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"Author: Yoke-Lian Lee
Publisher: London [England] ; New York [N.Y.] : Routledge, 2010
Series: Politics of series.
Edition/Format: eBook : Document : English : 1st edView all editions and formats
This new title in the Politics of ... series addresses the major theme of the politics of gender. Chapters on a variety of issues, contributed by experts in the field of gender, include Human Trafficking and EU Law, Gender in International Relations, the Gender Politics of Philosophy/Political Theory, the Construction of Masculinity in Hollywood Movies, the Politics of Law, and the Politics of Mainstreaming Gender in the Peace and Security Agenda of the African Union"
London [England] ; New York [N.Y.]: Routledge, 2010
305.3 POL
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1999
306 CRI
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Salwa Ismail
London: I.B. Tauris, 2006
297.272 ISM r
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Naerssen, Frits Herman van
New York: Southeast Asia Institute, 1947
303.609 NAE c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Piliang, Yasraf Amir
"Understanding political culture through a cultural studies approach."
Yogyakarta: Jalasutra, 2006
320 YAS t (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bekkers, Victor
"mages have traditionally played an important role in politics and policy making, propaganda and public communication. But with the increasing ubiquity of visual technologies that facilitate the production, distribution, and consumption of images in new and innovative ways, contemporary society is inundated with visual material - a visual culture has emerged. Although visual culture and the technologies which underpin it have been explored, a clear link to policy making is still lacking. This book links the emergence of visual culture in policy making, and explores how the technologies used to create and distribute it, influence the course, content and outcome of public policy. Dealing with the entire cycle of public policy making from agenda-setting to policy design, decision making to evaluation, it features a diverse range of international case studies from freedom of speech to water management. This innovative and challenging book will be essential reading for researchers, academics and advanced students in public administration, public policy and political science, and to anyone with an interest in visual culture."
New York: Routledge, 2015
302.22 BEK v
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Antje Fluchter
"This book enters new territory by moving toward a new conceptual framework for comparative and interdisciplinary research on transcultural state formation. Once more, statehood and governance are highly discussed topics, whereby modern state building is often considered to be a genuinely European characteristic, despite the fact that early modern Europeans knew of, experienced and grappled with highly developed states in Asia. The articles collected in this book discuss how strategies of governance were part of transcultural transfers between the two continents. The first part presents and discusses concepts of statehood in order to provide a set of conceptual tools for analyzing the transcultural appropriation of governmental strategies. The second part is concerned with case studies that examine the transcultural perception of governance, and the third and final part gathers perspectives on political practice in transcultural encounters (e.g. military, administration, and diplomacy)."
Heidelberg : Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zia Dzulfia Fahmi
"Penelitian ini membahas mengenai dilema dalam diri Pandji Poestaka, sebuah majalah budaya terbitan Balai Pustaka pada era kolonial, kurun waktu 1922-1935. Sebagai salah satu produk terbitan Balai Pustaka yang merupakan badan resmi pemerintah dalam menangani persoalan bacaan, Pandji Poestaka menghadapi kenyataan bahwa ia tidak bisa begitu saja lepas dari tanggung jawab mendukung pemerintah, terutama saat situasi politik berkembang lebih dinamis dan kompleks pada tahun 1920-1930-an yang mana mulai banyak ancaman yang datang dari luar pemerintah kolonial. Hal tersebut membuat Pandji Poestaka dipaksa berperan untuk membela kepentingan pemerintah. Pada waktu yang sama, Pandji Poestaka mencoba tetap mempertanggung jawabkan personalitasnya sebagai majalah budaya dengan menawarkan gagasan baru tentang kebudayaan Indonesia dan elemen di dalamnya. Sebagai majalah yang lahir pada saat budaya nasional Indonesia belum sepenuhnya terbentuk, Pandji Poestaka mencoba memberikan arah dan contoh budaya dari seluruh dunia, yang mana kemudian Barat dipandang oleh Pandji Poestaka sebagai panutan terbaik bagi Indonesia. Penelitan ini memperlihatkan upaya Pandji Poestaka untuk tetap bertahan di Hindia dengan dihadapkan pada dilema antara berkontribusi menjaga kekuasaan kolonial dan konsisten menawarkan gagasan baru tentang budaya nasional Indonesia.

This research discusses the dilemma within Pandji Poestaka, a cultural magazine published by Balai Pustaka in the colonial era between 1922 to 1935. As one of the magazines published by Balai Pustaka, an official government agency established to address the issue of reading, Pandji Poestaka faced the fact that it could not simply escape from the mandate it received from the government especially when the political situations grew more dynamic and complex in the late 1920 1930 and the publication of materials seen as a threat to the government more rampant. Pandji Poestaka was forced to take the role of defending government interest. At the same time, Pandji Poestaka tried to remain true to its ideal as a cultural magazine. It saw itself to be responsible for offering new ideas about Indonesian culture and its element. As a magazine that was born at a time when Indonesia rsquo s national culture was not fully formed, Pandji Poestaka was looking for directions and examples from around the world, The West however was seen by Pandji Poestaka as the great model for Indonesia. This study shows the efforts made by this magazine to survive in the Indies while facing dilemma between contributing to maintaining the colonial power and consistently offering new ideas about Indonesian culture."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bambang Imam Eka Respati Sabirin
"Penelitian ini berjudul Lajur Kanan Sebuah Jalan: Dinamika Pemikiran dan Aksi Bintang Bulan, Studi Kasus Gerakan Darul Islam [940 - 1962, yang berusaha menjelaskan dan merekonstruksi benang merah pemikiran dan aksi S.M. Kartosoewirjo, pada kurun pra-kemerdekaan sampai pasca kemerdekaan.
Fokus utama dari kajian ini terletak pemikiran Soekarmadji Maridjan Kartosoewirjo dan aksi-aksinya yang melahirkan KPK PSII, Institut Suffah dan Konferensi Cisayong 1945, yang merupakan tonggak-tonggak melahirkan Negara Islam Indonesia. Sejauh mana signifikansi peristiwa tersebut dalam pengertian agama, ideologis, politik, maupun budaya.
Ruang lingkup penelitian meliputi Jawa Barat diprioritaskan di daerah Priangan Timur, dan pada kurun pra kemerdekaan maupun pasca kemrdekaan dari 1940 sampai dengan 1962. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan strukturis dengan teori collective action untuk membedakan penelitian yang pernah dilakukan selama ini menggunakan pendekatan politik. Sumber penelitian yang digunakan baik dari sumber primer maupun sekunder dan dimungkinkan dengan menggunakan metode wawancara (oral history).
Sebagai seorang prinsipalis semenjak Pra-Kemerdekaan Soekarmadji Maridjan Kartosoewirjo menyebut dirinya sebagai keluarga "Bintang Bulan" untuk membedakan dirinya dengan kelompok Nasionalis Islami (Bulan Bintang). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menguji sejauh mana pengaruh Pemikiran Soekarmadji Maridjan Kartosoewirjo mentransformasi dalam gerakan Darul Islam dalam hubungannya dengan tesis collective action. Dan manfaatnya memberikan konstribusi dalam dunia akademis dalam merekonstruksi dinamika pemikiran dan aksi yang begitu lama dan luas pengaruhnya.

This title in this writing is The Right Way of Street: The Dynamic of Thinking and Action of Bintang Bulan, The Case Study of The Darul Islam Movement 1940 -1942 which tried to clarify and reconstruct the link of idea and the action of Soekarmadji Maridjan Kartosoewirjo, in the era of pre independent and after that, This is focused on the study of KPK-PSII, Instititut Suffah and Cisayong Conference 1948. In order to find significant of the event which deals with the religion, ideology, politics and culture.
This research was including West Java especially at the resort of east Priangan, in National Revolution 1940 until 1962. This research method used structures approach by using theory of collective action to make differentiate of the research used both primer and secondary sources and could use the oral history.
As a principal, at the independent, Soekarmadji Maridjan Kartosoewirjo called himself the family of "Bintang Bulan". This is just to make the differentiate between the Islamic Nationalism family (Bulan Bintang). The purpose of this research to find of the way Soekarmadji Maridjan Kartosoewirjo thinking when he transformed it into The Darul Islam movement in the relationship of collective action thesis. The Benefit of it gives contribution in the academic field to reconstruct the dynamic thinking and action that was take long time and the influences extended widely.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Winston Tommy Watuliu
"Penerapan bernegara di masa otoritarianisme di masa lalu menempatkan Polri untuk tunduk pada kontrol militer dan mengadopsi cara-cara militeristik dalam menegakkan hukum dan melayani masyarakat. Akibatnya lahirlah berbagai bentuk penyimpangan mandat tugas seperti pelanggaran HAM, penggunaan kekerasan secara berlebihan (excessive use of force), dan penyalahgunaan kekuasaan serta korupsi. Sebagai upaya menjaga keseimbangan dalam kepolisian demokratis (democratic policing) membutuhkan sumber daya dari kapasitas negara (state capacity) dan keinginan dari pemerintah untuk melaksanakan kekuasaan negara. Suatu
pemerintahan yang demokratis harus bersedia untuk mengembangkan lembaga-lembaga negara seperti kepolisian yang memungkinkan secara efektif memerangi kejahatan dan gangguan sosial, sementara pada saat yang bersamaan membatasi kemampuan polisi untuk melakukan kekuatan
fisik yang dapat melanggar HAM.
Terdapat tiga dimensi kapasitas negara dalam kepolisian demokratis (Fichtelberg, 2013) yaitu organisasi, profesionalisme dan legalitas. Ketiga dimensi dari kapasitas negara tersebut belumlah cukup untuk dapat membangun kepolisian demokratis di suatu negara, terdapat
beberapa dimensi lain yang perlu ditelaah untuk memperkuat kapasitas negara dalam kepolisian demokratis seperti dimensi institusi (Klockars, 1993), politik (Berkley, 1970), budaya (Bayley, 2006, & Dixon, 1999).
Dalam upaya memperkuat kapasitas negara (state capacity) dalam kepolisian demokratis Reserse Polri, digunakan soft system methodology berbasis riset tindakan di mana alat bantu intelektual berupa human activity systems dalam bentuk root definition, yang kemudian dibuat model konseptualnya untuk research interest dan problem solving interest. Sesuai dengan kaidah dalam soft system methodology berbasis riset tindakan, proses pembandingan dan debating ini untuk tujuan penelitian teoretik yang melibatkan peneliti, promotor dan ko promotor serta para
penguji lainnya sebagai academic reviewers. Sedangkan untuk problem solving interest melibatkan para pemangku kepentingan dari transformasi kepolisian konvensional kepada kepolisian demokratis Reserse Polri dan praktisioner SSM.
Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa konstruksi teoritis untuk research interest yaitu perlunya penguatan melalui pengembangan tiga dimensi kapasitas negara dalam kepolisian demokratis yaitu organisasi, profesionalisme dan legalitas (Fichtelberg, 2013) yang dapat diperkuat dan
dikembangkan dengan dimensi institusi (Klockars, 1993), politik (Berkley, 1970), budaya (Bayley, 2006, Dixon, 1999). Pengembangan dari tiga dimensi menjadi enam dimensi dari kapasitas negara dalam membangun kepolisian demokratis merupakan novelty dari penelitian yang bersifat research interest. Dimensi institusi, politik dan budaya juga merupakan dimensi yang penting dan harus ada dalam kapasitas negara dalam membentuk institusi kepolisian
demokratis. Bareskrim Polri memiliki peluang untuk dapat melakukan transformasi kepolisian melalui kepolisian demokratis (democratic policing) melakukan inovasi tata kelola kepolisian sebagai pelayan publik, menjunjung tinggi supremasi hukum, etika kepolisian, dan hak asasi
manusia, menjaga akuntabilitas dan transparansi, struktur dan manajerial yang efektif dan efisien dalam rangka mewujudkan perlindungan dan pelayanan terhadap masyarakat demokratis.

The implementation of the life of state during the past authoritarian era has put the Indonesian National Police under the military control and that the Indonesian Police had to adopt militaristic methods in enforcing the law and in serving the people. This has caused many forms
of dereliction of duty such as violation of human rights, excessive use of force, abuse of power and corruption. The effort to maintain the balance in democratic policing requires resources from the state capacity and political will of the government to implement the power of the state. A democratic government must be willing to develop state institutions such as police institution which will fight against crime and social problems, and at the same time restrict police capability that may violate against human rights.
There three dimensions of the state capacity in democratic policing (Fichtelberg, 2013), namely organization, professionalism and legality. These three dimensions of the state capacity, however, are not yet enough to develop democratic policing in a nation. There are still other dimensions to be explored in order to strengthen the state capacity in democratic policing, such as institutions
(Klockars, 1993), politics (Berkley, 1970), and culture (Bayley, 2006, & Dixon, 1999).
In the effort of strengthening the state capacity in democratic policing in the Criminal Investigation Division, the Indonesian Police uses an action research based soft system methodology whereby intellectual device of human activity systems in the forms of root definition, which then becomes the conceptual model for research interest and problem solving interest. In accordance with the principle in the action research based soft system methodology, the process of comparing and debating is for theoretical research purpose which involves researchers, promotors and co-promotors as well as other examiners being the academic reviewers. On the other hand, problem solving interest involves the stakeholders of the
transformation from conventional police to democratic police in the Criminal Investigation Division, the Indonesian Police and SSM practitioners.
The research results show that the theoretical construction for research interest is the need of
empowerment through the development of three dimensions of state capacity in democratic policing, namely organization, professionalism and legality (Fichtelberg, 2013), which can be strengthened and developed with such other dimensions as institutions (Klockars, 1993), politics (Berkley, 1970), and culture (Bayley, 2006, & Dixon, 1999).The development from three dimensions to six dimensions of the state capacity in establishing democratic police constitutes novelty of research having the nature of research interest. Institution, politics and cultures are three important dimensions and they should exist in the state capacity in establishing democratic
policing. The Criminal Investigation Division of the Indonesian National Police has the chance to implement police transformation through democratic policing and to make innovation in good governance of the police as public servant, to uphold the supremacy of law, police ethics, human rights, to keep accountability and transparency, effective and efficient structure and management in the framework of providing protection and services to a democratic society.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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