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Permasalahan lingkungan kota yang dikenal dengan istilah kekumuhan dan pencaran kota dapat dilihat dari kondisi desakan dan konsentrasi penduduk dan angkatan kerja serta dari perubahan penggunaan tanah. Sebagai kota tersier, perkembangan kota Tasikmalaya belum sepesat perkembangan kota sekunder seperti Bandung. Akan tetapi, dalam konteks priangan Timur, Tasikmalaya menjadi Pusat Kegiatan Wilayah (PKW), yang berarti harus siap mengantisipasi desakan penduduk (baik pertumbuhan alamiah maupun urbanisasi dari wilayah sekitamya). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gejala kekumuhan dan pencaran kota Tasikmalaya dilihat dari desakan dan konsentrasi penduduk dan tenaga kerja serta perubahan penggunaan tanah di kota Tasikmalaya. Penelitian ini mengkaji kependudukan, ketenagakerjaan, dan penggunaan tanah tahun 1994 dan 2004. Unit analisis meliputi seluruh kecamatan di Kota Tasikmalaya tahun 1994. Aspek kependudukan yang dianalisis: persebaran, laju pertumbuhan dan kepadatan. Aspek ketenagakerjaan yang dianalisis: daya saing angkatan kerja pada tiga sektor (sektor primer, sekunder dan tersier). Pendekatan yang digunakan untuk mengetahui daya saing angkatan kerja adalah Location Quotient (LQ). Perubahan penggunaan tanah diperoleh dari penampalan peta, korelasi antara penduduk, angkatan kerja dan perubahan penggunaan tanah dihitung dengan metode korelasi produk momen Pearson. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa desakan penduduk dan angkatan kerja di kota Tasikmalaya terjadi di daerah perkotaan dan hinterland, baik pada tahun 1994 maupun 2004. Adapun konsentrasi penduduk dan angkatan kerja pada sektor sekunder dan tersier berada di bagian tengah dan utara Kota, tepatnya yaitu di Kecamatan Cihideung, Tawang dan Cipedes (daerah perkotaan). Sedangkan konsentrasi angkatan kerja pada sektor primer, berada di bagian selatan dan barat kota Tasikmalaya, tepatnya yaitu di Kecamatan Indihiang, Cibeureum dan Kawalu. Dalam hubungannya dengan lingkungan kota, Gejala kekumuhan di Kecamatan Cihideung lebih awal terjadi dibandingkan Kecamatan lainnya karena kepadatan penduduk serta konsentrasi angkatan kerja pada sektor sekunder dan tersier lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kecamatan lainnya. Perubahan penggunaan tanah yang paling dominan ialah sawah irigasi menjadi kampung (di perkotaan), dan menjadi kebun campuran (di hinterland). Dilihat dari perubahan penggunaan tanah, gejala kekumuhan pun lebih awal terjadi di Kecamatan Cihideung karena: (1) Dominasi perubahan penggunaan tanah dari belum terbangun menjadi terbangun paling tinggi (>75%), (2) Persentase penggunaan tanah jasa paling besar, dan (3) sistem pusat kotanya paling luas baik pada tahun 1994 maupun 2004. Perubahan penggunaan tanah juga menunjukkan adanya gejala pencaran kota yang terjadi di kecamatan Indihiang, dilihat dari ciri-ciri: (1) Penggunaan tanah yang terpisah jauh satu sama lain sehingga perjalanan menempuhnya tergantung pada kendaraan, (2) Dominasi penggunaan tanahnya belum terbangun, (3) Pembangunan di daerah ini cenderung mengalami kepesatan, (4) kondisi bangunan masih homogen (belum beraneka ragam). Hasil korelasi menunjukkan bahwa gejala kekumuhan lebih awal terjadi di daerah perkotaan, hal ini ditunjukkan dengan adanya hubungan signifikan searah antara pertambahan jumlah penduduk dengan perubahan sawah irigasi menjadi industri. Selain itu adanya hubungan signifikan searah antara pertambahan jumlah angkatan kerja pada sektor tersier dengan perubahan kampung menjadi jasa. Hasil korelasi juga menunjukkan bahwa gejala pencaran kota terjadi di hinterland ditunjukkan dengan hubungan signifikan searah antara pertambahan jumlah penduduk dengan perubahan kebun campuran menjadi kampung, hutan menjadi kampung, dan kampung menjadi jasa; hubungan kuat searah antara pertambahan jumlah penduduk dengan perubahan sawah irigasi menjadi jalan, industri dan jasa; hubungan signifikan searah antara pertambahan jumlah angkatan kerja pada sektor tersier dengan perubahan kampung menjadi jasa. Guna mengantisipasi hal tersebut maka perlu dilakukan hal-hal berikut: (1) Dilaksanakannya pembangunan secara merata di semua kecamatan, laju pertumbuhan penduduk dikendalikan terutama di pusat kota. Lapangan kerja dibuka pada semua sektor; (2) Saat ini, pemerintah hendaknya mengimplementasikan RTRW secara konsisten, melalui penyediaan sarana dan prasarana lingkungan untuk peruntukan tanah perumahan maupun tanah usaha. Selain itu, kebijakan pemerintah daerah terhadap wilayah yang memiliki kecenderungan kumuh harus fokus bagi revitalisasi lingkungan kota. Untuk masa datang, pembangunan konvensional ditinggalkan dan lebih fokus mewujudkan lingkungan kota yang lestari, optimal dan seimbang.; (3) Hendaknya dilakukan penelitian lanjutan yang mengkaji perkembangan gejala kekumuhan dan pencaran kota di kota Tasikmalaya khususnya untuk periode 10 tahun yang akan datang.
The Urban blight and sprawl is an environmental problem which is influence by population pressure. As a tertiary city, development of Tasikmalaya is slower than secondary city such as Bandung, but faster than its circumstances such as Garut, Ciamis and Banjar City. Therefore Tasikmalaya become the of the Centres Of Regional Activity (CRA) in Priangan Timur. As the CRA, Tasikmalayan Government must be able to anticipate many possible things happen, for example population explodes (from naturally growth or urbanization). This research studies on the indication of urban blight and sprawl from the dynamic of population pressure, labor force and Land use change in Tasikmalaya City. Population study is focused on population distribution, growth rate and population density. Labor force study is focused on labor force distribution and competitiveness in primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors in each sub-districts. A Location Quotient (LQ) is used to describe the labor force competitiveness. Overlay technique is employed to study land use change between 1994 and 2004. All factors are correlated using Pearson Product Moment test. This research shows that population and labor force pressure occur in all parts of the City (Urban and hinterland). The distribution of population and labor force in tertiary and secondary sectors is concentrated in the centre and North parts of the city. While labor force in primary sector is concentrated in the South and West of the City. Relating to environmental problem, the indication of urban blight occurs inner Cihideung sub-district first, because Its population and labor force density becoming high than that of other sub-districts. Within ten years time (1994 - 2004), there had been a significant change of land use, from green area to build area. The most changed land use is irrigated rice fields. In the urban region, irrigated rice fields have been changed into settlement area; while in hinterland area irrigated rice fields have been changed into mixed-garden. Land use changes also indicate the urban blight and sprawl which occurs in Cihideung sub-district first, because of: (1) Land use change from green area to build area > 75%, (2) Highest percentage in service land use, (3) It has widest city centre. Land use change also indicate the urban sprawl which occurs in Indihiang sub-district first, because of: (1) Single-use zoning, (2) Low-density land use, (3) Car dependent communities, (4) Development in these areas tends to be on a larger scale than that of older established areas, and (5) Homogeneity in design. The statistical test shows that the indication of urban blight also occur in urban area first, because there is a significant positive correlation among the growth of population and the change of rice fields into industry area. Besides that, there is a significant positive correlation among the growth of labor force in tertiary sectors and the change of settlement become service area. The result also shows that the indication of urban sprawl also occur in hinterland, because there is a significant positive correlation among the growth of population and the change of mix-garden and green areas into settlement area, and settlement into service area; there is a strong positive correlation among the growth of population and the change of irrigation rice field area into street, industry and also service area; there is also a significant positive correlation among the growth of labor force in tertiary sector and the change of settlement into service area. To anticipate these problems, some sound plan should be put into actions as follows :(1) Development should be applied in all sub-districts to avoid the exploitation of land and water resources, population growth should be controlled especially in the city centre. Work fields should be opened to get a healthy economic growth; (2) This time, Local Government should implement its master plan consistently and provide all the facilities needed, besides that, government policy for slum area should focused on revitalization of city environment. For the future, development focused to create a harmony, balance and sustainable city environment; (3) A more specific research on the influence of labor force on land change should be done.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sahri Sutardi
Abstrak :
Spatial Balance Model of Critical Land Alteration Due to Population Pressure Influence in the Years 1983 and 1993 (Case Study in the Regency of Kuningan, Province of West Java)Main life sector in rural area is agriculture. Land is the main natural resource or main production factor for agriculture. The activity of agriculture sector is the activity which consumes wide area or "Space Consumptive" area, although the production of the agriculture is relatively small. The increasing of population growth is followed by the increasing of population needs whether it is quantitative or qualitative. The increasing of population need also push the increasing need of the land. Physical characters and wide of area is relatively static, while the population needs to the extending of agriculture area is relatively high. People are forced to use the uncultivated land including to cultivate the sloping land or clear away the forest whether for a season cultivation or to chop down woods for means of livelihood, firewood and daily consumption. The consequences of these activities create the physical damage of the land including erosion, landslide, damaged forest, vegetation, and the damage of water structure. The erosion will cause the negative effect to original, and to the river water or damp in a mound of mud. To measure the population pressure and the land needs which caused the environmental damage, Otto Soemarwoto (1984:86) creates a formulation of "Population Pressure" with basic calculation is the width of minimal land which support a reasonably comfortable life ( a ) multiplied the number of small farmers and their land width under the minimal land width to support a reasonably comfortable (x ), then divided with the total width of small farmer's land. The objective of this research is to know the application theory of population pressure and analyze the model of the space balance changes in critical land, the context of actual study to the regional fact to environmental study. This research analyzes, particularly, (1) Correlation between population pressure by using space balance change of critical land for two periods in 1983 and 1993 ; (2) The correlation between the condition of space critical land in 1983 and the space condition of Regional Cultivated Land (WTU) ; (3) The correlation between space condition of critical land in 1983 and space condition of critical land in 1993 with sloping area condition. The hypothesis of this research is that there is effect to the arouse of critical land where the spreading of the critical land reached the elevated place (upper end) and sloping land. The operational language as follows : (I) 'The high and the low of critical land is related to the rapidly and slowly population pressure ; (2) It is assumed that the location of critical land widely moved to the upper place of Regional Cultivated Land (WTU) or Regional Cultivated Land for II limited level ; (3) It is assumed that the location of critical land widely move to the sloping land ; (4) It is assumed that the cause of critical land included into Classification A. Based on the evaluation classification , it is included into Scheme I. This research analyzes the regional facts by using space analysis. Research literatures gained from Agriculture Census Year 1983 and 1993 ; Citra Landsat in 1983 and 1993, scale 1 : 250,000 ; Map of Main Regional Cultivated Land, scale 1 : 250,000 and Map of Main Sloping Classification, scale 1 : 250,000. List of Reference : 30 (1951 - 1996).
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library