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Dimas Ruben Fajar
Abstrak :
Produk properti perumahan eksklusif (gated community) dalam ruang kota merupakan suatu lingkungan hunian bagi kalangan tertentu telah menjadi fenomena dan tren produk properti perumahan di Indonesia saat ini. Gated community adalah produk properti yang memiliki nilai lebih karena didesain untuk keamanan dan kenyamanan (privasi) bagi komunitas penghuni di dalamnya. Namun, bila pengembangannya menempati lahan massive atau sangat luas, gated community khususnya di Indonesia sering menjadikan bagian dari suatu kota menjadi tidak permeable dan berproses menjadi terpecah belah (fragmentation). Tesis ini akan meneliti atau mengkaji bagaimana pengembangan properti gated community dapat dilaksanakan atau terlaksana tanpa membuat bagian kota menjadi tidak permeable. Teori yang digunakan dapat diuraikan berdasarkan pengertian dari kota yang permeable, gated community, dan pengembangan produk properti perumahan. Sedangkan metode yang digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian adalah meneliti tahap-tahap pengembangan suatu produk properti gated community melalui kajian simulasi desain, studi kasus di dalam lahan eksisting. Hasil dari riset simulasi desain pada lahan studi kasus eksisting tersebut menunjukkan bahwa pengembang tetap dapat mengembangkan produk properti gated community pada lahan massive tanpa membuat bagian dari suatu kota menjadi tidak permeable dan nilai pengembangan tetap layak. Desain gated community di dalam lahan massive yang tetap dapat ditembus oleh pergerakan masyarakat kota dan visibilitas nilai pengembangan tetap memberi dampak positif bagi pengembang dan investor. Kesimpulan dari penelitian tesis setelah dilakukan simulasi desain sangat berkaitan dengan proses pengembangan produk properti gated community itu sendiri. Dalam proses tahapan tersebut, pengembang mendesain cluster sebagai lingkungan eksklusif komunitas penghuni dan membentuk sirkulasi jalan di sekitar cluster tersebut tetap permeable. Sehingga di dalam komitmen kontrak masterplan, pengembang tetap dapat menyerahkan koridor jalan kepada publik dan mendesain perumahan cluster tetap privat.
Exclusive residential property products such as gated community in the urban area is a residential environment for the certain circles of the community that has became a phenomenon and product trends for residential property in Indonesia todays. Gated community is a property product, which have more value, because it’s designed to safety and amenities for the community inside it. Nevertheless, if the development is in massive land or very spacious, gated community especially in Indonesia often made part of a city becomes not permeable and fragmentation. This thesis will investigate or examine how the development of gated community property can be implemented or executed without making parts of the city becomes not permeable. The theory used can be described by the notion of permeable city, gated community, and the development of residential property product. While the methods used to answer the research question is to examine the stages development of a gated community property product through a simulation study design, case studies on the existing land. The results of simulation study design on the existing land as case study indicate that developers can still develop gated community property product on massive land without making a part of a city becomes not permeable and development value remain viable. Design of gated community in the massive land that can still be penetrated by the movement of urban and visibility of development value remain a positive impact to the developers and investors. The conclusion of the thesis research after the simulation design is closely related to the development process of gated community property product itself. In the process of these stages, the developer designed the cluster as an exclusive neighborhood community dwellers and form a circulation path around the cluster remain permeable. Furthermore, in the masterplan contractual commitments, developers can still submit road corridors to the public and designed the cluster housing remain private, Exclusive residential property products such as gated community in the urban area is a residential environment for the certain circles of the community that has became a phenomenon and product trends for residential property in Indonesia todays. Gated community is a property product, which have more value, because it’s designed to safety and amenities for the community inside it. Nevertheless, if the development is in massive land or very spacious, gated community especially in Indonesia often made part of a city becomes not permeable and fragmentation. This thesis will investigate or examine how the development of gated community property can be implemented or executed without making parts of the city becomes not permeable. The theory used can be described by the notion of permeable city, gated community, and the development of residential property product. While the methods used to answer the research question is to examine the stages development of a gated community property product through a simulation study design, case studies on the existing land. The results of simulation study design on the existing land as case study indicate that developers can still develop gated community property product on massive land without making a part of a city becomes not permeable and development value remain viable. Design of gated community in the massive land that can still be penetrated by the movement of urban and visibility of development value remain a positive impact to the developers and investors. The conclusion of the thesis research after the simulation design is closely related to the development process of gated community property product itself. In the process of these stages, the developer designed the cluster as an exclusive neighborhood community dwellers and form a circulation path around the cluster remain permeable. Furthermore, in the masterplan contractual commitments, developers can still submit road corridors to the public and designed the cluster housing remain private]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gesang Panggrahito Pati
Abstrak :
Objek penelitian berada di lapangan Tangkuban Parahu yang diduga memiliki potensi cadangan panasbumi. Sedikitnya informasi dan penelitian mengenai lapangan panasbumi Tangkuban Parahu menjadikan salah satu problem eksplorasi panasbumi di daerah ini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melakukan studi pemetaan struktur geologi dengan cara mengintegrasikan data penginderaan jauh menggunakan data LiDAR' dan bawah permukaan dari data Magnetotellurik. Struktur geologi yang mengontrol sistem geothermal di Gunung Tangkuban Parahu kemungkinan didominasi oleh struktur lokal yang berasal dari struktur vulkanik dan tektonik berarah relatif barat-timur serta struktur kaldera kemungkinan berperan sebagai pembatas keberadaan sistem geothermal Tangkuban Parahu terutama di sisi selatan dan barat. Manifestasi yang ada di daerah penelitian berupa fumarole di Kawah Domas dan Kawah Ratu. Serta manifestasi berupa hot spring di area Kancah, Ciater, Batugede, Jabong, Batukapur dan Ciracas. Sehingga temperatur reservoir diperkirakan berada pada temperatur 240 ndash; 250oC. Hasil inversi 3D data MT menunjukan adanya pola updome di sekitar kompleks kawah Tangkuban Parahu. Pola resistivitas seperti ini kemungkinan berasosiasi dengan zona upflow. Sementara outflow dari sistem geothermal mengarah ke Kancah dan Ciater. Zona rekomendasi untuk 3 sumur pemboran ditentukan dengan memperhitungkan beberapa aspek yaitu adanya keberadaan zona patahan, temperatur tinggi, zona tidak asam dan berada di elevasi rendah.
The object of research is in Tangkuban Parahu field that is suspected to have the potential of geothermal reserves. The lack of information and research on the Tangkuban Parahu geothermal field is one of the problems of geothermal exploration in this area. The purpose of this research is to study the mapping of geological structures by integrating remote sensing data using LiDAR and subsurface data from MT data. The geological structure that controls the geothermal system in Mount Tangkuban Parahu may be dominated by local structures originating from volcanic structures and tectonic trends relative to the West East and caldera structures likely to act as a barrier to the existence of Tangkuban Parahu geothermal system especially on the south and western sides. Manifestations that exist in the research area in the form of fumarole Kawah Domas and Kawah Ratu. And manifestations of hot spring in the area Kancah, Ciater, Batugede, Jabong, Batukapur and Ciracas. So the reservoir temperature is estimated to be at a temperature of 240 250oC. The inversion result of 3D MT data shows the updome pattern around Tangkuban Parahu crater complex. This resistivity pattern is probably associated with an upflow zone. While the outflow of the geothermal system leads to Kancah and Ciater. The recommendation zone for 3 drilling wells is determined by taking into account several aspects, namely the presence of fault zones, high temperatures, non acidic zones and at low elevations.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ritonga, Ahmad Fitra
Abstrak :
Penelitian di daerah prospek geothermal ldquo;X rdquo; bertujuan untuk mendelineasi zona permeable berdasarkan data audio magnetotellurik dan gravitasi yang dipadu dengan data geologi dan geokimia. Analisis data geologi dengan teknik remote sensing diidentifikasi dua struktur utama yang mengarah dari Utara - Selatan dan Barat Laut ndash; Tenggara dan terdapat satu lokasi alterasi yang berkorelasi dengan kemunculan manifestasi permukaan. Analisis data geokimia menunjukkan bahwa manifestasi fumarol merupakan manifestasi tipe upflow dan manifestasi air panas AP X1 dan AP X2 merupakan tipe manifestasi outflow. Geotermometer gas menunjukan temperatur reservoar adalah sekitar 290 C. Analisis data geofisika menggunakan 35 data titik ukur audio magnetotellurik dan 194 titik ukur gravitasi. Berdasarkan inversi 3D data AMT dan forward modelling gravitasi terdapat lapisan penudung cap rock dengan nilai resistiviatas rendah le; 10 ?m dan densitas 2.1 gr/cc yang diduga merupakan batuan produk Gunung BA Muda yang mengalami alterasi. Batuan cap rock sudah terlihat mulai dari permukaan dan menebal ke arah manifestasi AP X1 dengan kedalaman sekitar 500 meter dengan ketebalan 500 meter hingga 1000 meter Di bawah batuan cap rock terdapat batuan reservoar dengan nilai resistivitas sedang >10 s.d 65 ?m dan densitas 2,6 gr/cc. Batuan ini diinterpretasikan sebagai respon dari batuan Lava BU. Lapisan heat source berada di bawah reservoar dengan nilai resistivitas >100 ?m yang diduga merupakan satuan batuan aktivitas vulkanik Gunung BA. Top of Reservoir TOR diperkirakan berada pada kedalaman 500 m dari permukaan yang teridentifikasi pada elevasi 0 meter. Analisis kurva splitting diperoleh bahwa zona permeable kemungkinan berada di sebelah Timur Gunung BA dikarenakan area tersebut cenderung naik dibandingkan dengan area sekitarnya. Analisis kurva splitting ini memberi penguatan terhadap interpretasi struktur terpadu interpretasi struktur berdasarkan Geologi, FHD, peta resistivitas 3D AMT per elevasi . Luas zona prospek sebesar 1.5 km2 yang berada disebelah Timur Gunung BA.
The research in ldquo X rdquo geothermal prospect area aimed to delineate permeable zone based on audio magnetotelluric and gravity data integrated with geology and geochemistry data. Geological analysis with remote sensing technique identified two main structures that lead from North ndash South and Northwest ndash Southeast and found one altered location which correlate with the appearance of surface manifestation. Geochemical analysis shows that fumarole is the upflow zone and manifestations which appear in AP X1 and AP X2 are the outflow zone. Gas geothermometer shows that the reservoir temperature is about 290 C. The analysis of geophysics data used 35 audio magnetotelluric points and 194 gravity points. Based on 3D AMT data inversion and gravity forward modelling, there is cap rock layer with low resistivity le 10 m and density 2.1 gr cc expected as product rocks of young AB Mountain that altered. Cap rock finds in the surface and thickened toward AP X1 manifestation with depth about 500 meters with thickness 500 meters up to 1000 meters. Under cap rock layer, there is reservoir rock layer with medium resistivity 10 s.d 65 m and density 2,6 gr cc. This rock is interpreted as the response from Lava BU rocks. Heat source layer is located underneath reservoir rock layer with resistivity value 100 m which is interpreted as BA vulcanic rock. Top of Reservoir TOR is estimated in depth of 500 m from the surface and identified at elevation 0 meter. Analysis of curve splitting is obtained that permeable zone possibly located at East BA Mountain because the area were tending to increase compared with the surrounding area. Analysis of curve splitting strengthen integrated interpretation structure interpretation structure based on Geology, FHD, Map of 3D AMT resistivity per elevation . The prospect area is about 1.5 km2 which located in East BA Mountain.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zahra Puspa Noviandini
Abstrak :
Penulisan ini menjelaskan tentang pengaruh pemilihan material untuk kenyamanan pergerakan manusia di area jalan pedestrian. Dimana di dalam ruang di jalan pedestrian ini terjadi interaksi sosial antara manusia dengan manusia dan manusia dengan lingkungan sekitarnya. Salah satu elemen penting yang menjadi bagian jalan pedestrian adalah elemen material pengalas. Tujuan dari Penulisan ini adalah untuk menganalisis bagaimana hubungan antara pemilihan material pengalas yang besifat permeabel dengan kenyamanan gerak manusia disaat sebelum dan sesudah terjadinya hujan. Studi kasus dilakukan di area kampus Universitas Indonesia, dimana sebagian besar jalan pedestriannya menggunakan material permeabel. Pembahasan Penulisan ini meliputi pembahasan karakter dan kinerja material alas yang permeabel, ruang yang diciptakan oleh pergerakan dan aktivitas manusia serta efek dari material permeabel terhadap pergerakan dan kenyamanan manusia.
This paper describes about the effect of material selection for the human movements comfortable space on pedestrian area. Social interaction between humans and also human interaction with the surrounding environment happen in this pedestrian space. One of the important elements that are part of the pedestrian space is the pavement material.The purpose of this research is to examine how the relationship between the selection of permeable pavement material in the pedestrian road area and the comfort of the human movement  space at the time before and after the rain. The study case will take place in the campus area of the University of Indonesia, where most of the pedestrian road are using permeable pavement material. The discussion of this study includes the discussion of the character and performance of the permeable pavement material, the space created by human movement and activities in the pedestrian area, and the effect of permeable pavement material on human movement space and comfort.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Baressi Yehezkiel Marulitua
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh karakteristik void terhadap sifat mekanis dari permeable mortar paver, menganalisis pengaruh metode pencampuran dan perawatan yang tepat terhadap sifat mekanis permeable mortar paver, dan memberikan rekomendasi desain dan rencana kerja dan syarat-syarat (RKS) dari permeable mortar paver untuk diaplikasikan pada area parkir. Metode dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan membuat benda uji permeable mortar paver berukuran 15 cm x 15 cm x 15 cm untuk kemudian dilakukan pengujian kuat tekan dari sisi atas dan sisi samping. Untuk rekomendasi desain dan analisis RKS pemasangan permeable mortar paver dilakukan berdasarkan dari hasil pengujian laboratorium dan dari studi literatur. Aspek-aspek yang dianalisis di dalam RKS yaitu pekerjaan pembuatan permeable mortar paver, pekerjaan persiapan, pekerjaan site development, dan pekerjaan pemasangan permeable mortar paver. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa jumlah persentase void yang lebih sedikit menunjukkan besar kuat tekan benda uji lebih besar bila dibandingkan dengan benda uji yang memiliki jumlah persentase void yang lebih banyak. Lalu untuk benda uji dengan sedotan plastik sebagai pembuat lubang menghasilkan hasil kuat tekan yang lebih besar bila dibandingkan dengan benda uji dengan sedotan bambu. Selain dari material pembuatannya, faktor lain di dalam penelitian ini adalah perawatan benda uji dengan menggunakan air (water cured) akan menghasilkan kuat tekan yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan perawatan menggunakan plastik (moist cured). Di dalam pengaplikasiannya, bentuk permeable mortar paver yang direkomendasikan berbentuk pre-cast paving block berbentuk persegi berukuran 21 cm x 21 cm dengan 4 buah pipa pvc berukuran 1 ½ inch sebagai pembuat lubang.Dari penelitian ini perlu dilakukan eksperimen lebih lanjut terkait sifat mekanis permeable mortar paver dan diperlukan validasi lebih lanjut terkait rekomendasi desain dan RKS yang telah dibuat. ......This study aims to analyze the influence of void characteristics on the mechanical properties of permeable mortar pavers, analyze the effect of mixing methods and curing method of the properties of permeable mortar pavers, and also provide the design recommendations and Work Planning and Requirements (RKS) of permeable mortar pavers to be applied in the parking lot area. This study was carried out by making a permeable mortar paver specimen measuring 15 cm x 15 cm x 15 cm and testing the compressive strength of the top and the side sides of the specimen. For the design recommendations and analysis of the RKS, the permeable mortar paver installation is carried out based on the result of laboratory testing and from some literature studies. The aspects that analyzed in the RKS are the fabrications of permeable mortar paver, preparatory work, site development work, and the installation of permeable mortar paver. The result of this study indicates that the smaller number of void percentages indicate the greater compressive strength of the specimens compared to specimens that have a higher number of void percentages. Then, for specimens with plastic straws as a void maker, produces a greater compressive strength when compared to specimens with bamboo straws. Another factor in this study is the specimens that using the water cured method will produce a better compressive strength compared to the specimens that using the moist cured method. In its application in the real world, the recommended form for the permeable mortar paver is a 21 cm x 21 cm squared pre-cast paving block which contains four 1 ½ PVC pipes as a void maker. From this research, further experiments are needed relating to the mechanical properties of the permeable mortar paver, and validation is needed related to the design recommendations and RKS that have been made.

Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ginting, Juventus W. R.
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini menghitung efisiensi peredaman energi gelombang dengan mengunakan permeable breakwater sebagai salah satu alternative pengamanan Pantai. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan melakukan permodelan fisik di laboratorium untuk mendapatkan efisiensi yang optimal. Penyusunan skenario model dilakukan dengan mengubah skematisasi skenario model dengan mengubah karakteristik permeable brakwater(lebar b dan ketinggian h) terhadap ketinggian muka air d. serta periode gelombang T. Energi gelombang dihitung pada lokasi di depan struktur dan di belakang struktur. Setelah dilakukan perhitungan perbandingan energi gelombang pada kedua lokasi tersebut sehingga dapat diperoleh nilai efisiensi peredaman energi gelombang akibat adanya struktur tersebut. Pengaruh dimensi struktur terhadap peredaman energi gelombang tertinggi diperoleh dengan nilai peredaman enenergi tertinggi adalah pada saat kondisi h/B = 1 dimana kondisi tersebut ketinggian struktur sama dengan lebar struktur. Pada kondisiperedaman energi gelombang jika dibandingkan dengan kedalaman peairan (d) nilai peredaman energi terbesar adalah pada saat d = 10 cm Sehingga dalam pemanfaatanya sebagai peredam energi gelombang ketinggian struktur harus lebih tinggi dari ketinggian Mean sea level (MSL) diperarian yang akan ditempatkan struktur permeable breakwater.
Bandung : Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat, 2018
627 JTHID 9:1 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Weka Mahardi
Abstrak :
Sebagai upaya menahan dan mengurangi laju erosi pantai utara Provinsi Jawa Tengah telah dilakukan pembangunanstruktur keras (APO dan permeable HE) di Desa Timbulsloko, Kabupaten Demak. Fungsi struktur APO dan struktur HE bersifat sementara untuk meredam gelombang datang dan memperangkap sedimen sampai terbentuk lahan sedimentasi yang relatif stabil untuk ditanami mangrove ?metode soft structure-, yang secara jangka panjang pertumbuhan perakaran mangrove akan berfungsi alami memulihkan kembali stabilitas pantai.

Penilitian ini mengulas mengenai pembentukan sedimen di sekitar struktur APO dan struktur permeable HE sampai dengan layak ditanami mangrove. Metode penelitian menggunakan deskriptif eksploratif dan pemodelan. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan purpose sampling method terhadap data hidro-oseanografi (pasang surut, arus, gelombang), sedimen, dan perubahan garis pantai. Pengolahan data dilakukan sebagai parameter dan batasan dalam pemodelan lebih lanjut. Analisis kesesuaian sedimen juga dilakukan untuk melihat kelayakan melakukan rehabilitasi mangrove.

Hasil pengamatan hidro-oseanografi diperlukan sebagai masukan dalam analisa sedimentasi. Pengamatan pada APO segmen-1 sedimen yang terkumpul selama 7 bulan sebanyak 4.519 m3 atau 21,52 m3/hari dan segmen-2 sebanyak 4.836 m3 atau 26.87 m3/hari. Sedangkan struktur permeadel HE 1-3 segmen selama 6 bulan (Desember 2013 ? Mei 2014) sebanyak 3849m3 atau 21,38 m3/hari. Hasil pemodelan dengan program CEDAS simulasi 6 bulan menunjukkan sedimentasi sebesar 3550 m3. Sedangkan jenis mangrove yang cocok ditanam dengan subtrat lumpur berpasir adalah Rhizopora mucronata dan Rhizopora stylosa.

Sedimentasi yang terbentuk menunjukkan bahwa struktur APO berfungsi dengan baik untuk mempersiapkan kondisi lingkungan yang memungkinkan dilakukan rehabilitasi mangrove. Metoda ini merupakan perpaduan antara hard structure dengan soft structure sebagai upaya pemulihan daerah erosi pantai di Desa Timbulsloko, Demak. Metoda ini perlu dilanjutkan dan diterapkan di daerah lain dengan karakteristik pantai yang serupa.
As an effort to reduce the northern coastal area erosion of Central Java has established hard-structure (wave-breaker structure and permeable dam). Function of wave-breaker structure and permeable dam are to reduce wave energy and to catch sediment until formed a relatively stable sedimentation land for planting mangrove - method of soft-structure- which in the long term of mangrove roots growth will be naturally restore for beach stability function.

This research is observe sedimentation process around wave-breaker and permeable dam area until can be used to mangrove planting. Research method use descriptive exploration. Sampling activity used purpose sampling method for the data of hydrooceanography, sediment and coastal line changes. Sediment analysis is used to rehabilitation of mangrove.

Hydro-oceanography observation result is needs to be input in sedimentation rate. Sedimentation in wave-breaker segment-1 show that 7 months observation can be collected 4,519 m2 (21.52 m3 per day) and segment-2 was 4,836 m3 (26.87 m3per day).Six months observation in permeable dam can collected 3,849m3 (21,38 m3 per day). Recommendation species of mangrove suitable to be planted in the location are Rhizopora mucronata and Rhizopora stylosa. CEDAS Modelling results in 6 months can be collected sediment 3,550 m3.

Sedimentation formed shows that wave-breaker and permeable structure works well to prepare the environmental conditions to allow performed mangrove rehabilitation. This method is a combination of hard structure and soft structure for restoring coastal erosion area in Timbulsloko Village, Demak Regency. This method needs to be followed and applied in other areas with similar characteristics coast.;As an effort to reduce the northern coastal area erosion of Central Java has established hard-structure (wave-breaker structure and permeable dam). Function of wave-breaker structure and permeable dam are to reduce wave energy and to catch sediment until formed a relatively stable sedimentation land for planting mangrove - method of soft-structure- which in the long term of mangrove roots growth will be naturally restore for beach stability function. This research is observe sedimentation process around wave-breaker and permeable dam area until can be used to mangrove planting. Research method use descriptive exploration. Sampling activity used purpose sampling method for the data of hydrooceanography, sediment and coastal line changes. Sediment analysis is used to rehabilitation of mangrove. Hydro-oceanography observation result is needs to be input in sedimentation rate. Sedimentation in wave-breaker segment-1 show that 7 months observation can be collected 4,519 m2 (21.52 m3 per day) and segment-2 was 4,836 m3 (26.87 m3per day).Six months observation in permeable dam can collected 3,849m3 (21,38 m3 per day). Recommendation species of mangrove suitable to be planted in the location are Rhizopora mucronata and Rhizopora stylosa. CEDAS Modelling results in 6 months can be collected sediment 3,550 m3. Sedimentation formed shows that wave-breaker and permeable structure works well to prepare the environmental conditions to allow performed mangrove rehabilitation. This method is a combination of hard structure and soft structure for restoring coastal erosion area in Timbulsloko Village, Demak Regency. This method needs to be followed and applied in other areas with similar characteristics coast., As an effort to reduce the northern coastal area erosion of Central Java has established hard-structure (wave-breaker structure and permeable dam). Function of wave-breaker structure and permeable dam are to reduce wave energy and to catch sediment until formed a relatively stable sedimentation land for planting mangrove - method of soft-structure- which in the long term of mangrove roots growth will be naturally restore for beach stability function. This research is observe sedimentation process around wave-breaker and permeable dam area until can be used to mangrove planting. Research method use descriptive exploration. Sampling activity used purpose sampling method for the data of hydrooceanography, sediment and coastal line changes. Sediment analysis is used to rehabilitation of mangrove. Hydro-oceanography observation result is needs to be input in sedimentation rate. Sedimentation in wave-breaker segment-1 show that 7 months observation can be collected 4,519 m2 (21.52 m3 per day) and segment-2 was 4,836 m3 (26.87 m3per day).Six months observation in permeable dam can collected 3,849m3 (21,38 m3 per day). Recommendation species of mangrove suitable to be planted in the location are Rhizopora mucronata and Rhizopora stylosa. CEDAS Modelling results in 6 months can be collected sediment 3,550 m3. Sedimentation formed shows that wave-breaker and permeable structure works well to prepare the environmental conditions to allow performed mangrove rehabilitation. This method is a combination of hard structure and soft structure for restoring coastal erosion area in Timbulsloko Village, Demak Regency. This method needs to be followed and applied in other areas with similar characteristics coast.]
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fahmi Alfi Sani
Abstrak :
Sistem panas bumi Baturraden berasosiasi dengan aktivitas vulkanik yang berkembang akibat tektonik Jawa pada Kala Paleosen. Pada Kala ini mulai terbentuk struktur geologi yang intensif. Hal ini memicu magma andesitis untuk keluar pada Zaman Kuater. Intensitas aktivitas vulkanisme Gunung Slamet yang tinggi pada Kala Holosen mengakibatkan material vulkanik muda menutupi data permukaan seperti struktur geologi dan alterasi. Padahal data tersebut sangat membantu dalam mengidentifikasi zona permeable dan zona reservoir. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memastikan zona permeable dan zona reservoir dengan mengkorelasikan data struktur geologi dan magnetotelluric (MT). Korelasi ini diperoleh melalui analisis komperhensif berdasarkan litologi, struktur permukaan, karakteristik dan model MT 3D. Selain itu juga untuk meningkatkan tingkat keyakinan terhadap korelasi, pada penelitian ini mengaplikasikan metode gravity. Hasil penelitian dari penelitian ini menunjukan adanya korelasi antara struktur geologi dengan data MT antara lain inversi 3D MT, polar diagram, induction arrow, splitting curve, nilai tipper dan nilai ellipticity. Korelasi tersebut memperlihatkan adanya kontol struktur NE-SW terhadap hadirnya zona main conductor dan zona deformasi. Struktur NE-SW yang bersifat ekstensional mengontrol vulkanisme komplek Gunungapi Slamet dan zona permeable dari sistem panas bumi Baturraden sehingga zona pemboran diorientasikan NE-SW dengan target pemboran berarah NW-SE.
Baturraden geothermal system associated by volcanic activity which grown by Paleocene tectonic in Java. At the time, initial geological structure was established intensively thus it triggered andesitic magma to flow out in Quaternary Period. High intensity of Mt. Slamet volcanism in Holocene Epoch affected younger volcanic material could covered surface data such as geological structure and alteration. Whereas those data are very helpful to identify permeable zone and reservoir zone. This study will be conducted to ensure the presence of the permeable zone and reservoir zone by correlating geological structure and magnetotelluric (MT). The correlations are acquired through a comprehensive analysis of lithology, surface structure, MT data characterization and MT 3D model. Furthermore, to improve confidence level of the correlation, the study applies gravity method. The result of this study shows that there are any correlations between geological structure and MT data including 3D MT inversion, polar diagram, induction arrow, splitting curve, tipper value and ellipticity value. The Correlations present the influence NE-SW structure to the existence of main conductor and deformation zone. Extensional NE-SW structure triggered volcanism of Slamet Volcano Complex and permeable zone of Baturraden geothermal system thus drilling zone should be oriented NE-SW direction with well targeting should be pointed to NW-SE direction.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fadhila Friany Putri
Abstrak :
Pada era modern saat ini diperlukan inovasi teknologi untuk melakukan survei geotermal yang efisien namun tetap akurat. Salah satu metode yang tengah dikembangkan adalah menggunakan remote sensing. Dalam penelitian ini, aplikasi metode remote sensing yaitu Fault and Fracture Density (FFD) digunakan untuk mendeteksi zona permeabel dengan cara menilai area yang memiliki kepadatan struktur tinggi berdasarkan kelurusan yang terbentuk oleh aktivitas patahan dan rekahan. Namun, kenyataannya tidak semua kelurusan berasal dari aktivitas patahan, sehingga perlu dilakukan pemrosesan sinyal digital untuk menyeleksinya. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan citra Landsat 8 yang diproses melalui dimension reduction metode Principal Component Analysis dan proses filtering berupa filter konvolusi directional dan Laplacian untuk meningkatkan kualitas citra. Kelurusan dari citra Landsat 8 diekstrak secara otomatis menggunakan algoritma Edge Detection, lalu dikomparasikan dengan kelurusan dari citra IFSAR yang diekstrak secara manual. Hasilnya dalam bentuk peta FFD, daerah dengan kepadatan kelurusan tertinggi berada di sisi tenggara dan di sekitar kawah G.K. Untuk membuktikan keefektifan metode ini, digunakan pula data gravitasi yang dapat mengonfirmasi keberadaan struktur patahan secara geofisika. Hasil integrasi kedua data tersebut disertai data penunjang lainnya menunjukkan zona permeabel untuk lokasi pengeboran yang paling efektif berada di dekat manifestasi APKK dan APSE.
In this modern era, technology is needed to conduct geothermal surveys that are efficient but still accurate. One method that is being developed to survey geothermal potential is remote sensing. In this study, the application of remote sensing methods namely Fault and Fracture Density (FFD) is used to evaluate permeable zones by evaluating areas that have high faults and joints structures. However, not all of lineament presence caused by fault activities, so digital signals processing need to be carried out. This research used Landsat 8 imagery which is done through dimension reduction using Principal Component Analysis and the filtering process such as Sobel, Line Detection, Prewitt, and Laplacian convolution filters to improve image quality. Lineament extraction from Landsat 8 images is performed automatically using Edge Detection while lineament from IFSAR image extracted manually. The extracted lineaments then compared in the form of FFD maps. To prove the effectiveness of this method, gravity data are also used to confirm the fault presence geophyisically. The results of these data which integrated with other supporting data showed the suitability of covering permeable zones which can be most effective drill point areas are near the manifestations of APKK and APSE.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Berliana Zulny
Abstrak :
Daerah penelitian “M” merupakan salah satu daerah potensi panas bumi karena ditandai keterdapatan manifestasi mata air panas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi zona permeabel di daerah penelitian “M” sekaligus menentukan zona permeabel yang dapat direkomendasikan sebagai lokasi target pengeboran. Identifikasi zona permeabel dilakukan berdasarkan analisis korelasi antara struktur geologi permukaan dan struktur geologi bawah permukaan yang diperoleh melalui integrasi data primer berupa metode Fault Fracture Density (FFD) dan metode gravitasi. Analisis struktur geologi permukaan dilakukan berdasarkan analisis kerapatan kelurusan menggunakan metode Fault Fracture Density (FFD) yang diperoleh dengan metode ekstraksi kelurusan secara manual dan otomatis menggunakan citra DEMNAS. Analisis stuktur geologi bawah permukaan berupa struktur patahan yang mengontrol terbentuknya kerapatan kelurusan dan kemunculan manifestasi mata air panas di permukaan dilakukan berdasarkan hasil pengolahan metode gravitasi yang meliputi analisis First Horizontal Derivative (FHD), analisis Second Vertical Derivative (SVD), dan analisis Euler Deconvolution (ED). Adanya zona permeabilitas tinggi hingga sangat tinggi dan kontras anomali SVD di lokasi yang sama mengindikasikan zona permeabel dihasilkan dari struktur geologi permukaan dan struktur geologi bawah permukaan yang berkorelasi baik. Sementara itu, zona permeabel yang direkomendasikan sebagai lokasi target pengeboran ditentukan berdasarkan integrasi data primer dan data sekunder (data geologi, data geokimia, dan metode magnetotellurik). Berdasarkan analisis terpadu FFD, zona permeabel daerah penelitian “M" berada di enam wilayah, yaitu di bagian tengah hingga ke barat laut, timur laut, barat daya, selatan, dan tenggara hingga ke timur. Namun, berdasarkan analisis integrasi data gravitasi dan metode FFD, zona permeabel yang terbentuk dari struktur permukaan dan struktur patahan bawah permukaan yang berkorelasi baik berada di bagian tengah, barat laut, utara, timur laut, dan selatan. Berdasarkan analisis terpadu FFD serta analisis integrasi data gravitasi dan metode FFD, zona permeabel yang dapat direkomendasikan sebagai lokasi target pengeboran terletak pada daerah sebaran manifestasi di zona graben dan di sekitar manifestasi APDM-6 di zona horst. Namun, berdasarkan analisis integrasi data primer dan data sekunder, zona permeabel yang dapat direkomendasikan sebagai lokasi target pengeboran utama mengerucut pada zona upflow atau tepatnya di sekitar manifestasi APDM-1, APDM-2, APDM-3, dan APDM-5 yang terletak di zona graben dan di sekitar gunung DTR karena terdapat parameter target pengeboran yang lebih mendukung baik dari data primer maupun data sekunder. ......The research area "M" is one of the geothermal potential areas because it is characterized by the manifestation was found as hot springs. This research aims to identify permeable zones in the "M" research area and to determine permeable zones that can be recommended as drilling target location. Permeable zones are identified based on correlation analysis between surface geological structures and subsurface geological structures which is obtained using primary data integration between the Fault Fracture Density (FFD) method and the gravity method. Analysis of the surface geological structure is carried out based on lineament density analysis using the Fault Fracture Density (FFD) method which is obtained using manual and automatic lineament extraction methods using DEMNAS imagery. Analysis of subsurface geological structures in the form of fault structures controlling the emergence of density lineaments and hot springs on the surface is carried out based on the results of gravity method processing consisting of First Horizontal Derivative (FHD) analysis, Second Vertical Derivative (SVD) analysis, and Euler Deconvolution (ED) analysis. The existence of high to very high permeability zones and contrasting SVD anomalies at the same location indicate that the permeable zone is the result of well-correlated surface geological structures and subsurface geological structures. Meanwhile, the permeable zone recommended as a drilling target location is determined based on the integration of primary data and secondary data (geological data, geochemical data, and magnetotelluric methods). Based on the integrated FFD analysis, the permeable zone of the "M" research area is located in six regions, i.e., in the central part to the northwest, northeast, southwest, south, and southeast to the east. However, based on the integration analysis of gravity and FFD data, The permeable zones formed from well-correlated surface structures and subsurface fault structures are in the central, northwest, north, northeast and south parts.. Based on the integrated analysis of FFD and also the integration analysis of gravity data and FFD method, the permeable zone that can be recommended as a drilling target location is located in the manifestation distribution area in the graben zone and around the APDM-6 manifestation in the horst zone. However, based on the integration analysis of primary data and secondary data, the permeable zone that can be recommended as the main drilling target location is narrowed in the upflow zone or precisely around the manifestation of the APDM-1, APDM-2, APDM-3 and APDM-5 hot springs located in the graben zone and around the DTR mountain because there are drilling target parameters that are more supportive of both primary and secondary data.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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