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Hasil Pencarian

Ditemukan 7 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Prasasti Budi Putri
Propinsi Bali merupakan wilayah Indonesia yang jumlah wisatawan yang datang
ke kian mengingkat setiap tahunnya. Hal ini menyebabkan banyak orang baik warga
negara Indonesia dan orang asing tertarik untuk tinggal atau membuka usaha di Bali.
Undang-Undang Pokok Agraria menyatakan bahwa hanya warga negara Indonesia yang
berhak untuk memiliki tanah. Sementara itu, orang asing diberi hak untuk menempati
lahan di Indonesia dengan hak pakai dan hak sewa atas bangunan. Tetapi pada
kenyataannya banyak orang asing menggunakan perjanjian pinjam nama untuk
menempati lahan di Bali dalam jangka waktu yang mereka inginkan. Perjanjian sewa
menyewa digunakan sebagai upaya untuk menutupi keberadaan perjanjian dapat dianggap
sebagai perjanjian pinjam nama sehingga perjanjian sewa menyewa merupakan suatu
upaya penyelundupan hukum. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif,
untuk memperoleh data yang dikehendaki penelitian ini dengan melakukan telaah bahan
pustaka atau data sekunder. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa rangkaian perjanjian
pinjam nama antara lain surat pernyataan, perjanjian sewa menyewa, surat kuasa
mengelola, surat kuasa menjual dan perjanjian perpanjangan sewa. Pada saat orang asing
datang kepada notaris untuk dibuatkan akta otentik sebaiknya notaris lebih teliti dan
seksama sehingga apabila terdapat indikasi pembuatan akta otentik dapat menyalahi
aturan hukum maka notaris dapat memberi penyuluhan hukum. Dalam menjalankannya
jabatannya seorang notaris itu harus bertindak amanah, jujur dan seksama karena notaris
wajib menjaga kepercayaan masyarakat dan negara dengan baik.

Bali Province is a major area of Indonesia tourism so that the number of tourists
who come to Bali is increasingly every year. This leads to a lot of people both Indonesian
citizens and foreigners keen to stay or open a business in Bali. Basic Agrarian Law states
that only Indonesian citizens who have the right to own land. Meanwhile, foreigners were
given the right to occupy land in Indonesia with the right to use and leases on buildings.
But in fact many foreigners use nominee agreement and loan agreement to occupy land in
Bali in the time period they want. The content of Indonesian citizen who appointed to be
a nominee states that the true owner of the land is the foreigner because the money she
used for the purchase of land was belongs to the foreigner. Lease agreement is used as an
attempt to cover up the existence of the agreement can be considered as a loan agreement
so that the name of the lease agreement is a legal smuggling attempt. This study uses
normative juridical, to obtain the desired data of this study by conducting research library
materials or secondary data. The analysis showed that a series of loan agreements include
a statement of the name, lease agreement, power of attorney to manage, power of attorney
to sell and lease extension agreement. By the time a foreigner came to the notary for the
notary should be made authentic act more carefully and thoroughly so that if there are
indications of an authentic deed may violate the rule of law, the notary can provide legal
counseling. A notary should act trustworthy, honest and thorough, as notaries are required
to maintain public confidence and the country well.;Bali Province is a major area of Indonesia tourism so that the number of tourists
who come to Bali is increasingly every year. This leads to a lot of people both Indonesian
citizens and foreigners keen to stay or open a business in Bali. Basic Agrarian Law states
that only Indonesian citizens who have the right to own land. Meanwhile, foreigners were
given the right to occupy land in Indonesia with the right to use and leases on buildings.
But in fact many foreigners use nominee agreement and loan agreement to occupy land in
Bali in the time period they want. The content of Indonesian citizen who appointed to be
a nominee states that the true owner of the land is the foreigner because the money she
used for the purchase of land was belongs to the foreigner. Lease agreement is used as an
attempt to cover up the existence of the agreement can be considered as a loan agreement
so that the name of the lease agreement is a legal smuggling attempt. This study uses
normative juridical, to obtain the desired data of this study by conducting research library
materials or secondary data. The analysis showed that a series of loan agreements include
a statement of the name, lease agreement, power of attorney to manage, power of attorney
to sell and lease extension agreement. By the time a foreigner came to the notary for the
notary should be made authentic act more carefully and thoroughly so that if there are
indications of an authentic deed may violate the rule of law, the notary can provide legal
counseling. A notary should act trustworthy, honest and thorough, as notaries are required
to maintain public confidence and the country well.;Bali Province is a major area of Indonesia tourism so that the number of tourists
who come to Bali is increasingly every year. This leads to a lot of people both Indonesian
citizens and foreigners keen to stay or open a business in Bali. Basic Agrarian Law states
that only Indonesian citizens who have the right to own land. Meanwhile, foreigners were
given the right to occupy land in Indonesia with the right to use and leases on buildings.
But in fact many foreigners use nominee agreement and loan agreement to occupy land in
Bali in the time period they want. The content of Indonesian citizen who appointed to be
a nominee states that the true owner of the land is the foreigner because the money she
used for the purchase of land was belongs to the foreigner. Lease agreement is used as an
attempt to cover up the existence of the agreement can be considered as a loan agreement
so that the name of the lease agreement is a legal smuggling attempt. This study uses
normative juridical, to obtain the desired data of this study by conducting research library
materials or secondary data. The analysis showed that a series of loan agreements include
a statement of the name, lease agreement, power of attorney to manage, power of attorney
to sell and lease extension agreement. By the time a foreigner came to the notary for the
notary should be made authentic act more carefully and thoroughly so that if there are
indications of an authentic deed may violate the rule of law, the notary can provide legal
counseling. A notary should act trustworthy, honest and thorough, as notaries are required
to maintain public confidence and the country well., Bali Province is a major area of Indonesia tourism so that the number of tourists
who come to Bali is increasingly every year. This leads to a lot of people both Indonesian
citizens and foreigners keen to stay or open a business in Bali. Basic Agrarian Law states
that only Indonesian citizens who have the right to own land. Meanwhile, foreigners were
given the right to occupy land in Indonesia with the right to use and leases on buildings.
But in fact many foreigners use nominee agreement and loan agreement to occupy land in
Bali in the time period they want. The content of Indonesian citizen who appointed to be
a nominee states that the true owner of the land is the foreigner because the money she
used for the purchase of land was belongs to the foreigner. Lease agreement is used as an
attempt to cover up the existence of the agreement can be considered as a loan agreement
so that the name of the lease agreement is a legal smuggling attempt. This study uses
normative juridical, to obtain the desired data of this study by conducting research library
materials or secondary data. The analysis showed that a series of loan agreements include
a statement of the name, lease agreement, power of attorney to manage, power of attorney
to sell and lease extension agreement. By the time a foreigner came to the notary for the
notary should be made authentic act more carefully and thoroughly so that if there are
indications of an authentic deed may violate the rule of law, the notary can provide legal
counseling. A notary should act trustworthy, honest and thorough, as notaries are required
to maintain public confidence and the country well.]"
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UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Olivia Laksmono
"Penelitian ini difokuskan mengenai bagaimana kepemilikan hak atas tanah oleh perseroan terbatas berdasarkan perjanjian pinjam nama yang dituangkan dalam bentuk akta pernyataan, dan akibat hukum dari akta pernyataan yang mengandung perjanjian pinjam nama terhadap akta jual beli tanah yang dibuat sebelumnya. Penelitian ini berbentuk doktrinal, yang dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data melalui studi dokumen, dan selanjutnya dianalisis secara kualitatif. Dalam Putusan Pengadilan Tinggi Samarinda Nomor 153/Pdt/2022/Pt Smr., perjanjian pinjam nama digunakan oleh PT DM untuk memungkinkan pihaknya untuk dapat secara tidak langsung menjadi pemilik dari tanah hak milik, serta untuk menghindari pajak. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa: 1) Kepemilikan hak atas tanah oleh perseroan terbatas berdasarkan perjanjian pinjam nama yang dituangkan dalam bentuk akta pernyataan adalah tidak sah; dan 2) Akibat hukum dari akta pernyataan yang mengandung perjanjian pinjam nama terhadap akta jual beli hak atas tanah yang dibuat sebelumnya adalah mengakibatkan tidak terpenuhinya syarat subjektif dan objektif sahnya perjanjian yang diatur dalam Pasal 1320 KUHPerdata, sehingga akta jual beli tersebut seharusnya batal demi hukum.

This research focuses on the ownership of land rights by limited liability company based on a nominee agreement stated in the form of deed of statement, and the legal consequences of said deed of statement on the land sale and purchase deed made previously. This research is doctrinal, which was carried out by collecting datas through document study, which was then analyzed qualitatively. In the Samarinda High Court Decision Number 153/Pdt/2022/Pt Smr., a nominee agreement set out in the form of a deed of statement was used by PT DM to be able to indirectly own land ownership rights, as well as to avoid taxes. This research concluded that: 1) Ownership of land rights by a limited liability company based on a nominee agreement stated in the form of a deed of statement is invalid; and 2) The legal consequences of the deed of statement containing nominee agreement on the deed of sale and purchase of land rights previously made are that the subjective and objective conditions for the validity of the agreement as regulated in Article 1320 of the Civil Code are not fulfilled, resulting in the deed of sale and purchase to be null and void."
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Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maulida Ningtari
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai perubahan bidang usaha pada suatu perusahaan penanaman modal asing yang mengakibatkan perubahan persyaratan kepemilikan saham asing (PT.PMA). Berdasarkan regulasi yang berlaku di Indonesia, tidak semua bidang usaha dapat dijalankan oleh pihak asing secara bebas, melainkan hanya beberapa bidang usaha yang dapat dimasukin pihak asing secara bebas dan sisanya hanya dapat dijalankan jika telah dipenuhinya persyaratan tertentu atau bahkan sama sekali tertutup bagi asing. Adanya pengaturan sebagaimana tersebut diatas adalah untuk melindungi serta mendukung perkembangan Usaha Kecil, Mikro, Menengah, dan Koperasi (UKMMK) di Tanah Air.
Fokus permasalahan dalam tesis ini ialah metode yang ramai digunakan dalam praktik sehari-hari oleh pemegang saham asing untuk dapat tetap menjalankan bidang usaha yang tertutup baginya serta bagaimana keabsahan tindakan hukum yang dilakukannya tersebut. Penelitian ini bersifat yuridis normatif, menggunakan alat pengumpulan data studi dokumen. Dalam pengolahan data digunakan metode kualitatif yang menghasilkan penelitian yang bersifat deskriptif analitis.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa dalam praktiknya untuk dapat menjalankan bidang usaha yang tertutup bagi asing, para pemegang saham tersebut menggunakan konsep perjanjian nominee. Berdasarkan ketentuan berbagai hukum positif yang berlaku serta asas-asas hukum perjanjian maka perjanjian nominee tersebut akan menjadi batal demi hukum apabila diadakan secara langsung dan terang-terangan, lain halnya jika perjanjian tersebut dilakukan menggunakan serangkaian perjanjian lainnya, dalam hal ini perjanjian tersebut dapat dibatalkan.

This thesis discusses the changes in the field of business in a foreign investment company that resulted in changes in foreign ownership requirements (PT.PMA). Pursuant to regulations in force in Indonesia, not all areas of the business can be run by foreign parties freely, but only a few areas of business that can be inserted foreign parties freely and the rest can only be run if the specific requirements has been fulfilled or even completely closed to foreigners. Those regulations as mentioned above is to protect and support the development of Small, Micro and Medium Enterprises and Cooperatives (UKMMK) in the country.
The problem of this thesis is the methods are often used in everyday practice by foreign shareholders to be able to keep running the business fields closed to him and how the validity of the legal action does. This study is normative, using a data collection study document. In the data processing used qualitative methods to produce research which is descriptive analytical.
The results showed that in practice to be able to run the business sectors closed to foreign shareholders are using the concept of nominee agreement. Under the provisions of the various positive law and principles of the law of treaties, the treaty nominee will become null and void if it explicitly states the use of the name of another party, another case if the agreement is carried out using a series of other agreements, in which case the agreement can be canceled.
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Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizky Muthiarani
"Keterbatasan kepemilikan hak atas tanah di Indonesia terhadap Warga Negara Asing merupakan perwujudan dari asas nasionalitas yang dianut hukum pertanahan nasional. Meskipun batasan status personal untuk masing-masing hak atas tanah telah ditentukan dengan jelas, seringkali ditemukan Warga Negara Asing yang ingin mengelabui ketentuan tersebut. Tindakan tersebut merupakan suatu penyelundupan hukum menggunakan konsep perjanjian pinjam nama. Pada umumnya, perjanjian pinjam nama diikuti dengan perjanjian turutan berupa pemberian kuasa. Hal ini jelas melanggar syarat sah perjanjian yang termuat dalam Pasal 1320 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata dan dapat dinyatakan batal demi hukum. Selain itu, peran Notaris dalam mewujudkan penyelundupan hukum juga menjadi masalah yang tentunya menimbulkan konsekuensi hukum. Dalam penelitian ini, akan dibahas konsekuensi hukum bagi Notaris yang terlibat dalam pembuatan akta untuk menyempurnakan pola penyelundupan hukum serta atas perbuatannya yang membuat akta yang kemudian dinyatakan batal demi hukum di kemudian hari. Penelitian ini juga akan menganalisis ketepatan Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 1290 K/Pdt/2022 berikut dengan proses banding dan kasasinya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan yuridis-normatif, dengan meneliti asas-asas dan unsur-unsur yang terkandung dalam peraturan perundang-undangan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Notaris yang terlibat dapat dimintakan pertanggungjabawan dari segi hukum perdata, hukum administrasi dan Kode Etik Notaris. Berkaitan dengan putusan yang dianalisis, terdapat ketidaktepatan penerapan hukum dari majelis hakim. Penelitian ini memberikan saran kepada masyarakat umum untuk lebih aktif dalam mencari informasi terkait ketentuan hukum, salah satunya kepada Notaris yang juga harus terus berpedoman pada peraturan jabatan dan etika.

The limitation of land rights ownership for foreign citizens is a manifestation of the principle of nationality embodied by the existing land laws in Indonesia. Although the personal status for said rights limitations has been clearly defined, it is often found that foreign citizens tend to undergo efforts to find ways around the law. One of the efforts taken is usually by performing legal deceit through the use of nominee agreements. In general, the nominee agreement is often followed by a follow-up agreement in the form of deed of power. This clearly violates the conditions stipulated in Article 1320 of Indonesian Civil Code. The role of Notary in aiding this is also considered an issue, which certainly has its own legal consequences. This research will discuss the notarial responsibilities in relation to their actions in aiding legal deceit. This research will also analyze the validity of the decision made in the Supreme Court Verdict Number 1290 K/Pdt/2022 along with the appeal and cassation process. The method used in this research is a juridical-normative approach, accomplished by examining the principles and elements of existing legistations. The result of this research indicates that the Notary involved is fit to be held accountable for their actions according to civil law, administrative law and the Notary Code of Ethics. In regards to the aforementioned court verdict, there is found to be inaccuracy in the application of law involved. Based on that, this research advises the public to pursue a deeper proactive role in seeking information related to legal provisions, one of which can be obtained through the Notary."
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Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rachma Riskina Renanda
"Undang-Undang menetapkan bahwa peralihan hak atas saham Perseroan Terbatas dapat terjadi karena adanya wasiat. Permasalahan timbul dalam objek yang diwasiatkan karena objek tersebut dibuat di hadapan Notaris dan mengandung perjanjian pinjam nama. Sehingga, keadaan tersebut menimbulkan sengketa kepemilikan hak atas saham antara beneficiary atau pemilik sebenarnya dan para ahli waris sebagai sebagai legal owner karena keduanya sama-sama memiliki hak atas saham. Rumusan permasalahan dari penelitian ini adalah keabsahan akta wasiat yang mengandung perjanjian pinjam nama terkait kepemilikan saham perseroan terbatas serta hal-hal yang menyebabkan notaris berwenang untuk menolak pembuatan akta wasiat. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode yuridis normatif. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah data sekunder melalui pengkajian norma-norma hukum. Pengolahan data penelitian menggunakan pendekatan eksplanatoris, dan menghasilkan simpulan bahwa seharusnya, akta wasiat yang mengandung perjanjian pinjam nama, apabila dibuat setelah adanya larangan dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 25 Tahun 2007 tentang Penanaman Modal dan Undang-Undang Nomor 40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas tidak memiliki keabsahan. Sebaliknya, apabila perjanjian pinjam nama dibuat sebelum lahirnya UU Penanaman Modal 2007 dan UU Perseroan Terbatas 2007, perjanjian tersebut tetap memiliki keabsahan karena adanya asas non-retroaktif. Notaris berwenang untuk menolak pembuatan akta wasiat dalam hal-hal sebagai berikut: apabila terdapat ketentuan isi akta yang melanggar, atau berpotensi sebagai sebuah penyelundupan hukum, apabila klien tidak bisa memperlihatkan legalitas dari dokumen-dokumennya, dan apabila terdapat dokumen-dokumen yang tidak dapat dilampirkan oleh penghadap. Selain itu, Notaris juga dapat menolak pembuatan akta apabila akta tersebut bukan merupakan kompetensinya atau di luar pengetahuannya.

The law stipulates that the transfer of ownership rights of Limited Liability can occur due to the existence of a testament. Problems emerge in the object of testament because the object is made in front of the Notary and contains the nominee agreement. Therefore, this condition causes a dispute over the ownership of shares between the beneficiary or the actual ownership and the heirs as a legal owner because both of them have the same rights over the shares. The problem of the study is the validity of a testament over nominee agreement related to the ownership of limited liability shares and things causing Notary to have the power to refuse the making of testament deed. This study was conducted using the juridical normative method. The data collected were secondary data through the study of legal norms. Data processing used an explanatory approach. The conclusion of the study is that testament deed containing nominee agreement if made after the prohibition in Act Number 25 of 2007 concerning Capital Investment and Act Number 40 of 2007 regarding Limited Liability, has no legal force. Otherwise, if the nominee agreement was made before the Act of Capital Investment 2007 and Act of Limited Liability 2007, the agreement still has legal force because of the non-retroactive principle. The Notary has the power to refuse the making of testament deed in the following cases: if there is are provisions of the content of deed violating the law or has potential as a legal smuggler, if the client cannot show the legality of documents, and if there are documents that cannot be attached by the addressee. Moreover, the Notary also can refuse the making of the deed if it is not within their competence or beyond their knowledge."
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Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dhimas Nugroho Priyosukamto
Tanah merupakan salah satu sumber daya alam yang dikuasai oleh negara dengan tujuan untuk mewujudkan kesejahteraan dan kemakmuran bagi seluruh rakyat. Pemerintah menerapkan pembatasan terhadap kepemilikan tanah di Indonesia. Pemerintah melarang badan hukum memiliki hak milik atas tanah, kecuali badan hukum yang dinyatakan oleh peraturan pemerintah. Dalam transaksi yang terkait dengan pertanahan, tidak jarang dijumpai badan hukum yang tidak ditunjuk Pemerintah yang mengupayakan agar dapat memperoleh tanah dengan status hak milik dengan mekanisme perjanjian pinjam nama nominee . Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptis analitis dengan metode pendekatan yuridis normatif berdasarkan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari hasil penelitian kepustakaan dan data primer. Pada kasus yang dibahas, kedua putusan menyatakan bahwa pemilik sesungguhnya dari tanah dan bangunan adalah pihak penggugat yang merupakan badan hukum berbentuk Perseoan Terbatas dan atau Yayasan. Dalam putusan, diketahui Majelis Hakim tidak mempertimbangan perjanjian nominee yang dibuat penggugat dengan tergugat sebagai upaya penyelundupan hukum tetapi menjadikannya dasar bahwa tanah dan bangunan sebenarnya adalah milik penggugat. Padahal perjanjian nominee tersebut apabila diuraikan berdasarkan syarat-syarat sah suatu perjanjian, maka perjanjian tersebut tidak memenuhi syarat ldquo;suatu sebab yang halal rdquo;. Hal ini karena perjanjian nominee tersebut melanggar Pasal 21 ayat 2 jo Pasal 1 ayat 1 PP No 38 Tahun 1963 dan Pasal 26 ayat 2 UUPA. Sehingga seharusnya perjanjian nominee tersebut menjadi batal demi hukum karena melanggar hukum. Akan tetapi, didalam kedua putusan Majelis Hakim mengakui keabsahan perjanjian nominee tersebut. Oleh karena itu, putusan ini merupakan suatu penemuan hukum dimana Majelis Hakim mengakui keabsahan perjanjian nominee yang dibuat oleh badan hukum.

Land is one of the natural resources which the state controls with the aim of realize prosperity and prosperity for all people. The government imposed restrictions on the ownership of land in Indonesia. The government banned legal entities to have rights upon land, except for those entitled by the government regulation. In transactions related to lands, it is not a rare sight to see legal entities which are not appointed by the government seeking to acquire the status of land ownership with the mechanism of Declaration of Trust Nominee Agreement . This research is descriptive analytical with a normative juridical approach based on secondary data obtained from the literature research and primary data. In the discussed cases, both verdicts stated that the true owner of the land and buildings were the plaintiffs which are legal entities in the form of a Limited Company or Foundation. In the verdict, the judges did not take into consideration the nominee agreement which was in fact created by the plaintiff and defendant as an attempt of penyelundupan hukum, but made it as the basis that the land and buildings are actually owned by the plaintiff. Whereas if the nominee agreement is broken down into the terms outlined by the agreement principles, then the said agreement does not qualify a cause that is halal . This is because the nominee agreement violates Article 21 paragraph 2 in conjunction with Article 1 1 of Government Regulation No. 38 of 1963 and Article 26 paragraph 2 of UUPA Basic Agrarian Law Act . So that the nominee agreement should become null and void because it clearly violates the law. However, in both verdicts the judges recognized the validity of the nominee agreement. Therefore, this decision is a legal discovery where the judges recognize the validity of a nominee agreement made by a legal entity."
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UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diana Dewi Prita
"Hukum pertanahan nasional melarang pemindahan hak milik atas tanah oleh orang asing sebagai tercermin dalam ketentuan Pasal 9 UUPA. Pokok permasalahan dalam tesis ini adalah bagaimana kepemilikan tanah hak milik oleh warga negara asing ditinjau dalam UUPA dan bagaimana akibat hukum kepemilikah hak atas tanah oleh WNA yang tidak sesuai dengan peraturan Perundang-Undangan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian yuridis-normatif dengan penelitian kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepemilikan tanah Hak Milik oleh Warga Negara Asing melalui perjanjian Pinjam Nama berakibat batal demi hukum. Sebagai solusinya, Warga Negara Asing dapat menggunakan tanah dengan status Hak Pakai atas tanah Hak Milik.

National land laws forbid foreigners to own the proprietary right of land as a reflection of clause 9 in UUPA. The issue of this thesis is how the proprietary rights of land ownership by foreigners in UUPA and how?s the consequence of the proprietary rights of land ownership by foreigners which is contra with Indonesian law. This is a juridical-normative research with literature research. The results shows that the ownership of proprietary rights of land by foreigners through nominee agreement is null and void. As the solutions, foreigners can use the right to use on the proprietary rights."
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Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library