Pipit Agustiyanti Mulyadi
Abstrak :
Pandemi Covid-19 yang menimbulkan kehawatiran secara global tidak hanya di Indonesia namun juga diseluruh dunia. Hal ini akibat virus corona yang mudah menyebar secara cepat terutama di akhir tahun 2019 yang menimbulkan kontaminasi cukup tinggi dan berdampak terhadap fenomena perubahan perilaku konsumen. Untuk mengatasi dampak dari Covid-19 itu sendiri, pelaku bisnis berupaya membuat terobosan dengan menu online yang menawarkan produk usaha mereka namun berpegang pada protocol kesehatan dengan meminimalisir risiko Covid-19, efek kontaminasi dan hygiene terhadap sentuhan produk yang ditawarkan untuk menarik minat beli konsumen. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pengaruh dari stimulus yang terdapat pada menu online terhadap keinginan membeli konsumen dan kaitannya dengan kontaminasi dimasa pandemi. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada industry makanan dan minuman di Indonesia dengan menggunakan model Stimulus Organism Response melalui metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan confirmatory. Teknik pengumpulan melaui purposive sampling sebanyak 357 responden. Subjek penelitian adalah konsumen yang mengunjungi restoran dan melihat layanan menu online pada restoran selama pandemi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa perception of covid-19 risk, hygiene, ease of app use, menu visual appeal, dan menu informativeness sebagai stimulus serta perceived uncontamination, perceived convenience dan desire for food sebagai organism yang menjadi pertimbangan konsumen akan purchase intention sebagai response. Diharapkan penelitian ini dapat mengungkapkan bahwa yang mempengaruhi orang sekarang itu bukan hanya kecanggihan, tapi lebih memperhatikan hygiene dan kontaminasi.
......The Covid-19 pandemic is causing global concern, not only in Indonesia but also throughout the world. This is due to the corona virus which spreads quickly, especially at the end of 2019 which causes quite high contamination. The perceived impact also highlights the phenomenon of changes in consumer behaviour. To overcome the impact of Covid-19 itself, marketer is trying to make breakthroughs with online menus that offer their business products but adhere to the health protocol by minimizing the risk of Covid- 19, the effects of contamination and hygiene on the touch of the products offered to attract consumer buying interest. The purpose of this study is to analyse the effect of online menu which used in businesses circumstances in restaurants by analysing the influence of the stimulus covid-19 risk, hygiene through perceived contamination, ease of app use through on perceived convenience and menu visual appeal and informativeness that effect desire for food to the consumer's purchase intention. This research was conducted in the food and beverage industry in Indonesia using the Stimulus Organism Response model through quantitative research methods with confirmatory research. Data collection techniques by electronic survey with convenience sampling technique as many as 357 respondents which consumers who shop for food using online menu at restaurants, especially during the pandemic. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that perception of covid-19 risk, hygiene, perceived contamination, perceived convenience, and desire for food are considered by consumers in their buying interest in food (purchase intention).
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library