Kata kunci: Pelayanan kesehatan Ibu bersalin, Lingkungan Wilayah Tempat Tinggal, dan Karakteristik Populasi, ketidakmerataan akses kesehatan maternal. ......Maternal health problems, specially maternal mortality, are one of the most important problems that need to be addressed for the Indonesian people in order to improve the quality of their human resources. Indonesia has a high mortality rate, which is often associated with the utilization of maternal health services. Utilization of maternal health services in Indonesia shows variations between regional areas, which might be influenced by environmental factors and differences in the characteristics of the population. This study examines the relationship between environmental factors and population characteristics with the utilization of maternal health services. This study used secondary data from the 2017 IDHS which included 3,586 women of childbearing age (15–49 years) who had given birth within one year prior to the survey. Multinomial logistic regression analysis was used to test the hypothesis of whether the use of maternal health services had significant differences between different environmental conditions and different respondent characteristics. This study showed that environmental factors and population characteristics are significantly associated with the utilization of maternal health services. Based on multivariate logistic regression analysis, women who are most likely to give birth at home with non-health workers are women whose husbands work in the agricultural sector / self-employed (aOR:7.56 95% CI: 1.69-33.80), and women who are most likely to give birth at home with health workers are women who live on the island of Borneo. (aOR: 11.43 95% CI: 6,13-21,28). Based on the analysis of the relationship between environmental factors and population characteristics in this study, it was concluded that inequality of access to maternal healthcare was evident, especially the utilization of maternal health services in Indonesia. To achieve equal / equitable access to maternal health services, commitment from the central and local governments to optimize their budget especially in provinces outside Java and Bali island is absolutely needed.