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Ditemukan 12 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Marpaung, Martin Lourence
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nabila Hanifa Irliana
Aktivitas manusia menghasilkan air limbah domestik yang mengandung berbagai jenis polutan, termasuk organik, padatan, dan nutrien. Tingginya konsentrasi polutan yang dibuang ke badan air dapat menurunkan kualitas air yang akan memberikan dampak-dampak lainnya. Lahan basah buatan Constructed Wetlands CW banyak digunakan sebagai alternatif pengolahan air limbah dan dapat dibedakan menurut sistem alirannya, diantaranya aliran sub-permukaan vertikal Vertical Sub-Surface Flow VSSF dan horizontal Horizontal Sub-Surface Flow HSSF. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peningkatan efisiensi penyisihan polutan dengan memanfaatkan keunggulan dari masing-masing sistem aliran. Penelitian ini menggunakan 1 reaktor hybrid CW kombinasi VSSF CW dan HSSF CW dan 1 reaktor HSSF CW aliran tunggal untuk dibandingkan efisiensi pengolahannya. Kedua reaktor diberi perlakuan sama dalam hal jenis media, tanaman, volume reaktor, serta waktu tinggal. Jenis media yang digunakan adalah pasir dan kerikil. Spesies tanaman yang digunakan adalah Canna indica. Waktu tinggal ditetapkan selama 1 hari. Parameter yang diuji adalah COD, TSS, amonia, deterjen MBAS, serta minyak dan lemak. Air limbah dialirkan ke masing-masing reaktor secara batch selama 10 hari. Untuk membandingkan efisiensi pengolahan kedua reaktor, dilakukan uji t-independen.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa HSSF CW menghasilkan efisiensi penyisihan COD sebesar 83,02, TSS sebesar 90,1, amonia sebesar 60,74, MBAS sebesar 89,14, dan minyak sebesar 32,21. Sementara itu, reaktor hybrid CW menghasilkan efisiensi penyisihan COD sebesar 84,91, TSS sebesar 91,24, amonia sebesar 84,8, MBAS sebesar 90,83 dan minyak sebesar 32,58. Parameter amonia, MBAS, dan minyak telah menunjukkan efluen yang memenuhi baku mutu lingkungan. Uji t-independen menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan yang signifikan hanya ditunjukkan pada penyisihan amonia, dimana hybrid CW lebih efisien daripada HSSF CW.

Human activities produce domestic wastewater containing various types of pollutants, including organic, solid, and nutrient. The high concentration of pollutants discharged into water bodies can degrade the quality of water that will lead to further impacts. Constructed Wetlands CW is widely used as an alternative to wastewater treatment and can be differentiated according to the flow system, such as Vertical Sub Surface Flow VSSF and Horizontal Sub Surface Flow HSSF. This research aimed to analyze the efficiency improvement of pollutant removal by utilizing the advantages of each flow system.This research used a hybrid CW reactor a combination of VSSF CW and HSSF CW and a single flow HSSF CW reactor to compare their removal efficiencies. Both reactors were treated equally in the type of media, the type and number of plants, the volume of the reactor, and the retention time. The types of media used are sand and gravel. The plant species used is Canna indica. Retention time is set for 1 day. The parameters tested were COD, TSS, ammonia, detergent MBAS, as well as oils and fats. Canteen wastewater was flowed in batch system for 10 days. To compare the removal efficiency of the two reactors, an independent t test was conducted. The results showed that HSSF CW resulted in COD removal efficiency of 83,02, TSS 90,1, ammonia 60,74, MBAS 89,14, and oil 32,21. Meanwhile, hybrid CW produced COD removal efficiency of 84,91, TSS 91,24 , ammonia 84,8, MBAS 90,83 and oil 32,58. The ammonia, MBAS, and oil parameters have shown that the effluent meets the environmental quality standard. The independent t test shows that significant differences are only shown in ammonia removal, where hybrid CW is more efficient than HSSF CW."
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UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Halistya Ghaida Zahra
"Penggunaan plastik terus meningkat, menghasilkan peningkatan limbah plastik. Pada 2015, limbah dari industri pengemasan menghasilkan 141 juta ton. Pada tahun yang sama, produksi berjumlah hingga 381 juta ton, naik 3,6% dari 2014, dari 367 juta ton. Maka itu, diusulkan agar plastik sachet, yang terbuat dari polypropylene (PP), digunakan sebagai sumber karbon alternative untuk sintesis carbon nanotube (CNT). Sebelum melanjutkan dengan sintesis carbon nanotubes (CNT) menggunakan plastic sachet, sangat penting untuk menghilangkan warna dari limbah PP. Penghilangan warna dilakukan dengan merendam plastik sachet di dalam reagen hidrogen peroksida (H2O2). Sintesis CNT dengan sintesis nyala dicoba. Sintesis memanfaatkan SS 316 sebagai substrat katalis, setelah mengalami perlakuan panas oksidatif, selama 30 menit pada suhu 800oC, sebagai metode pra-perlakuan katalis. Hasil karakterisasi dari XRD, SEM-EDS dan TEM, menggambarkan bahwa PP yang tidak berwarna tidak dapat disintesis menjadi CNT, menunjukkan pertumbuhan CNT yang tidak lengkap dengan diameter 38,89 nm. Ini memiliki hasil rendah 4,206% dibandingkan dengan hasil CNT disintesis dari serpih biru dan SR, yang masing-masing mencapai nilai 8,966% dan 11,167%.
The study on the suitability of plastic sachet, mainly made of polypropylene (PP), as an alternative source of carbon for the synthesis of carbon nanotubes will be greatly emphasised. Before proceeding with the synthesis of carbon nanotubes (CNT) using plastic sachet, it is imperative to remove the colours that are embedded on them. The removal of colour is done by submerging plastic sachets into hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). H2O2 is readily available and an economically favourable chemical oxidant. CNT production by flame synthesis was attempted. The synthesis makes use of SS 316 as the catalyst substrate, after having undergone oxidative heat treatment, for 30 minutes under 800oC, as the catalyst pre-treatment method. The characterization results of the CNT via XRD, SEM-EDS and TEM, implied that decoloured PP (clear PP) is incapable of being synthesised to CNT. This was further supported with the depiction of incomplete growth of CNT with an average diameter of 38.89nm through its resulting TEM imaging. It produces a low yield of 4.206% in comparison with CNT synthesised from blue and SR flakes, that reaches a value of 8.966% and 11.167% respectively."
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Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gerda Natasha Solichien
"Seiring bertambahnya jumlah penduduk, kebutuhan air terus meningkat. Namun, ketersediaan air bersih semakin berkurang karena pencemaran air. Koagulasi dan flokulasi dapat menjadi solusi yang baik untuk menghilangkan kekeruhan dalam air. Namun penggunaan koagulan kimia menimbulkan beberapa masalah kesehatan dan lingkungan, oleh karena itu digunakan koagulan alami dalam hal ini pati kationik. Untuk menemukan cara yang paling optimal untuk menghasilkan pati kationik, tinjauan literatur menyeluruh dilakukan. Metode kationisasi pati terbaik dengan membandingkan kemudahan proses, biaya, masalah lingkungan adalah metode kering, dengan skor keseluruhan 82%, jauh di atas metode basah 65%, semi kering 52%, dan proses ekstrusi 60%. Ada beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi produksi pati kationik. Yang paling berpengaruh adalah konsentrasi reagen dan yang paling tidak berpengaruh adalah jenis pati yang digunakan. Secara umum, kinerja penghilangan kekeruhan pati kationik sebanding dengan tawas. Namun, biaya produksi pati kationik masih terlalu tinggi untuk dikomersialkan dan digunakan secara luas. Selain biaya produksi yang mahal, penerimaan dan kesadaran masyarakat, persetujuan menyeluruh dan pemerintah diperlukan sebelum pati kationik dapat dikomersialkan dan digunakan secara luas.

As population grow, water demand keeps increasing. However, the availability of clean water is decreasing because of water pollution. Coagulation and flocculation can be a good solution to remove turbidity in water. However, the use of chemical coagulants causes some health and environmental problem, therefore the use of natural coagulant, in this case, cationic starch is used. To find the most optimum way to produce cationic starch, a thorough literature review was conducted. The best starch cationization method by comparing the ease of process, cost, environmental issue is dry method, with overall score of 82%, much above wet method at 65%, semi-dry at 52%, and extrusion process at 60%. There are some factors that affect the production of cationic starch. The most influential one is reagent concentration and the least influential one is type of starch used. Generally, the turbidity removal performance of cationic starch is comparable with alum. However, the production cost of cationic starch is still way too high to be commercialized and used widely. Besides expensive production cost, public acceptance and awareness, thorough and government approval are needed before cationic starch could be commercialized and used widely."
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Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tilani Hamid
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
Trisna Dewy
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian terjemahan dengan anotasi. Dalam
penelitian ini saya melakukan terjemahan novel Various Pets Alive & Dead
karangan Marina Lewycka dan melakukan anotasi terhadap beberapa bagian TSu
yang saya anggap sulit dan menantang. Dalam menerjemahkan novel ini, saya
menggunakan metode penerjemahan semantis dan komunikatif. Metode
penerjemahan semantis saya gunakan untuk menerjemahkan kata, frasa dan
kalimat yang erat kaitannya dengan budaya, bahasa dan karakter dalam novel,
misalnya saja pengucapan bahasa Inggris yang salah oleh orang asing di Inggris
serta istilah asing. Sedangkan metode penerjemahan komunikatif saya gunakan
untuk menerjemahkan kata, frasa atau kalimat yang memiliki padanan yang sama
atau mirip dalam budaya sasaran, contohnya istilah lembaga pemerintahan, dan
istilah budaya. Dalam melakukan anotasi, saya menggunakan serangkaian strategi
penerjemahan dari Newmark.
Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa judul TSu dapat diterjemahkan ke
dalam BSa jika judul tersebut berpotensi tidak menarik bagi pembaca sasaran.
Selanjutnya, penelitian ini menyarankan untuk mempertahankan kesalahan dalam
penggunaan bahasa oleh tokoh yang merupakan orang asing di dalam novel ini.
Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa penghilangan makna kata, frasa atau
kalimat dapat dilakukan jika makna kata, frasa dan kalimat tersebut berpotensi
membingungkan pembaca karena tiba-tiba muncul dan penghilangan itu tidak
memengaruhi jalan cerita novel itu. Selanjutnya penelitian ini juga menemukan
bahwa penerjemah dapat memilih padanan yang sedekat mungkin dengan TSu
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xvi Universitas Indonesia
jika tidak ada padanan yang sama dengan TSu misalnya council diterjemahkan
menjadi dewan kota.

This research is a research of translation with annotations. In this study I
translated part of a novel Various Pets Alive & Dead by Marina Lewycka and
annotated some parts of the source text which I think difficult and challenging. In
translating this novel, I used the method of semantic and communicative
translation. The semantic translation method is used to translate words, phrases
and sentences that are closely related to the source culture, language and the
characters in the novel, such as the incorrect English pronunciation by a foreigner
in England and foreign terms. While the communicative method is used to
translate words, phrases or sentences that has equivalence in the target language,
for example, the term of government institutions, and cultural terms. In
annotating, I used translation strategies by Newmark.
After doing this research, I found that the title of a source text can be
translated into the target language if the original title is not appealing to the target
audience. Furthermore, this study suggests the importance of maintaining
idiosyncratic language of a foreigner speaking a language in the target text as this
is a special characteristic of the character in the novel. This study also found that
the removal of meaning of words, phrases or sentences can be done if the meaning
could potentially confuse the reader because it suddenly appears and it does not
appear again and the removal does not affect the novel. Furthermore, this study
also found that the translator can choose the closest equivalence if there is no
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xviii Universitas Indonesia
exact equivalence in target language, for example council is translated to be
dewan kota.;This research is a research of translation with annotations. In this study I
translated part of a novel Various Pets Alive & Dead by Marina Lewycka and
annotated some parts of the source text which I think difficult and challenging. In
translating this novel, I used the method of semantic and communicative
translation. The semantic translation method is used to translate words, phrases
and sentences that are closely related to the source culture, language and the
characters in the novel, such as the incorrect English pronunciation by a foreigner
in England and foreign terms. While the communicative method is used to
translate words, phrases or sentences that has equivalence in the target language,
for example, the term of government institutions, and cultural terms. In
annotating, I used translation strategies by Newmark.
After doing this research, I found that the title of a source text can be
translated into the target language if the original title is not appealing to the target
audience. Furthermore, this study suggests the importance of maintaining
idiosyncratic language of a foreigner speaking a language in the target text as this
is a special characteristic of the character in the novel. This study also found that
the removal of meaning of words, phrases or sentences can be done if the meaning
could potentially confuse the reader because it suddenly appears and it does not
appear again and the removal does not affect the novel. Furthermore, this study
also found that the translator can choose the closest equivalence if there is no
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xviii Universitas Indonesia
exact equivalence in target language, for example council is translated to be
dewan kota.;This research is a research of translation with annotations. In this study I
translated part of a novel Various Pets Alive & Dead by Marina Lewycka and
annotated some parts of the source text which I think difficult and challenging. In
translating this novel, I used the method of semantic and communicative
translation. The semantic translation method is used to translate words, phrases
and sentences that are closely related to the source culture, language and the
characters in the novel, such as the incorrect English pronunciation by a foreigner
in England and foreign terms. While the communicative method is used to
translate words, phrases or sentences that has equivalence in the target language,
for example, the term of government institutions, and cultural terms. In
annotating, I used translation strategies by Newmark.
After doing this research, I found that the title of a source text can be
translated into the target language if the original title is not appealing to the target
audience. Furthermore, this study suggests the importance of maintaining
idiosyncratic language of a foreigner speaking a language in the target text as this
is a special characteristic of the character in the novel. This study also found that
the removal of meaning of words, phrases or sentences can be done if the meaning
could potentially confuse the reader because it suddenly appears and it does not
appear again and the removal does not affect the novel. Furthermore, this study
also found that the translator can choose the closest equivalence if there is no
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xviii Universitas Indonesia
exact equivalence in target language, for example council is translated to be
dewan kota.;This research is a research of translation with annotations. In this study I
translated part of a novel Various Pets Alive & Dead by Marina Lewycka and
annotated some parts of the source text which I think difficult and challenging. In
translating this novel, I used the method of semantic and communicative
translation. The semantic translation method is used to translate words, phrases
and sentences that are closely related to the source culture, language and the
characters in the novel, such as the incorrect English pronunciation by a foreigner
in England and foreign terms. While the communicative method is used to
translate words, phrases or sentences that has equivalence in the target language,
for example, the term of government institutions, and cultural terms. In
annotating, I used translation strategies by Newmark.
After doing this research, I found that the title of a source text can be
translated into the target language if the original title is not appealing to the target
audience. Furthermore, this study suggests the importance of maintaining
idiosyncratic language of a foreigner speaking a language in the target text as this
is a special characteristic of the character in the novel. This study also found that
the removal of meaning of words, phrases or sentences can be done if the meaning
could potentially confuse the reader because it suddenly appears and it does not
appear again and the removal does not affect the novel. Furthermore, this study
also found that the translator can choose the closest equivalence if there is no
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xviii Universitas Indonesia
exact equivalence in target language, for example council is translated to be
dewan kota.;This research is a research of translation with annotations. In this study I
translated part of a novel Various Pets Alive & Dead by Marina Lewycka and
annotated some parts of the source text which I think difficult and challenging. In
translating this novel, I used the method of semantic and communicative
translation. The semantic translation method is used to translate words, phrases
and sentences that are closely related to the source culture, language and the
characters in the novel, such as the incorrect English pronunciation by a foreigner
in England and foreign terms. While the communicative method is used to
translate words, phrases or sentences that has equivalence in the target language,
for example, the term of government institutions, and cultural terms. In
annotating, I used translation strategies by Newmark.
After doing this research, I found that the title of a source text can be
translated into the target language if the original title is not appealing to the target
audience. Furthermore, this study suggests the importance of maintaining
idiosyncratic language of a foreigner speaking a language in the target text as this
is a special characteristic of the character in the novel. This study also found that
the removal of meaning of words, phrases or sentences can be done if the meaning
could potentially confuse the reader because it suddenly appears and it does not
appear again and the removal does not affect the novel. Furthermore, this study
also found that the translator can choose the closest equivalence if there is no
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xviii Universitas Indonesia
exact equivalence in target language, for example council is translated to be
dewan kota.;This research is a research of translation with annotations. In this study I
translated part of a novel Various Pets Alive & Dead by Marina Lewycka and
annotated some parts of the source text which I think difficult and challenging. In
translating this novel, I used the method of semantic and communicative
translation. The semantic translation method is used to translate words, phrases
and sentences that are closely related to the source culture, language and the
characters in the novel, such as the incorrect English pronunciation by a foreigner
in England and foreign terms. While the communicative method is used to
translate words, phrases or sentences that has equivalence in the target language,
for example, the term of government institutions, and cultural terms. In
annotating, I used translation strategies by Newmark.
After doing this research, I found that the title of a source text can be
translated into the target language if the original title is not appealing to the target
audience. Furthermore, this study suggests the importance of maintaining
idiosyncratic language of a foreigner speaking a language in the target text as this
is a special characteristic of the character in the novel. This study also found that
the removal of meaning of words, phrases or sentences can be done if the meaning
could potentially confuse the reader because it suddenly appears and it does not
appear again and the removal does not affect the novel. Furthermore, this study
also found that the translator can choose the closest equivalence if there is no
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xviii Universitas Indonesia
exact equivalence in target language, for example council is translated to be
dewan kota.;This research is a research of translation with annotations. In this study I
translated part of a novel Various Pets Alive & Dead by Marina Lewycka and
annotated some parts of the source text which I think difficult and challenging. In
translating this novel, I used the method of semantic and communicative
translation. The semantic translation method is used to translate words, phrases
and sentences that are closely related to the source culture, language and the
characters in the novel, such as the incorrect English pronunciation by a foreigner
in England and foreign terms. While the communicative method is used to
translate words, phrases or sentences that has equivalence in the target language,
for example, the term of government institutions, and cultural terms. In
annotating, I used translation strategies by Newmark.
After doing this research, I found that the title of a source text can be
translated into the target language if the original title is not appealing to the target
audience. Furthermore, this study suggests the importance of maintaining
idiosyncratic language of a foreigner speaking a language in the target text as this
is a special characteristic of the character in the novel. This study also found that
the removal of meaning of words, phrases or sentences can be done if the meaning
could potentially confuse the reader because it suddenly appears and it does not
appear again and the removal does not affect the novel. Furthermore, this study
also found that the translator can choose the closest equivalence if there is no
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xviii Universitas Indonesia
exact equivalence in target language, for example council is translated to be
dewan kota., This research is a research of translation with annotations. In this study I
translated part of a novel Various Pets Alive & Dead by Marina Lewycka and
annotated some parts of the source text which I think difficult and challenging. In
translating this novel, I used the method of semantic and communicative
translation. The semantic translation method is used to translate words, phrases
and sentences that are closely related to the source culture, language and the
characters in the novel, such as the incorrect English pronunciation by a foreigner
in England and foreign terms. While the communicative method is used to
translate words, phrases or sentences that has equivalence in the target language,
for example, the term of government institutions, and cultural terms. In
annotating, I used translation strategies by Newmark.
After doing this research, I found that the title of a source text can be
translated into the target language if the original title is not appealing to the target
audience. Furthermore, this study suggests the importance of maintaining
idiosyncratic language of a foreigner speaking a language in the target text as this
is a special characteristic of the character in the novel. This study also found that
the removal of meaning of words, phrases or sentences can be done if the meaning
could potentially confuse the reader because it suddenly appears and it does not
appear again and the removal does not affect the novel. Furthermore, this study
also found that the translator can choose the closest equivalence if there is no
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xviii Universitas Indonesia
exact equivalence in target language, for example council is translated to be
dewan kota.]"
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Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agung Premono
"Permasalahan Gougingdan Collisionsampai saat ini masih menjadi kendala terbesar dalam proses pemesinan 5-aksis, tidak terkecuali dalam pemodelan proses pemesinan 5-aksis yang menggunakan pahat toroid berbasis model faset. Gouging pada model faset dideteksi terjadi pada titik (vertex), sisi (edge) maupun muka (face) dari model faset. Metode yang dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini meliputi : metode penurunan persamaan matematika serta metode pemodelan yang berfungsi untuk verifikasi model matematika yang telah dihasilkan. Metode matematika digunakan untuk menurunkan persamaan inklinasi pahat minimal yang dapat digunakan untuk menghilangkan gouging. Untuk vertex gouging penurunan persamaan diturunkan berbasis geometri analitik, sedangkan edge gouging dan face gouging diturunkan berbasis numerik. Metode pemodelan dilakukan dengan bantuan MATLAB berfungsi untuk mensimulasi persamaan yang dihasilkan, sehingga terlihat persamaan yang tekah diturunkan benar adanya.

Gouging and collision are the main problems in multiaxis machining. Gouging in faceted models detected in the vertex, edge, and face of the triangles. There are two methods to avoid gouging which are lifting tool and inclining too). In this research, the minimum inclination angle for avoid gouging must be found. The tool is inclined based on the types of gouging. In vertex gouging, the equation of inclination angle for avoid gouging based on analytical mathematic, but for edge and face gouging, the equation of the inclination angle for avoid gouging based on numerical methods. These types of gouging are described and the tool inclining procedure has been developed and implemented for gouging elimination."
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Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Husnun Hamidah Abbas
"[Dioksin merupakan senyawa berbahaya yang dapat menyebabkan gangguan kulit, hati, hingga menimbulkan kanker. Degradasi dioksin dapat dilakukan oleh mikroorganisme seperti kapang yang menghasilkan enzim ligninolitik. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendapatkan kapang yang memiliki enzim ligninolitik sehingga berpotensi dalam mendegradasi dioksin. Aktivitas enzim ligninolitik terlihat dari penghilangan warna pada Remazol Brilliant Blue R (RBBR) dan Poly S-119. Metode penelitian meliputi seleksi pada medium padat dan cair, pengukuran aktivitas enzim ligninolitik, serta identifikasi isolat. Seleksi kapang pada medium padat dilakukan dengan medium yang mengandung RBBR dan Poly S-119. Seleksi cair dilakukan dengan mengukur degradasi warna dan aktivitas enzim ligninolitik (lakase, mangan peroksidase, dan lignin peroksidase). Isolat hasil
seleksi diidentifikasi molekular 28S rRNA menggunakan primer NL-1 dan NL-4. Hasil seleksi padat menunjukkan sembilan isolat dengan zona degradasi, yaitu FIG- KT-540.1; F-IG-KT-539.2; F-IG-PT-6.3; F-IG-PT 1.16; F-IG-PT-2.14; F-IGPT- 2.5; F-IG-PT-2.7; F-IG-PT-3.1; dan F-IG-PT-2.11. Hasil seleksi cair menunjukkan dua isolat memiliki kemampuan mendegradasi warna tinggi yaitu FIG- KT-540.1 sebesar 59% mendegradasi warna RBBR dan F-IG-PT 1.16 sebesar 85% mendegradasi warna Poly S-119. Isolat F-IG-KT-540.1 dan F-IG-PT 1.16 memiliki aktivitas MnP yang tinggi sebesar 0,0132 dan 0,0186 ΔOD/ml sampel/menit. Identifikasi kedua isolat menunjukkan isolat F-IG-KT-540.1 adalah Aspergillus oryzae dengan nilai bootstrap 99 dan isolat F-IG-PT 1.16 adalah Penicillium charlesii dengan nilai bootstrap 98. Kesimpulan yaitu isolat F-IG-KT-
540.1 dan F-IG-PT 1.16 yang memiliki kemampuan tinggi mendegradasi warna berpotensi mendegradasi dioksin. Penelitian lebih lanjut perlu dilakukan untuk mengetahui sinergi antara kedua isolat dalam mendegradasi dioksin.

Dioxins are harmful compounds which can damage skin, liver, and cause cancer. It can be degraded by microorganisms such as fungi with its ligninolytic enzymes. The research aim was to obtain fungi that has ligninolytic enzymes which potentially degrade dioxin. Activity of ligninolytic enzymes was showed from decolorization of Remazol Brilliant Blue R and Poly S-119 dye. Methods of the research include selection on solid medium and liquid medium, measurement of ligninolytic activity, and identification of fungal isolates. Selection on solid medium was carried out using RBBR and Poly S-119 dye. Selection on liquid medium was carried out through measurement on the color degradation and activity of ligninolytic enzymes (laccase, manganese peroxidase, and lignin peroxidase). The potential isolates in liquid selection medium were identified on 28S rRNA with NL-1 and NL-4 primers. The result showed that nine isolates have
the degradation zone in a solid medium. They were F-IG-KT-540.1; F-IG-KT- 539.2; F-IG-PT-6.3; F-IG-PT 1:16; F-IG-PT-2:14; F-IG-PT-2.5; F-IG-PT-2.7; FIG- PT-3.1; and F-IG-PT-2.11. In liquid selection medium, F-IG-KT-540.1 and FIG-
PT 1.16 isolates showed high capability to degrade dyes. Percentage of RBBR degradation in isolate F-IG-KT-540.1 was 59% and percentage of Poly S-119 degradation in isolate F-IG-PT-1.16 was 85%. Both F-IG-KT-540.1 and F-IG-PT 1.16 isolate have high activity of MnP. Activity of MnP of those isolate were 0,0132 and 0,0186 ΔOD/ml/minutes respectively. The result of identification showed that F-IG-KT-540.1 isolate was Aspergillus oryzae with value of
bootstrap 99 and F-IG-PT-1.16 isolate was Penicillium charlesii with value of bootstrap 98. From this research, F-IG-KT-540.1 and F-IG-PT 1.16 isolates which have capability to degrade dyes potential for degrading dioxin. Further research is needed to determine the synergy between isolates F-IG-KT-540.1 and F-IG-PT- 1.16 to degrade dioxin., Dioxins are harmful compounds which can damage skin, liver, and cause cancer.
It can be degraded by microorganisms such as fungi with its ligninolytic enzymes.
The research aim was to obtain fungi that has ligninolytic enzymes which
potentially degrade dioxin. Activity of ligninolytic enzymes was showed from
decolorization of Remazol Brilliant Blue R and Poly S-119 dye. Methods of the
research include selection on solid medium and liquid medium, measurement of
ligninolytic activity, and identification of fungal isolates. Selection on solid
medium was carried out using RBBR and Poly S-119 dye. Selection on liquid
medium was carried out through measurement on the color degradation and
activity of ligninolytic enzymes (laccase, manganese peroxidase, and lignin
peroxidase). The potential isolates in liquid selection medium were identified on
28S rRNA with NL-1 and NL-4 primers. The result showed that nine isolates have
the degradation zone in a solid medium. They were F-IG-KT-540.1; F-IG-KT-
539.2; F-IG-PT-6.3; F-IG-PT 1:16; F-IG-PT-2:14; F-IG-PT-2.5; F-IG-PT-2.7; FIG-
PT-3.1; and F-IG-PT-2.11. In liquid selection medium, F-IG-KT-540.1 and FIG-
PT 1.16 isolates showed high capability to degrade dyes. Percentage of RBBR
degradation in isolate F-IG-KT-540.1 was 59% and percentage of Poly S-119
degradation in isolate F-IG-PT-1.16 was 85%. Both F-IG-KT-540.1 and F-IG-PT
1.16 isolate have high activity of MnP. Activity of MnP of those isolate were
0,0132 and 0,0186 ΔOD/ml/minutes respectively. The result of identification
showed that F-IG-KT-540.1 isolate was Aspergillus oryzae with value of
bootstrap 99 and F-IG-PT-1.16 isolate was Penicillium charlesii with value of
bootstrap 98. From this research, F-IG-KT-540.1 and F-IG-PT 1.16 isolates which
have capability to degrade dyes potential for degrading dioxin. Further research is
needed to determine the synergy between isolates F-IG-KT-540.1 and F-IG-PT-
1.16 to degrade dioxin.]
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Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abbiyah Sausan Ulfa
"PET (Polietilena Tereftalat) merupakan kemasan botol plastik berwarna dengan tingkat konsumsi terbesar keempat di dunia. Konsumsi PET di Indonesia meningkat mencapai 7% per tahun hal ini dapat menyebabkan dampak terhadap lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendaur ulang limbah PET dengan menggunakan proses sederhana dalam menghilangkan warna dari limbah PET. Hasil penghilangan warna limbah PET akan digunakan sebagai alternatif sumber karbon untuk sintesis carbon nanotube (CNT). Warna limbah PET yang digunakan adalah biru dan hijau. Agen penghilang warna yang terpilih adalah hidrogen peroksida (H­2O2) karena merupakan reagen yang ekonomis dan ramah lingkungan. Limbah PET berwarna dan H2O2 akan dipanaskan ke dalam sistem oil bath pada suhu 110oC dan tekanan 1 atm.
Hasil waktu penghilangan warna untuk limbah PET biru lebih cepat dibandingkan limbah PET hijau yaitu 72 dan 115 menit per 15 gram limbah PET. Kualitas penghilangan warna limbah PET biru lebih baik dibanding hasil penghilangan warna limbah PET hijau karena memiliki nilai reflektansi lebih dekat dengan limbah PET tidak berwarna. Proses sintesis CNT dari plastik limbah PET biru yang sudah dihilagkan warnanya menghasilkan yield sebesar 8,58%. Diameter rata rata kristal CNT yang dihasilkan dari proses ini diperoleh sebesar 37 nm. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa plastik limbah PET yang sudah dihilangkan warnanya dapat digunakan sebagai sumber karbon dalam sintesis CNT.

The level consumption of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) as a packaging of colored beverage bottles occupies the fourth largest in the world. In Indonesia, PET consumption increased reaches 7% per year so that it can cause environmental impacts. This study aims to process the recycling PET waste by obtaining a simple potential process to remove the color from PET waste. The decolorized PET waste will be an alternative carbon source for Carbon Nanotube (CNT) synthesis. The colors of PET waste are blue and green bottles. The selected color removal agent is hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) because it is inexpensive reagent and has lower toxicity to environment. The colored PET waste and H2O2 will be heated in the oil bath system at temperature 110oC and pressure 1 atm.
The result showed that color removal time for blue PET waste faster than the green PET waste, 72 and 115 minutes per 15 grams PET waste. The quality of color removal of blue PET waste is better than the result of color removal of green PET waste because it has a reflectance value closer to colorless PET waste. The CNT synthesis process from plastic blue PET waste which has been color-treated yields a yield of 8.58%. The average diameter of CNT crystals produced from this process is obtained at 37 nm. This shows that PET waste plastic which has been discolored can be used as a carbon source in CNT synthesis.
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Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Farhan Pratama
"Tingginya kandungan gas CO2 pada cadangan gas alam di Indonesia merupakan tantangan yang cukup berdampak bagi proses produksi dan pemanfaatan cadangan gas alam tersebut. Untuk meningkatkan aspek teknis dan terhindar dari masalah-masalah operasional pada proses penghilangan gas CO2, salah satu aspek yang dapat ditingkatkan adalah sistem pengendalian yang diaplikasikan ke sistem tersebut. Adanya variabel disturbance pada suatu sistem dapat menurunkan kinerja sistem pengendali yang digunakan. Dalam mengatasi masalah tersebut, aplikasi pengendali multi-loop PI dengan melibatkan disturbance model dinilai mampu meningkatkan kinerja sistem pengendalian dan mengeliminasi efek dari variabel disturbance tersebut. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh disturbance model berdasarkan first order plus dead time (FOPDT) yang telah diverifikasi dan memperoleh kinerja pengendalian yang optimal dengan melibatkan model tersebut ke dalam sistem pengendali multi-loop PI. Dalam memperoleh kinerja pengendalian yang optimal dilakukan proses tuning dengan menggunakan metode biggest log modulus tuning (BLT) dan fine tuning, untuk dibandingkan dengan kinerja pengendalian multivariable model predictive control (MMPC) oleh Wahid, Meizvira dan Wiranoto (2018) pada sistem linear dan non-linear. Disturbance model dirancang berdasarkan perubahan variabel disturbance laju alir gas alam dengan membuat setpoint controlled variable (CV) tidak berubah, yaitu tekanan gas alam umpan sebesar 511,4 psia dan laju alir make-up water sebesar 10,5 psig. Hasil disturbance model yang paling merepresentasikan sistem yang dikendalikan adalah yang diperoleh menggunakan metode Solver. Dengan melakukan uji perubahan setpoint dan variabel disturbance, diketahui bahwa pengendali multi-loop PI-fine tuning menghasilkan kinerja pengendalian yang lebih baik daripada sistem pengendali MMPC, PI re-tuning dan multi-loop PI-BLT, baik pada sistem linear maupun non-linear. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa penyusunan pengendali multi-loop PI pada sistem linear dengan melibatkan disturbance model dapat digunakan sebagai dasar dalam meningkatkan kinerja pengendalian pada sistem non-linear.

The high content of CO2 in natural gas reserves in Indonesia is a challenge that has quite an impact on its production and utilization process. To improve the technical aspects and avoid operational problems in the CO2 gas removal, one aspect that can be improved is the applied control system. The existence of a disturbance variables in a system may downgrade the performance of the used control system. To overcome this problem, the application of a multi-loop PI controller which involves disturbance model is considered to be able to improve the performance of the control system and eliminate the effects of the disturbance. Thus, this study aims to obtain a disturbance model based on the verified first order plus dead time (FOPDT), to be applied to the design of a linear multi-loop PI control system. To obtain optimal control performance of multivariable model predictive control model (MMPC) which has been conducted by Wahid, Meizvira and Wiranoto (2018), both on linear and non-linear system. The disturbance model is designed based one changes in the natural gas flow rate as disturbance variable by setting the setpoint of all controlled variables (CV) unchanged), which are the feed natural gas pressure on 511,4 psig, and make-up water flow rate on 10,5 psig. Through setpoint and disturbance variable change tests, it is known that the multi-loop PI-fine tuning controller produces better control performance than MMPC, PI re-tuning and multi-loop PI-BLT control system, both on linear and non-linear systems. Thus, by involving the disturbance model on linear multi-loop PI controller system design might be a bases for improving control system performance in non-linear system.
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Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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