Sander Sasmita
Abstrak :
Cahaya dinyatakan pada penglihatan manusia melalui interaksi dengan material, ketika material
itu sendiri hanya hadir secara visual dengan kehadiran cahaya. Cahaya mengacu pada kualitas
yang secara dikotomi hadir dalam wujud materiil atau yang dapat terbentuk dalam interioritas
subyek, kondisi imateriilnya. Dekonstruksi pemahaman cahaya adalah untuk membongkar
konstruksi konsep cahaya yang telah dimaknai dari basis scientific, dengan melihat
pemaknaannya berdasarkan sifat atau dampaknya.
Ruang yang terdefinisi dengan konsep kecahayaan, mengisyaratkan bahwa dimensi ketiga
pembentuknya merupakan dampak dari representasi cahaya terhadap suatu medium.
Mengangkat istilah ?kecahayaan? berupaya untuk mengungkap konsepsi alternatif yang terlebih
bersumber pada sifat-sifat cahayanya, agar tidak terjebak pada batas kebendaan (noun) dari kata
?cahaya?. Dialog mutual antara ruang dan cahaya, memposisikan kehadiran arsitektur sebagai
ruang perantara yang menghadirkan permutasi cahaya, ketika arsitektur itu pun hanya hadir dan
bertransformasi dengan kehadiran cahaya. Perancangan arsitektur di sini mengungkap
keterhubungan antara sifat materiil dan imateriil cahaya, yaitu bagaimana pencerapan
pengalaman subyek yang bersumber dari sifat imateriil cahaya sebagai konsep dapat
diterjemahkan menyentuh kondisi materialitasnya sebagai kehadiran.
Light, revealed as visions through interaction with materials, as materials themselves are
revealed visually in the presence of light. It may appear as a divine phenomenon in its
materiality, as well as something that may be formed in the interiority of a human mind, its
immaterial state. Deconstructing the understanding of light was to reconsider its definition that
has much been explained through scientific means, by reviewing its meaning qualitatively
according to its characteristics.
Space that has now been framed in the concept of light, indicates that the third-dimension of its
forming relates to the effects of light?s representations on the face of a medium. A mutual
dialogue between space and light situates the presence of architecture as an intermediary, of
which accomodates the permutations of light, while architecture itself would be revealed and be
transformed in the play of light. The design process uncovers the interconnections between
material and immaterial qualities of light, that is to say, how a subject?s perceptual experience
that emerged from the immaterial state of light as a concept could be rendered into its material
form as a presence.;Light, revealed as visions through interaction with materials, as materials themselves are
revealed visually in the presence of light. It may appear as a divine phenomenon in its
materiality, as well as something that may be formed in the interiority of a human mind, its
immaterial state. Deconstructing the understanding of light was to reconsider its definition that
has much been explained through scientific means, by reviewing its meaning qualitatively
according to its characteristics.
Space that has now been framed in the concept of light, indicates that the third-dimension of its
forming relates to the effects of light?s representations on the face of a medium. A mutual
dialogue between space and light situates the presence of architecture as an intermediary, of
which accomodates the permutations of light, while architecture itself would be revealed and be
transformed in the play of light. The design process uncovers the interconnections between
material and immaterial qualities of light, that is to say, how a subject?s perceptual experience
that emerged from the immaterial state of light as a concept could be rendered into its material
form as a presence., Light, revealed as visions through interaction with materials, as materials themselves are
revealed visually in the presence of light. It may appear as a divine phenomenon in its
materiality, as well as something that may be formed in the interiority of a human mind, its
immaterial state. Deconstructing the understanding of light was to reconsider its definition that
has much been explained through scientific means, by reviewing its meaning qualitatively
according to its characteristics.
Space that has now been framed in the concept of light, indicates that the third-dimension of its
forming relates to the effects of light’s representations on the face of a medium. A mutual
dialogue between space and light situates the presence of architecture as an intermediary, of
which accomodates the permutations of light, while architecture itself would be revealed and be
transformed in the play of light. The design process uncovers the interconnections between
material and immaterial qualities of light, that is to say, how a subject’s perceptual experience
that emerged from the immaterial state of light as a concept could be rendered into its material
form as a presence.]
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