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Ditemukan 6 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Liqqa Faizal Yuniar
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asriyani Puteri
Abstrak :
Kebutuhan akan ruang yang aman merupakan aspek penting bagi perempuan di ruang kota, termasuk transportasi umum. Namun, praktik sehari-hari dalam menggunakan transportasi umum seringkali tidak mendukung rasa aman dan nyaman, salah satunya adalah pelecehan seksual. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami kaitan antara rasa takut penumpang wanita dan spatial setting pada ruang transportasi bus Transjakarta. Penulis akan mendalami bagaimana pengaturan spasial yang terjadi di dalamnya terkait perilaku penumpang wanita dalam membentuk dan mempertahankan ruang agar mendapatkan rasa aman. Ruang lingkup diskusi ini adalah ruang bus TransJakarta. Dengan membahas hal ini, penulis berharap dapat mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang aspek spasial yang dapat mendukung inklusivitas perempuan dalam angkutan umum dan memahami faktor-faktor terkait dengan ketakutan akan kejahatan yang terjadi di dalamnya ......The need for a safe space is an important aspect for women in public space, including public transportation. However, daily practices in using public transportation do not support a sense of security and comfort, one of which is the harassment of a section. The purpose of this study is to dispute the fear of female passengers and spatial planning in the Transjakarta bus transportation space. The author will explore how to manage the spatial that occurs there related to the task of women to arrange and maintain space to get a sense of security. The scope of this study is the space of the TransJakarta bus. By discussing this issue, the writer hopes to find out more about the spatial aspects that can support the inclusiveness of women in public transportation and factors related to safety that will occur there.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vincent, David
Abstrak :
Privacy: A Short History provides a vital historical account of an increasingly stressed sphere of human interaction. At a time when the death of privacy is widely proclaimed, distinguished historian, David Vincent, describes the evolution of the concept and practice of privacy from the Middle Ages to the present controversy over digital communication and state surveillance provoked by the revelations of Edward Snowden. Deploying a range of vivid primary material, he discusses the management of private information in the context of housing, outdoor spaces, religious observance, reading, diaries and autobiographies, correspondence, neighbours, gossip, surveillance, the public sphere and the state. Key developments, such as the nineteenth-century celebration of the enclosed and intimate middle-class household, are placed in the context of long-term development. The book surveys and challenges the main currents in the extensive secondary literature on the subject. It seeks to strike a new balance between the built environment and world beyond the threshold, between written and face-to-face communication, between anonymity and familiarity in towns and cities, between religion and secular meditation, between the state and the private sphere and, above all, between intimacy and individualism. Ranging from the fourteenth century to the twenty-first, this book shows that the history of privacy has been an arena of contested choices, and not simply a progression towards a settled ideal. Privacy: A Short History will be of interest to students and scholars of history, and all those interested in this topical subject
Cambridge: Polity Press, 2016
323.44 VIN p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maya Prawitasari
Abstrak :
Setiap manusia baik laki-laki atau perempuan memiliki masing-masing personal space yang dapat mempengaruhi nyaman atau tidaknya mereka ketika harus berjarak intim (intimate distance) dengan orang tidak dikenal (stranger) di dalam ruang. Skripsi ini membahas sejauh mana kualitas ruang yang ada dapat mempengaruhi kenyamanan mereka, dalam artian mengecilkan personal space tanpa terpaksa. Pertanyaan ini akan dikaji melalui perbandingan efek kualitas ruang pada studi kasus Halte Transjakarta Kampung Melayu dan Blitz Megaplex Grand Indonesia terhadap perilaku laki-laki dan perempuan saat berjarak intim dengan orang yang tidak dikenalnya, dan setelah itu hasilnya dikaitkan dengan eksistensi personal space berdasarkan gender. Didapati kesimpulan bahwa kualitas ruang mempengaruhi personal space namun tidak dapat dihubungkan dengan gender, karena gender merupakan produk sosial. Pengaruh berdasarkan gender hanya bisa ditemukan dalam personal space, dan bahkan dari sini gender dapat mempengaruhi ruang.
Everyone whether male or female has his/her own personal space that can affect their comfort when each of them has to be in intimate distance situation with strangers in space. This mini thesis is an investigation about how far the presence of spatial quality can make each of them feel comfortable, which means make his/her personal space become smaller with no compulsion. The question will be answered by comparing the effect of spatial qualities in each case studies such as Transjakarta Shelter in Kampung Melayu and Blitz Megaplex at Grand Indonesia, toward behaviors of male and female when making intimate distance with strangers, and then relate the results with the existence of personal space above gender as background. The conclusion founded as spatial quality can affect personal space but cannot go along with gender, as gender itself is a social product. The affection of gender only can be found in personal space, instead influences space.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alline Dwiantina
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas hubungan antara teori ruang personal dan teritori dengan kepadatan yang bekerja pada tribun gedung olahraga. Dalam kenyataannya, invasi terhadap keduanya dapat berakibat negatif baik bagi penonton maupun atlet. Pembahasan dilihat dari aspek teknis (dimensi, elemen-elemen arsitektur) dan aspek non teknis (perilaku). Hasilnya menyatakan bahwa ukuran ruang personal pada tribun dapat mengerucut akibat minimnya dimensi gerak yang tersedia. Teritori dapat bertahan pada area padat jika penanda teritori dirasa kuat. Dalam mendesain tribun, sebaiknya mengacu pada garis pandang (sight line) dimana setiap titik tribun harus dapat melihat objek secara keseluruhan, sehingga menghindari terjadinya invasi berlebihan pada ruang personal dan teritori.
The focus of this study is discusses about the relationship between personal space and territory theory and the density that happen in sport facility?s tribune. In fact, the invasion of both, personal space and theritory, are able to bring negative influence not only to the spectators but also the athlete. This discussion analyzed based on the technical aspects (dimension and architectural elements) and the non technical aspect (the behaviour). The result shows that personal space for the spectators in the tribune shrinks as the effect from the lack of movement dimension available. The territory will remain in a high density area if the sign of the theritory is strong enough. In designing tribune, we should refer to sight line where in every spot in the tribune must be able to see objects in the court as a whole, so that the excessive invasion to the personal space and territory can be avoided.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kurnia Fajar Agriza
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas bagaimana ruang personal commuter pada ruang tunggu kendaraan umum beserta hal-hal yang berpengaruh terhadap ruang personal tersebut dengan mengaitkan teori ruang personal dan kualitas ruang. Ruang tunggu kendaraan umum mengumpulkan orang, termasuk tidak saling mengenal, untuk berbagi ruang bersama dalam menunggu. Namun, terbatasnya ruang dapat menyebabkan commuter saling berdekatan sehingga berpotensi masuknya seseorang ke ruang personal orang lain yang berimbas pada ketidaknyamanan. Dari pembahasan berdasarkan pengamatan dan mengaitkan dengan literatur dapat disimpulkan bahwa ruang personal commuter pada ruang tunggu kendaraan umum dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, yaitu situasi, perbedaan individu, fisik, dan kualitas ruang. Faktor yang mempengaruhi tersebut dapat dijadikan pertimbangan dalam sebuah desain. ......This thesis discusses how personal space of commuter in waiting room of public transportation with the things that affect the personal space by linking the theory of personal space and spatial quality. The waiting room of public transportation brings people together, include strangers, to share the room. However, the limited space of the room can cause the commuter close to each other, enter them into others personal space, and potentially make them feel uncomfort. From the study based on observation and the literature, it can be concluded that the personal space in waiting room of public transportation is influenced by several factors, such as situation, individual differences, physical, and quality of space. The factors can be taken into consideration in an architectural design.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library