Hutagalung, Tulus Bangun
Abstrak :
Walaupun sudah terbentuk kerjasama perdagangan bebas di Asia Selatan melalui
mekanisme South Asian Preferential Trade (SAPTA) pada tahun 1995 dan South
Asian Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA) pada tahun 2006, tetapi nyatanya
persentase nilai ekspor intra-kawasannya terhadap total nilai ekspornya ke dunia
masih sangat rendah, hanya berkisar 4-6%, dibanding dengan Uni Eropa yaitu 57-
65%, ASEAN yaitu 22-25%, dan NAFTA 48-55% selama tahun 2000-2010.
Berbagai hal menyebabkan hal ini terjadi, seperti tingkat komplementaritas (saling
melengkapi) produk yang rendah di Asia Selatan. Artinya, kebanyakan barang
yang diproduksi di kawasan itu sama, yaitu produk tekstil, sehingga mau tidak
mau membuat mereka harus lebih berdagang dengan kawasan di luar Asia
Selatan, terutama dengan AS dan Uni Eropa, belum lagi permasalahan politik dan
keamanan domestik ataupun bilateral, seperti konflik India dan Pakistan. Melalui
penelitian ini, penulis ingin menjelaskan penyebab rendahnya komplementaritas
barang di Asia Selatan berdasarkan analisis daya saing industri domestik tujuh
negara anggota SAARC melalui Lima Determinan menurut Teori Keuntungan
Kompetitif Porter.
In spite of South Asia free trade cooperation by South Asian Preferential Trade
Agremeent (SAPTA) in 1995 and South Asian Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA)
in 2006, there is still low percentage of intra-regional trade, especially export
volume, compared with their total world export. However, its ratio percentage was
4-6% , whereas Eropa Union was 57-65%, ASEAN was 22-25%, and NAFTA
was 48-55% within 2000-2010. The main cause is the incomplementary of their
products export both in economy and political perspective. It means that they
yield the similiar products, in particularly textile products, so that they have to
relocate and sell their export products to outside regional countries, such as
United States and Eropa Union, instead of making trade with SAARC members.
Therefore this research attempts to explain the causes of low complementarity of
South Asia products based on domestic industry and government polict analysis
of seven SAARC member countries by using Porters? Competitive Advantage of
Nations Theory.
UI - Skripsi Open Universitas Indonesia Library