ABSTRAKRiset ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis pos penerimaan yang
sesuai terkait integrasi zakat dalam kebijakan fiskal negara. Metode
yang digunakan pada riset ini adalah Metode Pairwase Comparison
dengan pendekatan Analytic Network Process (ANP) Modifikasi.
Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan untuk menjadikan zakat
sebagai bagian dari kebijakan fiskal negara, ada 4 kriteria yang harus
dipenuhi, yaitu : Kelembagaan, Syariah Compliance, Pengelolaan
Keuangan dan Probabilitas Terealisasi. Kriteria Syariah Compliance
menjadi kriteria prioritas yang disepakati oleh para pakar untuk
menjadikannya sebagai pondasi dalam masing-masing kriteria.
Sedangkan, bentuk pos penerimaan yang sesuai dengan semua kriteria
adalah PNBP-BLU (Badan Layanan Umum).
ABSTRACTThis research aims to discover the proper channel of receipts
related to zakat integration in fiscal policy. The method used in this
research is a Pairwase Comparison method with modified Analytic
Network Process (ANP) approach.
This research concluded that in order to integrate zakat in fiscal
policy, there are 4 criteria required: institution, Sharia compliance,
Financial management, and probability to be realized. Sharia
compliance becomes the priority criteria which is agreed by the
experts t make it a basis in each criteria. Meanwhile, the form of
receipt channel that corresponds every criteria is Non-Tax State
Revenue – Public Service Agencies (PNBP – BLU), This research aims to discover the proper channel of receipts
related to zakat integration in fiscal policy. The method used in this
research is a Pairwase Comparison method with modified Analytic
Network Process (ANP) approach.
This research concluded that in order to integrate zakat in fiscal
policy, there are 4 criteria required: institution, Sharia compliance,
Financial management, and probability to be realized. Sharia
compliance becomes the priority criteria which is agreed by the
experts t make it a basis in each criteria. Meanwhile, the form of
receipt channel that corresponds every criteria is Non-Tax State
Revenue – Public Service Agencies (PNBP – BLU)]"