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Abstrak :
Latar Belakang. Walaupun pasien HIV mendapat terapi antiretroviral yang efektif, penurunan fungsi fisik sering ditemukan lebih awal dan menimbulkan masalah baru berupa penuaan dan frailty. Tujuan. Mengetahui proporsi dan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan prefrail dan frail pada pasien HIV dalam terapi antiretroviral. Metode. Desain studi potong lintang pada pasien HIV usia ≥30 tahun dalam terapi ARV minimal 6 bulan. Pasien yang memenuhi inklusi dilakukan pencatatan demografis, penyakit komorbid, faktor terkait HIV seperti lama terdiagnosis, lama ARV, dan CD4, pengukuran antropometri seperti indeks massa tubuh, penilaian depresi dengan Indo BDI-II, dan penilaian frailty dengan kriteria Fried. Pasien dengan riwayat infeksi otak, kanker, dan oportunistik aktif dieksklusi. Analisis bivariat dan multivariat dilakukan pada faktor-faktor tersebut. Hasil. Terdapat 164 pasien yang dianalisis. Proporsi prefrail sebanyak 51,2% (84 pasien) dan frail 3,7% (6 pasien), dengan komponen dominan pada kelemahan genggam. Pasien laki-laki sebanyak 72% dengan median usia (IQR) 40,5 (36-47) tahun, dan median CD4 nadir (IQR) 53 (21-147) sel/mm3, median CD4 awal (IQR) 77 (32 - 206) sel/mm3. Hepatitis C menjadi faktor komorbid terbanyak. Depresi berhubungan dengan prefrail dan frail dengan OR 2,14 (IK95%: 1,034-4,439) dan p = 0,036. Tidak terdapat hubungan faktor usia ≥50 tahun, ≥2 penyakit komorbid, lama terdiagnosis HIV ≥5 tahun, lama ARV ≥5 tahun, CD4 <200 sel/mm3, indeks massa tubuh ≥25 kg/m2, dan pendapatan rendah dengan prefrail dan frail. Kesimpulan. Terdapat proporsi prefrail sebanyak 51,2% dan frail 3,7%. Depresi merupakan salah satu faktor yang terbukti berhubungan terhadap prefrail dan frail pada pasien HIV dalam terapi ARV. ......Background. Although HIV patients receive effective antiretroviral therapy, decrease in physical function is often found earlier and creates new problems in the form of aging and frailty Aim. to determine the proportion and factors associated with prefrail and frail in HIV patients on antiretroviral therapy. Method. A cross-sectional study design in HIV patients aged ≥30 years who were on ARV therapy for at least 6 months. Patients who fulfilled the inclusion were recorded demographically, comorbid diseases, HIV-related factors such as length of diagnosis, duration of ARV, CD4, anthropometric measurements such as body mass index, depression assessment with Indo BDI-II, and frailty assessment with Fried criteria. Patients with a history of brain infection, cancer, and active opportunists were excluded. Bivariate and multivariate analysis was carried out on these factors. Results. There were 164 patients analyzed. The proportions of prefrail and frail were 51.2% and 3.7% respectively, with the dominant component in muscle weakness. Male patients were 72% with median age (IQR) 40.5 (36-47) years, median baseline CD4 (IQR) 77 (32 - 206) cell/mm3, and median nadir CD4 (IQR) 53 (21-147) cells/mm3. Hepatitis C is the most comorbid factor. Depression is related to prefrail and frail with OR 2.14 (95%CI: 1,034-4,439) and p = 0,036. There was no correlation between factors such as age ≥50 years, ≥2 comorbid diseases, length of diagnosis of HIV ≥5 years, duration of ARV ≥5 years, CD4 cell count <200 cells/mm3, body mass index ≥25 kg/m2, and low income with prefrail and frail. Conclusion. The proportions of prefrail and frail are 51.2% and 3.7% respectively. Depression is one of the factors that is proven to be related to prefrail and frail in HIV patients in ARV therapy.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang. Walaupun pasien HIV mendapat terapi antiretroviral yang efektif, penurunan fungsi fisik sering ditemukan lebih awal dan menimbulkan masalah baru berupa penuaan dan frailty. Tujuan. Mengetahui proporsi dan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan prefrail dan frail pada pasien HIV dalam terapi antiretroviral. Metode. Desain studi potong lintang pada pasien HIV usia ≥30 tahun dalam terapi ARV minimal 6 bulan. Pasien yang memenuhi inklusi dilakukan pencatatan demografis, penyakit komorbid, faktor terkait HIV seperti lama terdiagnosis, lama ARV, dan CD4, pengukuran antropometri seperti indeks massa tubuh, penilaian depresi dengan Indo BDI-II, dan penilaian frailty dengan kriteria Fried. Pasien dengan riwayat infeksi otak, kanker, dan oportunistik aktif dieksklusi. Analisis bivariat dan multivariat dilakukan pada faktor-faktor tersebut. Hasil. Terdapat 164 pasien yang dianalisis. Proporsi prefrail sebanyak 51,2% (84 pasien) dan frail 3,7% (6 pasien), dengan komponen dominan pada kelemahan genggam. Pasien laki-laki sebanyak 72% dengan median usia (IQR) 40,5 (36-47) tahun, dan median CD4 nadir (IQR) 53 (21–147) sel/mm3, median CD4 awal (IQR) 77 (32 – 206) sel/mm3. Hepatitis C menjadi faktor komorbid terbanyak. Depresi berhubungan dengan prefrail dan frail dengan OR 2,14 (IK95%: 1,034–4,439) dan p = 0,036. Tidak terdapat hubungan faktor usia ≥50 tahun, ≥2 penyakit komorbid, lama terdiagnosis HIV ≥5 tahun, lama ARV ≥5 tahun, CD4 <200 sel/mm3, indeks massa tubuh ≥25 kg/m2, dan pendapatan rendah dengan prefrail dan frail. Kesimpulan. Terdapat proporsi prefrail sebanyak 51,2% dan frail 3,7%. Depresi merupakan salah satu faktor yang terbukti berhubungan terhadap prefrail dan frail pada pasien HIV dalam terapi ARV. ......Background. Although HIV patients receive effective antiretroviral therapy, decrease in physical function is often found earlier and creates new problems in the form of aging and frailty Aim. to determine the proportion and factors associated with prefrail and frail in HIV patients on antiretroviral therapy. Method. A cross-sectional study design in HIV patients aged ≥30 years who were on ARV therapy for at least 6 months. Patients who fulfilled the inclusion were recorded demographically, comorbid diseases, HIV-related factors such as length of diagnosis, duration of ARV, CD4, anthropometric measurements such as body mass index, depression assessment with Indo BDI-II, and frailty assessment with Fried criteria. Patients with a history of brain infection, cancer, and active opportunists were excluded. Bivariate and multivariate analysis was carried out on these factors. Results. There were 164 patients analyzed. The proportions of prefrail and frail were 51.2% and 3.7% respectively, with the dominant component in muscle weakness. Male patients were 72% with median age (IQR) 40.5 (36-47) years, median baseline CD4 (IQR) 77 (32 - 206) cell/mm3, and median nadir CD4 (IQR) 53 (21–147) cells/mm3. Hepatitis C is the most comorbid factor. Depression is related to prefrail and frail with OR 2.14 (95%CI: 1,034-4,439) and p = 0,036. There was no correlation between factors such as age ≥50 years, ≥2 comorbid diseases, length of diagnosis of HIV ≥5 years, duration of ARV ≥5 years, CD4 cell count <200 cells/mm3, body mass index ≥25 kg/m2, and low income with prefrail and frail. Conclusion. The proportions of prefrail and frail are 51.2% and 3.7% respectively. Depression is one of the factors that is proven to be related to prefrail and frail in HIV patients in ARV therapy.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shynta Dewiyana Hantogo
Abstrak :
Proporsi usia lanjut di Indonesia meningkat setiap tahunnya sehingga perlu diikuti dengan rencana strategis perawatan kesehatan. Frailty dikaitkan dengan ketidakmandirian akibat fungsi yang buruk, berakibat turunnya performa fisik. Uji Timed Up and Go (TUG) merupakan pengukuran performa fisik yang dilakukan di klinis. Latihan beban merupakan salah satu intervensi untuk mencegah keadaan pre-frail menjadi frail atau mencegah frail menjadi lebih buruk. Jarak dan biaya untuk ke fasilitas merupakan salah satu kendala, sehingga dibutuhkan latihan yang sederhana, ekonomis dan aman untuk dilakukan di rumah. Penelitian ini menggunakan One group Pre and Post-test design pada 21 orang usia lanjut dengan pre-frail dan frail. Setelah dilakukan latihan beban dengan pita elastis 3x/ minggu selama 8 minggu, didapatkan penurunan waktu uji TUG dari 9.98 ± 2.01 menjadi 8.79 ± 1.53 detik (p<0.001) yang disebabkan oleh peningkatan massa otot akibat sintesis protein, pengurangan kortisol mengakibatkan berkurangnya proses katabolik pada otot dan peningkatan adaptasi neuromuskular. Peningkatan indeks EQ5D5L 0.881 menjadi 0.914 (p= 0.016) dan VAS-EQ5D5L 80 menjadi 85 (p<0.001). Aspek kemampuan berjalan dan rasa depresi/ cemas memainkan peran penting dalam seluruh aspek kualitas hidup. Terdapat peningkatan performa fisik disertai peningkatan kualitas hidup usia lanjut dengan pre-frail dan frail setelah latihan beban dengan pita elastis. ......The proportion of elderly in Indonesia increases every year so a health care strategic plan is needed. Frailty is associated with independence due to poor functioning, resulting in decreased physical performance. Timed Up and Go Test (TUG) is used in clinical settings for physical performance. Resistance training is an intervention to prevent the pre-frail becoming frail or prevent frailty getting worse. Distance and cost to the facility is one of the obstacles. A simple and safe training in home is needed. This study is One group Pre and Post-test design on 21 people elderly with pre-frail and frail. After 3x/ week for 8 weeks resistance training using elastic bands, the TUG was decreased from 9.98 ± 2.01 to 8.79 ± 1.53 seconds (p <0.001) due to increased muscle mass caused by protein synthesis, reduced cortisol resulted in reduced catabolic process and increasing neuromuscular adaptation. The EQ5D5L index of 0.881 to 0.914 (p = 0.016) and VAS-EQ5D5L 80 to 85 (p <0.001). Mobility and anxiety/ depression play an important role in all aspects of quality of life. Physical performance is increasing followed by increasing the quality of life in elderly with pre-frail and frail after resistance training with elastic bands.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library