"Ditetapkannya PKPU No.20 Tahun 2018 yang mengatur mantan narapidana korupsi, mantan narapidana bandar narkoba dan kejahatan seksual terhadap anak tidak dapat menjadi caleg pada Pemilu 2019 menuai pro dan kontra. KPU telah meminta kepada partai politik untuk mengganti nama bakal caleg yang merupakan mantan narapidana korupsi, namun masih saja ada parpol yang mencalonkan mantan narapidana korupsi menjadi caleg di tingkat DPRD Provinsi dan Kabupaten/Kota. Bawaslu, Komisi II DPR dan Kemendagri bersepakat mengembalikan persyaratan caleg ke Pasal 240 Ayat 1 huruf g UU No.7 Tahun 2017 tentang Pemilu. Partai Gerindra sebagai parpol yang kerap menyuarakan anti korupsi, merekrut 22 bakal caleg mantan narapidana korupsi pada Pemilu 2019. Proses rekrutmen oleh Partai Gerindra berlangsung tertutup dan tidak terdapat penelusuran rekam jejak dalam mekanisme rekrutmen caleg tersebut. Terbitnya Putusan Mahkamah Agung kemudian memperbolehkan caleg mantan narapidana korupsi ikut serta pada Pemilu 2019. Penelitian metode kualitatif dengan desain studi kasus ini menggunakan teori rekrutmen partai politik Barbara Geddes (1994), Almond & Powell (1966), Almond & Coleman (1961), dan teori modal Kimberly L Casey, Pierre Bourdieu, Robert D. Putnam. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Partai Gerindra yang ingin memperoleh banyak suara dan kursi pada Pemilu 2019, cenderung pragmatis dalam merekrut caleg mantan narapidana korupsi yang memiliki modal politik, sosial dan finansial serta populer. Caleg mantan narapidana korupsi memanfaatkan celah hukum, yaitu PKPU No.20 Tahun 2018 yang bertentangan dengan UU Pemilu No.7 Tahun 2017. Partai Gerindra tidak melakukan penelusuran rekam jejak bakal calon anggota legislatif serta tetap melakukan rekrutmen terhadap mantan narapidana korupsi. Partai Gerindra sudah seharusnya melaksanakan proses demokratisasi sendiri di dalam tubuh mereka sehingga fungsi-fungsi ideal partai politik bisa dijalankan.
With the enactment of PKPU No.20 of 2018 which regulates ex-convicts of corruption, drug trafficking inmates and sexual crimes against children can not be candidates in the 2019 elections reaping pros and cons. KPU has asked political parties to change the names of prospective candidates who are former convicts of corruption, but there are still political parties that nominate ex-convicts of corruption to be candidates at the Provincial and Regency/City DPRD levels. Bawaslu, Commission II of House of Representatives and the Ministry of Home Affairs agreed to return the candidates requirements to Article 240 Paragraph 1 letter g of Law No.7 of 2017 concerning Elections. Gerindra Party as a political party that often voiced anti-corruption, recruiting 22 candidates for former corruption convicts in the 2019 election. The recruitment process by the Gerindra Party was closed and there was no track record in the recruitment mechanism of the candidates. The issuance of the Supreme Courts Decision then allowed candidates for ex-convicts of corruption to take part in the 2019 elections, This qualitative research method with case study design uses the theory of recruitment of political parties Barbara Geddes (1994), Almond & Powell (1966), Almond & Coleman (1961 and the modality theory of Kimberly L. Casey, Pierre Bourdieu, Francis Fukuyama. The findings of this study indicate that the Gerindra Party, which wants to get a lot of votes and seats in the 2019 Election, tend to be pragmatic in recruiting candidates for ex-convicts of corruption who have political, social and financial capital and are popular. Where candidates for ex-convicts of corruption use legal loopholes, namely PKPU No. 20 of 2018 contradicts with the Election Law No. 7 of 2017. The Gerindra Party did not search any track record of prospective legislative candidates and continued to recruit former corruption convicts. The Gerindra Party should have carried out their own democratization processes so that the ideal functions of political parties can be carried out."