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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Desty Ratnasari
Abstrak :
Pada masa belum dikeluarkannya Peraturan Pemerintah sebagaimana yang diamanatkan Pasal 6 ayat (2) UU No. 15 Tahun 2001 sehingga belum dapat diterapkannya ketentuan tersebut, skripsi ini melihat penerapan Pasal 16 ayat (3) Persetujuan TRIPs sebagai dasar hukum pembatalan pendaftaran merek dan pertimbangan hakim yang menerapkan Pasal 16 ayat (3) Persetujuan TRIPs. Penelitian untuk menyusun skripsi ini dilakukan secara kualitatif berdasarkan metode deskriptif. Hasil penelitian adalah hakim telah menerapkan Pasal 16 ayat (3) Persetujuan TRIPs dengan selanjutnya memberikan pertimbangan hukum terhadap unsur-unsur dalam Pasal 16 ayat (3) Persetujuan TRIPs, kecuali unsur adanya potensi kerugian yang diderita pemilik merek terkenal.
At the time when Government Regulation as mandated by Article 6 Paragraph (2) Law Number 15 Year 2001 hasn't been being issued so that it couldn't be applied, this thesis sees the implementation of Article 16 Paragraph (3) TRIPs Agreement and judges' consideration which implemented Article 16 Paragraph (3) TRIPs Agreement. Research is done qualitatively based on descriptive method. The result is judges has been implemented Article 16 Paragraph (3) TRIPs Agreement which followed by giving consideration in matter of substances of Article 16 Paragraph (3) TRIPs Agreement, except substance of potential lost suffered by well-known mark's owner.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Budi Setiawan Iteh
Abstrak :
Peraturan Pemerintah No. 20 tahun 2017 tentang Pengendalian Impor atau Ekspor Barang yang Diduga Merupakan atau Berasal dari Hasil Pelanggaran Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (selanjutnya disebut PP Pengendalian Impor Ekspor Pelanggaran HKI) mengatur prosedur Perekaman & Penegahan sebagai bagian dari penegakan HKI di kawasan pabean. Adapun Pasal 5 ayat (3) PP Pengendalian Impor Ekspor Pelanggaran HKI menyatakan bahwa perekaman hanya dapat diajukan oleh Pemilik atau Pemegang Hak yang merupakan badan usaha, yang berkedudukan di Indonesia. Di sisi lain, Persetujuan TRIPs sendiri mengatur prinsip national treatment. Dengan demikian Peneliti bermaksud untuk meninjau prinsip national treatment berdasarkan Persetujuan TRIPs dan pengaturan tindakan penegakan HKI di kawasan Pabean berdasarkan Persetujuan TRIPs, dan akhirnya mengkaji bagaimana ketentuan persyaratan pemohon perekaman ditinjau dari prinsip national treatment berdasarkan Persetujuan TRIPs. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam bentuk penelitian hukum normatif (doktriner). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah ketentuan mengenai prinsip national treatment tidak diatur secara tegas maupun secara eksplisit dalam peraturan perundang-undangan, namun penerapan prinsip tersebut tetap tersirat dalam peraturan perundang-undangan di bidang HKI. Persetujuan TRIPs mengatur tindakan penegakan di kawasan pabean, yaitu prosedur Penangguhan (suspension of release) dan prosedur Penegahan (ex officio action). Ketentuan persyaratan pemohon perekaman HKI sebagaimana diatur di dalam Pasal 5 ayat (3) PP Pengendalian Impor Ekspor Pelanggaran HKI bertentangan dengan prinsip national treatmentberdasarkan Persetujuan TRIPs karena telah mengakibatkan tertutupnya kesempatan bagi Pemilik atau Pemegang Hak atas Merek dan Hak Cipta asing mendapat perlindungan khsusunya dalam hal tindakan Penegahan. Saran dari Peneliti adalah agar Pasal 5 ayat (3) PP Pengendalian Impor Ekspor Pelanggaran HKI dapat dirubah sehingga tidak bertentangan dengan prinsip national treatment.
Government Regulation Number 20 of 2017 concerning Import or Export Control of Goods Allegedly are or Derived from Results of Intellectual Property Rights Infringement (hereafter refer to Regulation of Import Eksport of IP Infringement) regulate the procedure of recording & ex officio preliminary suspension as a part of the IP enforcement in customs area. Article 5 paragaraph (3) of the Regulation of Import Eksport of IP Infringement states that recording can only be submitted by the Owner or Rights Holder who is a business entity, domiciled in Indonesia. On the other hand, the TRIPs Agreement regulates the national treatment principle. Thus the Researcher intends to review the national treatment principle and the IP enforcement in the customs area according to the TRIPs Agreement, and finally review how the requirements for the recording applicant viewed from the national treatment principle according to the TRIPs Agreement. This research was conducted in the form of normative legal research (doctrinaire). The conclusion of this study is that the provisions regarding the national treatment principle are not explicitly regulated in legislation, but the application of these principles remains implicit in the legislation of IP. The TRIPs Agreement regulate IP enforcement in the customs area, i.e. procedure of suspension of release and the procedure of ex officio action. The requirements for the applicant of trademark and copyright recordation in the recordation system of the Directorate General of Customs as stipulated in Article 5 paragraph (3) of the Regulation of Import Eksport of IP Infringement is in contrary to the national treatment principle according to the TRIPs Agreement, because it has resulted in the closed opportunity for foreign Owners or Rightsholders of Trademarks and Copyright to receive legal protection, namely the ex officio preliminary suspension. Therefore, the researcher recommend to chane the provision of Article 5 paragaraph (3) of the Regulation of Import Eksport of IP Infringement so it would not in contrary to the national treatment principle according to the TRIPs Agreement.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Catrin Andarini
Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wayan Adhi Prastana
Abstrak :
Upaya perlindungan pengetahuan tradisional muncul sebagai reaksi terhadap sistem HKI saat ini yang dinilai merugikan pemilik pengetahuan tradisional. Permasalahan pengetahuan tradisional merupakan permasalahan HPI karena para pihak yang terkait umumnya tunduk pada sistem hukum yang berbeda. Skripsi ini membahas penerapan prinsip timbal-balik dalam upaya melindungi pengetahuan tradisional. Upaya melindungi pengetahuan tradisional selama ini mengacu pada CBD dan konvensiĀ¬konvensi terkait Pengetahuan tradisional lainnya. Sayangnya upaya ini tidak efektif. Perlindungan pengetahuan tradisional ternyata lebih efektif dengan menggunakan Prinsip Timbal-Balik Formil yang diatur dalam Persetujuan TRIPs. Pada Kasus Kunyit (the Turmeric Case) terbukti upaya ini berhasil membatalkan klaim paten yang mengeksploitasi pengetahuan tradisional. ......Effort to protect traditional knowledge emerged as a reaction of current IPR system which considered detrimental to the original owners of traditional knowledge. Problems concerning traditional knowledge are a matter of Private International Law because the parties concerned are generally subject to different legal systems. This paper discusses the application of the principle of reciprocity in an effort to protect traditional knowledge. Efforts to protect traditional knowledge so far are referring to the CBD and related conventions concerning traditional knowledge. Unfortunately these efforts are ineffective. Protection of traditional knowledge is more effective by using Reciprocity Principles that are provided for in TRIPS Agreement. In the turmeric case, this effort proved to be successful to canceled patent claims that exploit traditional knowledge.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library