatan penyalahgunaan obat golongan PPI dapat berakibat pada terjadinya luaran terapi yang tidak diharapkan. Evaluasi terhadap penggunaan obat golongan ini perlu dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah obat golongan PPI digunakan sebagaimana mestinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi penggunaan obat golongan PPI dan menilai kerasionalan penggunaannya yang dilakukan secara deskriptif analitik observasional dengan pengambilan data secara retrospektif menggunakan data resep dan rekam medik. Sampel merupakan data pasien di Instalasi Rawat Jalan RSPAD Gatot Soebroto periode Juli 2015 - Desember 2015 yang menerima obat golongan PPI. Analisis dilakukan terhadap 400 jenis terapi obat dari 192 pasien. Aspek kerasionalan penggunaan obat golongan PPI dilihat dari lima aspek ketepatan, yaitu tepat penilaian kondisi pasien, tepat indikasi penyakit, tepat regimen dosis, tepat lama pemberian, dan tepat pemilihan obat. Sebanyak 100% terapi obat golongan PPI masuk ke dalam kategori tepat penilaian kondisi pasien, 79% tepat indikasi penyakit, 79% tepat regimen dosis, 79% tepat lama pemberian, dan 83,75% tepat obat.

Proton Pump Inhibitor are drugs that have been widely used to treat gastrointestinal related disorders. PPI is safe and well tolerated when used appropriately, but an increased in drug abuse can lead to unwanted outcome therapy. Evaluation of drug using Proton Pump Inhibitor is necessary to know whether PPI used properly. This study aimed to evaluate the use of PPIs and assess the rationalization of its use with observational analitical descriptive with retrospective methode using prescription data and medical records. Samples were data from outpatient at Gatot Subroto Army Hospital in the period of July 2015 - December 2015 that receive PPI. The analysis conducted from 400 therapy (192 patients). Aspects of the rational use of drugs known as PPI seen by five aspects of precision, appropriate condition of patients, appropriate indication, appropriate dosage, appropriate for the duration of PPI use, and appropriate for right medication. Data showed 100% appropriate condition of patients, 79,00% appropriate indication, 79,00% appropriate dosage, 79,00% appropriate for the duration of PPI use, and 83,75% appropriate for right medication."
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Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elfizon Amir
"Gastropathy refers to the damage of the epithelial cells of the gastric mucosa and disturbance of epithelial cell regeneration unaccompanied by inflammation. Gastropathy occurs due to irritation by chemical agents (such as non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs - NSAIDs and alcohol), bile reflux, hypovolemic conditions, and chronic obstruction.
NSAIDs in general are chemical agents that cause irritation of the upper gastrointestinal tract through direct and indirect topical effects and by inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis through inhibition of COX-1 and COX-2. There are many data that demonstrates that the anti-inflammatory function of NSAIDs is mainly through inhibition of COX-2, while many of their side effects are due to inhibition of COX-1.
In general, there is a correlation between the influence of NSAID and the administered dose. The higher the dose, the higher the risk for upper gastrointestinal tract disorder. NSAID users who frequently switch drugs have a risk twice higher than those only receiving one kind of NSAID. Those who use NSAID with corticosteroids have 15 times the risk. Use ofNSAID simultaneously with anticoagulants increases the risk of bleeding from ulcer 13 times compared to control subjects. NSAID use in a patient with history of bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract is 17.2 times non-users. Smoking also increases the percentage of gastroduodenal ulcer due to NSAID.
Clinical symptoms ofNSAID gastropathy are often only dyspepsia syndrome. There is no correlation between symptoms and endoscopic findings.
The first step in the therapy ofNSAID gastropathy is termination ofNSAID administration. To treat and prevent risks of gastropathy due to NSAID, mucosal protection agents may be used. Out of the various kinds of medicine available, proton-pump inhibitors turn out to be more effective compared to H2 receptor antagonists or cytoprotectiveagents."
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Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Stephanie Dewi
Latar Belakang : Sindrom frailty berkaitan dengan angka morbiditas dan
kematian yang lebih tinggi, sehingga dipakai sebagai prediktor kesehatan pada
orang usia lanjut (usila). Polifarmasi sebagai salah satu faktor risiko sindrom
frailty, dapat berkaitan dengan obat PPI yang sering diberikan pada usila, atas
indikasi adanya keluhan gangguan saluran cerna bagian atas. Sampai saat ini
belum ada penelitian yang mempelajari hubungan PPI jangka panjang dan
sindrom frailty pada usila. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan data
mengenai penggunaan PPI jangka panjang (≥ 6 bulan) terhadap risiko sindrom
frailty pada usila.
Metode : Desain studi kasus kontrol dengan kriteria inklusi subjek penelitian 60
tahun ke atas dan berstatus kognitif baik. Kriteria ekslusi adalah data yg tidak
lengkap atau terdapat kontraindikasi PPI. Kasus adalah usila terdiagnosis Frailty
menurut FI-40 item dan kontrol adalah usila yang tidak frailty berdasarkan
instrumen yang sama. Pengambilan data primer termasuk status frailty telah
dilakukan bulan Maret-Juni 2013 oleh Seto E dan Sumantri S. Pengambilan data
sekunder yang digunakan pada penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Oktober-
November 2014 dari data primer tersebut, ditambah dengan data dari rekam medis
poliklinik Geriatri dan poliklinik diabetes RS Cipto Mangunkusumo.
Hasil : Didapatkan 225 subjek (75 kasus:150 kontrol), 59,6% berjenis kelamin
perempuan (rerata usia 72,14 tahun; simpang baku ± 6,4 tathun) dan 47,1%
berpendidikan tinggi. Subjek yang berpendidikan rendah, berstatus cerai mati,
berstatus nutrisi lebih buruk, tidak mandiri, memerlukan caregiver, hidup tidak
berkecukupan dan kondisi kesehatan yang lebih buruk lebih banyak didapatkan
pada kelompok frailty dibandingkan kelompok yang tidak frail. Proporsi
pengguna PPI Jangka Panjang sebesar 40,9%. Penggunaan PPI jangka panjang
meningkatkan risiko sindrom frailty (Crude OR 2,15; IK 95% 1,22-3,78; p<0,007)
dengan adjusted OR 1,83 (IK 1,0-3,36) terhadap variabel nutrisi dan merokok.
Kesimpulan : Penggunaan PPI jangka panjang (≥ 6 bulan) secara independen
meningkatkan salah satu risiko sindrom frailty pada usila.

Background: Frailty syndrome as being used as the newest elderly health
predictor, associated with higher morbidity and mortality. PPI are often used in
elderly due to presence of upper gastrointestinal complaints, and related with
polypharmacy as one of the risk factor for frailty syndrome. No study has studied
the relationship of long term PPI and frailty syndrome in elderly. The objective of
the study is to find whether long term use of PPI (≥ 6 months) would increase the
risk of frailty syndrome in the elderly.
Methods: A case control study includes subjects 60 years and above with good
cognitive status. All subject with history of hypersensitivity of PPI is excluded.
Elderly diagnosed as frailty based in FI-40 item is defined as cases, while
individuals that are not frailty are classified as the control. Primary data
(included frailty status) was collected on March-June 2013 by Seto E and
Sumantri S, et al. Secondary data used in the current study was gathered on
October-November 2014, from the primary data above and from the medical
record taken from geriatric and diabetic outpatient clinics Cipto Mangunkusumo
Result: There were 225 subjects collected (75 cases : 150 controls), 59,6% were
female (mean age 72,14 years old, SD ± 6,4 years) and 47,1% with higher
education. Lower education, divorced, poor nutrition, dependent, needed
caregiver, economicaly insufficient, more comorbidity and poor health condition
are seen in frailty group.The proportion of long term PPI use were 40,9%. Long
term PPI medication increase the risk of frailty syndrome (Crude OR 2,154; CI
95% 1,225-3,778; p<0,007) with adjusted OR 1,83 (CI 95% 1,02-3,37) after
adjusting to nutrition and smoking variables.
Conclusion: Long term use of PPI significantly increase the risk of frailty
syndrome compared to the non-users.;Background: Frailty syndrome as being used as the newest elderly health
predictor, associated with higher morbidity and mortality. PPI are often used in
elderly due to presence of upper gastrointestinal complaints, and related with
polypharmacy as one of the risk factor for frailty syndrome. No study has studied
the relationship of long term PPI and frailty syndrome in elderly. The objective of
the study is to find whether long term use of PPI (≥ 6 months) would increase the
risk of frailty syndrome in the elderly.
Methods: A case control study includes subjects 60 years and above with good
cognitive status. All subject with history of hypersensitivity of PPI is excluded.
Elderly diagnosed as frailty based in FI-40 item is defined as cases, while
individuals that are not frailty are classified as the control. Primary data
(included frailty status) was collected on March-June 2013 by Seto E and
Sumantri S, et al. Secondary data used in the current study was gathered on
October-November 2014, from the primary data above and from the medical
record taken from geriatric and diabetic outpatient clinics Cipto Mangunkusumo
Result: There were 225 subjects collected (75 cases : 150 controls), 59,6% were
female (mean age 72,14 years old, SD ± 6,4 years) and 47,1% with higher
education. Lower education, divorced, poor nutrition, dependent, needed
caregiver, economicaly insufficient, more comorbidity and poor health condition
are seen in frailty group.The proportion of long term PPI use were 40,9%. Long
term PPI medication increase the risk of frailty syndrome (Crude OR 2,154; CI
95% 1,225-3,778; p<0,007) with adjusted OR 1,83 (CI 95% 1,02-3,37) after
adjusting to nutrition and smoking variables.
Conclusion: Long term use of PPI significantly increase the risk of frailty
syndrome compared to the non-users., Background: Frailty syndrome as being used as the newest elderly health
predictor, associated with higher morbidity and mortality. PPI are often used in
elderly due to presence of upper gastrointestinal complaints, and related with
polypharmacy as one of the risk factor for frailty syndrome. No study has studied
the relationship of long term PPI and frailty syndrome in elderly. The objective of
the study is to find whether long term use of PPI (≥ 6 months) would increase the
risk of frailty syndrome in the elderly.
Methods: A case control study includes subjects 60 years and above with good
cognitive status. All subject with history of hypersensitivity of PPI is excluded.
Elderly diagnosed as frailty based in FI-40 item is defined as cases, while
individuals that are not frailty are classified as the control. Primary data
(included frailty status) was collected on March-June 2013 by Seto E and
Sumantri S, et al. Secondary data used in the current study was gathered on
October-November 2014, from the primary data above and from the medical
record taken from geriatric and diabetic outpatient clinics Cipto Mangunkusumo
Result: There were 225 subjects collected (75 cases : 150 controls), 59,6% were
female (mean age 72,14 years old, SD ± 6,4 years) and 47,1% with higher
education. Lower education, divorced, poor nutrition, dependent, needed
caregiver, economicaly insufficient, more comorbidity and poor health condition
are seen in frailty group.The proportion of long term PPI use were 40,9%. Long
term PPI medication increase the risk of frailty syndrome (Crude OR 2,154; CI
95% 1,225-3,778; p<0,007) with adjusted OR 1,83 (CI 95% 1,02-3,37) after
adjusting to nutrition and smoking variables.
Conclusion: Long term use of PPI significantly increase the risk of frailty
syndrome compared to the non-users.]"
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UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Uci Ramadhani Uci Ramadhani
"Obat golongan proton pump inhibitor (PPI) digunakan secara luas dalam berbagai gangguan pada saluran gastrointestinal terkait asam lambung dan sering digunakan bersama dengan obat lain sehingga meningkatkan risiko terjadinya interaksi obat. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis potensi interaksi obat golongan PPI pada pasien rawat jalan di RSPAD Gatot Soebroto periode Juli-Desember 2015. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analitik-retrospektif pada data resep dan rekam medis pasien rawat jalan periode Juli-Desember 2015 yang menerima obat golongan PPI dan satu atau lebih item obat lain yang dipilih dengan metode pursposive sampling. Analisis dilakukan terhadap 400 lembar resep yang berasal dari 192 pasien.
Berdasarkan penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa terapi obat golongan PPI pada pasien rawat jalan di RSPAD Gatot Soebroto periode Juli-Desember 2015 memiliki potensi interaksi obat pada 324 lembar resep (81,00%) dengan total kasus sebanyak 475 kasus yang terdiri dari 42 kasus interaksi mayor, 138 kasus interaksi moderat dan 295 kasus interaksi minor. Terdapat 14 obat yang memiliki potensi interaksi dengan obat golongan PPI antara lain mikofenolat mofetil, klopidogrel, kilostazol, warfarin, besi, levotiroksin, propranolol, siklosporin, simvastatin, atorvastatin, sianokobalamin, sukralfat, teofilin dan antasida.

Proton pump inhibitor (PPI) drugs are widely used for the treatment of gastrointestinal tract with gastric-acid disorder and usually used concomitant with other drugs so that increase the risk of drug interaction. This study aimed to analyse the potential of PPI drug interaction in outpatients at Gatot Soebroto Army Centre Hospital period of July-December 2015. This study use analytical descriptive-retrospective method on prescriptions and medical records of outpatients who get PPI drugs with one or more other drugs in the period of July-December 2015, which were selected by purposive sampling method. This analysis study was conducted on 400 prescriptions from 192 patients.
This study concluded that PPI therapy in outpatients at RSPAD Gatot Soebroto period of July-December 2015 had potential drug interaction on 324 prescriptions (81,00%) with total of 475 cases, which are consisted of 42 cases of major interactions, 138 cases of moderate interactions, and 295 cases of minor interactions. There are 14 drugs that can potentially interact with PPI drugs, such as: mycophenolate mofetil, clopidogrel, cilostazol, warfarin, iron, levothyroxine, propranolol, cyclosporine, simvastatin, atorvastatin, cyanocobalamin, sucralfate, theophylline and antacid.
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Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Inas Fadhilah Hanif
"Efek samping dari obat golongan proton pump inhibitor (PPI) pada gastrointestinal diantaranya diare dan konstipasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui persentase besarnya efek samping pada gastrointestinal berupa diare dan konstipasi serta melihat adanya hubungan antara efek samping pada gastrointestinal dengan jenis kelamin, usia, dosis PPI, dan lama pemberian PPI pada pasien rawat inap di RSPAD Gatot Soebroto periode Februari ? April 2016. Penelitian ini adalah studi deskriptif analitik. Pengambilan data dilakukan secara prospektif terhadap data sekunder dari resep, dan rekam medis pasien serta data primer melalui wawancara pasien menggunakan kuisioener yang telah diuji validitas dan reliabilitasnya. Pengambilan data dilakukan dari bulan Februari sampai April 2016 secara total sampling. Analisis kausalitas efek samping pada gastrointestinal dilakukan dengan menggunakan algoritma Naranjo. Sampel adalah pasien dengan usia ≥ 17 tahun yang menerima proton pump inhibitor dan bersedia untuk berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini dengan menandatangani Informed Consent. Pasien yang menjadi sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 58 pasien. Sebanyak 19 pasien (32,75%) mengalami efek samping berupa konstipasi dimana 16 pasien (27,58%) dengan kategori mungkin (probable), dan 3 pasien (5,17%) dengan kategori cukup mungkin (possible). Tidak ada pasien yang mengalami efek samping diare. Hasil analisis statistik dengan uji chi-square dan uji mutlak Fisher menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan antara efek samping pada gastrointestinal dengan jenis kelamin, usia, dosis PPI, dan lama pemberian PPI.

Prevalances of crohn?s disease and ulcerative colitis in the world are still increasing. These two diseases are categorized as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Even there has been some theurapetic option for patient with these diseases, but surgery still the only option to treat fibrotic strictures. Tetrandrine was chosen as drug in this research because of its antifibrotic effect. This research was conducted to develop and evaluate calcium pectinate beads exploiting pH sensitive property for colon-targeted delivery of tetrandrine. Beads were prepared by ionotropic gelation method followed by enteric coating with HPMCP HP-55 or CAP. Uncoated beads were evaluated for particle size, shape, morphology, swellability, process efficiency and encapsulation efficiency. From evaluation, beads with concentration of calcium chloride 5% (formula 1) was chosen as formula for coating. First formula were more spherical in shape, not too sticky, and smaller in size when compared with beads using calcium chloride concentration 10% (formula 2) and 15% (formula 3). Encapsulation efficiency of the three formula, 65.67 ± 0.39%, 68.03 ± 0.12%, 56.28 ± 0.2% respectively. After coating process, beads were used in in vitro drug release and targeted test. The studies showed that coated calcium pectinate beads were sufficient to resist tetrandrine released in acidic medium, but was unsuccessfully in targeting colon."
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Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Koe Stella Asadinia
"Latar belakang: Ventilator-associated pneumonia VAP merupakan jenis infeksi nosokomial terbanyak pada pasien pediatric intensive care unit PICU. VAP menyebabkan pemanjangan durasi ventilasi mekanik, durasi hospitalisasi, dan kematian. Omeprazole direkomendasikan sebagai profilaksis dan pengobatan stress ulcer pada pasien PICU dengan ventilator. Omeprazole diduga dapat meningkatkan kejadian VAP melalui peningkatan kolonisasi bakteri lambung. Namun, belum banyak studi yang meneliti pengaruh ini pada populasi pasien PICU.
Tujuan: Mengetahui pengaruh pemberian omeprazole terhadap kejadian VAP pada Pasien PICU di RSUPN Dr. Ciptomangunkusumo.
Metode: Studi ini dilaksanakan dengan metode cross-sectional dengan 58 subjek. Sampel diambil dari rekam medis pasien PICU tahun 2014 hingga 2016. Subjek terdiri dari dua kelompok, yaitu pasien PICU dengan ventilator yang diberi omeprazole dan tidak diberi omeprazole.
Hasil: Karakteristik subjek meliputi jenis kelamin, usia, status gizi, faktor risiko potensial, dan keluaran berupa durasi hospitalisasi, durasi intubasi, dan kematian. Sejumlah 9 dari 29-31 subjek yang diberi omeprazole mengalami VAP dan 3 dari 29-10 subjek yang tidak diberi omeprazole mengalami VAP. Uji Chi-square menunjukkan hubungan tidak bermakna antara omeprazole dan kejadian VAP dengan nilai p=0.105 dan prevalence ratio PR 3.00-95 CI 0.903-9.970.
Diskusi: Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa pemberian omeprazole tidak berpengaruh terhadap kejadian VAP pada pasien PICU.

Background: Ventilator associated pneumonia VAP is the most common nosocomial infection among pediatric intensive care unit PICU patients. VAP prolongs duration of intubation and hospitalization and increases mortality. Omeprazole is often used as prophylaxis and therapy for stress ulcer, a common disease in PICU patients. Omeprazole is suspected to increase VAP incidence through gastric colonization.
Aim: To determine the effect of omeprazole on incidence of ventilator associated pneumonia among RSUPN Dr. Ciptomangunkusumo PICU Patients.
Methods: This is a cross sectional study with 58 subjects obtained from PICU medical records from 2014 to 2016. Subjects were put into two categories 1 PICU patients who received omeprazole, and 2 PICU patients who did not receive omeprazole.
Results: Subject characteristics include sex, age, nutritional status, potential risk factors, and outcome duration of hospitalization, duration of intubation and mortality. A number of 9 of 29 31 patients who received omeprazole developed VAP and 3 of 29 10 patients who did not receive omeprazole developed VAP. Chi square test showed no significant difference in the incidence of VAP in the two categories p 0.105 and prevalence ratio PR 3.00 95 CI 0.903 9.970.
Discussion: Omeprazole does not affect the incidence of VAP on PICU patients in this study.
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cosmas Rinaldi A Lesmana
"latar belakang : Esofagitis refluks merupakan kondisi yang cukup sering ditemukan pada pasien usia lanjut. kejadian kanker esofagus, dimana esofagitis merupakan faktor resiko penting masih dianggap jarang di kebanyakan negara Asia. banyak faktor risiko lain penyebab kejadian kanker esofagus masih banyak belum diketahui. studi ini ditujukan untuk mencari prevalensi esofagitis refluks pada pasien usia lanjut faktor-faktor yang berhubungan.
metode: studi ini adalah studi potong lintang pada kelompok usia lanjut yang menjalani prosedur pemeriksaan endoskopi saluran cerna atas. pasien yang sudah mendapatkan terapi penghambat pompa proton jangka panjang pasien dengan kegemasan saluran cerna, pasien yang baru saja mendapatkan obat kemoterapi, pasien dengan kelainan otak dan pembuluh darah dan juga pasien yang terbukti terdapat infeksi kuman H. pylori dieksklusi analisis statistik dilakukan dengan menggunakan program SPSS versi 17 (Chicago, IIlinois, USA).
hasil : dari 238 pasien usia lanjut didapatkan esophagitis refluks sebanyak 22 (9,2%) pasien, rerata usia pasien adalah 69.8± 6.8 tahun. beberpa komorbiditas yang ditemukan seperti, diabetes, hipertensi, penyakit jantung korner, penyakit ginjal kronik, dan sirosis hari. satu-satunya faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian esofagitis refulks adalah adanya hernia hiatus esofagus (p = 0,038), tetai, esofagitis refulks cenderung ditemukan lebih banyak pada pasien usia lanjut yang memilki riwayat konsumsi obat yang bisa ,encetuskan kondisi refulks tanpa adanya perlindungan anti asam.
simpulan: esofagitis refluks masih merupakan masalah besar pada pasien usia lanjut. terdapatnya hernia hiatus bisa memberikan pertimbangan penting untuk dilakukanya pemeriksaan penyaring endoskopi saluran cerna atas. tetapi hal ini masih menjadi perbedaan dengan mempertimbangkan beban biaya dan rendahnya kejadian kanker esofagus di sebagian besar negara Asia."
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Jakarta: Interna Publishing ( Pusat Penerbitan Ilmu Penyakit Dalam), 2016
UI-IJGHE 17:2 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Natasya Fathania Rizkillah
"Omeprazol merupakan obat golongan proton pump inhibitor yang berfungsi menekan produksi asam dengan menghambat pompa proton di sel parietal lambung. Pada beberapa kasus, omeprazol sering diresepkan pada pasien pediatri, namun omeprazol hanya tersedia dalam bentuk kapsul lepas tunda atau serbuk injeksi steril. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengembangkan formula sediaan cair oral omeprazol yang stabil dan mudah disiapkan di instalasi farmasi rumah sakit. Sirup pembawa dan sirup oral omeprazol dibuat dengan variasi zat pensuspensi dan pendapar, kemudian dikarakterisasi pH, viskositas dan kadarnya. Stabilitas sirup pembawa dan sediaan cair oral omeprazol dievaluasi setelah produk disimpan selama 35 hari pada suhu dingin (4o ± 2oC) dan suhu ruang (25o ± 2oC). Sirup pembawa menunjukkan stabilitas yang baik dengan menunjukkan pH dan viskositas yang relatif stabil pada dua kondisi penyimpanan. Pada sirup oral omeprazol terjadi perubahan warna menjadi kecokelatan serta penurunan viskositas yang lebih cepat pada penyimpanan di suhu ruang. Akan tetapi, pH kelima formula pada dua kondisi penyimpanan relatif stabil dan memenuhi persyaratan yaitu di atas 7,4 untuk memperlambat degradasi omeprazole. Hasil penetapan kadar menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis menunjukkan adanya penurunan kadar pada kelima formula. Akan tetapi, formula F2 menunjukkan stabilitas kadar yang paling baik dengan penurunan kadar kurang dari 5% hingga hari ke-35 baik pada penyimpanan baik di suhu dingin maupun suhu ruang. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, disimpulkan bahwa penambahan suspending agent berupa HPMC dengan konsentrasi yang optimum dapat meningkatkan stabilitas sirup oral omeprazol. Akan tetapi, penambahan dapar tidak secara signifikan meningkatkan stabilitas sediaan.

Omeprazole is a drug belonging to the proton pump inhibitor, which functions to suppress acid production by inhibiting the proton pump in the gastric parietal cells. Omeprazole is commonly prescribed for pediatric patients, however it is only available in delayed-release capsule or sterile injection powder forms. Therefore, this research was conducted to develop a stable and easily prepared oral liquid formulation of omeprazole in the hospital pharmacy installation. Carrier syrup and oral omeprazole syrup were formulated with variations in suspending and buffering agents, and then their pH, viscosity, and content were characterized. The stability of these formulation was evaluated after storage for 35 days at cold (4°C±2°C) and room (25°C±2°C) temperature. The carrier syrup stored demonstrated good stability, indicated by relatively stable pH and viscosity under both storage conditions. However, the oral omeprazole syrup showed color changes to brownish and a faster decrease in viscosity during storage at room temperature. Nevertheless, the pH of both formulations under the two storage conditions relatively stable and met the requirements of being above 7.4 to slow down omeprazole degradation. Content determination using UV-Vis spectrophotometer showed a decrease in content in all formulations. However, F2 exhibited the best content stability, with a decrease of less than 5% until day 35, under both storage conditions. Based on the research findings, it is concluded that adding HPMC as a suspending agent at the optimum concentration can improve the stability of oral omeprazole syrup. However, the addition of buffering agents did not significantly enhance the formulation's stability."
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Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library