ABSTRACTAnggapan negatif kerap dilekatkan pada kehadiran sosok gay melalui beragam wacana yang digunakan untukmenggambarkannya. Langgengnya nilai-nilai heteronormativitas menjadi suatu tantangan bagi kelompok gay dalam menunjukan identitas gender mereka melalui penampilan diri secara performatif. Keinginan untuk mengekspresikan hasrat diri melalui cara berpakaian, gaya berbicara, maupun gestur tubuh secara berulang dalam keseharian dapat digunakan untuk melihat identitas gender seorang gay. Keseluruhan tindakan performatif ini tentu tidak terlepas dari pemahaman diri sebagai seorang gay di tengah lingkungan sosial sehingga subjektivitas turut terlibat dalam penyampaian identitas gender. Cara mereka menampilkan diri mereka dalam aplikasi Gindr sangat berbeda jika dibandingkan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari di masyarakat. Berbasis cyberqueer space, Grindr menjadi media pencarian pasangan sehingga presentasi diri dilakukan untuk mempromosikan diri. Pada aplikasi ini, tindakan performatif dapat terlihat melalui aktivitas online saat memilh foto profil, membentuk narasi diri, dan kegiatan chat. Penggunaan teknik wawacara, observasi dalam kehidupan offline dan online pada aplikasi Grindr menunjukan jika penyampaian identitas gender akan selalu melibatkan subjektivitas. Keterkaitan ini akan nampak pada kedua ruang karena pemahaman diri bekerja untuk melihat posisi mereka sebagai gay.
ABSTRACTNegative judgements are often directed toward gays through various concept to describe themselves. Heteronormativity's perspective become a challenge for gays to show their identities through their appearance performativity. Their desires to show their identity through how they look in appearance, how they talk, and repeated gestures in daily life can be used to see their identity as a gay. This performative actions are inseparable from theirs self understanding as a gay in the social environment, so their subjectivity is involved in the way they convey their identity. The way they present themselves in the Gindr application is very different compared to everyday life in the community. Based on cyberqueer space, Gindrs becomes one of platforms that used as a media to find a date, so how they represent themselves are important to promote themselves. In this aplication, performative actions can been seen through online activities such as how they choose their profile picture, how they describe themselves, and through the chat. The use of interview's techniques and observation in online and offline activities in Gindrs shows that how they represent their identity as gay always involve subjectivity. Subjectivity and gender identity will be seen in two settings (online and offline) because their understanding about themselves has impact in how they see their position as a gay."