Sidik Mastrilianto
Abstrak :
Liquefied Petroleum Gas atau yang biasa kita kenal dengan sebutan LPG, saat
ini sudah menjadi kebutuhan harian bahkan termasuk kebutuhan dasar bagi
sebagian besar masyarakat di Indonesia. Dengan sifat dan karakter dari LPG
yang mudah terbakar, bahkan mudah meledak untuk kondisi-kondisi tertentu,
maka kiranya diperlukan analisa dan penilaian bahayanya.
Kajian dalam tulisan ini bertujuan mengetahui dan menganalisa gambaran
fasilitas penampungan LPG dan tingkat kemungkinan kebakaran I peledakan
serta pengaruh dari penilaian resiko terhadap resiko kebakaran I peledakan,
menggunakan DOW Indeks.
Disain penelitian yang digunakan adalah Descriptive Analitik, dimana; Pertama,
akan merincikan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan komponen material,
bahaya-bahaya unit proses, dan kontrolnya. Kemudian, fal
Liquefied Petroleum Gas which known as LPG, now consumed by the most of
people in indonesia. With the tlammability character ofthe LPG, and possibility
to explode in specific condition, hence presumably need to conduct analysis
and tire hazard identilication prior and during LPG storage facility operations.
Evaluation in this article is aim to know or analyze the risk assessment for tire/
explosion LPG storage facility by using DOW index. The research design is
Descriptive Analytic, and it will be analyzing the detail for any factors with the
components; material, unit process hazard and control. Hereinafter, all factors
will be classiied in two components of risk: probability factor and
consequences factor, as F&E Index, Damage Factor and Maximum Probable
Property Damage.
Finally, all factors will be analyzed by using matrix to get the level of the risk.
The risk assessment emphasis to any possibility of LPG release from storage
tank it self, till and discharge line, vapor balance line and aggregate
components likes flanges or pipe connection, pumps and valves. The result of
risk assessment will be re-analyzed for further action to reduce or minimize the
present risk categories.
Hopefully this analysis could contribute to prevent any identitied risks in the
companies which are having LPG storages.
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library