Ditemukan 7 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Bambang Purnomo
Jakarta: Bina Aksara, 1983
345.023 BAM p
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
B. Soedarso
Jakarta: Bhratara, 1969
364.132 3 SOE k
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Gans-Morse, Jordan
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017
323.460 GAN p
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Silalahi, Umi Yanti Febriana
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini didasarkan atas hasil penelitian turun lapangan selama satu minggu
(11-18 Juni 2012) mengenai Pakta Integritas di Kabupaten Solok ?Sumatera
Barat. Pakta Integritas adalah sebuah program anti-korupsi global yang pertama
kali diperkenalkan oleh Transparency International pada tahun 1990an yang
sekarang sudah dipakai sebagai alat pencegahan korupsi di lebih dari 100 negara
di dunia. Penelitian difokuskan pada pencarian faktor-faktor yang membuat Pakta
Integritas gagal berjalan secara utuh dengan cara mewawancarai langsung
narasumber dari Transparency International Indonesia dan para pemangku
kebijakan di Solok. Selain itu, skripsi ini juga merujuk pada beberapa literatur dan
penelitian mengenai gerakan anti-korupsi global dan juga budaya, politik, dan
demokratisasi di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian dalam skripsi ini adalah proses
internalisasi nilai-nilai anti-korupsi global yang baik mampu mendorong
terciptanya penegakan hukum yang kuat sehingga pengaruh negatif dari situasi
politik lokal dan persepsi pesimistis masyarakat terhadap budaya korupsi dapat
This thesis is based on a one-week field research (June 11-18, 2012) on Pakta
Integritas in Solok District, West Sumatra Province, Indonesia. Pakta Integritas is
a global anti-corruption program that was firstly introduced by Transparency
International in the 1990s that now has been used to prevent corruption in more
than 100 countries in the world. This research is focused on finding the factors
that make Pakta Integritas failed to be implemented fully and done, through
interviews with source persons from Transparency International Indonesia and
policymakers in Solok District. Aside than that, this thesis also refers to several
literature sources and researches on global anti-corruption movements as well as
culture, politics, and democratization in Indonesia. The research finding in the
thesis shows the internalization process of good anti-corruption values that can
help create good law enforcement so that negative influences from local political
situation and public perception on corruption culture can be minimized.
UI - Skripsi Open Universitas Indonesia Library
Lubis, Armaini
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuanuntuk menganalisis konstruksi berita di empat koran nasional,
Kompas, Koran Tempo, Media Indonesia, dan Koran Sindo tentang dugaan korupsi Ketua
SKK Migas Rudi Rubiandini. Berita dalam penelitian ini dipandang sebagai hasil konstruksi
dari wartawan dengan segala latar belakang, pengetahuan, dan ideologinya masing-masing.
Lumrah bila isi dan pembingkaian keempat surat kabar tersebut berbeda dalam pemberitaan
tentang dugaan korupsi Ketua SKK Migas Rudi Rubiandini. Menggunakanpendekatan
kualitatif dan metode penelitian analisis ini, penelitian ini menemukan tiga hal. Yakni, saat
ini korupsi sudah menjadi komoditas berita, termasuk dalam kasus dugaan korupsi Ketua
SKK Migas Rudi Rubiandini di negeri ini sudah menjadi komoditas. Kedua, tuduhan korupsi
menjadi senjata paling ampuh merontokkan lawan-lawan politiknya. Ketiga, teks berita
merupakan representasi dari kekuasaaan sebagai mana disinyalir oleh Michel Foucault.
Adanya hubungan antara kekuasaan dan pengetahuan secara langsung menjelaskan
representasi dari hubungan ?power-knowledge?. Knowledge is power mengkontrol tatanan
sosial politik. Di pihak yang berseberangan adalah power is knowledge yang bermakna
kekuasaan menumbuhkan pengetahuan.
Jakarta: Lembaga Riset Univ Budi Luhur, 2014
384 COM 5:2 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Erlanda Juliansyah Putra
Depok: Rajawali Pers, 2017
324.2 ERL g
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Erlanda Juliansyah Putra
Abstrak :
Didalam penelitian ini peniliti memberikan gagasan mengenai pembubaran partai
politik korup melalui celah hukum pembubaran partai politik di indonesia dengan
memberikan tafsir terhadap makna hukum positif yang mengatur tentang pembubaran
partai politik, salah satunya yaitu adanya nomenklatur yang disebutkan didalam Pasal 2
huruf b Peraturan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 12 Tahun 2008 Tentang Pedoman
Beracara Pembubaran Partai Politik yang menyebutkan bahwa partai politik dapat
dibubarkan oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi apabila kegiatan/akibat yang dilakukan oleh
partai politik tersebut bertentangan dengan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945. Klausul
?akibat? yang ditimbulkan tersebut dapat disamakan dengan kegiatan korupsi yang
melibatkan pengurus/anggota partai politik yang melaksanakan kegiatan aktifitas
kepartaian untuk dapat dibubarkan. Adanya persamaan pengertian yang ditujukan
antara korporasi selaku badan hukum yang disamakan dengan pengertian partai politik
selaku badan hukum dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan acuan untuk menarik keterlibatan
partai politik melalui pengurusnya dalam melakukan tindak pidana korupsi dengan
mempergunakan doktrin strict liability dan doktrin vicarious liability yang
memungkinkan partai politik tersebut bertanggungjawab atas perbuatan yang dilakukan
oleh pengurus/anggota partai politik yang menjalankan aktivitas kepartaian.
Researcher in this study provides an idea of the dissolution of the corrupt political
parties through legal loopholes dissolution of political parties in Indonesia to provide
interpretation of the meaning of positive law governing the dissolution of political
parties, one of which is the existence of the nomenclature referred to in Article 2
paragraph b of the Constitutional Court Regulation No. 12 year 2008 on Guidelines for
the Proceedings In the Dissolution of Political Parties which states that a political party
can be dissolved by the Constitutional Court if the activities/result conducted by the
political parties in conflict with the Constitution of 1945. Clause " due " posed is what
can be equated with corruption involving officials/members of a political party
conducting the activities of the party to be dissolved. The existence of the common
understanding between the corporation intended as a legal entity which is equated with
the notion of a political party as a legal entity can be used as a reference for the
involvement of political parties through its officials in committing corruption by using
the doctrine of strict liability and vicarious liability doctrine that allows the political
party responsible for acts committed by officials/members of political parties that run
the activities of the party.;Researcher in this study provides an idea of the dissolution of the corrupt political
parties through legal loopholes dissolution of political parties in Indonesia to provide
interpretation of the meaning of positive law governing the dissolution of political
parties, one of which is the existence of the nomenclature referred to in Article 2
paragraph b of the Constitutional Court Regulation No. 12 year 2008 on Guidelines for
the Proceedings In the Dissolution of Political Parties which states that a political party
can be dissolved by the Constitutional Court if the activities/result conducted by the
political parties in conflict with the Constitution of 1945. Clause " due " posed is what
can be equated with corruption involving officials/members of a political party
conducting the activities of the party to be dissolved. The existence of the common
understanding between the corporation intended as a legal entity which is equated with
the notion of a political party as a legal entity can be used as a reference for the
involvement of political parties through its officials in committing corruption by using
the doctrine of strict liability and vicarious liability doctrine that allows the political
party responsible for acts committed by officials/members of political parties that run
the activities of the party.;Researcher in this study provides an idea of the dissolution of the corrupt political
parties through legal loopholes dissolution of political parties in Indonesia to provide
interpretation of the meaning of positive law governing the dissolution of political
parties, one of which is the existence of the nomenclature referred to in Article 2
paragraph b of the Constitutional Court Regulation No. 12 year 2008 on Guidelines for
the Proceedings In the Dissolution of Political Parties which states that a political party
can be dissolved by the Constitutional Court if the activities/result conducted by the
political parties in conflict with the Constitution of 1945. Clause " due " posed is what
can be equated with corruption involving officials/members of a political party
conducting the activities of the party to be dissolved. The existence of the common
understanding between the corporation intended as a legal entity which is equated with
the notion of a political party as a legal entity can be used as a reference for the
involvement of political parties through its officials in committing corruption by using
the doctrine of strict liability and vicarious liability doctrine that allows the political
party responsible for acts committed by officials/members of political parties that run
the activities of the party.;Researcher in this study provides an idea of the dissolution of the corrupt political
parties through legal loopholes dissolution of political parties in Indonesia to provide
interpretation of the meaning of positive law governing the dissolution of political
parties, one of which is the existence of the nomenclature referred to in Article 2
paragraph b of the Constitutional Court Regulation No. 12 year 2008 on Guidelines for
the Proceedings In the Dissolution of Political Parties which states that a political party
can be dissolved by the Constitutional Court if the activities/result conducted by the
political parties in conflict with the Constitution of 1945. Clause " due " posed is what
can be equated with corruption involving officials/members of a political party
conducting the activities of the party to be dissolved. The existence of the common
understanding between the corporation intended as a legal entity which is equated with
the notion of a political party as a legal entity can be used as a reference for the
involvement of political parties through its officials in committing corruption by using
the doctrine of strict liability and vicarious liability doctrine that allows the political
party responsible for acts committed by officials/members of political parties that run
the activities of the party., Researcher in this study provides an idea of the dissolution of the corrupt political
parties through legal loopholes dissolution of political parties in Indonesia to provide
interpretation of the meaning of positive law governing the dissolution of political
parties, one of which is the existence of the nomenclature referred to in Article 2
paragraph b of the Constitutional Court Regulation No. 12 year 2008 on Guidelines for
the Proceedings In the Dissolution of Political Parties which states that a political party
can be dissolved by the Constitutional Court if the activities/result conducted by the
political parties in conflict with the Constitution of 1945. Clause " due " posed is what
can be equated with corruption involving officials/members of a political party
conducting the activities of the party to be dissolved. The existence of the common
understanding between the corporation intended as a legal entity which is equated with
the notion of a political party as a legal entity can be used as a reference for the
involvement of political parties through its officials in committing corruption by using
the doctrine of strict liability and vicarious liability doctrine that allows the political
party responsible for acts committed by officials/members of political parties that run
the activities of the party.]
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library