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Hapsari Kusumaningdyah
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini adalah sebuah eksperimen tekait pengaruh paparan uang terhadap derajat Social Dominance Orientation (SDO) yang menggunakan teknik supraliminal priming. Merujuk dari penelitian Caruso, dkk (2013) yang menemukan bahwa paparan terhadap gagasan uang akan meningkatkan derajat SDO seseorang. Penelitian ini menguji apakah pengaruh paparan terhadap gagasan “uang banyak” akan tetap mengingkatkan derajat SDO. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa pengaruh paparan uang banyak akan tetap meningkatkan derajat SDO, yang diukur melalui skala SSDO (Pratto, dkk, 2013). Dalam hal ini partisipan yang terpapar oleh gagasan uang banyak dilaporkan memiliki SDO yang lebih tinggi dengan p<0,01 dan d=1. ......This study was an experiment concerned about mere exposure of money towards Social Dominance Orientation (SDO) which is facilitated by supraliminal priming technique. According to Caruso, et al (2013) mere exposure to the idea of money will increase SDO’s level. This study examined whether mere exposure to the idea of abundance money still influence the enhancement of SDO level. This study found that, mere exposure to abundance money still increasing the SDO level, which is measured by SSDO scale (Pratto, et al, 2013). This findings also confirmed that participants which is exposed to the idea abundance of money reported to have higher SDO, with p<0,01 and d=1.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
The authors conducted 4 repetitio priming experiments that manipulated prime duration and prime diagnocity in a visual forced-choice percceptual identification task. The strength and direction of prime diagnosticty produced marked effects on identification accuracy, but those effects were resistant to subsequent changes of diagnosicity. Participants learned to associate different diagnocities with primes of different durations but not with primes presented in different colors. Regardless of prime diagnosticity, preference for a primed alternative covaried negatively with prime duration, suggesting that even for diagnostic primes, evidence discounting remains an important factor. A computational model, with the assumption that adaptation to the statistics of the experiment modulates the level of evidence discounting, accounted for these results.
Washington DC: the American Psychological Association, 2018
150 JEP
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pasaribu, Munawaroh
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Diagnosis tuberkulosis (TB), khususnya pada pasien HIV masih merupakan masalah tersendiri, terutama pada daerah dengan sumber daya terbatas. Pemeriksaan mikroskopis hapusan bakteri tahan asam (BTA) merupakan metode yang sederhana dan cepat tetapi hanya mendeteksi 30% -40% kasus Tb sedangkan kultur (baku emas) membutuhkan waktu pemeriksaan yang berminggu-minggu. Metode genotipe (PCR dan isothermal amplification) memiliki sensitivitas yang tinggi dan kerjanya cepat tetapi metode ini masih sangat kompleks dan membutuhkan peralatan khusus. Cross-priming amplification (CPA) merupakan metode amplifikasi DNA secara isothermal dengan menngunakan multiprimer dan enzim polymerase dengan tehnik pembacaan hasil amplifikasi yang sederhana. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaanCPA dan PCR TB LMK FKUI dalam mendeteksi M. tuberculosis pada sputum pasien tersangka TB tanpa/dengan HIV. Metode: 20 sputum pasien non-HIV tersangka TB dan 37 sputum pasien HIV tersangka TB diperiksa dengan CPA dan PCR TB LMK FKUI. Hasil: Semua yang terdeteksi positif dengan CPA juga dideteksi positif oleh PCR tetapi 20% hasil yang terdeteksi negatif oleh CPA terdeteksi sebagai positif di PCR dan semua yang terdeteksi negatif oleh PCR terdeteksi negatif juga di CPA sedangkan hasil negatif di CPA (20%) masih terdeteksi positif oleh PCR. Dalam mendeteksi M. tuberculosis pada sputum pasien HIV/AIDS tersangka TB paru Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara CPA dengan PCR TB LMK FKUI, hampir semua hasil positif oleh CPA (94.1%) juga dideteksi positif oleh PCR tetapi 30% hasil negatif oleh CPA terdekteksi sebagai positif oleh PCR dan hampir semua hasil negatif oleh PCR (93.3%) terdeteksi negatif juga oleh CPA. Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara CPA dan PCR TB LMK FKUI dalam mendeteksi M. tuberculosis pada sputum pasien tersangka TB paru. PCR TB LMK FKUI lebih sensitif dibanding CPA dalam mendeteksi M.tuberculosis. ...... Background: The diagnosis tuberculosis (TB) especialy in HIV patients remains a major obstacle to global control of TB, especially in resource limited settings. Light microscopy in sputum smears as common method in detection acid-fast bacilli (AFB) is specific but it only detects 30% to 40% of TB patients, while culture methods as gold standart in TB diagnostic require several weeks of incubation time. Genotypic method (polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and isothermal amplification) is known very sensitive and works fast but it requires special equipment and complex protocols in amplifying and detection amplified products. Cross-priming amplification (CPA) principle is isothermal amplification using multiple cross-linked primers (six to eight primers) and detection of amplified products is performed on special design plastic which is easy to performed and identified. Objective: The study aimed to determine difference of PCR and CPA to detect M. tuberculosis in sputum specimens from suspected pulmonary tuberculosis without/with HIV patients. Methods: 20 sputum samples suspected pulmonary TB of non-HIV patients and 37 sputum samples suspected pulmonary TB of HIV patients were subjected to CPA and PCR TB LMK FKUI. Results:. All samples which were positive by CPA were also PCR positive but 20% result that were CPA negative were still positive by PCR and all samples with PCR negative were negative detected by CPA while some samples that were negative by CPA were still positive detected by PCR (20%). In HIV/AIDS population, there were significant correlation between CPA and PCR TB LMK FKUI which all positive result of CPA (94.1%) were also PCR positive but 30% of CPA negative were still CPA positive and almost all of PCR negative (93.3%) were CPA negative. Conclusion: There were significant correlation between CPA and PCR TB LMK FKUI in ditected of M.tuberculosis in sputum of suspected pulmonary TB in populations of non HIV/AIDS patients and HIV/AIDS patients.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Louisa Christine Hartanto
Abstrak :
Teori agenda setting yang menyatakan bahwa media massa mampu membentuk isu publik dan menggiring opini publik diuji kembali dalam penelitian ini. Teori yang berangkat dari media massa konvensional, yakni televisi, radio, dan surat kabar, kini menemui tantangan baru pada era digital. Tujuan pertama dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui apakah agenda media massa portal berita online Kompas.com mempengaruhi agenda publik yang ada. Menggunakan analisis konten berkaitan 8 isu keutamaan yang telah dinyatakan oleh Kompas.com berkaitan dengan Pilkada DKI Jakarta 2017, dan survey terhadap 100 responden. Kemudian hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa ranking isu yang dibentuk oleh portal berita online Kompas.com tidak sama dengan ranking isu yang dimiliki oleh publik. Tujuan lain dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui dampak dari efek priming dan framing karakteristik pribadi suatu figur politik dalam pemberitaan terhadap intensi memilih publik. Survey yang dilakukan terhadap 100 responden atas sosok Basuki Tjahaya Purnama kandidat petahana dalam Pilkada DKI Jakarta 2017 mengukur tingkat kepuasan publik atas kinerjanya, serta kesukaan publik terhadap karakteristik kepribadiannya. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa evaluasi kinerja yang baik dan penilaian positif atas karakteristik pribadi seorang figur politik memperkuat intensi publik untuk memilih figur politik tersebut. Penelitian ini kemudian menunjukkan bahwa agenda media massa tidak lagi terlalu mempengaruhi agenda publik. Namun efek-efek lain dari agenda media massa, berkaitan dengan efek priming dan framing karaktersitik kepribadian masih memiliki pengaruh pada intensi memilih publik terhadap figur politik. ...... This study will test agenda setting theory that states mass media was able to form public agenda and lead public opinion. This theory depart from the conventional mass media, as television, radio, and newspapers, are now facing new challenges in the digital age. The first objective of this research is to find out whether the news agendas of Kompas.com affect the existing public agenda. To achieve this objective, we use content analysis of the eight issues that have been stated by Kompas.com related to DKI Jakarta governor election 2017, and using survey of 100 respondents. The result shows that the ranking of issues formed by Kompas.com isn rsquo t same as the issue ranking owned by public. Another purpose of this research is to know the effects of priming, and personal characteristics frame of a political figure towards voters intention. A survey that conducted on 100 respondents about Basuki Tjahaya Purnama was used to measure public satisfaction on his performance, as well as the public's fondness for the characteristics of his personality. The results show that a good performance evaluation and a positive assessment of the personal characteristics reinforce voters intention to choose the political figure. This study then concludes that mass media agenda no longer affects the existing public agenda. Yet other effects of the mass media agenda, related to the priming and framing effects of characteristic personality still have an influence to the voters intention.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vanessa Maudy Putri
Abstrak :
Untuk dapat merasa bahagia, kemampuan individu dalam melakukan inhibitory control terhadap informasi negatif yang tidak relevan sangatlah penting. Namun, kondisi emosional yang bersifat sementara seperti mood dan perubahan afek positif dikenal dapat memengaruhi performa fungsi kognitif ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan antara inhibitory control dan tingkat kebahagiaan dengan mood dan perubahan afek positif sebagai moderator. Sebanyak 119 partisipan yang sehat mental berusia 18 - 35 tahun (M = 21,5 tahun) berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Sejumlah 59 partisipan menerima induksi mood positif dan 60 orang menerima induksi mood netral. Tingkat kebahagiaan diukur menggunakan Subjective Happiness Scale (Lyubomirsky & Lepper, 1999), mood diukur menggunakan The Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (Watson et al., 1988), sedangkan perubahan afek positif diukur dari selisih penilaian afek positif sebelum (Pre PA) dan setelah (Post PA) induksi mood dilakukan. Performa inhibitory control untuk informasi negatif diukur menggunakan tugas Negative Affective Priming. Hasil analisis moderasi dengan PROCESS model 2 menunjukkan bahwa performa inhibitory control untuk informasi negatif adalah prediktor positif dan signifikan untuk tingkat kebahagiaan. Mood memoderasi secara signifikan hubungan antara performa inhibitory control terhadap informasi negatif dan tingkat kebahagiaan, tetapi perubahan afek positif tidak memoderasi hubungan ini. Selain itu, berdasarkan analisis moderasi PROCESS model 1, pada kondisi mood netral, terdapat korelasi positif antara inhibitory control untuk informasi negatif dan tingkat kebahagiaan. Sebaliknya, pada kondisi mood positif, terdapat korelasi negatif antara inhibitory control untuk informasi negatif dan tingkat kebahagiaan. Temuan dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dinamika hubungan antara performa inhibitory control dalam menghambat informasi negatif dan tingkat kebahagiaan dipengaruhi oleh mood partisipan. ......Largely influenced by moodIn order to be happy, it is important to hone the ability to inhibit irrelevant negative information. However, temporary emotional states such as mood and changes in positive affect are known to affect the performance of inhibitory control. The current study aimed to examine the moderating roles of mood and changes in positive affect on the relationship between inhibitory control and happiness. A total of 119 mentally healthy participants aged 18-35 years (M = 21.5 years) participated in this study. Fifty-nine participants received positive mood induction and 60 participants received neutral mood induction. Happiness was measured using the Subjective Happiness Scale (Lyubomirsky & Lepper, 1999), mood was measured using The Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (Watson et al., 1988), while changes in positive affect was measured by calculating the difference between the levels of positive affect before (Pre PA) and after (Post PA) the mood induction procedure. Inhibitory control performance for irrelevant negative information was measured using Negative Affective Priming Task. The results of the moderation analysis using PROCESS model 2 showed that inhibitory control performance for negative information was a significant and positive predictor for happiness. Interestingly, mood significantly moderated the relationship between inhibitory control for negative information and happiness, but changes in positive affect did not moderate this relationship. Based on analysis using PROCESS model 1, in neutral mood condition, there was a positive correlation between inhibitory control for negative information and happiness. Conversely, in positive mood condition, there was a negative correlation between inhibitory control for negative information and happiness. Thus, the findings of this study suggest that the relationship between inhibitory control for irrelevant negative information and happiness is largely influenced by mood.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
This study test how two distinguishable frames identified from Mainland Chinese online coverage of Taiwan's 2004 presidential election campaign influenced U.S. and Chinese audiences' event perception and attitudes toward Mainland-Taiwan relations. Employing 2x2x3 between-subjects experiment, this study highlights the moderating effects of issue familiarity. Findings show a significant impact of framing intensity on the event perception of those who may not be familiar with the topic, in addition to a significant influence exerted by frame type on event participation. The roles of familiarity and other factors involved in framing effects on issue attitudes are also discussed from a comparative perspective.
Columbia: Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication ,
384 JMCQ
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andhika Putra
Abstrak :
Gino, Schweitzer, Mead, dan Ariely (2011) menemukan bahwa kegagalan dalam melakukan regulasi diri menyebabkan peningkatan kemunculan perilaku tidak etis. Kegagalan dalam melakukan regulasi diri disebabkan oleh ego depletion, merujuk pada kondisi manusia yang “kehabisan tenaga” untuk bisa melakukan regulasi diri. Hanya saja, beberapa faktor telah ditemukan bisa “menyembuhkan” ego depletion. Salah satu faktor tersebut adalah uang (Boucher & Kofos, 2012). Dengan demikian, uang mungkin bisa membuat manusia menghindari perilaku tidak etis dengan memperbaiki performa regulasi diri mereka. Di sisi lain, Kouchaki, Smith-Crowe, Brief, dan Sousa (2013) justru menemukan bahwa aktivasi konsep uang membuat individu melakukan perilaku tidak etis. Kouchaki dkk. (2013) mendasarkan temuan mereka pada temuan Vohs, Mead, dan Goode (2006) bahwa uang membuat seseorang tidak ingin terlibat dalam interaksi sosial. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menduga bahwa aktivasi konsep uang akan membuat partisipan yang mengalami ego depletion menghindari perilaku tidak etis. Hasil analisis chi-square menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan dalam persentase kemunculan perilaku tidak etis pada partisipan yang mengalami aktivasi konsep uang dan konsep netral, χ2 (1, N = 40) = 1.90, p > .05. Penulis menyarankan penelitian selanjutnya untuk menggunakan manipulation check yang lebih banyak serta menggunakan desain faktorial 2 x 2. ......Recent research by Gino, Schweitzer, Mead, and Ariely (2011) found that the failure of self-regulation exertion leads to an increased number of cheating behavior. Psychologists attribute the failure to ego depletion. However, this condition is apparently “curable” by some factors. One of those factors is money (Boucher & Kofos, 2012). Thus, money may make people act more morally, by bettering their self-regulation performance. On the other hand, Kouchaki, Smith- Crowe, Brief, and Sousa (2013) found evidences on the same money concept activation to unethical conduct, basing their logic on Vohs, Mead, and Goode’s (2006) finding in which money prime makes people less likely to be involved in a social interaction. In this study, I hypothesized that money concept activation will make depleted participant less likely to do unethical behavior. The result shows that there are no significant difference in the percentage of unethical behavior emergence between college students in money-primed and neutral-primed group, χ2 (1, N = 40) = 1.90, p > .05. I suggested future research to utilize better manipulation checks and a 2 x 2 factorial design.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Luthfi Setya Hilmawan
Abstrak :
Kebahagiaan atau subjective well-being umumnya dikaitkan dengan emosi positif dan pandangan diri positif dalam kultur individualistik. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan di Amerika Serikat, tingkat kebahagiaan berdampak pada pengorganisasian konsep emosional positif dan negatif hanya dalam tugas penilaian kondisi diri. Namun, efek kebahagiaan tidak ditemukan pada tugas menilai kondisi sahabat. Sejauh mana temuan ini akan ditemukan dalam masyarakat kolektivistik masih menjadi pertanyaan. Untuk itu, penelitian ini menguji perbedaan pengorganisasian konsep emosional terkait diri dan non-diri di antara orang Indonesia dengan tingkat kebahagiaan dan pandangan diri kultural yang berbeda. Dua studi affective priming (N = 134) dalam bentuk sequential judgment task (SJT) dilakukan untuk mengukur waktu reaksi ketika peserta menilai kondisi psikologis mereka sendiri (Studi 1) atau kondisi psikologis sahabat (Studi 2) selama dua tahun terakhir. Studi 1 menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kebahagiaan dan pandangan diri kultural secara signifikan mempengaruhi organisasi konsep emosional. Namun, kedua aspek diri ini tidak secara bersamaan memengaruhi pengorganisasian konsep emosional. Studi 2 menunjukkan bahwa baik tingkat kebahagiaan atau pandangan diri kultural tidak memengaruhi pengorganisasian konsep emosional tentang sahabat. Temuan ini menunjukkan universalitas diri-individual (the individual-self), yang unik dan dibentuk oleh self-knowledge, terlepas dari pandangan diri kultural individu. Implikasi teoretis dari temuan penelitian ini akan dibahas dengan menyoroti peran organisasi konsep emosional sebagai strategi adaptif dan perbedaan makna kebahagiaan dan pengalaman emosional negatif dalam masyarakat individualistik dan kolektivistik. ...... Happiness or subjective well-being is generally associated with positive emotions and a positive self-view in individualistic cultures. A previous study conducted in the United States showed that the effects of happiness on the organization of positive and negative emotional concepts were found only when participants assessed their own conditions. However, the effect of happiness was not found when participants assessed the condition of friends. To what extent these findings would be found in collectivistic societies remains a question. Thus, this thesis examined differences in organization of the representations of self-related and non-self-related emotional concepts among Indonesians with different levels of happiness and cultural self-views. Two affective priming studies (N = 134) in the form of sequential judgment task (SJT) were conducted to measure reaction times when participants assessed their own psychological condition (Study 1) or the psychological condition of best friends (Study 2) over the past two years. Study 1 showed that happiness levels and cultural self-views significantly affect the organization of emotional concepts. However, these two aspects of self did not simultaneously affect the organization of emotional concepts. Study 2 showed that neither happiness level or cultural self-views influence the organization of emotional concepts regarding best friends. The findings suggest the universality of the individual-self, which is unique and shaped by self-knowledge, regardless of the individual's cultural self-view. The theoretical implications of the findings of this study will be discussed by highlighting the role of emotional concept organization as an adaptive strategy and the differences of the meanings of happiness and negative experiences in individualistic and collectivistic societies.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ratih Windira Pangestuti
Abstrak :
Usia dewasa muda berkaitan dengan banyaknya stres, seperti dalam hal akademik, karier, finansial, maupun hubungan sosial. Perceived stress dan inhibitory control memegang peranan penting dalam kepuasan hidup. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji hubungan antara ketiga variabel, khususnya peran inhibitory control sebagai moderator pada hubungan antara perceived stress dan kepuasan hidup bagi usia dewasa muda. Perceived stress diukur dengan menggunakan Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS) versi 21 sub skala stres, kepuasan hidup diukur dengan menggunakan The Satisfaction with Life Scale, dan inhibitory control diukur dengan menggunakan tugas kognitif berupa Negative Affective Priming Task. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode korelasi. Melalui 116 partisipan non-depresi (usia 18-25 tahun), hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat efek negatif perceived stress terhadap kepuasan hidup yang signifikan dimana hubungan keduanya dimoderasi oleh inhibitory control. Hasil tersebut dapat membuka wawasan baru terkait proses regulasi emosi secara kognitif dan dapat dijadikan landasan dalam mengembangkan metode intervensi untuk meningkatkan kepuasan hidup bagi usia dewasa muda. ......Emerging adulthood is associated with a great deal of stress, such as in academics, careers, finances, and social relationships. Perceived stress and inhibitory control play an important role in life satisfaction. This study was aimed to investigate the relationship between those variables, specifically the role of inhibitory control as a moderator in the relationship between perceived stress and life satisfaction in emerging adults. Perceived stress was measured using The Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale version 21 of the stress subscale, life satisfaction was measured using The Satisfaction with Life Scale, and inhibitory control was measured by using a cognitive task in the form of Negative Affective Priming Task. This study was carried out using correlation method. The findings of this study, which included 116 non-depressed participants (aged 18-25 years), indicate that perceived stress has a significant negative effect on life satisfaction, with the relationship between the two moderated by inhibitory control. These findings provide new insights on the process of cognitive emotion regulation and can be used to develop intervention methods to improve the life satisfaction of young adults.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurul Salsabila
Abstrak :
Kebahagiaan atau subjective well-being (SWB) umumnya menjadi tujuan utama setelah individu memenuhi kebutuhan dasar hidupnya. Berdasarkan penelitian terdahulu, kemampuan automatic inhibitory control, yaitu kemampuan individu untuk menghambat informasi emosional yang tidak relevan di level atensi berperan penting dalam mencapai kepuasan hidup yang merupakan komponen kognitif dari kebahagiaan. Namun, masih sulit ditemukan penelitian yang menguji sejauh mana kemampuan automatic inhibitory control memang berbeda di antara orang yang puas dengan hidupnya dan yang kurang puas dengan hidupnya. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini menguji perbedaan kemampuan automatic inhibitory control berdasarkan tingkat kepuasan hidup. Studi quasi eksperimental yang menggunakan tugas negative affective priming (NAP) dilakukan untuk mengukur waktu reaksi ketika partisipan (N = 62, usia 18 - 23 tahun) menilai kondisi diri mereka selama 2 tahun terakhir, berdasarkan kata- kata sifat bervalensi positif atau negatif. Kemampuan automatic inhibitory control diukur dengan menghitung Efek NAP, yaitu selisih antara waktu reaksi di kondisi NAP dan kondisi Kontrol. Tingkat kepuasan hidup diukur menggunakan Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) (Diener, et al., 1985; Akhtar, 2019). Hasil eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa orang dengan skor SWLS tinggi menunjukkan Efek NAP yang jauh lebih besar dibandingkan orang dengan skor SWLS rendah. Temuan dari studi ini menunjukkan bahwa orang yang puas dengan hidupnya memiliki kemampuan automatic inhibitory control yang lebih baik daripada orang yang kurang puas dengan hidupnya. ......Happiness or subjective well-being (SWB) generally becomes the main goal after individuals fulfill their basic life needs. Based on previous research, the ability of automatic inhibitory control, namely the individual's ability to inhibit irrelevant emotional information at the attention level, plays an important role in achieving life satisfaction which is a cognitive component of happiness. However, it is still difficult to find studies that test the extent to which automatic inhibitory control abilities are different between people who are satisfied with their lives and those who are not satisfied with their lives. Therefore, this study examines differences in the ability of automatic inhibitory control based on the level of life satisfaction. A quasi-experimental study using a negative affective priming (NAP) task was conducted to measure the reaction time when participants (N = 62, ages 18 - 23 years) rated their self condition based on positive or negative valence adjectives. The ability of automatic inhibitory control is measured by calculating the NAP effect, which is the difference between the reaction time in the NAP condition and the Control condition. The level of life satisfaction was measured using the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) (Diener, et al., 1985; Akhtar, 2019). The results show that people with high SWLS scores show a much greater NAP effect than people with low SWLS scores. The findings of this study show that people who are satisfied with their lives have better automatic inhibitory control abilities than people who are less satisfied with their lives.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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