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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Abstrak :
Thee preliminary results of :lie i998 Malawi Population and Housing Census (MPHC) indicate that the population of Malawi is 9.8 million. This _,figure is less than estimates prepared by most national and international institutions including renowned population specialists working an :lie population of Malawi. Nearly all-available population projections estimated :liar ill!! population of Malawi in i993 would be around I l million. The aforementioned discrepancy has .tome serious consequences. Firs! :lie Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita may be distorted in such a way as to suggest a general improvement in rite quality of life contrary to the situation. Second, the results of the census may be interpreted to indicate the success of me national population program especially rite :rational family planning program. As a result of these consequences there is need to evaluate me census results to verify whether the reported figure is indeed correct or to provide a plausible explanation for flue anomaly. Though not prescriptive, the paper offers plausible explanation for :lie observed differences. In particular, me paper argues that rite population figure obtained front the 1998 census, like most other censuses in developing countries, were underreported.
Journal of Population, 6 (1-2) 2000 : 125-145, 2000
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andrari Grahitandaru
Abstrak :
A two dimensional layer or cross section of a three dimensional object can be reconstructed by means of a large number of one dimensional projections through this layer. Reconstruction a two dimensional phantom from its one-dimensional projection has been accomplished in this thesis using the technique where the input projection data of CT X-Ray is simulated. The qualities of reconstructed phantom from the projections have shown a good result compared to the original image. This reconstruction technique has been implemented on PC and the reconstructed image is displayed using VGA monitor.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1992
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dhani Ayu Andini
Abstrak :
Pendahuluan : Overjet yang besar pada maloklusi kelas II divisi 1 ditengarai mampu menimbulkan gangguan pada sendi temporomandibula. Perawatan ortodontik dengan pencabutan dua gigi premolar bertujuan untuk memperbaiki profil serta menyeimbangkan oklusi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis perubahan posisi kondilus sebelum dan sesudah perawatan ortodontik. Metode : Digunakan 60 foto transkranial sebelum dan sesudah perawatan ortodontik. Subjek penelitian dipilih berdasarkan kriteria inklusi berupa kasus maloklusi kelas II divisi 1, ANB ³ 50, overjet ³ 6 mm, memiliki gangguan sendi temporomandibula sebelum perawatan ortodontik dimulai serta memiliki foto transkranial. Evaluasi posisi kondilus dilakukan dengan mengukur jarak Anterior Joint Space, Posterior Joint Space dan Superior Space yang diterjemahkan menjadi posisi supero-anterior dan posisi non supero-anterior pada kondilus kanan dan kiri. Perubahan posisi kondilus sebelum dan sesudah perawatan ortodontik diuji menggunakan Mc Nemar. Hasil : Diketahui bahwa tidak ada perbedaan bermakna (p>0,05) posisi kondilus sebelum dan sesudah perawatan ortodontik pada kasus maloklusi kelas II divisi 1 dengan pencabutan dua gigi premolar. 19 subjek memiliki posisi supero-anterior pada kondilus kanan dan kiri sebelum dan sesudah perawatan, sedangkan 11 subjek memiliki posisi non supero-anterior pada kondilus kanan dan kiri sebelum dan sesudah perawatan. Kesimpulan : Perawatan ortodontik disertai pencabutan dua gigi premolar menyebabkan perubahan posisi kondilus, namun tidak berbeda bermakna secara statistik. Sebelum dan sesudah perawatan ortodontik, sebagian besar kondilus tetap berada di posisi superoanterior. Sesudah perawatan ortodontik, gejala berupa rasa tidak nyaman saat membuka mulut lebar dan keterbatasan membuka mulut sudah hilang, sedangkan gejala berupa kliking dan krepitasi masih ada.
Introduction : Increased overjet in malocclusion class II div 1 leads to temporomandibular joint dysfunction. Orthodontic treatment with upper premolars extraction is due to correct profile and to harmonize occlusion. This paper will analyze alteration condylar position before and after orthodontic treatment. Methods : Transcranial projection was performed of 60 radiographs (30 radiograph before and 30 radiograph after orthodontic treatment). Subjects were choosed based on inclusion criteria : malocclusion class II div 1, ANB ³ 50, overjet ³ 6 mm, patient had temporomandibular symptoms before orthodontic treatment, and all patients had transcranial radiograph. Condylar position was determined according to Anterior Joint Space, Posterior Joint Space and Superior Space which convert to supero-anterior position condyle right and left and non supero-anterior position condyle right and left. The Mc Nemar Test was used to analyze the data. Results : No statistically significant (p>0,05) alteration condyle position before and after orthodontic treatment with extraction upper premolar. 19 subjects had supero-anterior condyle position, before and after orthodontic treatment and 11 subjects had non superoanterior condyle position before and after orthodontic treatment. Conclusion : The results of this study showed that orthodontic treatment with extraction upper premolars cause alteration condylar positions, but not statistically significant. Before and after orthodontic treatment, most of all condyles showed in superoanterior positions.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sendy Agita
Abstrak :
Pemerintah Indonesia telah melakukan pembenahan sistem dan insfrastruktur kesehatan khususnya Rumah Sakit dan Puskesmas sebagai provider BPJS untuk mengimplementasikan progam universal health coverage dalam SJSN. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui kebutuhan tempat tidur di Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Propinsi Sulawesi Utara dalam implementasi program SJSN. Metode penelitian yaitu penelitian operasional yang membuat estimasi dan proyeksi kebutuhan tempat tidur, Pendekatan kualitatif dengan indepth interview (wawancara mendalam) kepada informan tertentu juga dilakukan agar dapat gambaran strategi kebijakan. Hasil penelitian yaitu estimasi jumlah TT tahun 2013 antara ketersediaan TT dan kebutuhan TT mencukupi. Proyeksi jumlah TT tahun 2018 dan tahun 2023 yaitu kebutuhan TT meningkat tetapi ketersediaan kurang. Strategi kebijakan yaitu pemerintah daerah membangun RS tipe C dan akan mengembangkan Puskesmas Non Perawatan menjadi Puskesmas Perawatan. Hasil penelitian ini lebih lanjut diarahkan kepada pemerintah Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow. .....The Indonesian government has to reform the health system and infrastructure in particular hospitals and health centers as providers BPJS for implementation universal health coverage program in the Social Security System. Research purposes to determine the bed needs in Bolaang Mongondow Regency North Sulawesi Province in SJSN program implementation. Research methods that operational research to make estimates and projected needs bed, qualitative approach with indepth interview to specific informants also done in order to overview policy strategy. The results are estimates of the number of beds in 2013 between the availability of beds and beds needs sufficient. Projected number of beds in 2018 and in 2023 the need for beds increased but the availability is less. Policy strategies that local governments establish hospitals type C and will develop PHC Non Care into Care PHC. Results of this study further directed to government Bolaang Mongondow Regency.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erich Fedrich Carlous
Abstrak :
Bea masuk sebagai salah satu sumber pendapatan negara merupakan bagian dari penerimaan perpajakan pada subpos penerimaan pajak perdagangan internasional, yang perlu diperkirakan target pencapaiannya sesuai dengan proyeksi kondisi perekonomian di masa yang akan datang. Untuk itu diperlukan suatu model proyeksi penerimaan bea masuk yang akurat agar perencanaan pemerintah yang telah dibuat dapat direalisasikan secara optimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor apa saja yang dapat mempengaruhi penerimaan bea masuk, terutama yang terkait dengan faktor makro ekonomi serta sektor industri sesuai jenis lapangan usaha yang ada di dalam perekonomian, untuk kemudian disusun suatu model proyeksi berdasarkan teori ekonomi. Penyusunan model proyeksi penerimaan bea masuk dilakukan secara agregat dan secara sektoral. Secara agreragat yakni penyusunan model menggunakan data komoditi impor yang nilainya bersifat akumulatif, yang telah dikelompokkan sesuai jenis lapangan usaha pada PDB, dengan data tahunan mulai tahun 1982 s.d. 2013. Sedangkan secara sektoral yakni proses penyusunan model dengan menggunakan data komoditi impor yang menyumbang penerimaan bea masuk dalam satu tahun, yang dikelompokkan sesuai HS 4 digit, dengan periode penelitian tahun 2004 s.d. 2013. Teknik penyusunan model menggunakan regresi linier berganda dengan software STATA 12.0 sebagai alat olah data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model proyeksi penerimaan bea masuk yang paling akurat adalah model proyeksi secara agregat, dengan variabel bebas berupa total nilai impor komoditi subsektor pertanian, total nilai impor komoditi subsektor industri non migas, rasio pertumbuhan ekonomi, nilai tukar kurs rupiah terhadap dolar Amerika Serikat serta variebel dummy kebijakan perdagangan bebas. ...... Import duties as one of state's income revenue are part of the international trade tax revenue subheading, which the target purpose need to be estimated in accordance with economic condition in the future. This requires a proper model of import duty revenue projection so that the government plans existed can be optimally realized. This study aims to analyze the factors that may affect the import duty revenue, especially those related to macroeconomic factors and industry sectors according to the type of business fields that existed in economic, and then formulate a projection model based on economic theory. Modelling projection of import duty revenue performed in the aggregate and sectoral. In agreragat means that the preparation of the model using data imported commodities whose value is accumulative, which have been grouped according to the type of business field in GDP, with annual data began in 1982 - 2013. Sectoral means that the process of data modelling using annual data imported commodity with largest contribution to import duty revenue, which are grouped according to the HS 4-digit, with a study period of 2004 - 2013. Modelling technique using multiple linear regression with STATA 12.0 software as a data processing tool. The results showed that the model of import duty revenue projections are most accurate in the aggregate projection model, with the independent variables such as the total value of imports of commodity subsectors of agriculture, the total value of imports of non-oil commodity sub-sectors, the economic growth rate, the exchange rate of the rupiah against the U.S. dollar and dummy variable free trade policies.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library