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Niken Ekatiwi
Abstrak :
Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh infusa daun keluwih (Artocarpus camansi Blanco) terhadap pematangan spermatozoa mencit (Mus musculus L.) jantan di epididimis. Sebanyak 24 ekor mencit jantan dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok, yaitu kelompok kontrol (KK) yang diberikan perlakuan berupa akuades, kelompok perlakuan 1 (KP1), kelompok perlakuan 2 (KP2), dan kelompok perlakuan 3 (KP3) yang diberikan infusa daun keluwih dengan dosis berturt-turut yaitu 2,5; 5; dan 10 g/kg bb selama 8 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya penurunan persentase motilitas spermatozoa pada kelompok perlakuan dosis 2,5 g/kg bb dan peningkatan persentase motilitas serta abnormalitas pada dosis 5 g/kg bb dan 10 g/kg bb. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya penurunan persentase viabilitas spermatozoa pada kelompok perlakuan dosis 2,5 g/kg bb; 5 g/kg bb; dan 10 g/kg bb. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa pemberian infusa daun keluwih (Artocarpus camansi Blanco) memiliki pengaruh terhadap kualitas dan kuantitas spermatozoa mencit jantan
ABSTRACT The research has been done to determine the effect of Keluwih Leaf?s infusion intake on maturation of spermatozoa of male mice in epididymis. Twenty-four male mice were divided into 4 groups; consisting of control group which were given akuades intake and treatment group which were given infusion with doses 2,5; 5; and 10 g/kg bw for 8 consecutive days. The results showed that an decrease in percentage of sperm motility at doses 2,5 g/kg bw and also an increase of motility and abnormality at doses 5 g/kg bw and 10 g/kg bw. The percentage of spermatozoa viability showed a decrease result at doses 2,5 g/kg bw; 5 g/kg bw; and 10 g/kg bw. The result indicated that keluwih leaf?s infusion intake gave an impact on quality and quantity of male mice spermatozoa.;The research has been done to determine the effect of Keluwih Leaf?s infusion intake on maturation of spermatozoa of male mice in epididymis. Twenty-four male mice were divided into 4 groups; consisting of control group which were given akuades intake and treatment group which were given infusion with doses 2,5; 5; and 10 g/kg bw for 8 consecutive days. The results showed that an decrease in percentage of sperm motility at doses 2,5 g/kg bw and also an increase of motility and abnormality at doses 5 g/kg bw and 10 g/kg bw. The percentage of spermatozoa viability showed a decrease result at doses 2,5 g/kg bw; 5 g/kg bw; and 10 g/kg bw. The result indicated that keluwih leaf?s infusion intake gave an impact on quality and quantity of male mice spermatozoa.;The research has been done to determine the effect of Keluwih Leaf?s infusion intake on maturation of spermatozoa of male mice in epididymis. Twenty-four male mice were divided into 4 groups; consisting of control group which were given akuades intake and treatment group which were given infusion with doses 2,5; 5; and 10 g/kg bw for 8 consecutive days. The results showed that an decrease in percentage of sperm motility at doses 2,5 g/kg bw and also an increase of motility and abnormality at doses 5 g/kg bw and 10 g/kg bw. The percentage of spermatozoa viability showed a decrease result at doses 2,5 g/kg bw; 5 g/kg bw; and 10 g/kg bw. The result indicated that keluwih leaf?s infusion intake gave an impact on quality and quantity of male mice spermatozoa.;The research has been done to determine the effect of Keluwih Leaf?s infusion intake on maturation of spermatozoa of male mice in epididymis. Twenty-four male mice were divided into 4 groups; consisting of control group which were given akuades intake and treatment group which were given infusion with doses 2,5; 5; and 10 g/kg bw for 8 consecutive days. The results showed that an decrease in percentage of sperm motility at doses 2,5 g/kg bw and also an increase of motility and abnormality at doses 5 g/kg bw and 10 g/kg bw. The percentage of spermatozoa viability showed a decrease result at doses 2,5 g/kg bw; 5 g/kg bw; and 10 g/kg bw. The result indicated that keluwih leaf?s infusion intake gave an impact on quality and quantity of male mice spermatozoa., The research has been done to determine the effect of Keluwih Leaf’s infusion intake on maturation of spermatozoa of male mice in epididymis. Twenty-four male mice were divided into 4 groups; consisting of control group which were given akuades intake and treatment group which were given infusion with doses 2,5; 5; and 10 g/kg bw for 8 consecutive days. The results showed that an decrease in percentage of sperm motility at doses 2,5 g/kg bw and also an increase of motility and abnormality at doses 5 g/kg bw and 10 g/kg bw. The percentage of spermatozoa viability showed a decrease result at doses 2,5 g/kg bw; 5 g/kg bw; and 10 g/kg bw. The result indicated that keluwih leaf’s infusion intake gave an impact on quality and quantity of male mice spermatozoa.]
Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizki Kamalia
Abstrak :
Pasien kanker payudara sering terjadi penurunan sistem imun yaitu menurunnya limfosit, yang dapat meningkatkan angka kematian. Akupunktur diharapkan dapat menjadi pilihan terapi untuk meningkatkan limfosit karena terapi farmakologi saat ini harganya sangat mahal dan mempunyai efek samping. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan tindakan EA sebagai immunomodulator terhadap imunitas seluler dengan meningkatkan jumlah persentase limfosit sediaan apus darah tepi pada mencit C3H model adenokarsinoma payudara. Penelitian eksperimental laboratorik dengan post test only control group design melibatkan dua puluh sediaan apus darah tepi yang diambil dari 20 mencit C3H model adenokarsinoma payudara yang dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok yaitu Kelompok K tidak diberi perlakuan EA, kelompok P1 dilakukan EA 1 kali, kelompok P2 dilakukan EA 2 kali dan P3 dilakukan EA 3 kali. Tindakan EA dilakukan pada titik ST36 Zusanli, BL18 Ganshu, BL20 Pishu dengan frekuensi 2Hz selama 15 menit. Hasil penelitian didapatkan rata-rata persentase limfosit tertinggi terdapat pada kelompok P2 49,60 7,021 . Dengan uji ANOVA jumlah persentase limfosit antara kelompok P1, P2, P3 dan kelompok kontrol tidak terdapat perbedaan rerata yang bermakna p=0.811 . Kesimpulan yang diperoleh yaitu elektroakupunktur meningkatkan jumlah persentase limfosit sediaan apus darah tepi pada mencit C3H model adenokarsinoma payudara.
Breast Cancer Patients often decrease the immune system that is decreased lymphocytes, which can increase mortality. Acupuncture is expected to be a therapeutic option to increase lymphocytes because current pharmacological therapy is very expensive and has side effects. This study aims to prove the action of EA as an immunomodulator against cellular immunity by increasing the percentage of lymphocytes of peripheral blood smear in C3H mice of breast adenocarcinoma model. Laboratory experimental study with post test only control group design involving twenty peripheral blood smear preparations taken from 20 mice C3H breast adenocarcinoma model divided into 4 groups ie Group K not given EA treatment, group P1 performed EA 1 times, group P2 performed EA 2 times and P3 done EA 3 times. The action of EA is done at ST36 Zusanli point, BL18 Ganshu, BL20 Pishu with frequency of 2Hz for 15 minutes. The result showed that the highest percentage of lymphocyte was found in group P2 49,60 7,021 . With ANOVA test, the number of lymphocyte percentages between P1, P2, P3 and control group did not have significant mean difference p 0.811 . The conclusion obtained is that electroacupuncture increases the percentage of lymphocytes of the peripheral blood smear in C3H mice of breast adenocarcinoma model.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdul Hafiidh Surya Putra
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang. Moringa oleifera merupakan tanaman yang banyak tumbuh di area tropis seperti Asia dan Afrika yang ditemukan memiliki komponen bioaktif yang memiliki aktivitas antiseptik. Penggunaan antiseptik memiliki peranan penting dalam pencegahan dan pengobatan infeksi bakteri, salah satunya adalah Klebsiella pneumoniae, bakteri batang gram negatif yang dapat menyebabkan infeksi nosokomial dan resisten terhadap antibiotik. Infeksi oleh bakteri ini menjadi perhatian lebih akibat adanya resistensi dan kemampuannya membentuk biofilm pada permukaan alat medis. Metode. Bakteri yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Klebsiella pneumoniae. Sampel yang diuji efektivitasnya sebagai antiseptik adalah ekstrak daun Moringa oleifera 80% dengan pelarut karboksimetil selulosa. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara menghitung pertumbuhan koloni K. pneumoniae pada sampel perlakuan dan kontrol dengan waktu kontak 1, 2, dan 5 menit. Efektivitas antiseptik sampel dinilai dengan perhitungan dari prinsip percentage kill, yaitu ≥ 90%. Hasil. Hasil perhitungan percentage kill ekstrak daun M. oleifera dalam menghambat pertumbuhan koloni K. pneumoniae dengan waktu kontak selama 1, 2, dan 5 menit masing-masing adalah 65,7%, 85,6%, dan 90,1%. Efektivitas antiseptik didapatkan pada waktu kontak 5 menit, senilai 90,1%. Kesimpulan. Ekstrak daun M. oleifera memiliki aktivitas antiseptic yang efektif terhadap K. pneumoniae. ......Background. Moringa oleifera is a plant that thrives in tropical areas such as Asia and Africa, known to contain bioactive components with antiseptic properties. The use of antiseptics plays a crucial role in the prevention and treatment of bacterial infections. Klebsiella pneumoniae is a gram-negative rod-shaped bacterium that causes nosocomial infections and exhibits significant antibiotic resistance. Infections caused by this bacterium are of particular concern due to its resistance and its ability to form biofilms on medical device surfaces. Method. The bacteria used in this study are Klebsiella pneumoniae. The sample tested for its antiseptic effectiveness is an 80% extract of Moringa oleifera leaves with carboxymethyl cellulose as a solvent. This research was conducted by counting the growth of K. pneumoniae colonies in treatment and control samples with contact times of 1, 2, and 5 minutes. The antiseptic effectiveness of the sample is assessed based on the percentage kill principle, which is ≥90%. Results. The results of the percentage kill calculation for the M. oleifera leaf extract in inhibiting the growth of K. pneumoniae with contact times of 1, 2, and 5 minutes were 65.7%, 85.6%, and 90.1%, respectively. Antiseptic effectiveness was achieved at a 5-minute contact time, with a value of 90.1%. Conclusion. Moringa oleifera leaf extract has effective antiseptic activity against K. pneumoniae.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Stivan Junan Navidad
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang. Daun kelor (M. oleifera) memiliki kandungan kimia yang berguna sebagai antibakteri pada bakteri Gram positif maupun Gram negatif. Kandungan ini dapat merusak DNA dan membran sel yang nantinya senyawa pada daun kelor akan menembus dinding sel bakteri sehingga zat metabolisme bakteri terbuang hingga mengalami kematian. Bakteri yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Cutibacterium acnes, bakteri anaerobic aerotolerant, bersifat Gram positif. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji aktivitas ekstrak etanol daun kelor (Moringa oleifera) sebagai antiseptik terhadap C. acnes. Metode: Metode yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah Uji Percentage Kill ekstrak daun kelor dengan etanol sebagai pelarut terhadap bakteri C. acnes. Pada kontrol dimasukkan akuades steril dengan bakteri terstandar Mc Farland 0,5 sedangkan pada perlakuan mengandung ekstrak M. oleifera dengan bakteri yang sama. Kontrol dan perlakuan dilakukan dalam waktu bersamaan dengan waktu kontak selama 1, 2, dan 5 menit. Selanjutnya diinokulasi pada medium agar darah. Setelah diinkubasi secara anaerob, pertumbuhan koloni bakteri dihitung dan persentase kematian dibandingkan antara kontrol dan perlakuan. Hasil Uji Percentage Kill dikatakan memenuhi kriteria apabila hasil yang didapatkan dalam setiap waktu kontak sebesar ≥90%. Hasil: Hasil Uji Percentage Kill dalam waktu kontak 1, 2, dan 5 menit pada bakteri C. acnes masing-masing adalah 59,7%, 72%, dan 91,8%. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa pada menit ke-5 ekstrak daun kelor mampu mengeradikasi bakteri C. acnes secara efektif. Kesimpulan: Eksperimen ini menunjukkan hasil Uji Percentage Kill belum efektif pada menit pertama dan kedua namun efektif pada menit kelima. ......Introduction. Moringa leaves (M. oleifera) contain chemicals beneficial as antibacterials for Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. This content can damage DNA and cell membranes so that the compounds in Moringa leaves will penetrate the bacterial cell walls, and the bacteria's metabolic substances are wasted until they die. The bacteria used in this study were Cutibacterium acnes, an aerotolerant, anaerobic, Gram-positive bacteria. This research was conducted to test the activity of Moringa oleifera leaf extract as an antiseptic against C. acnes. Method: The method employed in this research is the Percentage Kill test of moringa leaf extract with ethanol as the solvent against C. acnes bacteria. In the control group, sterile distilled water with McFarland 0.5 standardized bacteria is used, while the treatment group contains M. oleifera extract with the same bacteria. Both control and treatment are conducted simultaneously with contact times of 1, 2, and 5 minutes. Subsequently, they are inoculated on a blood agar medium. After anaerobic incubation, bacterial colony growth is counted, and the percentage of death is compared between the control and treatment. The Percentage Kill test results meet the criteria if the obtained results at each contact time are ≥90%. Results: The Percentage Kill test results at 1, 2, and 5 minutes of contact with C. acnes bacteria are 59.7%, 72%, and 91.8%, respectively. These results indicate that at the 5th minute, moringa leaf extract can eradicate C. acnes bacteria effectively. Conclusion: This experiment demonstrates that the Percentage Kill test was ineffective in the first and second minutes but became effective in the fifth minute.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
R. Muhammad Kevin Baswara
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Candida albicans adalah mikroorganisme komensal yang umum ditemui sebagai flora normal pada tubuh. Namun demikian gangguan kondisi imun dapat menyebabkan jamur ini menjadi berubah menjadi patogen. Mikroorganisme ini salah satu penyebab mortalitas dan morbiditas di dunia. Penggunaan antiseptik bermanfaat untuk pencegahan dan pengobatan infeksi jamur. Moringa oleifera merupakan tanaman yang sering ditemukan di Afrika dan Asia dan memiliki berbagai komponen bioaktif yang memiliki potensi sebagai antiseptik. Metode: Jamur yang digunakan pada penelitian ini C. albicans ATCC 14053. Sampel yang diuji keefektifannya adalah ekstrak daun M. oleifera dengan pelarut etanol 70%. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengukur pertumbuhan koloni C. albicans pada kontrol dan sampel dengan waktu kontak 1, 2, dan 5 menit. Efektivitas antiseptik dinilai dengan melakukan penghitungan sesuai prinsip percentage kill. Hasil: Hasil perhitungan koloni C. albicans dengan metode percentage kill dalam waktu kontak selama 1, 2, dan 5 menit masing-masing adalah 62.39%, 80.85%, dan 90%. Waktu kontak selama 5 menit memiliki efektivitas yang baik. Kesimpulan: Ekstrak daun M. oleifera memiliki potensi sebagai antiseptik yang efektif terhadap C. albicans. ......Introduction: Candida albicans is a commensal microorganism that is commonly found as normal flora in the body. However, immune disorders can cause this fungus to turn into a pathogen. This microorganism is one of the causes of mortality and morbidity in the world. The use of antiseptics is useful for preventing and treating fungal infections. Moringa oleifera is a plant that is often found in Africa and Asia and has various bioactive components that have potency as antiseptic. Method: The fungus used in this research was C. albicans ATCC 14053. The sample whose effectiveness was tested was M. oleifera leaf extract with ethanol 70% solvent. This research was carried out by measuring the growth of C. albicans colonies on controls and samples with contact times of 1, 2 and 5 minutes. The effectiveness of antiseptics was assessed by calculating according to the percentage kill principle. Results: The results of calculating C. albicans colonies using the percentage kill method in contact times of 1, 2, and 5 minutes were 62.39%, 80.85%, and 90%, respectively. A contact time of 5 minutes has good effectiveness. Concl\\\: M. oleifera leaf extract has the potential to be an effective antiseptic against C. albicans
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kristofer Baktiar
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang. Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) adalah bakteri yang masih menjadi masalah infeksi utama dengan kemampuan resistensi yang tinggi. Moringa oleifera (M. Oleifera) adalah tanaman yang ditemukan memiliki efek antimikroba. Kebutuhan antiseptik yang terus ada dan peningkatan resistensi membuat perlunya penelitian yang mencari jenis antiseptik baru yang dapat digunakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai efektivitas ekstrak daun M. oleifera sebagai antiseptik terhadap bakteri MRSA. Metode. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode percentage kill dengan menggunakan media MSA. Percentage kill adalah metode yang dapat digunakan untuk menilai kemampuan bakterisidal atau fungisidal zat tertentu. Hasil percentage kill dinyatakan baik jika menunjukkan hasil ≥90%. Suspensi bakteri dicampur dengan aquades di tabung kontrol dan dengan ekstrak M. oleifera pada tabung perlakuan. Campuran dari tiap tabung akan dipindahkan 1 ml ke 9 ml akuades pada waktu kontak 1, 2, dan 5 menit. Hasil yang didapat akan dipipet ke 3 set cawan petri lalu diinkubasi selama 18—24 jam. Nilai percentage kill kemudian akan dihitung. Hasil. Hasil uji percentage kill ekstrak daun M. oleifera sebagai antiseptik terhadap bakteri MRSA didapatkan 54.24%, 69.92%, dan 90.06% pada waktu kontak 1, 2, dan 5 menit berurutan. Kesimpulan. Ektrak daun M. oleifera efektif sebagai antiseptik terhadap bakteri MRSA pada waktu kontak 5 menit. ......Introduction. Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a serious problem that needs to be addressed because of its resistance capabilities. M. oleifera is a plant that has antimicrobial capabilities. The needs of antiseptics that will always be there and the increasing resistance capabilities of bacteria cause the need for a new form of antiseptic. This research aims to test the effectiveness of M. oleifera leaf extract as an antiseptic for MRSA. Method. This research uses the percentage kill method with MSA as the medium. Percentage kill is a method that can be used to determine the bactericidal and fungicidal capabilities of a substance. The results of a percentage kill can be called effective if they’re ≥90%. The bacterial suspension was mixed with aquadest in the control and M. oleifera extract in the treatment test tubes. From the control and extract test tube, 1 ml of the mixture was then pipetted into 9 ml of aquadest with 1, 2, and 5 minutes of contact time. The end products will then be pipetted into three set of petri dishes and incubated for 18—24 hours. The percentage kill will then be counted. Results. The result of the percentage kill test on M. oleifera leaf extract as an antiseptic for MRSA is 54.24%, 69.92%, and 90.06% on 1, 2, and 5 minutes of contact time consecutively. Conclusion. M. oleifera leaf extract is effective as an antiseptic for MRSA with 5 minutes of contact time.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Pada proses analisa video, permasalahan deteksi dan identifikasi objek adalah masalah yang sering dijumpai dan menjadi akar masalah yang menyebabkan analisa video masih belum bisa dilakukan secara real time dan diaplikasikan untuk hal yang kompleks. Oleh sebab itu, telah banyak metode yang dikembangkan untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut. Salah satu metode yang digunakan untuk identifikasi objek adalah Gaussian Bayes Classifier. Pada skripsi ini dirancang dan disimulasikan identifikasi objek yang berada di tangan dengan menggunakan Gaussian Bayes Classifier. Parameter correctness percentage digunakan untuk menguji performansi dari identifikasi objek (kaleng Green Sands, kaleng Pocari Sweat, dan Biore) yang berada di tangan. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa hasil pengidentifikasian objek yang memiliki ketepatan pengidentifikasian yang paling paling baik adalah ketika mengidentifikasi antara tidak ada objek dengan objek kaleng Green Sands yang memiliki nilai rata ? rata correct percentage yang mencapai 89% untuk setiap percobaannya dan 94,6% untuk setiap percobaannya saat pengidentifikasian tidak ada objek.
In video analysis process, problem in object detection and object identification is a common problem and the root problem that causes the video analysis still can?t be used in real time and applied to complex condition. Therefore, many methods have been developed to overcome these problems. One of the methods which is used for object identification is Gaussian Bayes Classifier method. In this thesis is designed and simulated object identification in hand using Gaussian Bayes Classifier. Correctness percentage parameter is used to test the performance of in hand object identification (for object Greend Sands?s can, Pocari Sweat?s can, and Biore) . The simulation result show that identification result which has best accuracy is when identifying between no object and object Green Sands?s can which has average value of correct percentage that reach 89% for each experiment and 94,6% for each experiment when identifying no object.
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Wahyuni
Abstrak :
Kalium merupakan kation intraseluler utama dalam tubuh yang penting untuk kelangsungan fungsi sel terutama menjaga rangsang elektrik jantung dan otot. Perubahan kadar kalium dalam darah sangat mempengaruhi kerja otot jantung dan fungsi sel sehingga diperlukan pemeriksaan kadar kalium yang tepat dan akurat agar terapi dan monitoring pasien tepat. Hasil pemeriksaan kalium sangat dipengaruhi oleh faktor pra-analitik. Spesimen yang direkomendasikan untuk pemeriksaan kalium adalah plasma heparin. Penelitian ini ingin melihat perbedaan kadar kalium yang diperiksa menggunakan spesimen berupa serum dari tabung vakum berisi clot activator tabung II , plasma dari tabung vakum berisi litium heparin tabung III , dan plasma dari tabung vakum berisi litium heparin dengan gel separator tabung IV . Penelitian ini juga ingin mengetahui perbedaan kadar kalium yang diperiksa menggunakan spesimen dari tabung berisi clot activator pada pengambilan darah pertama tabung I dan kedua tabung II . Desain penelitian adalah potong lintang dengan subjek penelitian 80 orang. Perbedaan kadar kalium yang bermakna statistik terdapat antara tabung II dan III p=0.001 , serta antara tabung II dan IV p=0.01 . Persentase perbedaan rerata dengan standar kadar kalium serum, antara tabung II dan III adalah 6.8, dan tabung II dan IV adalah 7.7, sedangkan terhadap standar kadar kalium plasma litium heparin yaitu 7.3 dan 8.3. Angka tersebut melebihi batas desirable bias 1.81 , yang berarti ada kemaknaan klinis pada perbedaan kadar kalium antara tabung II dan III serta tabung II dan IV. Hasil uji t-berpasangan pada tabung I dan II didapatkan perbedaan kadar kalium yang bermakna secara statistik ABSTRACT Potassium is a the most intracellular cation in the body that essential for the continuity of cell function, especially keeping the electrically stimulated heart and muscle. Changes in blood potassium levels greatly affect the work of the heart muscle and cell function so it is necessary to check the exact potassium levels and accurate for proper patient therapy and monitoring. Results of potassium assay is strongly influenced by pre analytic factors. Recommended specimen for potassium assay is plasma heparin. Aim this study wanted to see differences in potassium levels examined using serum specimens from vacuum tubes containing clot activators tube II , plasma specimens from vacuum tubes containing lithium heparin tube III , and plasma specimens from a vacuum tube containing lithium heparin with a separator gel tube IV . The study also wanted to know the difference in potassium levels examined using specimens from tubes containing clot activators on first blood collection tube I and second tube II . The study design was cross sectional with 80 subjects. The difference in potassium levels was statistically significant between tubes II and III p 0.001 , and between tubes II and IV p 0.01 . Mean percentage difference with standard serum potassium level, between tubes II and III was 6.8, and tubes II and IV were 7.7, whereas to the heparin lithium plasma potassium level of 7.3 and 8.3. This figure exceeds the desirable limit of bias 1.81 , which means there is clinical significance on the difference in potassium levels between tubes II and III and tubes II and IV. The result of paired t test on tube I and II showed that the difference of potassium content was statistically significant p
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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