ABSTRAKKomunikasi adalah faktor penting dalam keberhasilan implementasi
kebijakan dan program pemerintah. Untuk itu peneliti akan menganalisis
formulasi kebijakan komunikasi dalam mendukung pelaksanaan program
pembangunan kesehatan di Indonesia. Beberapa temuan dari riset nasional seperti
Survei Demografi Kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI) tahun 2012, dan Riset Kesehatan
Dasar 2013, diperkuat dengan sejumlah penelitian lainnya serta pemberitaan di
media yang menunjukkan bahwa masih terdapat kebijakan dan program kesehatan
yang belum berhasil mencapai target yang antara lain disebabkan tidak
berjalannya fungsi komunikasi secara optimal sehingga masyarakat belum bisa
memahami dan mendukung kebijakan dan program kesehatan pemerintah.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi kualitatif dengan jenis deskriptif,
pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam, focus group
discussion (FGD) dan telaah dokumen. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan fakta
bahwa fungsi komunikasi yang dijalankan unit hubungan masyarakat di
Kementerian Kesehatan belum berjalan optimal oleh karena belum adanya
pedoman yang mengatur fungsi komunikasi secara terintegrasi dan komprehensif
dalam hal kelembagaan, kegiatan, tata laksana kerja dan sumber daya. Peneliti
menyarankan kepada sejumlah pihak terkait terutama Pusat Komunikasi Publik
Kementerian Kesehatan agar segera menyusun pedoman komunikasi atau
kehumasan yang dapat mengatur seluruh aspek komunikasi yang diperlukan
dalam meningkatkan pelaksanaan tugas dan fungsi selaku hubungan masyarakat,
selain itu juga memperkuat sumber daya agar lebih memadai. Peneliti juga
merekomendasikan kepada Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika dan
Kementerian PAN dan Reformasi Birokrasi agar menyiapkan berbagai upaya
untuk memperkuat posisi dan peranan hubungan masyarakat dalam pembangunan
ABSTRACTCommunication is an important factor in the successful of the
implementation of government policies and programs. Therefore researcher will
analyzes the formulation of communication policy in support of the
implementation of health development program in Indonesia. Some findings in the
national research such as Indonesia Demographic Health Survey (IDHS) in 2012,
and the Basic Health Research in 2013, reinforced by a number of other studies
and news in the media indicate that there are health policies and programs that
have not succeeded in achieving the targets achievements as one of the result is
due to the ineffectiveness of the communication function so that people cannot
understand and will not support the government health policies and programs.
This research uses qualitative methodology with descriptive type, where
data collection is done through in-depth interviews, focus group discussion
(FGD), and literature studies. Results of this research found that communication
functions executed by the public relations unit of the Ministry of Health has not
run optimally because of the lack of an integrated and comprehensive guidelines
governing the communication functions in terms of institutional, activities,
governance and resources. Researcher suggests to the number of related parties,
especially to the Center for Public Communication of the Ministry of Health to
immediately formulate guidelines for communications or public relations to
regulate all aspects of communication required in advancing the implementation
of tasks and functions as public relations, and also strengthens the resources to be
more adequate. Researchers also recommend to the Ministry of Communications
and Informatics and the Ministry of Empowerment of State Apparaturs and
bureaucracy reform to prepare a variety of efforts to strengthen the position and
role of public relations in national development s;Communication is an important factor in the successful of the
implementation of government policies and programs. Therefore researcher will
analyzes the formulation of communication policy in support of the
implementation of health development program in Indonesia. Some findings in the
national research such as Indonesia Demographic Health Survey (IDHS) in 2012,
and the Basic Health Research in 2013, reinforced by a number of other studies
and news in the media indicate that there are health policies and programs that
have not succeeded in achieving the targets achievements as one of the result is
due to the ineffectiveness of the communication function so that people cannot
understand and will not support the government health policies and programs.
This research uses qualitative methodology with descriptive type, where
data collection is done through in-depth interviews, focus group discussion
(FGD), and literature studies. Results of this research found that communication
functions executed by the public relations unit of the Ministry of Health has not
run optimally because of the lack of an integrated and comprehensive guidelines
governing the communication functions in terms of institutional, activities,
governance and resources. Researcher suggests to the number of related parties,
especially to the Center for Public Communication of the Ministry of Health to
immediately formulate guidelines for communications or public relations to
regulate all aspects of communication required in advancing the implementation
of tasks and functions as public relations, and also strengthens the resources to be
more adequate. Researchers also recommend to the Ministry of Communications
and Informatics and the Ministry of Empowerment of State Apparaturs and
bureaucracy reform to prepare a variety of efforts to strengthen the position and
role of public relations in national development s;Communication is an important factor in the successful of the
implementation of government policies and programs. Therefore researcher will
analyzes the formulation of communication policy in support of the
implementation of health development program in Indonesia. Some findings in the
national research such as Indonesia Demographic Health Survey (IDHS) in 2012,
and the Basic Health Research in 2013, reinforced by a number of other studies
and news in the media indicate that there are health policies and programs that
have not succeeded in achieving the targets achievements as one of the result is
due to the ineffectiveness of the communication function so that people cannot
understand and will not support the government health policies and programs.
This research uses qualitative methodology with descriptive type, where
data collection is done through in-depth interviews, focus group discussion
(FGD), and literature studies. Results of this research found that communication
functions executed by the public relations unit of the Ministry of Health has not
run optimally because of the lack of an integrated and comprehensive guidelines
governing the communication functions in terms of institutional, activities,
governance and resources. Researcher suggests to the number of related parties,
especially to the Center for Public Communication of the Ministry of Health to
immediately formulate guidelines for communications or public relations to
regulate all aspects of communication required in advancing the implementation
of tasks and functions as public relations, and also strengthens the resources to be
more adequate. Researchers also recommend to the Ministry of Communications
and Informatics and the Ministry of Empowerment of State Apparaturs and
bureaucracy reform to prepare a variety of efforts to strengthen the position and
role of public relations in national development s;Communication is an important factor in the successful of the
implementation of government policies and programs. Therefore researcher will
analyzes the formulation of communication policy in support of the
implementation of health development program in Indonesia. Some findings in the
national research such as Indonesia Demographic Health Survey (IDHS) in 2012,
and the Basic Health Research in 2013, reinforced by a number of other studies
and news in the media indicate that there are health policies and programs that
have not succeeded in achieving the targets achievements as one of the result is
due to the ineffectiveness of the communication function so that people cannot
understand and will not support the government health policies and programs.
This research uses qualitative methodology with descriptive type, where
data collection is done through in-depth interviews, focus group discussion
(FGD), and literature studies. Results of this research found that communication
functions executed by the public relations unit of the Ministry of Health has not
run optimally because of the lack of an integrated and comprehensive guidelines
governing the communication functions in terms of institutional, activities,
governance and resources. Researcher suggests to the number of related parties,
especially to the Center for Public Communication of the Ministry of Health to
immediately formulate guidelines for communications or public relations to
regulate all aspects of communication required in advancing the implementation
of tasks and functions as public relations, and also strengthens the resources to be
more adequate. Researchers also recommend to the Ministry of Communications
and Informatics and the Ministry of Empowerment of State Apparaturs and
bureaucracy reform to prepare a variety of efforts to strengthen the position and
role of public relations in national development s;Communication is an important factor in the successful of the
implementation of government policies and programs. Therefore researcher will
analyzes the formulation of communication policy in support of the
implementation of health development program in Indonesia. Some findings in the
national research such as Indonesia Demographic Health Survey (IDHS) in 2012,
and the Basic Health Research in 2013, reinforced by a number of other studies
and news in the media indicate that there are health policies and programs that
have not succeeded in achieving the targets achievements as one of the result is
due to the ineffectiveness of the communication function so that people cannot
understand and will not support the government health policies and programs.
This research uses qualitative methodology with descriptive type, where
data collection is done through in-depth interviews, focus group discussion
(FGD), and literature studies. Results of this research found that communication
functions executed by the public relations unit of the Ministry of Health has not
run optimally because of the lack of an integrated and comprehensive guidelines
governing the communication functions in terms of institutional, activities,
governance and resources. Researcher suggests to the number of related parties,
especially to the Center for Public Communication of the Ministry of Health to
immediately formulate guidelines for communications or public relations to
regulate all aspects of communication required in advancing the implementation
of tasks and functions as public relations, and also strengthens the resources to be
more adequate. Researchers also recommend to the Ministry of Communications
and Informatics and the Ministry of Empowerment of State Apparaturs and
bureaucracy reform to prepare a variety of efforts to strengthen the position and
role of public relations in national development s, Communication is an important factor in the successful of the
implementation of government policies and programs. Therefore researcher will
analyzes the formulation of communication policy in support of the
implementation of health development program in Indonesia. Some findings in the
national research such as Indonesia Demographic Health Survey (IDHS) in 2012,
and the Basic Health Research in 2013, reinforced by a number of other studies
and news in the media indicate that there are health policies and programs that
have not succeeded in achieving the targets achievements as one of the result is
due to the ineffectiveness of the communication function so that people cannot
understand and will not support the government health policies and programs.
This research uses qualitative methodology with descriptive type, where
data collection is done through in-depth interviews, focus group discussion
(FGD), and literature studies. Results of this research found that communication
functions executed by the public relations unit of the Ministry of Health has not
run optimally because of the lack of an integrated and comprehensive guidelines
governing the communication functions in terms of institutional, activities,
governance and resources. Researcher suggests to the number of related parties,
especially to the Center for Public Communication of the Ministry of Health to
immediately formulate guidelines for communications or public relations to
regulate all aspects of communication required in advancing the implementation
of tasks and functions as public relations, and also strengthens the resources to be
more adequate. Researchers also recommend to the Ministry of Communications
and Informatics and the Ministry of Empowerment of State Apparaturs and
bureaucracy reform to prepare a variety of efforts to strengthen the position and
role of public relations in national development s]"