"Globalisasi telah mendekatkan masyarakat dengan dunia teknologi. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan dengan beralihnya masyarakat kepada penggunaan aplikasi untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari termasuk kebutuhan travel seperti reservasi tiket pesawat dan kamar hotel. Keadaan ini membuat agen travel online berlomba meningkatkan kualitas aplikasinya. User experience (UX) merupakan salah satu faktor utama yang menjadi prioritas pengguna.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi user experience dari dua aplikasi agen travel online teratas yaitu Traveloka dan Tiket.com untuk mengetahui faktor apa saja yang harus diperbaiki kedepannya. Terdapat delapan dimensi UX yang akan dievaluasi yaitu, efektivitas, efisiensi, ease of use, usability, understandability, learnability, satisfaction, dan attractiveness yang terbagi ke dalam dua pendekatan, task-oriented dan apps-oriented.
Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah performance measurement, kuesioner, think aloud dan eye tracking. Meskipun tidak ditemukan secara signifikan pada beberapa dimensi, didapatkan bahwa Tiket.com memiliki ketertinggalan dari segi efisiensi, efektivitas, sistem, dan desain tampilannya sehingga berpengaruh kepada usability secara keseluruhan, understandability, satisfaction, dan attractiveness. Traveloka memiliki ketertinggalan dari segi learnability.
Globalization has driven human being and technology to become inseparable. It it shown by the shifting of human preference to the usage of mobile application as daily needs. Moreover, It has also been used for fullfilling travel necessaries, for instance, flight dan hotel booking. The phenomenon made online travel agents compete each other improving their mobile application quality. User experience (UX) is one of user priorities in considering a mobile application. This research objectives are evaluating user experience of top two Online Travel Agent Mobile Application to figure out which UX dimensions needing advancement so that recommendation can be resulted. There are eight UX dimensions being used in this research such as effectivity, efficiency, ease of use, usability, understandability, learnability, satisfaction, and attractiveness that were divided into two research apporach which are task-oriented and app-oriented. The methods of this research are performance measurement, questionnaire, think aloud and eye tracking. Although the survey results did not reveal significant differences in several UX dimensions, Tiket.com however has lack of effectivity, efficiency from their system and design so that it affect its overall usability, understandability, satisfaction, dan attractiveness. Meanwhile, Traveloka has only lack of learnbility."