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Riyo Qomar Hasan
Ketidakpatuhan terhadap standar pengendalian infeksi berpengaruh pada kualitas
pelayanan keperawatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui faktor-faktor yang
mempengaruhi kepatuhan perawat melaksanakan standar pengendalian infeksi.
Desain penelitian menggunakan deskriptif korelasi dengan rancangan crosssectional
pada 353 perawat yang diambil melalui simple random sampling.
Analisis menggunakan uji Mann Whitney, Kruskall Wallis, dan korelasi
Spearman. Faktor yang mempengaruhi kepatuhan perawat dalam melaksanakan
standar pengendalian infeksi adalah umur (p=0.001), motivasi (p=0.001), sikap
(p=0.001), sarana prasarana (p=0.001), pedoman (p=0.001), dan supervisi
(p=0.001). Kelengkapan sarana dan prasarana, pedoman dan supervisi yang
berkesinambungan harus terpenuhi agar implementasi SPO dapat dilaksanakan
dengan baik.

Compliance toward infection control standard influences quality of nursing care.
This study aimed to identify factors influence nurses compliance in
implementation infection control standard. The design research was descriptive
correlative with cross-sectional approach. Data were collected through primary
data as much as 353 nurses. The sampling technique was simple random
sampling. Data were analyzed by Mann Whitney, Kruskall Wallis, and Spearman
Correlation. Factors influence nurses compliance in implementation infection
control standard were ages (p=0.001), motivation (p=0.001), attitudes (p=0.001),
infrastructure (p=0.001), guidance (p=0.001) and supervision (p=0.001).
Completeness of infrastructure, guidance and supervision must be fulfilled in
order infection control standard can be implemented properly, Compliance toward infection control standard influences quality of nursing care.
This study aimed to identify factors influence nurses compliance in
implementation infection control standard. The design research was descriptive
correlative with cross-sectional approach. Data were collected through primary
data as much as 353 nurses. The sampling technique was simple random
sampling. Data were analyzed by Mann Whitney, Kruskall Wallis, and Spearman
Correlation. Factors influence nurses compliance in implementation infection
control standard were ages (p=0.001), motivation (p=0.001), attitudes (p=0.001),
infrastructure (p=0.001), guidance (p=0.001) and supervision (p=0.001).
Completeness of infrastructure, guidance and supervision must be fulfilled in
order infection control standard can be implemented properly]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anak Agung Raka Jeni
Akreditasi rumah sakit adalah pengakuan pemerintah kepada rumah sakit yang telahmemenuhi standar yang telah ditetapkan. Akreditasi rumah sakit di Indonesiadilaksanakan untuk menilai kepatuhan rumah sakit terhadap standar akreditasi. Di RSUDharma Yadnya sudah melaksanakan akreditasi 4 standar : Pencegahan danPengendalian Infeksi, Kualifikasi dan Pendidikan Staf, Hak Pasien dan Keluarga danSasaran Keselamatan Pasien. Pada standar PPI paling banyak meninggalkanPerencanaan Perbaikan Strategis PPS yaitu sebanyak 23 item dari 11 elemen penilaiandibandingkan dengan tiga standar lainnya. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalahuntuk diketahui proses pelaksanaan perbaikan 23 item dan hambatan yang ditemukan.Metode penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik pengambilan datawawancara mendalan dan telaah dokumen, dengan 4 orang partisipan. Hasil penelitianini menunjukkan pada re-survey pertama tahun 2016 terselesaikan 5 elemen penilaian,re-survey kedua tahun 2017 terselesaikan 16 elemen penilaian dan menyisakan 2elemen penilaian yang belum tercapai yaitu pada pemenuhan sarana ruang isolasidengan ruangan bertekanan negatif dan filtrasi HEPA. Dengan kendala harga alat danpemeliharaan yang mahal. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa untuk membangunbangunan rumah sakit yang baru apalagi untuk keperluan investasi, harusmemperhatikan arsitektur rumah sakit yang ditentukan oleh standar akreditasi rumahsakit.

Hospital accreditation is the government 39 s recognition to hospitals that have met theestablished standards. Hospital accreditation in Indonesia is conducted to assess hospitalcompliance with accreditation standards. Dharma Yadnya Hospital have implemented 4accreditation standard Infection Prevention and Control, Qualification and StaffEducation, Patient and Family Rights and International Patient Safety Goals. At mostinfection prevention and control standards leave strategic improvement planning asmany as 23 items from 11 assessment elements compared with three other standards.The purpose of this research is to know the implementation process to improve 23assessment element and obstacles found. The method of this research is qualitativeresearch, using deep interview and document review technique, with 4 participants. Theresult of this study showed that in the first re survey of 2016 completed 5 elements ofassessment, the second re survey of 2017 completed 16 elements of assessment andleaving 2 elements of assessment that have not been achieved, that is the fulfillment ofisolation facilities with negative pressure rooms, and HEPA filtration. With expensivetool and maintenance cost constraints. This research concluded that to build a newhospital building especially for investment purposes, must pay attention to hospitalarchitecture which determined by hospital accreditation standard. "
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vera Fitra Molina
"Program pencegahan dan pengendalian infeksi nosokomial di Rumkital Dr. Mintohardjo sudah berjalan selama empat tahun. Saat ini pelaksanaan beberapa kegiatan mengalami penurunan. Penelitian kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif dilakukan untuk mengetahui gambaran pelaksanaan program tersebut ditinjau dari manajemen dan organisasi dengan pendekatan sistem. Pengumpulan data melalui telaah dokumen, observasi, wawancara mendalam, Focus Group Discussion.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa faktor manajemen yang terdiri dari komitmen, kepemimpinan, komunikasi dan kerjasama dalam pelaksanaan program pencegahan dan pengendalian infeksi nosokomial di Rumkital Dr. Mintohardjo masih rendah disebabkan program tersebut belum menjadi prioritas utama dan seringnya terjadi pergantian pimpinan yang diikuti dengan perubahan kebijakan. Organisasi pelaksana program pencegahan dan pengendalian infeksi nosokomial secara struktural belum melibatkan orang-orang yang mempunyai pengaruh dan belum ada pembagian tugas antara penentu kebijakan dan pelaksana kebijakan. Pelaksanaan tugas komite pencegahan dan pengendalian infeksinosokomial masih rendah terbukti dengan tidak terlaksananya kegiatan rapat, sosialisasi, pengawasan dan umpan balik.
Saran yang dapat dilakukan dengan restrukturisasi organisasi dan meningkattkan kembali kegiatan sosialisasi, pertemuan, rapat dan orientasi agar informasi tentang program dapat dipahami dan dilaksanakan.

Programs of prevention and control of nosocomial infections in Rumkital Dr. Mintohardjo been running for four years. Currently the implementation of some activities has decreased. Descriptive qualitative study conducted to know the description of the programs in terms of management and organizational systems approach. The collection of data through document review, observation, depth interviews, focus group discussions.
Based on the results of the study concluded that the factor of management commitment, leadership, communication and cooperation in the implementation of prevention and control of nosocomial infections in Rumkital Dr. Mintohardjo still low because the program has not been a top priority and the frequent change of leadership, followed by policy changes. Organizations implementing prevention and control of nosocomial infections are structurally not involve people who have influence and there is no division of tasks between policy makers and policy implementers. Implementation of prevention and control committee assignment infeksinosokomial low as evidenced by not meeting the implementation of activities, socialization, supervision and feedback.
Suggestions to do with organizational restructuring and re-socialization meetings and orientation to information about the program can be understood and implemented.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yayan Suryaman
"Perawat pengendali infeksi sangat penting dalam pencegahan infeksi terkait pelayanan kesehatan. Pelaksanaan tugas pengendalian infeksi dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi pelaksanaan tugas Infection Prevention and Control Link Nurse. Metode penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan desain cross sectional. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 100 orang perawat pengendali infeksi RS X di Bandung yang diambil dengan teknik total sampling. Alat pengumpul data berupa kuesioner yang terdiri 3 bagian yang berjumlah total 72 item pertanyaan. Analisis univariat menggunakan tendensi sentral dan proporsi, analisis bivariat menggunakan uji Mann Whitney dan Spearman. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa faktor yang berpengaruh positif terhadap pelaksanaan tugas pengendalian infeksi diantaranya faktor lama bertugas (p=0,03;r=0,299), fungsi ketenagaan (p=0,005; r=0,281), pengarahan (p=0,001;r=0,340),  dan pengendaliaan (p<0,001; r=0,430). Fungsi manajemen banyak memengaruhi pelaksanaan tugas Infection Prevention and Control Link Nurse RS X di Kota Bandung. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan peningkatan fungsi ketenagaan, pengarahan, dan pengendalian terhadap pelaksanaan tugas pengendalian infeksi.

Infection control nurses are very important in the prevention of healthcare associated infections. The implementation of infection control tasks is influenced by many factors. The research aims to identify factors that influence to the task implementation of the Infection Prevention and Control Link Nurse. The study was descriptive type with cross sectional design. Sample of research amounted to 100 nurses as Infection Prevention and Control Link Nurse at Hospital X in Bandung taken with total sampling techniques. The Data Collector tool consists of 3 sections questionnaire totalling a total of 72 question items. Univariate analyses using central tendencies and proportions, bivariate analysis using Mann Whitney and Spearman tests. The results of the study stated that the factors that positively affect the implemetation of the task of infection control are the working period factors (p = 0.03; r = 0,299), the staffing  function (p = 0,005; r = 0,281), direction (p = 0.001; r = 0,340), and controling (p < 0.001; r = 0,430). The management function affects the Infection Prevention and Control Link Nurse Hospital  X tasks in Bandung City. This research recommends improving the function of the staffing, direction and controlling of the implementation of infection control tasks."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lubis, Ester Marini
"Dengan adanya Kebijakan Pemerintah mengenai Program Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Infeksi (PPI) yaitu Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 270 Tahun 2007 mengenai Pedoman Manajerial PPI dan Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 382 tahun 2007 mengenai Pedoman PPI diharapkan semua rumah sakit dapat mengimplementasikannya dengan penanggungjawab adalah Organisasi PPI yaitu Komite PPI. Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat (RSUP) Fatmawati telah melaksanakan Program PPI sejak tahun 1989 dan pada tahun 2013 mendapatkan akreditasi baik versi Nasional maupun internasional namun angka Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs) masih tinggi. Hal ini tentunya menjadi perhatian bagi RSUP Fatmawati untuk terus meningkatkan kinerja agar mutu pelayanan meningkat. Untuk memperoleh kinerja yang baik dalam program PPI diperlukan sistem keuangan, sumber daya dan pelaksanaan program kerja yang baik sehingga pasien dan petugas merasa aman karena terhindar dari kejadian infeksi. Pendekatan yang dapat digunakan untuk evaluasi kinerja keempat aspek tersebut adalah dengan Balanced Scorecard. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif (mixed method).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan PPI yang ada belum mengatur semua aspek PPI sehingga menimbulkan ketidakpahaman rumah sakit sebagai pelaksanaan program seperti Infection Control Risk Assesment dan Program Pengendalian Resistensi Antimikroba. Dalam struktur organisasi PPI RSUP Fatmawati juga belum sesuai dengan Pedoman Manajerial PPI. Untuk kinerja perspektif pelanggan sudah cukup baik dengan tingkat kesetujuan sebesar 74,6% namun masih memerlukan perbaikan pada kondisi fisik bangunan yang tidak sesuai standar. Kinerja perspektif proses internal sudah cukup baik dengan tingkat kesetujuan 80,74% namun beberapa upaya pencegahan HAIs belum dilaksanakan optimal. Kinerja perspektif pertumbuhan dan pembelajaran sudah cukup baik dengan tingkat kesetujuan 75,34% namun perlu meningkatkan kompetensi 4 perawat PPI serta perlu pelatihan PPI untuk semua petugas kesehatan. Kinerja perspektif finansial juga cukup baik dengan tingkat kesetujuan 72,56% namun perlu mendapatkan perhatian mengenai penambahan anggaran untuk pelatihan PPI dan penyesuaian insentif perawat PPI dengan kinerja.
Saran yang dapat dilaksanakan yaitu revisi kebijakan PPI, restrukturisasi Komite PPI, melakukan kajian resiko pengendalian infeksi, pertemuan rutin untuk membahas pencegahan dan pengendalian infeksi khususnya penurunan angka HAIs, pelatihan untuk perawat PPI yang baru serta pelatihan untuk semua petugas kesehatan dan perlu disusun kebijakan mengenai jenjang karir dan jabatan perawat PPI.

Government Policy on Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Program which are the Minister of Health Decree No. 270/2008 about Guidelines for IPC Managerial and the Minister of Health Decree No. 382/2007 about Guidelines of Infection Prevention and Control states that all hospitals should implement the IPC Program with the charge is the IPC Organization named IPC Committee. Fatmawati General Hospital has conducted IPC Program since 1989 and accredited in 2013 for both versions National and International but the numbers of Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs) is still high. And this is certainly a concern for Fatmawati General Hospital in order to continuously improve the services quality. To obtain good performance in IPC program required the financial system, resources and programs implementation that work well so patient and attendant satisfied not being infected. The approach can be used to improve the performance of the four aspects is the Balanced Scorecard. This research is a descriptive analytical quantitative and qualitative approach (mixed method).
The results showed that the IPC policy is not set all the aspects of IPC, such as the implementation of Infection Control Risk Assessment and Antimicrobial Resistance Control. The organization of the IPC in Fatmawati General Hospital has not fulfilled the criteria on IPC Managerial Guideline. For the performance of the customer perspective is quite good with the level of agreement of 74.6% but still need improvement in the physical condition of the building. The performance of internal process perspective is good with 80.74% level of agreement but some HAIs preventive measures have not been implemented optimally. The performance of Learning and Growth perspective is good enough with 75.34% level of agreement but need to improve the competence of 4 IPC nurses with training and also for all hospital workers. And performance of financial perspective is also quite good with 72.56% level of agreement but need in concern about budget for IPC trainings and the incentives of IPC nurses calculated with their performance.
Suggestions that can be implemented are revision of IPC policy, restructuring IPC committee, implement infection control risk assessment, conduct regular meetings to discuss the infection prevention and control in particular for reduction of HAIs rates, IPC training for new IPC nurses and other hospital workers and develop the policy for the career and their position.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Peter Rusli
"Rumah sakit sebagai fasilitas kesehatan tingkat lanjut diharapkan dapat memberikan pelayanan paripurna. Dalam prosesnya itu sejalan dengan tujuan Akreditasi Rumah Sakit agar mendapatkan pengakuan mutu serta mengutamakan keselamatan pasien. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kesiapan pemenuhan standar Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Infeksi (PPI) menurut Standar Nasional Akreditasi Rumah Sakit (SNARS) edisi 1 di rumah sakit Mitra dengan menggunakan langkah-langkah dalam problem solving cycle. Penelitian ini adalah riset operasional dengan metode kualitatif dimana pengumpulan datanya dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam dan telaah dokumen. Hasil penelitan menunjukkan bahwa dari sisi input terhadap sumber daya manusia, sarana dan prasarana, penganggaran dan instrumen sudah maksimal meski dengan berbagai keterbatasan dan kondisi rumah sakit yang masih baru beroperasional. Dalam sisi proses untu pemenuhan kualifikasi sumber daya manusia (SDM) sudah cukup meski pembekalan terhadap pelatihan masih minim dan terbatas pelatihan internal ataupun studi banding ke rumah sakit lain. Pengadaan sarana prasana juga masih menggunakan prioritas yang berhubungan langsung dengan pelayanan seperti pengadaan handrub dan hand soap program cuci tangan dan unit Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD), londri dan gizi untuk peralatan dan ruangan yang sesuai standar PPI. Pembiayaan masih terkendala karena ketersediaan dana yang terbatas namun mampu dioptimalkan. Pelaksanaan instrumen yang meliputi monitoring evaluasi dinilai masih belum maksimal namun sudah berjalan dengan baik. Sebagai output capaian pemenuhan standar PPI melalui self assessment dari semua bagian input dinilai sudah cukup dan mampu untuk menghadapi porses akreditasi rumah sakit. Kesimpulannya kesiapan SDM, sarana prasarana, kebijakan/ regulasi, penganggaran serta instrumen Standar PPI sebagian besar sudah terpenuhi dan telah siap menghadapi survei akreditasi rumah sakit. Saran bagi Komite PPI dan Infection Prevention and Control Nurse (IPCN), Keperawatan, Manajemen Rumah Sakit serta Tim Akreditasi untuk dapat berkoordinasi secara berkesinambungan agar mendapat umpan balik, melakukan sosialisasi rutin terkait edukasi standar PPI baik kepada staf maupun pasien dan keluarga pasien sehingga mutu rumah sakit terhadap PPI dapat terus dipertahankan dan ditingkatkan.

The hospital as an advanced health facility is expected to provide complete services. In the process it is in line with the objectives of Hospital Accreditation in order to get quality recognition and prioritize Patient Safety. The purpose of this study was to determine the readiness to fulfill Infection Prevention and Control standards according to SNARS first edition in Mitra Jambi Hospital in terms of problem solving cycle. The research method used is qualitative research where the data collection is done by indepth interviews and document review. The research results show that in terms of input to human resources, facilities and infrastructure, budgeting and instruments have been maximized despite various limitations and conditions of hospitals that are still operating. In terms of the process for fulfilling human resources qualifications, it is sufficient even though training on training is still minimal and limited to internal training or comparative studies to other hospitals. Procurement of infrastructure is also still using priority directly related to services such as the procurement of hand rubs and hand soap hand washing programs and Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD) units, laundry and nutrition for equipment and rooms that comply with Infection Prevention and Control standards. Financing is still constrained due to the limited availability of funds but can be optimized. The implementation of the instrument which includes monitoring evaluation is considered to be still not maximal but has gone well. As an output, the achievement of meeting Infection Prevention and Control standards through self-assessment from all parts of the input is considered sufficient and able to deal with the hospital accreditation process. In conclusion, the readiness of human resources, infrastructure, policies/regulations, budgeting as well as the PPI Standard instruments have been largely fulfilled and are ready to face hospital accreditation surveys. Suggestion to Infection Prevention and Control Committee and Infection Prevention and Control Nurse (IPCN), Nurse Department, Hospital Management and also Accreditation Team to continuous coordination each other to achieve feedback, regularly socialization for educational of Infection Prevention and Control standard to staff and also patient with their family, goals to maintain and increasing hospital quality thorough Infection Prevention and Control."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ade Apriedi Syaputra
"Latar belakang: Pengetahuan, sikap, dan praktik mahasiswa yang tepat terkait pengendalian infeksi pada masa pandemi COVID-19 adalah sangat penting untuk mencegah penularan infeksi virus.
Tujuan: Menganalisis pengetahuan, sikap dan praktik mahasiswa klinik kedokteran gigi di Indonesia terkait pengendalian infeksi pada masa pandemi COVID-19 dan hubungannya dengan karakteristik sosio-demografi serta riwayat pengalaman klinik mahasiswa.
Metode: Penelitian cross-sectional berupa kuesioner online kepada mahasiswa klinik kedokteran gigi di Indonesia dengan masa studi ± 1 tahun pada bulan Juli-Oktober 2021. Kuesioner terdiri dari 5 bagian: data sosio-demografi, riwayat pengalaman klinik, pengetahuan, sikap, dan praktik terkait pengendalian infeksi.
Hasil: Jumlah responden adalah 238 mahasiswa. Mayoritas adalah perempuan dengan rerata umur 23,8 tahun (±3,3 tahun).  Pengetahuan dan praktik mahasiswa terkait pengendalian infeksi adalah relatif baik. Sikap mahasiswa adalah positif terkait pengendalian infeksi. Tidak terdapat perbedaan antara karakteristik sosio-demografi mahasiswa dengan rerata skor pengetahuan, sikap, dan praktik. Dengan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan, maka skor sikap meningkat secara signifikan. Sikap yang positif berkorelasi signifikan dengan peningkatan praktik. Peningkatan pada skor  praktik, ditandai dengan adanya peningkatan pada skor pengetahuan.
Kesimpulan: Pendidikan pelatihan berkelanjutan terkait pengendalian infeksi perlu terus dilakukan selama masa studi klinik mahasiswa termasuk informasi dan peran kedokteran gigi selama pandemi.

Background: Proper knowledge, attitudes, and practices of dental students about infection control during the COVID-19 pandemic are important to prevent the transmission of virus.
Aim: Analyze knowledge, attitudes, and practices of clinical dental students in Indonesia about infection control during the COVID-19 pandemic between socio-demographic characteristics and history of student’s clinical experiences.
Method: A cross-sectional study using an online questionnaire delivered to clinical dental students in Indonesia with period of study ± 1 year from July until October 2021. The online questionnaire consisted of 5 sections: socio-demographic characteristic, history of student’s clinical experiences, knowledge, attitudes, and practices about infection control.
Results: Total respondents were 238 students. Majority were females, with an average age of 23.8 years (±3.3 years). Knowledge and practices of students were relatively good. The attitudes of students were positive about infection control. There were no differences in knowledge, attitude, and practice between socio-demographic characteristics. With an improvement in knowledge, the attitude score increased significantly. A positive attitude was significantly correlated with an increase in practice.
Conclusion: Continuous-based infection control lectures and training needs to be held during the period of clinical study including the information and the roles of dentistry during pandemic.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Laurentia Dewi Fatmawati
"Latar Belakang: Kompetensi IPCN berpengaruh terhadap keselamatan pasien dan kualitas pelayanan. Kondisi di pelayanan, belum ada standar kompetensi sebagai dasar pengembangan karier IPCN. Tujuan: Terbentuk model pengembangan karier IPCN untuk menggambarkan jenjang kompetensi IPCN di Indonesia. Metode: Mix Method melalui tiga tahap penelitian yaitu Descriptive Explorative untuk mengidentifikasi masalah, penyusunan model pengembangan karier IPCN, serta Descriptive Crossectional untuk mengetahui jenjang kompetensi serta korelasi masa kerja, pendidikan, dan CPD dengan kompetensi IPCN. FGD melibatkan 30 IPCN, dan In Depth Interview melibatkan 16 manajer rumah sakit. Proses Delphi dilakukan tiga putaran dan konsultasi pakar untuk merumuskan Model Pengembangan Karier dan Kompetensi serta Evaluasi Diri IPCN valid dan reliable. Kuesioner diterapkan pada 384 IPCN pada 24 wilayah Indonesia. Hasil: Teridentifikasi lima tema yaitu peran dan tanggungjawab IPCN, kendala yang dihadapi, upaya yang dilakukan, penerapan jenjang karier Perawat Klinis, dan harapan tersusun model pengembangan karier IPCN. Gambaran jenjang karier IPCN di Indonesia adalah IPCN Muda 24,2%; IPCN Madya 68,8%; dan IPCN Ahli 7%. Terdapat korelasi hubungan signifikan antara masa kerja, pendidikan, dan Continuing Professional Development dengan kompetensi. Kesimpulan: Model Pengembangan Karier dan Kompetensi IPCN dapat memberikan gambaran jenjang karier IPCN di Indonesia, sebagai acuan rekruitmen, pengembangan profesional berkelanjutan, dan evaluasi kinerja IPCN secara periodik

Background: IPCN competency affects patient safety and service quality. Conditions in the service, there is no competency standard as a basis for IPCN career development. Objective: An IPCN career development model was formed to describe the IPCN competency level in Indonesia. Method: Mix Method through three stages of research, namely Descriptive Explorative to identify problems, preparation of IPCN career development model, and Descriptive Crosssectional to determine the competency level and correlation of work period, education, and CPD with IPCN competency. FGD involved 30 IPCN, and In Depth Interview involved 16 hospital managers. The Delphi process was carried out in three rounds and expert consultation to formulate a valid and reliable IPCN Career and Competency Development Model and Self-Evaluation. The questionnaire was applied to 384 IPCN in 24 regions of Indonesia. Results: Five themes were identified, namely the role and responsibilities of IPCN, obstacles faced, efforts made, implementation of Clinical Nurse career levels, and expectations of the IPCN career development model. The description of IPCN career levels in Indonesia is Young IPCN 24.2%; IPCN Madya 68.8%; and IPCN Ahli 7%. There is a significant correlation between length of service, education, and Continuing Professional Development with competence. Conclusion: The IPCN Career Development and Competence Model can provide an overview of IPCN career levels in Indonesia, as a reference for recruitment, continuous professional development, and periodic IPCN performance evaluation."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
R. Fera Ibrahim
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Pidato  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hastrina Mailani
"Prosedur tindakan pencegahan dan pengendalian infeksi mutlak harus diterapkan dirumah sakit termasuk di rawat inap. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meminimalkan dan mencegah terjadinya infeksi pada pasien, petugas, pengunjung dan masyarakat sekitar fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan. Selain menurunkan tingkat kesakitan dan kematian karena infeksi nosokomial, pelaksanaan program pencegahan dan pengendalian infeksi yang baik akan menurunkan biaya kesehatan karena dapat menurunkan lama rawat yang berdampak pada penurunan biaya yang dikeluarkan.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran pelaksanaan pencegahan dan pengendalian infeksi di rawat inap Rumah Sakit Pusat Otak Nasional. Jenis penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Wawancara mendalam, diskusi grup terarah,dan observasi lansung dilaksanakan terhadap 13 informan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pelaksanaan pencegahan dan pengendalian infeksi di rawat inap Rumah Sakit Pusat Otak Nasional ditinjau dari struktur, proses dan output belum terlaksana sesuai dengan pedoman pencegahan dan pengendalian infeksi yang telah ditetapkan. Pelaksanaan pencegahan dan pelaksanaan infeksi di rawat inap belum optimal karena pelaksanaan kebersihan tangan, penggunaan alat pelindung diri, pemisahan limbah medis dan penyuntikan yang aman pada sebagian petugas belum dilakukan sesuai standar serta monitoring dan evaluasi yang tidak dilakukan secara rutin. Jumlah petugas yang masih kurang, tumpang tindih tugas dan kurangnya pelatihan berpengaruh pada pelaksanaan tugas pencegahan dan pengendalian.
Saran yang dapat dilakukan adalah analisis beban kerja, meningkatkan pelatihan pada petugas dan monitoring serta evaluasi pelaksaanan pencegahan dan pengendalian infeksi dilakukan secara rutin.

Infection prevention and control procedures must be implemented in hospitals including the inpatient care. It is intended to minimize and prevent infection in patients, healthcare workers, visitors, and the community surrounding the healthcare facility. Other than reducing mortality and morbidity rate associated with nosocomial infections, the right implementation of Infection prevention and control program will also reduce health costs due to reduced care duration which affects the decrease of the health cost expenditure.
The purpose of this research is to understand the descriptive ofinfection prevention and control implementation at the inpatient care of the National Brain Center Hospital. This study uses a qualitative descriptive research method. Indepth interview, focus group discussion and observation are conducted with 13 informants.
Results of the study show that based on the structure, process and output,the infection prevention and control implementation at the inpatient care of the National Brain Center Hospital has been done according to the guidelines of the infection prevention and control that has been established. The infection prevention and control implementation at the inpatient care is not yet optimized because of the practices such as hand hygiene practice, use of personal protective equipment, separation of medical waste and safe injection that have not been done according to standard and have not been monitored and evaluated routinely. The insufficient number of healthcare workers, overlapping tasks and lack of training have an effect on the implementation of Infection prevention and control tasks.
Suggestions to be done are restructuring of the Infection prevention and control organization, analysis of workload, the increase of training for healthcare workers and routine monitoring and evaluation of Infection prevention and control implementation.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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